Russian Collusion

Two Year Anniversary Of Joe Biden Presidency: Should He Run For Second Term?

Today at 12 Noon marks the two year anniversary of the Joe Biden Presidency!

Considering the difficult political circumstances, of an evenly divided Senate for only the fourth time in American history, and a five seat margin in the House of Representatives, Joe Biden accomplished a great deal in his first two years in office.

From a progressive view, he was the most successful in his first two years domestically than any President since Lyndon B. Johnson in the 1960s with his “Great Society” legislation, which was far greater, but with a massive margin of his party in control of both the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Biden accomplished more than Democrats in the Presidency after Johnson, including Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and even Barack Obama, after their first two years in the Oval Office!

Foreign policy has been difficult, as it always is, but Biden’s strong support of Ukraine in its war with Russia, and backed by NATO, has been a very strong example of his promotion of democracy against totalitarianism, reminiscent of Franklin D. Roosevelt coming to the aid of Great Britain in 1940-1941, before America’s entrance into World War II.

Having said all the above, the question now is should Joe Biden, having reached the age of 80 precisely two months ago, run for a second term, and would he win a second term?

This author and blogger has always had great and warm feelings toward Joe Biden, going back to when he gravitated toward Biden as, in my mind, the replacement in commitment and personality traits of Hubert Humphrey, who was this author’s original political “hero”!

I wish that Biden had been able to run for President in 2016, but his son Beau’s death prevented that, as I believe he would have won the nomination, and would have defeated Donald Trump, and saved America from the nightmare four years of horrendous policies and criminal actions.

Hillary Clinton had too many barriers, including controversies surrounding her and her husband, along with simply being the first woman nominee for President. Of course, Hillary Clinton still won the national popular vote by 2.85 million, and only lost because of Russian collusion with Trump that threw the Electoral College vote to him in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Even a Republican controlled Senate committee came to that conclusion, despite the continued lying and deception that continues unabated to the present.

But the present is the issue, and this author and blogger sincerely believes that while Joe Biden would win a second term, against Donald Trump or anyone else on the horizon, that for the future of the Presidency and of Joe Biden’s own lifespan, that he should announce that he will retire.

It would make him a “lameduck President”, but freed from politics of his own ego, he could be seen as a statesman, helping to bring the future of the nation toward a Democratic Party successor, who would pursue his principles, goals, and common decency and compassion!

We need a future President who has the character traits of Joe Biden, as we do not want to promote selfishness, greed, nastiness, and lack of compassion and common decency, which too many Republicans who plan to run for President, possess as their basic character traits!

This way, Joe Biden can leave office at age 82, with head held high, having accomplished a decent record under difficult circumstances, having assisted for his own succession. And he can have peace of mind, planning his own Presidential Library and Museum, writing his own memoirs, and enjoying his wife, Dr Jill Biden, and his family in a relaxed, well deserved retirement, which is likely to lead to a longer life, than having the stress of another four years in office!

He should not join the list of Presidents who either died in office or had very short retirements, such individuals as Woodrow Wilson, Calvin Coolidge, and Lyndon B. Johnson!

So, President Biden, do what is best for you and for the nation you have served so well, and announce your decision to leave office two years from today, having insured the succession of a Democratic President who will carry on with your commitment to decency, fairness, and compassion!

Pulitzer Prize Board Upholds Awards Of 2018 To NY Times, Washington Post, On Trump-Russian Collusion In 2016 Presidential Election!

The NY Times and Washington Post, the two “national” newspapers, have received the most Pulitzer Prizes for Journalism in American history–with the NY Times winning 132 and the Washington Post 65.

In 2018, both newspapers won the Pulitzer Prize once again, for their reporting of the Donald Trump Presidential campaign in 2016 colluding with the Russians and Vladimir Putin to help defeat Hillary Clinton.

Donald Trump was and remains outraged by such accusations, although a Senate Republican committee in 2019 reaffirmed the truth about that election, that Trump’s narrow victory in three states was fixed!

But now, the Pulitzer Prize Foundation has upheld the correctness of the awards given four years ago, a reaffirmation of freedom of the press and promotion of the truth!

Senators Susan Collins And Joe Manchin Were Bamboozled By Supreme Court Nominees!

It is now clear that Republican Senator Susan Collins of Maine and Democratic Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia were bamboozled by Supreme Court nominees Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett.

All three claimed that they understood that Roe V. Wade was established law, and that they had no intention of conspiring to reverse abortion rights.

This is a major embarrassment for both Collins and Manchin, and sullies their reputations long term, although it seems clear that they are arrogant personalities, who really do not care about public opinion, which is overwhelmingly pro choice on abortion.

The three Supreme Court Justices, by all ethics and morality, should be forced off the Supreme Court for lying under oath before the US Senate Judiciary Committee, but of course they will face no such action.

And all three were chosen by a President, Donald Trump, who lost the popular vote by 2.85 million, and who was put into office by Russian collusion, confirmed by a Republican Senate majority in 2010 to be reality.

The Supreme Court has lost any respect or reputation, and clearly has become a right wing extremist group wishing to destroy much more than abortion rights!

A move to add members to the Court seems urgent, but can only happen as a long shot at this point, so the nation is a victim of right wing extremism, very disconcerting!

A Triumphant Week For Joe Biden: Greatest First Year Jobs Growth, And ISIS Leader Eliminated!

The Republican Party is involved in fast fall, after asserting that the January 6, 2021 US Capitol Insurrection was “legitimate political discourse”, which is totally preposterous!

So far, only a small number of Republicans in public office are repudiating that statement, notably Mitt Romney and Lisa Murkowski.

But for Joe Biden and the Democrats, this has been a triumphant week, with 6.6 million jobs created in the first year of the Joe Biden Presidency, more than any other year. Yes, inflation is high, but it would be no matter who was in the White House, and it seems clear that it is a temporary issue.

Also, the leader of ISIS, Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurashi was killed in a counterterrorism raid in Syria, a great accomplishment although ISIS is still a problem. This despicable excuse for a human being killed his own wife and children, rather than surrender!

The Republicans are living in an “alternative universe”, trying to claim that Joe Biden has failed, when all of the evidence in the first year of his Presidency is that the Republicans are “grasping at straws”, as they continue to self destruct by remaining loyal to the traitor and seditionist former President, who has NEVER won the popular vote either time that he was on the ballot, and only due to Russian collusion did he squeak out a unlawful victory the first time in 2016!

The Republican Party Has Largely Gone Pro Russian, Complete Reversal Of History Since Joseph McCarthy!

In the Cold War years from 1945-1991, the Republican Party stood out for being anti Soviet Union, and for good reason, as that nation represented a threat to American national security and the stability of Europe, and a threat through their association with Fidel Castro’s Cuba.

The Republican Party also was captive to McCarthyism—the Red Scare of the 1950s under Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin—labeling liberals and progressives as if they were Communists allied with the Soviet Union. In that regard, they were reprehensible!

But who could imagine that Republicans who were once anti Communist, and also McCarthyites who ruined people’s lives with accusations that were unfounded, would over the 75 years since World War II, suddenly in large numbers become apologists for the Russian Federation and Vladimir Putin?

Who would think they would sit back and allow Donald Trump to flirt with Putin, including helping him win a false election through Russian interference in 2016?

Who would think Fox News Channel and its anchors, including Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity, and others, would give support to Putin and Russia as they threaten Ukraine and the stability of Europe in the present international crisis, which can be regarded as the greatest threat to world peace since the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962?

Donald Trump’s Criminal Conspirators: All Republicans Who Deny Joe Biden Victory One Year Later!

It will be one year next weekend since the victory of Joe Biden in the Presidential Election of 2020 was declared on November 7, 2020.

And yet, all of the Republicans who deny Joe Biden’s victory even today, one year later, are, in effect, criminal conspirators in a “Big Lie”, that is causing massive tensions and divisions in America, with nothing quite like it since the Civil War!

Donald Trump has loads of criminal conspirators, and by all rights, all of those members of Congress who refused to certify that the election was resolved in the Electoral College count on January 6, 2021, even after the Capitol Hill Insurrection on that day, should be summarily expelled from Congress, and face prosecution as traitors, conspirators, and seditionists!

And all those around Donald Trump, including his three older children, and all Trump aides or former aides who conspired to promote the January 6 Insurrection should also face prosecution and prison time!

There is no case for believing otherwise than that Joe Biden won the election, interestingly by the same Electoral Vote margin as Donald Trump did in 2016, and yet there IS evidence that the election of Trump was false, and created through Russian Collusion, while Biden won by 7 million votes.

In the past, Richard Nixon in 1960, Al Gore in 2000, Hillary Clinton in 2016, and further back Samuel Tilden in 1876, along with all other election losers, saw the defeated candidate graciously concede. But now we face an endless constitutional nightmare with no end, and the danger that Donald Trump might run again!

Donald Trump Is Both Paranoid And Pronoid At Same Time! He Has Delusions About How Others See Him!

Donald Trump is a paranoid, someone who thinks, without any basis in reality, that everyone is out to “get” him!

But, Donald Trump is also a “pronoid”, someone who thinks, without any basis in reality, that everybody likes him!

For instance, Donald Trump thinks the foreign governments around the world admire him. And he has delusions that the American people really wanted him despite all of the facts that show otherwise. He cannot accept the concept that his reputation is in tatters, and that those who support him in the political world do so more out of fear and concern of crossing him, than true loyalty!

Donald Trump thinks he is a popular person, even though he NEVER hit 50 percent of the population of America voting for him, rather losing both national elections by a total of 10 million votes, but the Electoral College kinks gave him, with Russian collusion, the election in 2016!

Donald Trump is not admirable in any sense, and certainly not a “gentleman” as he perceives, wrongly, that he is!

A “gentleman” is a man who is modest, well mannered, self deprecating, quietly intelligent, considerate of other people’s feelings, and well informed, but Donald Trump does not fit any of these descriptions!

Instead, Donald Trump is vulgar, inflated in his own belief in himself, vain, boastful, noisily ignorant, bullyish, sleazy, mean spirited, and is no model for young people to emulate!

Donald Trump is an obnoxious human being, a womanizer, a person who ridicules disabled people, a white supremacist, a full scale nativist, a promoter of conspiracy theories, a sore loser, and has no capacity for empathy, compassion, and concern about anyone but himself! If he had to abandon his own wife or children, he would do so to save his own skin!

Donald Trump is seriously mentally ill, a danger to America as he has incited domestic terrorism, and even now, six months after the election he clearly lost massively, he refuses to concede, and clearly never will!

Donald Trump insures that he will rank at the bottom of the list of all Presidents for anyone who has any sense of what Presidential leadership and personality means, in analyzing Presidents. Already, in the American Political Science Association Poll in 2018, and the Siena College Research Institute 2018 Presidential Survey, Trump is rated at the bottom of the listings of all Presidents. So much has happened since, including the two impeachment trials of Donald Trump!

Even those Presidents who have major character flaws, including most notably Andrew Johnson and Richard Nixon, are elevated by the horrors America has gone through, and the damage done by a man who should never have been allowed in the Oval Office, and has done lasting harm to the institution of the Presidency!

Republican Party Survival Only Possible Long Term With Those Who Reject The “Big Lie” Of Donald Trump!

The Republican Party is at an historic crossroads.

If it continues to back the “Big Lie” of Donald Trump, that he won the Presidential Election of 2020, then it will be destroyed, and go into the dustbin of history, as no party can have its future based on a criminal President who was impeached twice, and lost the popular vote twice by massive margins, and only won the first time due to Russian collusion!

The January 6, 2021 Capitol Insurrection cannot be covered up, and dismissed, as it was an attack on American democracy at its core!

Anyone backing Donald Trump at this point is spoiled goods, and only is inciting division that endangers domestic tranquility, and is a direct threat for civil disorder.

Worship of a man is dangerous, and reminds us of Benito Mussolini and Fascist Italy; Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany; and Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Union.

So the leadership of the future must be people such as Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, and Lisa Murkowski, or else the need for a new conservative mainstream party is an urgency!

What A Wonderful Inauguration Tomorrow Of Joe Biden And Kamala Harris!

What a wonderful inauguration takes place tomorrow, Wednesday, January 20, 2021!

A President and Vice President who have empathy, compassion, common decency, and exceptional character to lead us out of the nightmare of Donald Trump and his racist, antisemitic, Islamophobic, nativist, and misogynist followers, offer recovery and advancement in the next four years!

If Donald Trump had won, our nation would be in the throes of a full scale Fascist dictatorship, and the attempted coup on January 6, thankfully, was overcome, but showed just how dangerous a situation we would be in if Trump had won, or stolen the election, as he clearly did with Russian collusion in 2016!

To deny the truth and reality is no longer going to be acceptable, and this author and blogger will not associate with anyone who tries to deny truth and reality about Donald Trump!

So tomorrow, we will have our second Catholic President of Irish ethnicity (after John F. Kennedy); our first woman and African and Asian heritage as our Vice President; and with our first Latina (Puerto Rican) Supreme Court Justice (Sonia Sotomayor) giving the oath to Kamala Harris; and with the first Second Gentleman, Douglas Emhoff, who is Jewish, bringing the highest level person of Jewish ethnicity into the top levels of government! We also will be bringing a true educator, Dr. Jill Biden, in as First Lady!

And also, we have our first Jewish Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer; and our first Jewish Senator from Georgia, Jon Ossoff; and the first African American Senator from Georgia, the Reverend Raphael Warnock (who was pastor at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, earlier having Martin Luther King, Jr as its pastor; and the first Latino Senator from California, Alex Padilla, with all three Senators being sworn in tomorrow when the Democrats take control of the US Senate!

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have major challenges not matched since Abraham Lincoln and Franklin D. Roosevelt, and let all of us wish them the best, and knowing they have our backs!

Trump’s Use Of Projection On Joe Biden Has And Will Continue To Boomerang on Trump!

Donald Trump and his top lieutenants will do anything to win the Presidential Election of 2020, and they have used issues that are part of Donald Trump’s life story on Joe Biden, and it has boomeranged and will continue to do so.

Trump and his minions talk about Hunter Biden and corruption in Ukraine, when Trump was impeached for corruption in Ukraine. Trump’s son Donald Jr. meanwhile was involved in Russian collusion for his father during the Presidential Election of 2016. The Hunter Biden story has disappeared in the midst of the Presidential campaign.

Trump and his minions portray Joe Biden as a child molester because he hugs young children, but until the CoronaVirus Pandemic, Joe Biden was known as a hugger, but it was all innocent, part of his warm, caring personality and sincere concern for others.

Trump however has been accused of raping a 13 year old girl on the island of Jeffrey Epstein, and had his own daughter on his lap, when she was a young teenager, in a very overly intimate pose for someone your own daughter, but really any female under the age of 18.

Trump and his minions claim, due to the complaints of one woman, Tara Reade, who briefly worked in Biden’s Senate office, and had no complaints for 27 years until recently, that Biden sexually assaulted her. But that has gone nowhere, and no other women have claimed such actions, which would seem likely, not just be one woman.

Meanwhile, we know that Trump paid two women for their intimacy with him, including when his wife gave birth to their son, and he has three marriages, and cheated on all three wives, and has had about 25 women claiming sexual assault that was unwelcome, not invited contact.

Trump and his minions claim that Joe Biden is demented, is unable to finish his thoughts, is incoherent much of the time, and that he is mentally unfit to serve as President, all pure lies.

Trump, meanwhile, has acted mentally deranged, and many psychologists and psychiatrists from a distance have said he is in early dementia, a mental illness that ended his father’s life. Trump has a very poor vocabulary and is seen as a toddler or early teen at the most in his behavior and utterances, a true embarrassment to the Oval Office,

Now we have evidence that Donald Trump has had one or more strokes, as his ability to communicate, walk, and even hold a cup of water with one hand, has become evident. He is tremendously overweight and does no exercise, while Joe Biden is trim for his age and does exercises, including biking seen publicly.

So every attack on Joe Biden is simply projection, Donald Trump’s insecurities and shortcomings being exposed, as he transfers his faults and blunders to his opponent. Biden has character, and Trump lacks any such decent character,

This is not a winning strategy, which drives Donald Trump nuts, and Joe Biden continues to lead him in all public opinion polls by bigger margins than Hillary Clinton had. It will not be enough for Trump to use projection, so he is using other illegal and unethical tactics, right out in public, for all of us to see.

This just leads to the solid conclusion that Donald Trump is the most massive abuser of power, and most corrupt President by far in American history, and his ego will not be able to accept a defeat, and it will make him more insane than he already is!