RINOS (Republicans In Name Only)

Liz Cheney And Dick Cheney Endorsement And Vote For Harris A Major Moment!

The decision of former Wyoming Congresswoman Liz Cheney and her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney, to endorse and vote for Kamala Harris in November is a major turning point, joining with former Congressman Adam Kinzinger and others in understanding the threat of Donald Trump.

No one can doubt that these individuals are traditional conservatives and Republicans, who, while not agreeing with Democrats on many issues, are patriotic enough to do the right thing.

There is a need for people like the Cheneys and Kinzinger across America to follow their lead .

It is also time for those called “RINOS” by Donald Trump, but are really the true Republicans, to come to support of Harris for the future of the American Republic!

This would include such figures as the following:

The Bush Family members, specifically George W. Bush and Jeb Bush in particular

Senator Mitt Romney
Senator Lisa Murkowski
Senator Susan Collins
Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie

Two Republican Majority Courts Supported Abortion Rights, But Not Now In 2022!

In the case of Roe V. Wade (1973), decided by 7-2, Abortion Rights for women was made federal law, with five of the seven votes being Republican appointments:

Harry Blackmun (Nixon)
Warren Burger (Chief Justice) (Nixon)
William Brennan (Eisenhower)
Potter Stewart (Eisenhower)
Lewis Powell (Nixon)

In Planned Parenthood V. Casey (1992), a later case on abortion, with some limits, the decision was 5-4, with all 5 in the majority being Republican appointments:

Sandra Day O’Connor (Reagan)
Anthony Kennedy (Reagan)
David Souter (HW Bush)
Harry Blackmun (Nixon)
John Paul Stevens (Ford)

All of these Republican appointed Justices were considered to be “conservatives” in their time frame, although Blackmun, Brennan, and Stevens came to be seen as “liberals’ over time, and O’Connor, Kennedy, and Souter came to be seen as “moderates”.

The definition of “conservative” has changed dramatically in the past half century, so all of the Republican Justices would be seen by right wing Republicans in 2022 as “RINOS”, Republicans In Name Only!

In 2022, in Dobbs V. Jackson’s Women Health Organization, all six Republicans voted to end abortion rights, although Chief Justice John Roberts wanted only further limitations on abortion, and therefore dissented while joining the other five Republicans.

These appointments were by two Presidents who lost the popular vote when they were elected by the Electoral College, along with Clarence Thomas appointed by George H W Bush.

Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh both had charges of sexual impropriety brought against them, while Neil Gorsuch gained a place on the Court that was meant for Barack Obama appointee Merrick Garland, and Amy Coney Barrett replaced the recently deceased Ruth Bader Ginsburg just a week before an election in which Donald Trump lost by 7 million votes to Joe Biden, who should have been allowed that appointment.

Political Violence By Trump MAGA Right Wing Against “RINOS”! American Fascism!

The Donald Trump MAGA right wing has declared war on so called “RINOS”, “Republicans In Name Only”, meaning those who oppose the extremism of Donald Trump.

So we have the “Proud Boys” terrorist group, which has now gained control of the Miami Dade Florida County Republicans, despite their having been involved in the January 6, 2021 Insurrection at the US Capitol.

We have Texas Senator John Cornyn, trying to promote some limited gun reform after the Uvalde, Texas Mass Murder of Children at an elementary school, being booed at the Texas State Republican convention over the weekend.

They adopted a Fascist authoritarian agenda, making the Texas Republican Party the most extreme right wing party in the nation.

We have Texas Congressman Dan Crenshaw and his aides being physically attacked at the same state convention by “Proud Boys”, because he has been critical of Donald Trump.

We have courageous Illinois Congressman Adam Kinzinger, who is on the January 6 House Committee, having a death threat mailed to his wife, suggesting the murder of Kinzinger, his wife, and his young child.

We have former Missouri Governor and now candidate for the US Senate, Eric Greitens, putting out commercials against his Republican primary opponents, suggesting the use of violence, and emphasizing his own Navy Seal experience, and calling all of his opponents in the party “RINOS”.

The level of threats and violence and intimidation is horrifying, but it has been promoted ever since Donald Trump ran for and won the Presidency, and has escalated since the Presidential Election of 2020, as Trump continues to promote “The Big Lie”, that he won the election.

We are in a time when with the view that there should be no gun regulations to speak of, and the growing anger of extremists at Republicans who are not Trump supporters, as well as the increasing nativism, racism, misogyny, homophobia, and anti semitism, the alarm over growing violence is multiplying.

This is American Fascism rearing its ugly head!

Republican “Crazies” Women, And Republican Fauci “Wacko” Male Critics= Downfall Of Republican Party!

The Republican Party in Congress is going crazier and wackier by the day, and it will lead to the downfall of the Republican Party!

Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Boebert makes an anti Islamic hate message toward Minnesota Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, is then attacked by a more sensible, although conservative, Republican Congresswoman, Nancy Mace of South Carolina, who then is attacked by the looniest of all, Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene!

Boebert and Greene are true trailer type trash, and will destroy the Republican Party with their antics!

Meanwhile Republican Senators Ted Cruz of Texas, Rand Paul of Kentucky, and Tom Cotton of Arkansasa, all past or would be future Presidential contenders, are on the war path against Dr. Anthony Fauci, accusing him of incompetence, when he has been the hero for science and medicine on the COVID 19 Pandemic! Utah Senator Mitt Romney has defended Fauci, while saying no one is perfect, and of course, Romney, having voted to convict Donald Trump in the second impeachment trial, is seen as a RINO (Republican in Name Only), similar to the two courageous House Members in the party, Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, who are working on the January 6 House Committee investigating the US Capitol Insurrection.

The Republican Party Has Become A Full Blown Fascist Party, Warring On Women, Minorities, Immigrants, Labor, The Environment, And More!

Sad to say, but it is now clear that the Republican Party in Congress and in many states has become a full blown Fascist Party, warring on women, minorities, immigrants, labor, the environment, and all decent, humane tendencies. They appeal to mob rule and violence!

Of course, there are exceptions, so those Republicans could best be defined as RINOs (Republicans In Name Only), the name given to them by the Fascist oriented Republican office holders.

The Republican Party broadly has refused to recognize and respect women’s rights, which includes the right to control their own bodies and reproduction choices. They claim they are Pro Life when they are unconcerned about the quality of life of anyone other than the elite wealthy upper class! And once a fetus is born, these Fascist Republicans have no concern about their quality of life, including their health care, education, and housing!

The Republicans appeal to struggling whites by promoting the Christian religion, when they totally distort the whole meaning of the teachings of Jesus!

They appeal to the racist beliefs of whites who want to blame African Americans, Latino Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, and also Jewish Americans for the lack of progress of so many. Particularly, rural whites are manipulated by Republicans so they can keep their power by gerrymandering and distorting the Electoral College, even when they cannot win national popular elections!

The idea that America is an immigrant nation has been destroyed by Republicans who are too willing to blame new immigrant groups, as earlier groups were blamed for the shortcomings in society. These were caused by greedy capitalists and corrupt politicians, who want power, and will do anything venal to gain it and keep it, while ignoring the many issues of degradation and struggle for survival and advancement in American society.

And in the name of greedy American capitalism, Republicans refuse to deal with climate change and global warming, and have no concern about the effect on the environment, as along as they can enrich themselves, and ignore the future, and reject science and facts!

So many of the Republican officeholders are wretched excuses for human beings, and have not a bit of empathy, compassion, decency, or humanity, and promote hate, division, and hide the crimes that have occurred under Donald Trump, and on January 6, 2021!

They will do anything to cover their sins and crimes, and they must be defeated in 2022 and 2024 to preserve the American republic and the concept of democracy, not only for Americans, but as a model for the world in the future!

17 Republicans Join 50 Democrats In First Senate Vote On Physical Infrastructure Legislation

In a surprising development, 17 Republican Senators joined the 50 Democratic Senators to vote for a version of the Physical Infrastructure legislation, a promising sign of bipartisanship.

The 17 Republicans who voted in favor include:

Roy Blunt Missouri
Richard Burr North Carolina
Shelley Moore Capito West Virginia
Bill Cassidy Louisiana
Susan Collins Maine
Kevin Cramer North Dakota
Mike Crapo Idaho
Lindsey Graham South Carolina
Chuck Grassley Iowa
John Hoeven North Dakota
Mitch McConnell Kentucky
Lisa Murkowski Alaska
Rob Portman Ohio
James Risch Idaho
Mitt Romney Utah
Thom Tillis North Carolina
Todd Young Indiana

This list includes moderates Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, and Mitt Romney, but also leading figures in the party, including Lindsey Graham, Chuck Grassley, Mitch McConnell, and Rob Portman. It also includes both Republican Senators from North Carolina, North Dakota, and Idaho, an unlikely scenario!

And yet, Donald Trump has condemned this move in the Senate, and particularly attacked Mitt Romney, terming him a RINO (Republican In Name Only), and it is all jealousy that he was unable to accomplish any infrastructure legislation during his Presidency, despite saying it was an important goal!

It is good to see that Republicans are ignoring Donald Trump on this matter, and hopefully, the party will wrest its freedom from the danger that Donald Trump represents!

The Tea Party, Or Freedom Caucus, Or Liberty Caucus Of Republicans: A Danger To Political Stability Of The Nation!

There is a group of extremist right wing Republicans in the House of Representatives, coming almost exclusively from “Red States”. with particular emphasis in the South, that is out to destroy any chance of political stability in the nation.  They are supported by many radio talk show hosts, including Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Laura Ingraham, Michael Savage, Mark Levin and Ann Coulter, among others.

They are in the process of causing the disintegration of a major political party, the Republicans of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and even Ronald Reagan in their mad quest to take us back to the Gilded Age of the 19th century, as they pursue destroying the good faith and credit of the United States, and wiping out the reforms of the Progressive Era, the New Deal, and the Great Society.  They want to shut down the government, and refuse to raise the debt limit, radical actions which would undermine our nation’s economic stability.

They promote racism, nativism, misogyny, and Islamophobia, and the worship of unbridled capitalism and the libertarian philosophy of Ayn Rand, mixed with a mean spirited view of Christianity toward the poor and the disabled, sick and elderly in American society.

They want to promote a high moral standard on society, while they do not practice it themselves, but spout extreme religious dogma, and they want to send America into wars overseas even though most of them have never served in the military, and would not allow their sons and daughters to sacrifice their lives in foreign crusades.

They have a hatred toward President Barack Obama bordering on obsessive-compulsive behavior, and many would applaud the demise of our President by violence, as they have no moral compass despite their claims of religiosity.

They find the leadership of their party as insufficiently conservative, attacking Speaker of the House John Boehner, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnnell, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, and Senator John McCain as examples of insufficient conservatism, considering them RINOS (Republicans In Name Only).

They call themselves the Tea Party Caucus, or the Freedom Caucus. or the Liberty Caucus, but their precise membership is fluid, but includes from three to four dozens members of the House of Representatives, with the greatest number from the major populated states of Texas and Florida, numbers two and three in population nationally.

They are holding the Speakership of the House of Representatives hostage, and the uncertainty about who the next Speaker will be, and what he will do on crucial budget issues, is undermining faith in our government. And the fact that the Speaker, whoever he is, is second in line for the Presidency under the Presidential Succession Act of 1947, endangers the Presidency itself, in case of an emergency!

The Last Of The Moderate Progressive Republican Senators Of The 1960s And 1970s Passes Away: Edward Brooke Of Massachusetts!

News of the death of former Massachusetts Republican Senator Edward Brooke (1967-1979) yesterday, marks the end of the group of moderate progressive Republican Senators of the 1960s and 1970s, who worked with Democrats across the aisle, and made the Republican Party a mainstream party with a conservative majority, but reputable and dignified moderate progressives who added distinction to the party’s history.

Brooke, the first popularly elected African American Senator in American history, served two terms of distinction, and promoted civil rights, the legalization of abortion, closer relations with China, and opposed Richard Nixon much of the time on his Supreme Court appointments and on the Watergate scandal. He worked to promote aid to the poor and to the cities of the country, and spoke up for the end of the Vietnam War.

Brooke was one of a small, admirable group of Republicans, no longer found on Capitol Hill, where the word “moderate” or “progressive” is now a dirty word. It was easy to praise Brooke, along with Maryland Senator Charles Mathias, Illinois Senator Charles Percy, and Oregon Senator Mark Hatfield, who all added greatly to the distinction of the Senate!

Will the Republican Party ever have men of the distinction of these four Senators, and others who started earlier in the Senate, including Jacob Javits of New York, and Clifford Case of New Jersey? Right now, that seems highly unlikely, as the Senators mentioned above would be called RINOS (Republicans In Name Only) by the present mentality in the Republican Party!