Russian Collusion

Public Impeachment Hearings Begin Wednesday

The Donald Trump impeachment hearings begin on Wednesday of this week, and they will be covered fully by the cable networks, the three major networks (which will cancel regular programming), and even the BBC.

Whether it will change any Republican elected official’s mind about the lawlessness of Donald Trump is highly doubtful, and whether it will undermine Donald Trump’s Presidential campaign is also very speculative.

Truth will come out, but American democracy is in crisis, as we have a President who has colluded with Russia, is still colluding with Russia, and now even plans to visit Russia in May of next year, the celebration of Russian communism and nationalism, standing alongside Vladimir Putin to celebrate the end of World War II, and the defeat of Nazi Germany in 1945.

Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon are turning over in their graves at the sequence of events! And the fact that Mike Pompeo and William Barr are deeply involved in covering up for Donald Trump, and yet remain members of his cabinet, the most corrupt in American history, is stunning. And yet, all of the Republican leaders who pushed the impeachment of Bill Clinton remain unwilling to accept the damage Donald Trump has done, and are condemning their historical reputation to be in tatters, only concerned about their own financial welfare and out to protect their power in Congress!

Time For Republican Senators To Be Held To Account: Are They For Good Of Nation And Constitution Or Party And Self Interest?

The series of escalating events surrounding Donald Trump’s abuse of power and a legion of impeachable offenses is ever worse now with the revelation that Trump was pressuring the government of Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, who was involved in business dealings with a Ukrainian company.

The push for impeachment is ever greater, as it is another example of collusion with a foreign government, this time Ukraine, while in 2016, it was Russian collusion that helped Trump in his race against Hillary Clinton for the White House.

So an impeachment inquiry was inevitable, with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi announcing, finally, an impeachment inquiry this afternoon.

Many say there is no point to impeachment, as there will be no conviction and removal by the two thirds majority needed in the Senate.

But that was not a factor in the Andrew Johnson impeachment, nor the Bill Clinton impeachment, with the case against both Johnson and Clinton very weak, as compared to Richard Nixon, and now Donald Trump.

The point is that in 1974, courageous Republicans let Nixon know they would not support him in an impeachment trial, and he resigned.

This is now what Republicans need to do when an impeachment trial comes to the Senate. The message must be that if you vote to support a lawless President, public outrage will work to defeat you in the next election for your seat, and your reputation in history will be in tatters, as you are endorsing the destruction of the checks and balances and separation of powers that make the American Constitution work.

Republicans’ feet must be held to the fire, and no excuses will be accepted.

So Mitt Romney, Ben Sasse, Susan Collins, and others who like themselves to be seen as moderate conservatives need to show courage and guts and do the right thing.

And those who cater to Donald Trump, and know better, such as Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, John Cornyn, John Thune, and a multitude of others, the wrath visited against all of you will be massive, and you will regret supporting a man who has no ethics, no morals, no scruples, and is out to destroy the Constitution of rule of law.

It is time for a Profile in Courage on a massive scale!

Removal Of Dan Coats As Director Of National Intelligence A Warning Sign On Foreign Policy For America

The decision of Donald Trump to remove Dan Coats as Director of National Intelligence is a major blow to the intelligence community and a danger sign on foreign policy for America.

Coats handled his job in a professional manner, often contradicting Trump on many national security issues.

Coats knew that Russia had intervened to help Trump win the Presidential Election of 2016, and was continuing to interfere in the upcoming Presidential Election of 2020 to help Trump once again.

Coats knew that North Korea was playing Trump for a fool, and will not ever denuclearize.

Coats knew that the Iran Nuclear Deal was working, and that breaking the treaty, supported by the United Kingdom, France, Germany, along with China and Russia, was a mistake.

Coats knew that ISIS (ISIL) is still a threat to promote terrorism in the Middle East, despite it losing its territorial base.

Coats knew that Saudi Arabia’s Prince Mohammed bin Salman arranged the brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi, the Washington Post journalist, at the embassy in Turkey last year, despite Trump refusing to accept that reality.

It is Coats and other intelligence officials and agencies who have been leading the fight against the dangers presented by Donald Trump.

And it is good to see some Republicans, including Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr of North Carolina making clear that proposed replacement, Congressman John Ratcliffe of Texas, was totally unqualified to replace Coats.

The future security and safety of the United States is endangered every day Donald Trump remains as President of the United States!

Senator Lindsey Graham, A Despicable Turncoat Against The Principles Of His Friend, John McCain!

The most shocking and surprising turn of events in the US Senate is that South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham has become a despicable turncoat against the principles of his friend, the late Arizona Senator John McCain.

There were no too better friends in the Senate than Graham and McCain, and both were condemnatory of Donald Trump in the 2016 Presidential campaign, including when Trump said McCain was not a war hero for being captured and tortured for over five years in the Vietnam War.

Graham said extremely critical points against Trump, and yet now, he has transformed totally to be a Trump lackey, including even when Trump still brings up McCain’s name in a critical manner.

Graham sees no obstruction of justice, abuse of power, violation of the Emoluments Clause, or Russian collusion, despite ample evidence of such impeachable crimes.

This is precisely the opposite of 20 years ago, when Graham as a House member, led the charge to impeach Bill Clinton on charges far less egregious than Trump has committed.

Graham was always a bit of a character, but now he has lost all credibility and legitimacy. Hopefully, he can be defeated for his Senate seat in 2020.

The Trump Nightmare Continues As Attorney General William Barr Comes To Conclusion On Mueller Report Not Warranted

The Trump Nightmare continues, as Attorney General William Barr comes to a conclusion in just four pages of a statement on the Robert Mueller report, that there is no basis for any charges of Obstruction of Justice, when the Mueller Report stated no such assertion.

It is also stunning, after a two year investigation, that the Mueller report comes to the conclusion that there was no Russian collusion, when there is so much evidence of just that, and so much lying about that issue by Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, as well as others who had odd contacts with the Russians during the campaign, including Donald Trump, Jr, alongside convicted Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn and others.

This looks like a cover up going on, and it is essential that the whole report be revealed, as well as Congressional testimony by both Barr and Sessions, as well as Rod Rosenstein, the Deputy Attorney General.

Trump will use this situation to become ever more reckless in rhetoric, and more dangerous in using of power, than ever before, and the Democrats have an overwhelming challenge to defeat Donald Trump, who short term has now seen his chances of winning reelection greatly enhanced.

Michael Cohen To Testify That Donald Trump Is A Liar, A Cheater, A Racist, And A Con Man: So What Else Is New?

Former Donald Trump lawyer and loyalist Michael Cohen, who faces three years in prison for lying to Congressional committees, is testifying today before the House Oversight Committee on his former boss.

In his opening statement, revealed before his testimony later today, Cohen informs us that Donald Trump is a liar, a cheater, a racist, and a con man.

Trump has lied more than 8,000 times in his Presidency of two years, more by far than any President, including Richard Nixon.

Trump has cheated with multitudes of women, and has lied to all three of his wives on his extramarital affairs.

Trump is a clear racist against African Americans, Latino and Hispanic Americans, and consorts with and endorses white supremacy, which includes antisemitism, even though he has had Jewish advisers and Jewish cabinet members, who are a disgrace to their faith for their support of him, all based on their wealth and greed.

Trump is a con man, who has manipulated an ignorant 30-35 percent base who struggle every day, but are told that their failure to succeed is due to racial minorities, rather than the outrageous massive tax cuts to the wealthy elite of Donald Trump’s supporters who love associating with him at Mar a Lago, and at White House gatherings.

He tells this clueless base that coal is good and has a future; that tariffs will help their Midwest and Great Plains base; that harming the environment is good for the economy; that women need to be controlled in their lives; that religious extremism is good as part of American culture; that separating children from their parents at the Southern border is legitimate for protection of national security; and that his embrace of authoritarian dictators is better than close friendship with democratic nations in Europe and Asia.

What Cohen is telling us really is not new, for any intelligent human being who has paid attention, and now realizes that the election, with clearcut Russian interference and promotion of anti Hillary Clinton propaganda, was steered toward a close popular vote count in Midwestern states, that undermined the popular vote margin of Clinton, far greater than eight Presidents of the United States had in their victories.

Meanwhile, the Republicans, led by Oversight Committee member Jim Jordan of Ohio, will attack Cohen as a liar, but it will fall flat as there is no purpose for Cohen to lie at this point, as his prison term is set. Jordan has his own scandal, involving the wrestling program at Ohio State University, when he was an assistant coach, and sexual abuse was occurring. People engaged in scandals should not defend a massive liar, cheater, racist, and con man as Donald Trump clearly is, and has been all of his life!

The “Achilles Heel” Of Ten Presidents: What Harms Their Historical Reputation

When one studies the Presidency, it always comes down to one issue that can undermine their historical reputation.

So for John Adams, for example, it is the passage and enforcement of the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798.

For James Madison, it is the burning of the White House and Capitol Hill in 1814 by the British during the War of 1812.

For Andrew Jackson, it is the forced removal of five Indian tribes to Oklahoma in the 1830s, the so called “Trail of Tears”.

For Franklin Pierce, it is the signing of the Kansas Nebraska Act in 1854, bringing the nation closer to the Civil War of the future.

For Woodrow Wilson, it is the violation of civil liberties during the First World War, and immediately after, during the Red Scare of 1919-1920.

For Franklin D. Roosevelt, it is the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II.

For Lyndon B. Johnson, it is the escalation of the Vietnam War in the mid 1960s.

For Richard Nixon, it is the engagement in the Watergate Scandal in the early 1970s.

For George W. Bush, it is the provoking of the Iraq War in 2003 and after.

And for Donald Trump, it is the collusion with the Russian government Vladimir Putin, which is going to bring down his Presidency.

“Pampered, Spoiled Brat” Ready To Commit Symbolic “Reichstag Fire” Action Of Declaring National Emergency That Does Not Exist To Seize Power: Beginning Of End Of Trump Presidency

Donald Trump is about to abuse power in a way that no one can doubt the danger and the threat that he represents.

A non-existent national emergency at the US-Mexico border is about to be used as the excuse for committing a “Reichstag Fire” action by a man who inherited $200 million from his father, and is as Joe Scarborough said this morning, a “pampered, spoiled brat” who acts like a toddler in office, and is clearly mentally deranged and demented, and is a threat to the United States population and the Constitution.

Complicit in this abuse are Republicans in Congress, including Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, Steve King, and all of the House Freedom Caucus members, as well as Fox News Channel and its talk show hosts, including Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Judge Jeanine Pirro, and Michelle Malkin, and talk radio hosts, including Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Michael Savage, and rabble rousers such as Ann Coulter.

It is clear that Donald Trump is out to destroy the federal government and its agencies, after setting out to destroy the news media, law enforcement and intelligence and national security agencies, and undermining the judiciary with unqualified, incompetent and corrupt appointees to the federal courts. He will not be satisfied until he has finished the job of helping Vladimir Putin destroy America’s relationship with its allies, and undermine America’s domestic policy, and sow racial, religious, and ethnic hatred, and promote anti women and anti gay policies, in the name of white male supremacy.

At a time when federal workers are struggling to survive without paychecks; when people in Puerto Rico and in California are in need of national emergency support for natural disasters in the name of hurricanes and forest fires; when we have dire need for promotion of infrastructure spending, health care, education, and so many other needs, Donald Trump is declaring war on American democracy.

Donald Trump must be stopped from his abuse of power, and it is assured that the courts will rule against him, and the Congress will expose his human rights crimes against immigrants and children, and his nasty, mean spirited lack of empathy for human suffering.

The man is a cancer on the American system of government, and the crime of collusion with Russia will be further exposed when Michael Cohen testifies before Congress in February.

Meanwhile, if Donald Trump declares the equivalent of martial law to protect himself, mass demonstrations and demands for his removal from office must begin, as we face the greatest constitutional crisis since the Civil War, much worse than the Watergate Crisis under Richard Nixon.

May responsible conservative writers and commentators have joined liberals in denouncing the authoritarian bent of Donald Trump, much closer to Fascism than many realize.

We are likely to see crises arise, in such agencies as air traffic control, Transportation Security Administration, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the Secret Service, the Federal Courts, the Internal Revenue Service, the Food and Drug Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency, and many other agencies. All are part of the protective nature of our federal agencies which are now crippled, as we have a longer government shutdown than ever before in American history.

The office of the American Presidency has reached a stage of being an Imperial Presidency run amuck, much worse than Richard Nixon represented, and Donald Trump must be stopped in his abuse of power for the survival of constitutional government, and sooner, rather than later.

Democrats Must Save America From Donald Trump In 2019: Major Challenge Ahead

The year 2019 has arrived, and the newly minted Democratic House of Representatives majority has a major challenge ahead: to confront President Donald Trump, not be bullied by him, investigate and pursue all evidence of illegality and executive abuse of power, and hold him accountable.

This is an urgent matter, as Trump is a threat to constitutional order, economic stability, social justice, and national security.

The various House committees will now be aggressive in finding out the truth about Russian collusion, obstruction of justice, abuse of power, violation of the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution, the Trump family corruption, the Trump cabinet and advisers corruption, and human rights violations against immigrants, women, children, and people of color.

The multitude of Democrats pursuing the Presidency must show they are tough and will not wilt under the constant Twitter attack of our bully President, and must hit back as hard as they are pursued by a President who acts more like a Mafia boss, rather than a role model for our children.

Fireworks will be the greatest they have been in our history, and if the Republican Party decides to sit on the sidelines and cooperate with our law breaking President, then the future of the party of Lincoln, TR, Ike, Reagan, and HW Bush is sealed as facing a natural death, as voters will not tolerate a party with no guts, who supports an authoritarian minded dictator.

American democracy is at stake, and heroism and courage are demanded, not only from Democrats, but from whatever Republicans have any principle left.

Donald Trump: The Mafia Boss, The Mob Boss, The Drug Cartel Boss, The Traitor Greater Than Benedict Arnold

As Robert Mueller is getting ready to reveal much of the details of his 19 month investigation into President Donald Trump and his administration, it has become clear to the nation, if they had any doubts, that our President is a criminal, a crook, a felon.

He acts like a Mafia Boss, a Mob Boss, a Drug Cartel Boss.

And he is also a traitor to America, far greater than Benedict Arnold in the American Revolution.

He has been engaging in Obstruction of Justice, Abuse of Power, Violation of the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution, Russian Collusion, and has headed the most corrupt administration in American history, much greater than Richard Nixon.

His cabinet officers are the most corrupt and crooked group ever assembled.

Everyone who has worked with him has been exposed as having engaged in corrupt activity, with only a few exceptions, including Nikki Haley, H. R. McMaster, James Mattis, and Jon Huntsman Jr.

His Vice President, Mike Pence, has been engaged in much of the corruption, and has sold his soul to Donald Trump, and may very well be indicted, and forced out of the Vice Presidency, as Spiro Agnew was under Richard Nixon in 1973.

No First Family has been as villainous as Trump’s family, and any good will visited upon First Lady Melania Trump is gone, after her recent arrogant and despicable behavior.

Everyone around Trump is just in for the money, the power, and for self aggrandizement, and the Trump Presidency, however it ends, will go down as number 44 out of 44, until the next President makes Trump number 45 and continuing into the future.