Roger Stone

More Details About The January 6 Attempted Coup At The US Capitol Revealed

The following 7 members of Congress conspired to promote a coup on January 6, 2021: (from Rolling Stone Magazine)

Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia
Lauren Boebert of Colorado
Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina
Paul Gosar of Arizona
Mo Brooks of Alabama
Andy Biggs of Arizona
Louie Gohmert of Texas

The following 10 individuals plotted strategy at the Willard Hotel, one block from the White House: (from Washington Post)

Donald Trump
Donald Trump, Jr.
Rudy Giuliani
Steve Bannon
Roger Stone
Michael Flynn
Alex Jones
John Eastman
Bernie Kerik
Boris Epshteyn

There are many others involved in the plot to overthrow the Presidential Election of 2020, and install Donald Trump as a dictator!

All of these characters and others not named here need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, and imprisoned for long terms behind bars!

Anti Trump Republican Group Pinpoints Six Convicted Felons Under Donald Trump As Proving Lawless Presidency

The Lincoln Project, a leading Republican anti Trump group working to defeat him in 2020, just put out a great video portraying the six convicted felons under the Donald Trump Presidency:

Michael Cohen

Paul Manafort

Michael Flynn

Roger Stone

Rick Gates

George Papadoupoulos

This anti Trump group, along with Republican Voters Against Trump; Right Side PAC; and 43 Alumni For Biden are all contributing to an aggressive campaign against Trump, but also his enablers in Congress, who have overlooked his transgressions, and now face reelection in their states.

Republican activists, including John Weaver, Rick Wilson, Steve Schmidt, George Conway, Bill Kristol, Mike Murphy, Anthony Scaramucci, and independent 2016 nominee Evan McMullin are working not only to stop Trump and his supporters in Congress. They also want to undermine potential 2024 candidates Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri, Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas and Fox News Channel talk show host Tucker Carlson, all who are rumored to be planning to run in the image of Donald Trump.

Donald Trump Commutation Of Roger Stone Prison Term The Final Nail In The Coffin!

Donald Trump’s commutation of the Roger Stone prison term will be the final nail in the coffin of the Presidency of the 45th President, and will cause massive loss of seats in the House and Senate on November 3.

To give a commutation to a man totally obscene and crooked as Roger Stone is, only adds to the image of Donald Trump as the most corrupt President in American history, bar none!

Only Mitt Romney, among Republicans in Congress, has had the decency to condemn what Trump has done, giving a pass to a man who was convicted by a jury of seven felonies.

But polls show a complete collapse of Trump’s ratings, and this action only adds to the destruction of his chances to win a second term.

The Republican Party in the House and Senate has no principles other than their own political advancement, and their personal acquisition of wealth, and they will suffer an historic disaster, equivalent of 1964!

Corruption Levels Of Democratic And Republican Presidencies Since 1963

Fifty six years have passed since Lyndon B. Johnson became President, and in that period, we have had six Republican Presidents and four Democratic Presidents.

Republicans have held the Presidency thirty plus years since 1969, and Democrats have been in the White House for 25 years in that half century plus.

The record shows that Democrats have had a total of three executive branch officials indicted, with one conviction and one prison sentence.

Meanwhile, Republicans have had a total of 120 executive branch officials indicted, with 89 criminal convictions and 33 prison sentences.

To be fair, Gerald Ford and George H. W. Bush each had one indictment, one conviction, and one prison sentence each.

But Richard Nixon had 76 criminal indictments, 55 convictions, and 15 prison sentences, while Ronald Reagan had 26 criminal indictments, 16 convictions, and 8 prison sentences, and George W. Bush had 16 criminal indictments, 16 convictions, and 8 prison sentences.

Meanwhile, Bill Clinton had, after all the investigations and publicity by Republicans in Congress, a total of 2 criminal indictments, one conviction, and one prison sentence. Jimmy Carter had one indictment, and no convictions and no prison sentences, while Barack Obama had ZERO indictments, convictions, and prison sentences.

And then, there is Donald Trump, who already, in less than three years, has seen 6 major figures indicted and convicted and having prison sentences, including Michael Cohen, Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, George Papadopoulos, and now, Roger Stone, and many others Russian connected also facing criminal charges that may not lead to convictions because they are in Russia.

And this does not include the many past and present cabinet members and other significant figures who have been caught in corruption, and will, in many cases, face indictments, convictions, and prison sentences in the future, as this administration is likely to surpass all previous Republican Presidents in levels of criminality!

37 Indictments And Plea Deals And Counting: And No Corruption And Trump Is Not Connected To Any Of This?

Donald Trump supporters, and I know some of them, claim that the corruption around Donald Trump has nothing to do with him, and that he has not broken the law in any fashion.

The Trump Presidency has so far seen 37 indictments and plea deals, including his National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, his first campaign chairman Paul Manafort, his personal lawyer Michael Cohen, campaign aide Rick Gates, foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos, and Trump adviser Roger Stone. This is just the tip of the iceberg, as many of his cabinet members or past figures in the White House have engaged in corruption, and many will likely face legal consequences in an investigation still being pursued by Robert Mueller and the Southern District of New York.

To claim that Trump has nothing to do with all this is totally preposterous, and Trump supporters forget that anyone is judged by the company they keep, and already, there is more corruption around Donald Trump, than around Richard Nixon, Warren G. Harding, or Ulysses S. Grant. And with the exception of Nixon, the other Presidents were not personally involved in corruption, and Trump is much more corrupt by comparison to Nixon.

And Nixon had some real accomplishments, while Trump has none, other than his Supreme Court Justice appointments.

Donald Trump’s Collapsing Polls, And The Indictment Of Roger Stone, Make It More Likely That He Will Be Challenged For The GOP Presidential Nomination In 2020

Donald Trump now has collapsing polls that mark him as having the worst ratings since public opinion polls began in 1945.

Trump is as low as 34 percent in some polls, and 57 percent are unhappy with his performance.

So rumors are starting that Trump will have a challenger for the Republican Presidential nomination in 2020, with former Ohio Governor John Kasich, former Arizona Senator Jeff Flake, and sitting Maryland Governor Larry Hogan seen as the most likely challengers.

Hogan is a new name, a moderate centrist Republican who has been able to win the Governorship of a strongly “Blue” state twice, and his father, Lawrence Hogan Sr. was a Congressman on the House Judiciary Committee in 1974, like his son a moderate Republican, who was the first Republican on that committee to call for the impeachment of Richard Nixon.

The Roger Stone indictment, of a person who has been close to Donald Trump for 40 years, makes it more likely that Trump will face likely attempts to remove him or have him resign, and also makes it more likely that one of these three mentioned above, might make the challenge.

Donald Trump Throws Everyone Who Worked And Supported Him “Under The Bus”, As His Only Purpose Is To Promote His Own Glory

Donald Trump is for Number One, himself, and has been so all of his life.

He bullied kids when he was a teenager, and he has bullied adults in his work and personal life ever since.

The problem is that he has never been held accountable for his behavior, both in business and in personal life.

He does not care about Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen. George Papadopoulos, Rick Gates, Roger Stone, or anyone else in legal trouble, and in many cases, facing prison for the dirty deeds they did for Donald Trump.

He does not care about the multitude of people who have worked for him in the Presidency, and who he has dumped unceremoniously over his 16 months in office.

He uses everyone to advance himself, insults them, gets them to lie for him, and spends not a minute concerned about their welfare in any form.

He cares not about the nation, but only about himself, and that includes his mistreatment of his three wives, including Melania, who mysteriously has been “missing” for nearly three weeks without any explanation that makes sense. His lack of respect for women is worse than any accusations against earlier Presidents.

He cares only about money and glory, and will see his children in legal trouble and loss of reputation, due to his own selfish, narcissistic nature.

He does not care how much he hurts women, racial minorities, immigrants, children, workers, farmers, and undermines the rule of law, social justice, and basic ethics and morality. He lacks the capability to have compassion, empathy, and common decency toward fellow human beings.

Donald Trump is a very sick man mentally, and a threat to American values, and the urgency to remove him from power and make him legally accountable for his crimes must fuel momentum for a Democratic takeover of both houses of Congress this November in the midterm elections.

Massive Liar Donald Trump And The Mueller Investigation: Lying Before Grand Jury Or Mueller Would Lead To Impeachment And Removal

It is well known that Donald Trump is the “Liar in Chief”, and is the most massive liar ever to occupy the Oval Office.

This lying could, ultimately, do him in, as if and when he is called upon by voluntary means or subpoena to appear before Robert Mueller’s investigation into the Russian collusion and obstruction of justice inquiry, Donald Trump would be under oath, and if he lied before the grand jury, as Bill Clinton did in 1998 before Ken Starr, he could, like Bill Clinton, face impeachment charges.

Trump does not have ability to tell the truth, and keep his story straight, but inconsistency in a legal proceeding would put him in jeopardy.

With evidence mounting, and with Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone and others already in legal jeopardy, the future of Donald Trump is gloomy, and has helped to make his first nine months as President a total disaster with no major legislation, and only the Supreme Court appointment of Neil Gorsuch, with a changed filibuster rule, as something he can claim has been accomplished.

Donald Trump is a man in great danger, and the likelihood of succession by Vice President Mike Pence is growing.