Right Wing Religious Doctrine

Crisis Of Teacher Shortage, But Solution Is NOT To Allow Veterans Without Four Year Degree To Teach!

There is a growing crisis of teacher shortage in the nation, and particularly in some “Red” States, including Florida and Arizona among others.

So the suggestion is to put veterans without a four year degree into the classroom, an idea that is totally lunatic in nature!

Would one put a veteran without a four year degree into the field of medicine, law, accounting and other fields and think they could perform the responsibilities of the position competently?

The reasons for massive teacher shortages are clear!

Teachers are not paid and given benefits in respect of their expertise and role in educating children.

Teachers are being told they cannot deal with the reality of history and science, and also of sexuality in the classroom.

Teachers are being controlled by right wing religious doctrine, and by school boards that have unqualified men and women who want to control the classroom curriculums, despite many of them having no education or expertise to do so.

Republicans want to interfere with libraries as well as schools, and in such an atmosphere, why would any principled educator wish to teach with such economic, religious, and psychological pressures?

This blogger and educator, in today’s environment, could not imagine going into the teaching profession, particularly under the college level!

As a result, many talented, educated, brilliant potential educators are being lost for future generations of students, and the ignorance and bias being promoted only promote inferiority in education in the short run, and the long run!