Rush Limbaugh

The Right Wing Talk Show Hosts On Radio And Cable Are Destroying The Republican Party And Dividing The Nation For Their Own Wealth!

Right Wing Talk Radio and Fox News Channel are the biggest scam existing in America, making suckers out of their listening and watching public, and destroying the Republican Party for the future!

While they make millions upon millions of dollars to talk propaganda, hate and division, they are destroying the Republican Party brand by their prejudiced branding of women, Hispanics and Latinos, African Americans, Gays and Lesbians, Muslims, the labor movement, environmentalists, the mainstream media, colleges and universities, Hollywood, and those who are anti war.

The Republican Party is losing the future, by failing to realize that the population is changing rapidly toward a browner and more tolerant society in so many ways, and just appealing to older, white males who live in the Great Plains and the South and the Mountain West where population is much smaller, and who profess to be “religious” while promoting discrimination and prejudice in the name of Jesus, and are gun advocates who want to prevent the future that is coming, which is destructive. This is a suicidal tendency, that will, if it continues, guarantee that the Republican Party will constantly lose elections to the Democratic Party, and become a fossil, as the Whig Party became in the 1850s in America.

So the following wealthy talk show hosts are enriching themselves against the American future, and privately, are laughing at the “Suckers” who follow them as if they are Gods, and who these hosts could not give a damn about, as all they are, really, are used car salesmen!

Here is the infamous list, who need to be smacked down, by loss of audiences, and loss of book sales, and brought down to earth that we are tired of their demagoguery!

Rush Limbaugh
Michael Savage
Sean Hannity
Bill O’Reilly
Michael Reagan
Ann Coulter
Michelle Malkin
Glenn Beck
Laura Ingraham
G Gordon Liddy
Mark Levin

There are also other lesser known talk show hosts who would not understand a serious idea, or ever know a real fact, who are poisoning people, who do not realize it!

Tea Party Nasty, Mean Spirited Conservatism Lost Big: The Republican Party MUST Change Or Be Replaced!

The Tea Party Movement of 2010 has lost BIG in 2012, and the nasty, mean spirited conservatism it represents must be overcome by the Republican Party, which MUST change or be replaced!

Congressman Allen West of Florida, Congressman Joe Walsh of Illinois, Senate nominee Todd Akin of Missouri, and Senate nominee Richard Mourdock of Indiana headline those who lost.

Never again can the Republican Party try to dictate to women about their reproductive lives; never can the GOP attack Hispanics and Latinos in a nasty, mean spirited way and expect to gain their support; never can the party of 2012 allow itself to let religious extremists to control its destiny and dictate religious doctrine to the nation at large; never can they promote foreign wars and aggression as the neoconservatives did under George W. Bush; never can they promote lack of concern for the middle class and the poor, as Mitt Romney made clear in his “47 percent” speech; never can they allow themselves to become the captive of billionaires such as Sheldon Adelson and the Koch Brothers; never can they allow Donald Trump and other jerks like him to take control of their public message: never can they allow racists and talk show hosts, such as Rush Limbaugh, and other extremists and hate mongers to dictate to them—and in many other ways, they must liberate themselves from their demons, or become part of the dustbin of history!

They must become more like the Conservative Party of Great Britain, which is far to the left of the present Republican Party, but still to the right of the Labour Party of Great Britain!

It is up to them, and purging and house cleaning must begin in earnest!

Obama Aided Greatly By Events Of The Past Week: Colin Powell, Chris Christie, Michael Bloomberg

Barack Obama is closing out his Presidential campaign with some fortunate developments and an image of dealing with the crisis of Hurricane Sandy in a very effective manner.

First, he received the endorsement of Republican former Secretary of State Colin Powell, who despite working for George W. Bush, has kept his credibility and his stature as a great American.

Then, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who had been a key backer of Mitt Romney, put politics aside, worked with President Obama on hurricane relief, and highly praised Obama, who he finally got to know well, and the two men bonded. Christie is still a Romney backer, but showed bipartisanship and statesmanship, which is sorely needed.

And today, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, after first planning not to endorse any candidate for President, changed his mind, and gave his support to Obama because of his stand on abortion rights, gay rights, and climate change. In the process, the former Republican, and former Democrat, now an Independent mayor, criticized Mitt Romney for having abandoned all of his earlier moderate principles, including support of his own RomneyCare in Massachusetts, once it became ObamaCare.

The tragedy of a natural disaster helped to lead to the second and third events, and the support of both Powell and Bloomberg, and the growing friendship and relationship between Obama and Christie, are developments that give hope for a better future, if Obama can be reelected, and these steps help to bring that desired result next Tuesday!

And the criticism of the right wing on radio, Fox News, and in print is something to be totally ignored, as their hate and divisiveness needs to be totally repudiated by sane, intelligent, open minded people! Good riddance, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Glenn Beck, and the rest of the hate mongers who earn millions dividing America, instead of uniting it!

Fox News Channel Poll Shows Obama Ahead Of Romney By Five Points!

Imagine this: Fox News Channel, which has been attacking Barack Obama relentlessly for years, has come out with a poll showing Obama five points ahead of Mitt Romney, 48-43!

How is Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly going to explain this?

How is Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck and Michael Savage and Mark Levin and Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham and Michael Reagan and Lou Dobbs and Michelle Malkin going to explain this?

How is the Tea Party Movement and the evangelical Christian Right going to explain this?

How is John Boehner and Mitch McConnell and Eric Cantor going to explain this?

How is Human Events, the Weekly Standard, The National Review, the American Conservative and NewsMax going to explain this?

How is George Will, Bill Kristol, Tony Perkins and Grover Norquist going to explain this?

The answer is that they cannot answer this—and that when one realizes that this five point lead is BEFORE the gaffe of Mitt Romney about Libya is computed, it can only mean a wider lead for Obama in the next poll!

In other words, while no one wants to say it, face the facts!


But that does not mean one should not vote, as until the vote is counted, nothing is one hundred percent, BUT it is safe to say that the election is indeed over!

Rush Limbaugh: Attempting To Bully Moderators Of The Presidential And Vice Presidential Debates!

Liar and bully Rush Limbaugh has declared rhetorical war on the moderators of the three Presidential debates and one Vice Presidential debate scheduled for the month of October.

Limbaugh is accusing all four moderators of being extreme left wing Democrats, and while saying that about all four–including Jim Lehrer of PBS, Candy Crowley of CNN, Bob Schieffer of CBS, and Martha Radditz of ABC–he adds the insult of calling Candy Crowley “Mama”, and Bob Schieffer “Dinosaur”!

Limbaugh is trying to use psychological warfare on the four moderators, trying to intimidate them, but they are all professionals with good reputations, and will not be bullied by a person who has as much a weight problem as Candy Crowley, but does not have the decency to avoid using names, and showing respect toward a woman moderator!

The best part of these upcoming debates is the fact that two women and two men will be moderators, rather than four men!

We should never again deny women equal opportunity to moderate Presidential or Vice Presidential debates, and we should continue to let Rush Limbaugh blow “hot air”, and ignore him as a person not worthy of our time or respect!

Conservative Outrage Against Mitt Romney Over Reaction To Barack Obama Campaign Ad On Health Care An Indication Of The Nightmare Facing Romney If He, Somehow, Wins The Presidency!

A campaign ad by a group loyal to Barack Obama, describing the death of a woman who lost her health care under Bain Capital’s takeover and closing of a company her husband had worked for, is causing a literal nightmare for Mitt Romney.

An aide to Romney made the statement today that IF that woman had been in Massachusetts, she might not have died, because she would have had health care!

It is not clear if the aide flubbed in making that statement, or was authorized to do so by Mitt Romney, but it has caused a firestorm of conservative protest today!

Romney has been trying to deny that what was good for Massachusetts is good for the nation on health care, and has campaigned on getting rid of ObamaCare. Now this comment by his aide seems to suggest otherwise!

Rush Limbaugh sputtered when he heard of the comment by the Romney aide. Sean Hannity was angry, and Ann Coulter, a guest on his show was livid, and said why should conservatives campaign for Romney anymore, since he is as unreliable as John McCain was in 2008. Erick Erickson, a leading conservative blogger, also displayed anger and exasperation.

The reaction of these ideologues, in just a few hours after the statement by the Romney aide, is clearly a demonstration of what will happen regularly if Mitt Romney, somehow, wins the Presidency!

Romney will NOT have a day of rest or peace as President from his own party, much of it way to the far right of him!

Were Romney to win, he would be better off with a Democratic Congress, who he could use as a whipping boy when he runs for a second term, but at the same time, he could actually get something done, as he did with an 85 percent Democratic state legislature when he was Massachusetts Governor.

Mitt Romney is probably, secretly, hoping the Tea Party Movement and the far right evangelical Christian influence would just go away, but it will not, and that means a nightmare of massive proportions awaits him if he is elected President on November 6!

Chick Fil A And Conservatives And Republicans: Again On The Wrong Side Of History!

Witnessing so many conservative Republicans going out of their way to support Chick Fil A’s owner in his anti gay contributions to various hate groups against gay rights and gay marriage boggles the mind!

It is NOT so much an issue of whether the Chick Fil A owner is against gay marriage based on his religious beliefs. It is the fact that he has spent millions in support of hate groups who wish the worst for gay men and women in their daily lives!

And for people such as former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, Minnesota Congresswomen Michele Bachmann, and South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, along with Fox News Channel talk show hosts and Rush Limbaugh, to demonstrate that they have no issue with the hate groups against gay men and women, proves once again that conservatives and Republicans are on the wrong side of history!

The same element, much of it very “religious”, opposed women’s right to vote before 1920; demonstrated anti semitic views over a long period of time; fought against civil rights for African Americans with bloodshed and violence; and have been actively involved in promoting discrimination and hate against undocumented immigrants, particularly from Latin America.

Conservative Republicans and conservatives in the news media never seem to realize what they are doing–or do they? We would like to think they are “misguided”, but the more one thinks about it, the more one has to come to the conclusion that they clearly KNOW what they are doing, and that liberals and progressives must continue the fight for justice, humanity, and common decency, knowing that they are doing the will of any truly “religious” person in fighting against hate and prejudice and discrimination!

Rush Limbaugh’s Advice To Mitt Romney: Best Ignored By Romney!

Rush Limbaugh, himself a college dropout and a drug addict, has given Mitt Romney, the GOP Presidential nominee, some advice.

Limbaugh says that Romney should criticize Obama for smoking marijuana in high school, and for being “lazy” and not doing as well as he could in college and law school!

Can you imagine that? Criticize Obama for being a “kid” who was sometimes “dumb” in his behavior as an adolescent and a college student, as if no one else is that way!

Meanwhile, Obama managed to graduate Columbia University and head the Law Review at Harvard Law School!

Meanwhile, Rush was too “lazy” to stick out college, and instead engaged in using pill drugs that have made him an addict, who should have been prosecuted and imprisoned for gaining illegal prescription drugs through one of his maids in his home!

Mitt Romney, if he has any brains, will totally ignore Limbaugh, as if he does, then his own bullying of that high school kid, and cutting off his hair by force, will be open season!

And Rush dropped out of college at Southeast Missouri State University, where he flunked every subject, according to his own mother!

So who is he to talk, or give advice to Mitt Romney?

The man is despicable, hateful, prejudiced, and quite frankly, an embarrassment to himself, who should be taken off the radio, and entered in a drug addiction program, that keeps him imprisoned for mental incapacity, until he acts like a decent human being!

Time For A Debate: Sean Hannity Vs. Lawrence O’Donnell, Or Other Alternatives!

It is time for conservatives to stop propagandizing on Fox News Channel and talk radio, and get out there and compete in a debate on the issues of the campaign!

Since Sean Hannity is particularly glib, I propose that he participate in a debate against Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC!

Or why not Bill O’Reilly of Fox News Channel compete in a debate against Rachel Maddow instead?

Or have Rush Limbaugh of talk radio fight against Ed Schultz in a debate sponsored by the cable news channel, C SPan!

Any combination of a conservative against a progressive is fine, if not this precise matchup suggested!

The progressives would wipe the conservatives all over the floor, if such a debate or debates occurred, but face it, the conservatives would NEVER agree to such a situation!

Certainly, it would be very interesting, and probably more informative, than the Presidential or Vice Presidential debates coming up in September and October!

The Lunatic Right Goes Berserk After Supreme Court Health Care Decision

The true nature of the right wing Republicans and conservative radio talk show hosts and Fox News Channel is revealing itself in the aftermath of the decision of the Supreme Court on the Obama Health Care law as being constitutional, written by Chief Justice John Roberts.

Roberts is being pilloried as a “traitor”, the Court being denounced as a “death panel”, and Congressman Mike Pence of Indiana, who once thought of running for President, said the Court decision was the equivalent of another September 11!

How reckless on the part of Mike Pence! How disgraceful a behavior by Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Congresswoman Jean Schmidt of Ohio, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, and the others on the lunatic right!

They are showing us the dangers if they were to gain total power, as Fascism would be around the corner, ready to destroy the middle class and the poor, in their support of the elite plutocracy that has become a threat since the time of Ronald Reagan onward!

We must pray every day, even if not religious, for the safety and the health of President Obama, Chief Justice Roberts, and other courageous people of different political views, who nevertheless remain in the mainstream of American politics, and want to do what is proper to promote and maintain democracy and opportunity for ALL Americans, not just the wealthy top one or two percent!

These extremists, and there are many others, reveal their true selves as they rant and rave, so go ahead, lunatic fringe, and show us what and who you are, and the American people will reject your leadership, and your talk shows in droves, as they realize that you do not give a damn about them, but only about your own selfish selves, your money and your power!