Rush Limbaugh

Sarah Palin’s Memoir: The Victim

Sarah Palin, former Governor of Alaska and Republican Vice Presidential candidate with John McCain in 2008, is about to have her much heralded memoir published this week, and early reports about her interview with Oprah Winfrey and reviews of her book indicate that she sees herself as a victim.

Instead of addressing her real shortcomings and faults in an honest memoir, she chooses to blame McCain campaign advisers, Katy Couric of CBS, and Charley Gibson of ABC for her disastrous performance during the Presidential campaign.

She fails to mention the father of her grandson, Levi Johnston, who himself is quite a character, but has been part of a family rift since the breakup of his relationship with her daughter. He has said that IF he was mentioned in the book in a derogatory manner, that he would reveal all kinds of secrets about the “true” Sarah Palin, and interestingly, he is not mentioned at all, which leads to great suspicion about why he is ignored in the work.

Palin’s memoir also has no index, which is odd, making it more difficult to track down specific points of information without scanning or reading the entire memoir.

Of course, the memoir also had a ghost writer, and was produced in record time, so no one should think this is really Sarah’s doing primarily. As an author of a scholarly work myself, I know how tedious and time consuming writing a book can be, but Sarah seems none the worse for wear LOL 🙂

And get this: Rush Limbaugh has read the book and feels it is one of the best books he has read recently, which tells us he does not do much reading of serious works. But then again, did anyone with any sense really believe that Rush is a learned man who reads serious books that challenge his mind? In fact, the question is does he have a mind to begin with? LOL

Rush Limbaugh And The Fort Hood Tragedy : Blame Obama?

Rush Limbaugh is becoming more and more irrational and irresponsible in his utterances on his radio talk show.

Rush feels no need to be accurate or informed. He promotes prejudice and bias in his audience when he comes up with accusations and statements that have no basis.

Instead of calling his program “talk radio”, it is more accurate to call it “hate radio”, designed to divide and encourage dangerous emotions in ill informed people.

His latest outrage is trying to blame President Obama for the Fort Hood Massacre, which shows how loony and out of control he is.

The problem is that so many listeners believe everything he says, just as is true of Glenn Beck and other hate mongers. That is the real danger of his notoriety, that it poisons the political atmosphere in an unhealthy way dangerous to public discourse.

Rush Limbaugh Spews More Propaganda

Rush Limbaugh graced Fox News Channel today to commemorate the week a year ago that Barack Obama was elected President, and to accuse the President and his party of every crime and fault ever devised!

Limbaugh questioned the qualifications of the President, which is amazing after the known incompetence and lack of intellectual inquiry of George W. Bush.

He also wondered whether the Democrats cared about the nation and wished to hurt its future, an outrage considering how the Bush Administration drove the American economy into the ground and pulled us into two unwinnable wars.

Utilizing personal insults and vicious attack on whatever the President has done regarding the economy and even the visiting of the return home of the remains of soldiers to Dover Air Force Base this week, Limbaugh continued his usual bragging about the effect he has had on the nation in promoting talk radio and right wing activists that support his own agenda.

The best way to look at Rush is that he is, as Obama adviser David Axelrod responded, an “entertainer” who should not be taken seriously!

Rush Limbaugh And The St. Louis Rams Football Team

It is well known that I despise Rush Limbaugh, who I believe has sowed division in this country for the past 21 years on his radio show. He is a detriment to the Republican party’s success and reputation, and has wished for the failure of President Obama, which in my mind is an unpatriotic statement.

Having said that, I think that the concerted campaign by Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and other African American spokesmen to prevent (successfully) the opportunity of Limbaugh to become a partial owner of the St. Louis Rams football team was ill conceived and, to a great extent, based on lies.

Realize that both Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have many “skeletons in their closet”, statements and actions that could be considered by many to be racist and anti semitic. They are not exactly paragons of virtue.

For them to conjure up false statements that Limbaugh never said is dishonest and disgraceful. Yes, Rush has made outrageous statements and claims, and has been and should be condemned for them.

But are we to say that an individual shall be denied the right to make a business deal based on his speech utterances? I say NO, as this is undermining the Bill of Rights that protects all of us, even a despicable character named Rush Limbaugh!

Barack Obama And His Critics: The Challenge Of The Nobel Peace Prize

Now that President Obama has won the Nobel Peace Prize, the weight on him to perform and fulfill what the Peace Prize represents, creates a greater challenge than any President has had since John F. Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis.

The challenges of Iran, North Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Middle East, Venezuela and numerous other issues complicate the goals of promoting world peace and ultimate nuclear disarmament.

Obama has the world behind him with the exception of the terrorists represented by Al Qaeda and the Taliban, who have denounced the awarding of the Peace Prize to him. Of course there is one more major critic: the right wing talk shows hosts, Fox, and of course, the bulk of the Republican party opposition.

It was very statesmanlike for Senator John McCain to congratulate President Obama, and to see the award as good news for the nation. But of course, Michael Steele, the GOP National Chairman, had to, again, prove how disgraceful and useless he is, by his statements critical of Obama, rather than rejoice in the honor of the moment. And Rush Limbaugh was his usual, predictably obnoxious self, denouncing the world and evoking super American nationalism’s attitude of condemning Europe and the United Nations.

Imagine cynical young and older people coming up with a conspiracy theory that the award was fixed, and even arranged by the President himself–this following his obvious inability to “fix” the Olympic Games location for 2016 in his home city of Chicago.

When we reach the point that many people in our country can condemn an honor bestowed on our President, which he made clear was an honor for the nation, then we have reached a dangerously poisonous atmosphere that is highly disturbing.

The President is pursuing a series of goals to improve the world scene, and he is graciously, appropriately, arranging for the $1.4 million prize to be donated to charity.

Despite the criticism and hypocrisy that is emerging, the nation should be rightfully proud of our President, who is emerging as a statesman!

The Obama Administration And Fox “News” Channel

It is very pleasing to see the Obama Administration going on the offensive against Fox “News” Channel, which is declared by spokesmen for the President as the Fox “Opinion” Channel.

This is an absolutely correct description of the nature of that channel, which makes no effort to be fair or balanced, although they claim to be just that.

Fox has worked to promote the failure of the Obama Presidency, almost as if they are in league with Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly and other so called journalists on their channel, plus the radio tirades of Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, and others who are out just to enrich themselves, and do not care about journalistic standards.

It is sad that this kind of disgraceful behavior masquerades as news, but I call upon the President and his supporters to continue to work to undermine any respect that this channel has.

Even if Fox gets a sizable audience at times, it is a bad reflection on those who swear by the channel, as it shows a lack of judgment and fairness. Hate and division are not the answer to our problems, but rather CONSTRUCTIVE criticism which is certainly welcome, but which we will obviously never find on Fox!

Hooray, Lindsey Graham, For Speaking The Truth!

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, while a strong conservative, comes across as a responsible opponent of the Democratic administration of Barack Obama. He is willing to speak his mind, and not be concerned about reaction by those given too much respect without deserving it.

He has come out with strong criticism of the “birthers” who continue to claim that they believe the President was born in Kenya. He has said that the Republicans need to police those who claim their party name, and yet make irresponsible, reckless statements and assertions.

Additionally, he has stated what very few other Republicans have been willing to do: that his party should challenge the right wing talk show hosts including Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, who are not to be regarded as leaders of the party, and should not set their vision for the future. They may make a lot of money, but that does not make them spokesmen for his party, Graham asserts.

President Obama, Graham declares, has energized young voters and drawn more Hispanics into the political system, and the senator is clear in his belief that that the attacks on Hispanics by the GOP is counterproductive.

It would be great to see Graham find a way to support more of the Obama program in a spirit of bipartisanship. That has not yet happened, but by attacking the whacko elements of his party and warning about the dangers to the Republicans of following extremist elements, Graham has made himself a leader of a small portion of the party that can be seen as mainstream. For that, I say we should applaud him!

Death Threats Against Barack Obama: Is Racism A Contributing Factor?

The news that Facebook had someone, who was a subscriber, set up a poll on whether President Obama should be killed, is a danger sign of how far we have gone in an irresponsible way in our public rhetoric, and radio talk show hosts share a great amount of responsibility for this by inciting people with hateful, extremist language which provokes unstable people to the point that we have this outrageous development.

Of course, many will say that every President faces bitter attacks and has death threats, but we now know that the threats against the life of President Obama are 400 percent greater than against President Bush. This is occurring while Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck and their ilk call Obama a “racist”, “fascist”, “communist”, “socialist”, “muslim”, “terrorist”, and a Kenyan, not born in the United States.

Many would say there is no racism involved, but one has to differ, and say it is obvious that at least 30 percent of the nation, heavily Southern but not solely so, is unable to accept Obama because he is African American. Of course, Obama is not going to say this, but former President Jimmy Carter was correct in his assessment, as much as many people wanted to deny it and attack him for saying it.

This is a difficult time, with the highest unemployment numbers since the Great Depression, high numbers of foreclosures, more people in desperate circumstances than we have seen in seventy years, but it is not a justifiable reason for such a dramatic increase in death threats, unless one is willing to look in the mirror and admit that racism is the major factor.

Change is always scary and certainly contributes to a sense of insecurity that can create unrest. Certainly, also, African Americans can be as racist as whites can. No one is trying to say that whites are unique in their reactions, but in this case, with an African American President in office, and the obvious growth of websites attacking Obama, joined with the right wing media attacks being the worst they have ever been, we have to say that the point is being reached where freedom of speech is reaching a point of “drawing a line in the sand”.

The Schenck V US case of 1919 set up the idea of limits on freedom of speech–that one does not have the right to shout “fire in a crowded theatre and endanger others”, therefore–that if speech presents a “clear and present danger to others”, it can be prosecuted.

The incendiary talk show hosts have caused a lot of this problem, and Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck and their ilk will have blood on their hands if violence, god forbid, ensues against President Obama. It is time to tone down the rhetoric, gentlemen, and respect the office, if not the man, in the Presidency, and tell your listeners that it is time to desist from the promotion of hate and racism!

Rush Limbaugh And The Tea Party Patriots/FreedomWorks March On Washington

Rush Limbaugh is again doing what he always does best–LYING!

On today’s radio show, he told his audience that 1.5 MILLION people had marched on Washington, which if true, would have far surpassed the Civil Rights March in 1963, any of the anti Vietnam war marches in the late 1960s and 1970s, and even the “Million Man March” of Louis Farrakhan in the mid 1990s.

Except for one problem–it is a MASSIVE LIE! At most, there were maybe 70,000 marchers, many of them seemingly confused and misdirected, based on their body language as observed on C Span, which covered the entire event on Saturday.

It was hard to understand why many were there, as they seemed to be protesting taxes, denying global warming, complaining about government spending, claiming they were patriotic, and worried about the Fascist-Nazi-Communist-Socialist-Muslim Barack Obama. There were tones of racism and hate demonstrated by the signs many of these misdirected souls showed to the cameras of C Span.

It was actually quite a pitiful scene, because these people seemed to blame Obama for everything under the sun, as if he created the mess we are in. The fact that we spent trillions of dollars without raising taxes for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and initiated a prescription drug plan without figuring out how to finance it, all this under President Bush, was never mentioned. The fact that the Bush Presidency started the financial rescue plan a year ago was conveniently forgotten, and it was as if Barack Obama made this up himself as a plan to revive the economy.

The feeling gained was that IF we were to let these demonstrators have impact on the nation, then we would be in deep trouble, as they have no clue to what the crisis truly is and what must be done. We need INTELLIGENT, REASONABLE people to lead us and get us out of the morass, not the kind of people who think George W. Bush was a great President, and convince themselves that all of the ills of the country have suddenly come about under Barack Obama.

Rush Limbaugh: Competing With Glenn Beck For Looniest Talk Show Host!

Rush Limbaugh seems to feel that he is not gaining enough attention, so he is now competing subconsciously with Glenn Beck for the title of Looniest Talk Show Host!

Limbaugh now claims on his talk show that President Obama’s education speech earlier today can be compared to what Kim Jong Il, the North Korean dictator, does in his country on a regular basis: promoting indoctrination and brain washing of the younger generation.

So it is promoting indoctrination and brain washing for the President of the United States to call upon students to do their homework, study and learn, show respect for their teachers and parents, take their future seriously, and work to improve their lives and that of their families and their nation.

It seems to me that if Rush Limbaugh had followed this advice years ago and finished college and stayed away from drugs, he might have a more respectable public image than he has!

Sure, he makes millions of dollars a year and has millions of devoted fans who hang on his every word, but we all know his fans are as delusional and misguided as he is. All he knows how to do is to divide people, wish for failure, promote dissension, manipulate gullible people’s minds, and sow bad blood between people of different economic means and racial and ethnic groups.

Rush Limbaugh has no desire to make the country better, but rather to exploit people’s insecurities, promote hate and envy, and all the while, enrich himself without any sense of conscience or morality.

Any thinking person should answer Rush Limbaugh’s promotion of poison by boycotting his show, condemning his negative attitude on everything that promotes progress, and stop rewarding him for his bad behavior.

It is time for people of good intentions to start a campaign to remove this peddler of hate, along with Glenn Beck, from the air, and stop rewarding these two despicable figures with prolific salaries, making fools of us and laughing all the way to the bank!