Right Wing Tech Tycoons

JD Vance Beyond The Pale, Attacking Bob Woodward For Revealing Trump Contacts With Putin After Presidency

Republican Vice Presidential nominee JD Vance is a true nightmare, lying incessantly; promoting racism, nativism, and misogyny; insulting in the most nasty terms anyone who has the truth and facts about Donald Trump’s transgressions!

Now, Vance is attacking Bob Woodward, the Watergate reporter of great renown, who is publishing a new book about the truth surrounding Donald Trump, including:

that he gave COVID 19 vaccines to Putin while President,

that he has had multiple contacts with Putin since leaving office,

and has likely shared national security information with the Russian dictator who has waged war on Ukraine for more than two and a half years and counting.

So JD Vance shows his nastiness and ignorance when he says he is surprised that Bob Woodward is still alive!

And clearly, Vance seems oblivious to the significance of Bob Woodward in exposing the corruption of the Watergate Scandal and Richard Nixon, and his continued exposure of the shocking words and actions of Donald Trump in his Presidency and since.

So now, Vance is promoting discrimination toward those are aged, except of course, Donald Trump, who is only three years younger than Woodward, and clearly is mentally deranged and dangerous, unlike Bob Woodward!

And of course, JD Vance, in his heart, KNOWS that Donald Trump is dangerous and unfit to be President, but his own ambitions to promote the viewpoints of extremist right wing tycoons like Elon Musk and Peter Thiel, prevents him from protecting the Constitution, American democracy, and the rule of law!

It is clear that it is not just Donald Trump who is a threat and a danger.

The thought of a 40 year old first term US Senator with not even two years in office, willing to lie about his earlier thoughts about Donald Trump, in his incessant promotion of his own ambitions is horrifying, and a threat greater than Trump himself.

So the need for a sound defeat of both Trump and Vance is urgent, and the American people have to be convinced, as many Republicans and conservatives not in elected office fully understand, the reason they are backing Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in the upcoming Presidential Election of 2024!

Trump’s Mental Instability And Deterioration Getting Worse Every Day!

Not enough attention has been paid to the rapid mental deterioration of Donald Trump that he demonstrates daily at his campaign rallies and in his statements on Truth Social.

When one compares his ranting and raving, and his massive exaggerations in all he says and publishes, it is clear he is not mentally stable to lead our nation and have control of the nuclear codes.

Many complained that Joe Biden was clearly in some decline mentally, but nothing as threatening and dangerous as Trump has presented to anyone who has any sense of wanting normality in behavior and public statements.

Trump would be a danger to everyone, and yet his wife and children seem oblivious to his mental state, and Republican office holders just ignore his behavior, as if it is normal.

The nation cannot survive four years of this maniacal behavior, so it is clear JD Vance would have greater power and authority than any Vice President has ever had.

But Vance himself has demonstrated that he is a liar, a chameleon, a person who is in league with right wing tech tycoons, who do not wish well for the vast variety of Americans.

A technology run dictatorship, with Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, and others is a horrifying thought, and it is urgent that the message get out that, as Liz Cheney and many other Republicans and conservatives who are not presently office holders have made clear, that it is extremely necessary for people who may not agree with Democratic nominee Kamala Harris on every issue, to see her as the only alternative to save American democracy, the Constitution, and the rule of law!