Rush Limbaugh

Need For Balance On Talk Radio: The Fairness Doctrine

A new study reveals that 91 percent of talk radio shows are conservative, compared to 9 percent which are liberal or progressive.

That means that radio listeners across the country are being fed a diet of overwhelming right wing propaganda, with much of it being not just conservative thought, but actual hate speech!

This hate propaganda has reached a fever pitch, and is inciting outrageous reactions, including the anti black, anti gay, anti Jewish invective and slurs that have occurred in the controversy over health care reform. Also, death threats via email and telephone toward members of Congress have multiplied, and security has had to be increased around Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and President Barack Obama, on a level never seen before under any administration.

The political atmosphere has been poisoned so that the opposition is seen as enemies, rather than rivals, and militia groups and Tea Party activists have been encouraged by the “Armageddon” type rhetoric which has no limits.

Freedom of speech is paramount, but there has been absolutely no responsibility accepted by Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, Michael Savage and other talk show hosts, that what they say could provoke violence, confrontation, and results that would permanently damage the body politic.

There is a dire need for the Fairness Doctrine to be applied to balance out the availability of ideological views. This one sided promotion on talk radio is far worse than the usual charge that print media is overwhelmingly liberal, which is in reality not true, but often stated. (For example, the Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, Washington Times).

It is not an issue of conservative versus liberal or progressive; it is an issue that under the veil of talk radio, that hate and lies are being disseminated as freedom of speech. The right wing talk show hosts will bear total blame and responsibility if the peddling of their propaganda leads to a disastrous result! 🙁

Rush Limbaugh And Glenn Beck Are Inspiring Violence With Their Rhetoric!

Talk show hosts, particularly Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck, are inspiring violence with their rhetoric.

Only concerned about enriching themselves and stirring up their listeners, neither seems to realize that the result of their incendiary rhetoric and talk of uprisings and revolution could provoke the death or serious injury of members of Congress, or even ordinary citizens!

As media figures who attract the attention of millions of people, some of them very unstable and easily manipulated, these men and other propagandists need to STOP promoting defiance and confrontation, as they may reap what they sow! 🙁

If any serious violence takes place, they will have blood on their hands, and if that terrible scenario were to happen, they should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, as much as the Ku Klux Klan or other “terrorist” groups would be if they provoked a gathering of supporters to commit violence.

Irresponsible speech that incites violence is not protected speech, so Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck, as well as others of their ilk, are on fair warning to show social responsibility and decency in their public utterances! 🙁

Memo To Rush Limbaugh: Start Packing For Move To Costa Rica! :)

Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh declared in the past week that he would move to Costa Rica if Health Care reform passed into law.

Since that has now happened, it is time, Rush, to start packing!

You are very welcome to leave, and to access the public health care system that Costa Rica and every other democracy in the world already possesses!

Finally, at the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century, the United States is joining the other democratic nations in promoting a basic human right–health care!

So, Rush, hurry up and leave, as we are sick and tired of your poisonous, polluted rhetoric which only enriches you and divides the country and promotes hate!

Goodbye and good riddance! (as if you really will leave, which we know will NOT happen, as you are, as always, a damn liar who cares for no one but himself)!

Two Big Switches Favoring Health Care Legislation: Major Step Forward!

A major step toward approval of Health Care reform occurred today, when an anti abortion Congressman, along with one of the most liberal members of the House, agreed to support the bill, although not one hundred percent happy with the legislation.

Dale Kildee of Michigan, part of the anti abortion Democratic group in the House, and Dennis Kucinich of Ohio, who has run for President twice as a far left critic, both made the endorsement at a crucial time.

The point to be made is that while no one thinks the legislation is perfect, it is a first step toward insuring health care for 30 million or more Americans, and improves health care conditions for many millions of others. Every major piece of legislation has been improved over time, with the main goal now being to gain passage of the basic purpose of the legislation.

And those who fear that passage of the legislation will clinch bigger losses for the Democrats is wrong, as many Americans will see the virtues of the legislation as it goes into effect. The odds of repeal are extremely slim, as even Rush Limbaugh admits today on his radio program. Once in law, repealing it will turn off many voters and citizens, and will make the Republican party look bad, although right now they are plotting a repeal strategy.

All it will do is make the GOP look hardhearted and reactionary, so no matter what is said as scare tactics right now, once health care reform passes, even if by one vote, it will sustain itself, and one must recall that many important pieces of legislation over the years have barely passed, but become part of the American historical tradition.

It is likely a few years down the road no one will believe that the battle over health care reform was as contentious as it has been. The Republican party will not look good in opposition, and eventually, it will hurt their image and cause!

Another Excellent Reason For Health Care Reform: Rush Limbaugh Will Leave For Costa Rica! :)

Radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh has threatened that if Health Care reform passes, he will leave the country for Costa Rica, as soon as it goes into effect in 2014. 🙂

I think a good suggestion is leave even sooner, and when he leaves, make sure he is not allowed to claim citizenship overseas and avoid American taxes, as it is certain he would still broadcast his show, as he is so materialistic and would never give up making the obscene amount he earns for his propaganda!

As long as he is heard on the radio, even if in Costa Rica, pay your fair share of income taxes, Rush, as you owe it to this nation for the opportunities you have had to spew propaganda and divide the nation and promote hate!

One day, we will learn of your true, hypocritical nature, and how you have managed to “pull the wool” over millions of people’s eyes for so long. After all, you are a master of the Big Lie technique–that the more you lie, the more you convince people to believe you because of their gullibility! 🙁

The Hypocrisy Of Sarah Palin: Double Standard For Rahm Emanuel And Rush Limbaugh

Sarah Palin, former Alaska Governor and 2008 Republican Vice Presidential nominee, rightfully criticized White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel for using the word “retarded” in reference to liberal Democrats who were speaking out against President Obama. She pointed out that it was a terrible thing to use that term when there are so many people with disabilities, including her baby son, who are wronged by such loose use of that term.

However, the fact that talk show host Rush Limbaugh went ahead and used the same term over and over again, was ignored, as Palin called on President Obama to fire Emanuel. This is stunning hypocrisy, as if it is important to make an issue of this matter, then it should apply equally to all who use it in public life, and particularly someone who utilizes the term over the public airwaves. Rahm Emanuel said what he uttered in private, a major difference over someone who has a radio audience of millions of people.

Is this surprising? Unfortunately, in the case of Sarah Palin, the answer is no. She uses every opportunity to play politics in a disgraceful manner. And although one cannot be sure of the veracity of the source, if one chooses to believe her ex almost son in law, Levi Johnston, she apparently used the term “retard” about her own son! Again, it cannot be verified for certain, but it does seem to fit her character, which is one of having no ambition except to advance and enrich herself!

Sarah Palin remains an embarrassment to John McCain, even if he is unwilling to repudiate or criticize her. The fact that she is still, more than a year after the election of 2008, a national figure of interest, is due solely to the fact that John McCain made an absolutely horrible choice for a running mate who could have been a heartbeat away from the Presidency, without any qualifications at all for the office!

Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Pat Robertson And Their Ilk: Despicable Human Beings! :(

Here we are in the midst of the greatest human crisis caused by nature–the Haitian Earthquake–and the hate mongers, the right wing religious and ideological conservatives–are doing nothing but make the situation worse by their rhetoric.

Pat Robertson’s earlier reported comment about Haiti having made a pact with the devil was already commented upon by the author a few days ago. Rush Limbaugh exploits the situation by claiming it is a way for Barack Obama to consolidate support among darker skinned blacks! Now most recently, Ann Coulter, who loves to issue outrageous statements with a smirk, says that she wonders why Bill Clinton, who she insults with sexual innuendo, has to be involved in Haiti relief. Indeed, it would be better to send Jimmy Carter, since there are next to no Jews in Haiti that he could insult, according to her statement!

So rather than contribute to the Haiti relief, these three despicable human beings instead exploit it, with Limbaugh and Coulter using it as an opportunity to trash Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and Jimmy Carter, all of whom are involved in active efforts to help the needy and the poor. This is particularly the case for Carter and Clinton in their private lives in the years after the White House. Instead of applauding this, Coulter ridicules it!

There is an old saying, that what goes around comes around, and somehow one has to believe that God will punish these despicable human beings for their outrageous lack of concern for the Haitian victims, and willingness to exploit the issue for their own advantage!

Wonderful To See Former Presidents Clinton And George W. Bush Working Together On Haitian Relief!

In a moment of human tragedy at the greatest level, it is wonderful to see former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush cooperating, working together with President Obama to promote a Haitian relief agenda.

The Haitian earthquake may be one of the ten greatest natural tragedies in the history of the world, and this is the time for all of us to implement efforts to alleviate human suffering and rebuild Haiti’s society and infrastructure, despite its imposing challenge.

This is not the time for mean spiritedness as expressed by the so called Christian evangelist Pat Robertson, or political exploitation as expressed by the right wing talk show hosts, such as Rush Limbaugh seeing what Obama is doing as political, to make himself look better than George W. Bush after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in 2005.

It would be very nice to see the right wingers in Congress–such as James Inhofe and Tom Coburn of Oklahoma and James DeMint of South Carolina–and also former Vice President Dick Cheney–who spend their time dividing America, devoting time and effort on dealing with the Haitian relief effort, but predictably they remain silent!

What Rush Limbaugh Chooses To Ignore About Health Care!

As the new year and the new decade begins, it is good news to hear that conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh has gotten a clean bill of health after being admitted to a Hawaii hospital for severe chest pains. Even if one finds him obnoxious and disgraceful in his comments and behavior on his talk show, it does not mean that one wishes him or anyone else to have bad health.

Having said that, however, it is interesting that Rush raves about the American health care system being the greatest in the world, but chooses to ignore certain basic facts about that health care system.

The health care system is not available to all Americans, as nearly 50 million have no access other than an emergency room, which cannot be seen as equal access to health care.

Not everyone who has health care coverage has good health insurance, and they often discover that health care costs can bankrupt them.

Many millions of Americans have preexisting conditions, which are not covered by many health insurance plans.

Many Americans would lose their health insurance if they are unemployed, and that has been happening on a very large scale this past year with the highest unemployment since the early 1980s.

Not everyone has what Rush Limbaugh has: the best health insurance coverage and access to the top notch doctors and services, and salary and assets in the millions of dollars. Not everyone is created equal when it comes to health availability and services.

That is precisely the reason that we must not let the selfishness, self centered nature, and smugness of Rush Limbaugh to control the future lives and health status of millions of Americans, who are entitled to decent access and services in health care!

Climate Change Debate Between Al Gore And Sarah Palin

As the Climate Change Summit meets in Copenhagen, Denmark, the debate over whether global warming is occurring is raging, with former Vice President Al Gore and former Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin attacking each other’s views on the issue.

Ironically, Palin has completely switched her views from when she was Alaska Governor and the running mate of Senator John McCain. She has chosen to join the Climate Change deniers, including such loonies as Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe, and conservative talk show hosts such as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck.

This just is further evidence of the shallowness of Sarah Palin, and her total lack of knowledge of science, and her inability to speak on any issue with intelligence and knowledge. If she represents the so called “average” American, then indeed the nation is in much deeper trouble in the future than we yet recognize!