Robert F. Kennedy Jr

A Magnificent, Fiery, Combative Speech As Joe Biden Begins The Fight Against Donald Trump And Maga Republicans!

Last night’s State Of The Union Address by Joe Biden was a magnificant, fiery, combative speech as Joe Biden begins the fight against Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans!

Anyone watching who is objective must admit that Joe Biden did a “tour de force”, and showed vigor and energy for a man who is 81 years old!

Biden has demonstrated perfect capability and knowledge to lead our nation in a difficult national and international climate, but also to care about and promote what is good for the vast number of Americans, not just the wealthy!

It was unbelievable how Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, who did NOT do the usual introduction of the President, was constantly frowning and rolling his eyes, to the point that he looked totally ridiculous. Johnson refused to applaud on almost every issue, because he is the captive, as are 95 percent of Republicans in Congress, to the evil Donald Trump!

It was sad seeing conservative Republican Senator James Lankford of Oklahoma, a cosponsor of an immigration bill approved by the Chambers of Commerce and the Wall Street Journal, but rejected by House Republicans, mouthing his agreement with President Biden on the value of the proposed legislation.

It was disgraceful how Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene yelled and gestured in a disgusting manner, showing total lack of respect for the President.

The Republicans in the House chamber just sat on their hands, but knowing Joe Biden has become like Harry Truman in 1948, ready and willing to “Give Them Hell” over the next eight months!

Decency and compassion and vision and competence will ultimately win out over the evil and threat to the Constitution and rule of law represented by Donald Trump.

And anyone who chooses to vote for a third party, and most particularly the embarrassing and unstable Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, who is no match for his father or the family name, is undermining the struggle to sustain American democracy.

And if by some fluke, Trump wins and establishes a dictatorship, such voters will go to their graves knowing they contributed to the destruction of the American nation as we have known it!

If Trump Is Convicted, Estimate That Seven Percent Of His Supporters Would Abandon Him, Enough To Elect Joe Biden!

As the primary season begins, indications are that IF Donald Trump is convicted on any of the 91 counts against him over four trials, that it would insure that Trump would be unable to win the Presidency.

An estimate is that at least SEVEN percent of Trump supporters now would abandon him if he was convicted, and facing prison time.

That seven percent may sound as not much, but it is believed it would be the margin of victory for President Joe Biden in key battleground states, such as Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, and Wisconsin, all states that Biden won in 2020, before the criminal actions of Donald Trump!

One must recall that Donald Trump has never won the popular vote, and could ill afford to lose seven percent of his support upon a conviction, which seems certain on at least some of the counts against him, as the evidence in the four cases coming up in future months is very strong!

And the belief is that third party or independent candidates, such as Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Cornel West, and even a No Labels candidate for the White House would, when push came to shove, do very poorly, reminding us of the Presidential Election of 1948, when two known political leaders, Strom Thurmond and Henry A. Wallace, both expected to undermine Harry Truman against Republican Thomas E. Dewey, both flopped dramatically!

“No Labels” Movement A Farce, Cannot Win Presidency, But Could Help Donald Trump!

The “No Labels” movement, which is attempting to offer an alternative choice for the Presidency by gaining access to the state ballot in all 50 states, is clearly a farce in every way imaginable!

There is ZERO chance of any candidate on that line winning the Presidency, but it could help elect Donald Trump, who is a threat to the continuation of the Constitution, rule of law, and democracy.

It is clear that those who are engaging in this movement are a bunch of ego maniacs, who have visions that one of them can win the White House, when that will never happen!

Among those rumored to be considering a run are:

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie–Republican
Former Maryland Governor Larry Hogan—Republican
Former Utah Governor and Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman Jr—Republican who tried for the Presidency in 2012
West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin, Democrat who is not running for reelection.

A key backer of this lunatic movement is former Democratic Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut, who was the Vice Presidential nominee with Al Gore in the Presidential Election of 2000.

No Labels has ballot access already in the following states:

North Carolina
South Dakota

Legal barriers must be pursued to prevent this group from helping to elect Donald Trump, and harm Joe Biden.

As it is, already, we have other lunatics, including Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Cornel West, both running as Independents; and Jill Stein on the Green Party line, as announced candidates for the Presidency.

Amazing Biden Economy, But Polls Indicate Lack Of Reality Of Voters

As 2023 ends, the American economy is doing great in so many ways.

An all time high on the stock market.

Unemployment rate lowest in more than 50 years.

Gas prices down to $3.00 a gallon.

Inflation Rate after the effect of COVID 19 coming down to about 3 percent from a 9 percent high.

Despite all of this, there is ignorance and refusal to accept reality on the part of those who are polled about their thoughts about the economy.

So Joe Biden is once again being misjudged and ignored on his many accomplishments, including also being the most pro labor President in decades!

By all rights, Joe Biden should sail to reelection, but the disease and sickness of MAGA Republicans makes it a struggle, along with the crazy, lunatic Robert F. Kennedy Jr. exploiting his famous father’s name and besmirching the Kennedy family legacy with his forlorn campaign for President with no redeeming qualities!

So Democrats must work hard every day for the next ten months to insure the continuation of American democracy!

Threat Presented By Third Party And Independent Presidential Candidates In 2024

The possibility of third party or independent Presidential candidates affecting the election results in the Presidential Election of 2024 is real.

While no such candidate could win the Presidency, they could determine whether President Joe Biden or Donald Trump or any alternative Republican Presidential nominee wins the White House.

Minnesota Congressman Dean Phillips is challenging Joe Biden in Democratic primaries, as is Marianne Williamson, but they are highly unlikely to have any impact, other than as an annoyance.

But Independent candidates such as Robert F. Kennedy, Jr; Cornel West; Jill Stein on the Green Party line; and the No Labels Movement, with a potential nominee in Democratic Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, could derail election results and lead to major election issues.

Crazy Polling Shows RFK Jr. At 22 Percent Support In Presidential Race!

A new Quinnipiac poll shows Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. gaining 22 percent in a Presidential matchup with Joe Biden (39 percent) and Donald Trump (36 percent).

Independents (including a lot of young voters) favor RFK Jr. with 36 percent, Trump with 31 percent, and Biden with 30 percent.

This poll, if it became reality, could affect “swing states”, deciding the Electoral College, but there is zero chance of RFK Jr. being able to win any electoral votes, and a certainty he would not be able to win the election, just being a spoiler against Joe Biden, a man who honors his father and has a bust of Robert F. Kennedy on his desk.

More likely, however RFK Jr. would harm Trump than Biden.

It is clear that there are delusional people who think RFK Jr. is RFK come back from the past!

The Danger Presented By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. As Independent Presidential Candidate

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, the namesake of former Senator and 1968 Presidential contender Robert F. Kennedy, has announced a run as an independent for the Presidential Election of 2024.

Other than being his namesake, there is absolutely no motivation for any sane person to vote for RFK Jr, as he clearly is a mental case, with major psychological and drug problems, and promotes lunatic conspiracy theories about vaccines and other scientific research.

His own siblings and other Kennedy family members have denounced him, and he has caused great pain and suffering for his elderly mother Ethel Kennedy, who is in her mid 90’s, still surviving 55 years after her husband’s tragic assassination. He is a disgrace to the Kennedy family tradition!

If Robert F. Kennedy had been alive now, nearing 98, he would, clearly, be totally shocked and stunned at what has happened to the mental state of his namesake.

It is a great human tragedy of massive proportions, but he could, in theory, affect the election results due to lunatic followers who may even think he is his father, and vote for him and undermine President Joe Biden, who has always been a great admirer of RFK, and has a bust of him on his desk, seen every time Biden is sitting and commenting on events.

Interestingly, Donald Trump has now denounced him, because it is thought, without proof, that RFK Jr. could siphon more Republican votes than Democratic votes in the election, but the best solution would be for him to go back into the woodwork and leave America free from his crazy, reckless and maniacal ideas!

The Anti Science And Anti Medicine Conservative And Republican Attacks!

The Conservative and Republican attack is not only on the truth and facts of American history, but even more dangerous is their attack on Science and Medicine, including the COVID 19 Pandemic!

Fox News Channel hosts Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity, and Tucker Carlson peddled false information regarding the COVID 19 Pandemic and a general attack on Science and Medicine.

Also promoting false information were Republican Senators Rand Paul of Kentucky and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, as well as Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan.

And Florida Governor Ron DeSantis also refused to take the pandemic seriously, costing more loss of life in Florida than anywhere else.

And DeSantis also attacked former White House Presidential Medical Adviser Anthony Fauci, who was the head of the National Institute of Of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for 38 years, and trusted by Presidents of both parties from Ronald Reagan to Joe Biden.

DeSantis rhetoric included calling Fauci “a little elf”, who should be grabbed and chucked across the Potomac, despicable insult and horrid language toward a medical doctor who devoted his life to dealing with the AIDS crisis and other epidemics for four decades!

Also, another critic has been Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, who Fauci called appropriately, “a very disturbed individual!”

Vivek Ramaswamy: An Arrogant, Cocky, Scary Amateur Running For President!

Vivek Ramaswamy, the son of Hindu immigrants, who is estimated at age 38 to be a billionaire from his biotechnology industry investments, is an arrogant, cocky, scary amateur running for President, and has succeeded in gaining enough support in public opinion polls to be on the stage tonight at the Republican Presidential debate in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

A graduate of Harvard University and Yale University Law School, he is an extreme right wing candidate, working to be more extreme than Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and promising he would pardon Donald Trump on Day One if he was elected President.

He describes himself as an “anti woke activist”, meaning he looks down upon those who have compassion, empathy, decency, sincerity, and concern for those who are not privileged as he is!

Ramaswamy is utterly brash, cocky, and has tremendous hubris, who thinks he is supremely qualified to be President. He is the person to watch tonight, and it is believed that Ron DeSantis is ready to apply the hatchet to him, at the same time that Chris Christie and Asa Hutchinson are also ready to go after DeSantis, who is fast deteriorating as a serious candidate for the Presidency.

Ramaswamy is running as Trump 2.0, and his foreign policy beliefs are totally scary and shocking, as he would reduce or end aid to Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan; and allow Russia to keep the area of Ukraine that he controls at the moment, and prevent Ukraine from being part of NATO.

Domestically, he would work against transgender rights; environmental concerns; dealing with COVID 19’s continued threat even today; is supportive of the National Rifle Assocation; extremely anti abortion; calls to abolish the Department of Education, the FBI, and the IRS; wants to expand presidential power, pledging to rule by executive fiat; and wants to raise the voting age to 25 by constitutional amendment!

If Ramaswamy somehow was elected President, one can imagine as the youngest President that he would wish to remain in power for life, rather than leave office in his mid 40s.

He can be seen as a younger generation Fascist authoritarian, who would be a threat to the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, and he should not be ignored, and needs to be observed closely both tonight and in future months, as his fortune and self support means he is not going to withdraw at any point before the battle is over for the Republican nomination.

And even more scary and terrifying is his statement that he would consider lunatic Robert F. Kennedy, Jr as his Vice Presidential running mate!

Joe Biden And The Kennedy Family Connection

President Joe Biden has long had a close connection with the Kennedy family.

He and former Attorney General, NY US Senator, and 1968 Democratic Presidential contender Robert F. Kennedy share the same birthday 17 years apart—November 20—1925 and 1942.

Biden was a supporter of RFK in his 1968 run for the Presidency before his tragic assassination.

When Biden, newly elected to the US Senate from Delaware, lost his first wife and a daughter, and severe injuries to his two sons in December 1972, and was ready to give up the seat he had just won, Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy befriended him, and convinced him to be sworn in to the Senate from the hospital room of his two injured sons early in 1973.

The two men became fast friends and allies over the next 36 years in the Senate, until Ted Kennedy’s death in 2009, when Biden had just become Vice President.

Biden’s connection to the Kennedys was much more than Ted Kennedy, including other relatives, such as the widow of RFK, Ethel Kennedy, who lives on at age 95, and close to many other Kennedy relatives.

Biden has a bust of RFK on his desk, always photographed in any photo of Biden sitting at his White House desk.

Additionally, Biden has four Kennedy family members as part of his administration:

Caroline Kennedy, daughter of John F. Kennedy is Ambassador to Australia, after having been Ambassador to Japan under the Presidency of Barack Obama.

Joseph P. Kennedy III, former Massachusetts Congressman and grandson of RFK, is Special Envoy to Northern Ireland.

Victoria Reggie Kennedy, widow of Senator Ted Kennedy, is Ambassador to Austria.

Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, daughter of Robert F. Kennedy, formerly Lieutenant Governor of Maryland, is advisor on retirement in the US Department of Labor.

Sadly, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is running against President Biden for the Democratic Presidential nomination in 2024, backed by Donald Trump acolytes, and spewing conspiracy theories about the COVID 19 Vaccines, and besmirching the great reputation of now retired White House Medical Advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci, who served every President since Ronald Reagan to Joe Biden.

His own family members have condemned him for his behavior, including John F. Kennedy grandson Jack Schlossberg (son of Caroline Kennedy); and it is a sad family tragedy, including for his mother, Ethel Kennedy, still surviving 55 years after her husband’s tragic assassination!