Russian Federation

The Republican Party And Russia From Joseph McCarthy To Donald Trump!

The Republican Party has completely reversed its long held stand against Russian aggression, from the time of the Soviet Union’s founding in 1917; through its decline and collapse and the end of the Cold War in 1991; and through the rise of Vladimir Putin and the Russian Federation in the year 2000 to the present.

Whether Democratic or Republican administrations, the US Government has stood against the imperialism and expansionist urges of the Russian government for more than a century.

No longer though, now, as Donald Trump has embraced Vladimir Putin’s three year war on Ukraine, and called Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy a “dictator”, totally upending all reasonable assessments of the worst destruction and bloodshed in Europe since World War II and Nazi Germany.

Trump has hijacked the Republican Party, silencing most members of the party in the Congress and in the states, who have instead of doing the right thing, condemning Russia’s imperialism and threat to all of Europe and the NATO alliance, rather become the cheering squad for Trump’s destructive relationship with the western democracies, and his embrace of authoritarianism.

Despite the overall negative view of Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy, who led the Second Red Scare from 1950-1954, he was certainly right on the menace of the Soviet Union, while tragically destroying the reputations of many Americans in his quest for power and influence.

Richard Nixon was also a promoter of the Second Red Scare, along with a multitude of others, but the one consistency in the midst of horrendous abuse of their attack on Democrats, liberals, and decent Americans, there was recognition of the dangers of Communism and the Russian control of Eastern Europe and the desire to expand further.

But now, we see people in the Republican Party who know better, going along with Donald Trump’s destruction of the basic traditions of American foreign policy, in order to advance their own personal agenda and ambitions.

Now, we have Marco Rubio, as Secretary of State, keeping silent on what Trump is doing regarding Russia, and the same for other Cabinet Officers and House and Senate Republicans.

Only a few are willing to speak up and condemn the switch in attitude toward Russia, including Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, Senator Thom Tillis of North Carolina, and Congressman Don Bacon from the Second District of Nebraska.

But Tillis and Bacon are in danger of being opposed for reelection by Elon Musk recruiting opponents, and most Republicans are unwilling to speak up, in fear of losing their seats, which is, sadly, more important than having any principles!

So the Republican Party is a disaster, with the old traditions thrown out, and instead, embracing a war criminal, Vladimir Putin, who was a KGB Spy in the latter years of the former Soviet Union!

It can be assured that Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and other hardline critics of Russia, are tossing in their graves!

Donald Trump Trying To Bully Senate Into Submission On Appointments!

Donald Trump is clearly working to bully the Republican majority in the US Senate into submission regarding his many controversial Cabinet and other appointments, and stripping the Senate’s power of “advise and consent” on Presidential appointments.

Trump’s aim is to make the US Senate lose its status as a co-equal branch of government, along with the House of Representatives, part of his plot to establish an authoritarian executive branch, uncontrolled by the legislative branch.

In so doing, he is working to undermine the Constitution, rule of law, and American democracy.

This, despite the reality that his victory was NOT a massive one, and that he has not won a majority of all votes cast by the American people, while defeating Kamala Harris by less than a two point margin.

Trump is causing our closest allies, including the United Kingdom, France, Israel, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand to consider NOT sharing intelligence information.

Such an eventuality undermines American national security, and puts America in danger from its adversary nations, including Russia, North Korea, China, and Iran, among others.

Eisenhower And Reagan Commitment To Internationalism Being Rejected By Donald Trump And “America First” Extremism!

The Republican Party before World War II was dominated by America First Isolationism, led by Ohio Senator Robert Taft, “Mr Conservative Republican”, and Michigan Senator Arthur Vandenberg.

However, Vandenberg abandoned isolationism with the beginning of the Cold War with the Soviet Union after World War II, but with Taft still pursuing isolationism.

But in 1952, when Taft sought the Presidency, he was stopped by World War II hero Dwight D. Eisenhower, who was able to shift American foreign policy to support of the international community, including support of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and commitment to fighting Communist expansion around the world.

The majority of Republicans who pursued bipartisanship in foreign policy continued, and reached a new peak under Ronald Reagan in the 1980s, and with the Presidencies of George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush.

However, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan provoked the emergence of a strong opposition to the policy of interventionism, and also led to those who started to see the Russian Federation that followed the downfall of the Soviet Union in 1991 as not a nation to be seen as “the enemy”.

Donald Trump became the leader of the attack on the interventionist past of the Republican Party from 1952-2016. Now, many Republicans in Congress back Trump on his isolationist bent, including his Vice Presidential running mate, JD Vance.

This is a dangerous trend, and cozying up to Vladimir Putin and the Russian Federation with their war in Ukraine is an alarm bell in the middle of the night, as accepting authoritarianism is a trend toward Fascism!

Irrational For Any Female, Black, Or Latino To Support Trump!

With less than three weeks to Election Day, and early voting having begun, including this author and blogger having voted by mail already, one has to wonder how any female, black, or Latino American could find justification to vote for Donald Trump.

Voting is a complex act, as clearly, no candidate for any public office has a “perfect” record, and one can disagree with some views or policies of any candidate for public office.

But anyone following public affairs, and who has reasoning powers, would have to overlook reality to vote for Donald Trump in 2024.

This is particularly the case for females, African Americans, and Hispanic-Latino Americans.

The fact that Trump appointed three Supreme Court Justices who brought about the end of abortion rights guarantee should be enough information for all women except the extreme anti abortionists, who do not care about the welfare and lives of pregnant women.

The fact that Trump has been openly racist throughout his life, not just in his Presidency, should convince African Americans that he has no regard or respect for African Americans and Hispanic-Latino Americans.

For the latter to allow the immigration issue to overcome the history of Trump’s lack of concern for immigrant families trying to escape oppression, violence and bloodshed in their home countries, and to separate children from their families, as occurred in the Trump Presidency, is shocking.

Trump’s bizarre behavior of swaying and dancing at a rally, truly erratic behavior;

his constant threats to go after “internal enemies” who he thinks are more dangerous than Russia or China;

and his obsession with tariffs and with deportation of more than ten million migrants, which all would undermine the American economy, and particularly the agriculture industry

should be enough to convince any rational voter who is female, black or Latino, along with everyone else, that they must unite around Kamala Harris, who has been backed by massive numbers of conservatives and Republicans who see Trump as a threat and disaster for the nation!

From Ronald Reagan To Donald Trump: Complete Tranformation Of Republican Party!

The Republican Party of Ronald Reagan has completely transformed in the 40 years since, and has become alien to the beliefs of conservatives, due to the impact of Donald Trump.

Ronald Reagan believed the Soviet Union was a threat to world democracy, while Trump and MAGA supporters are openly pro Russian Federation, as well as friendly to North Korea and China, and also other authoritarian regimes around the world. So Trump and his supporters are isolationists, and do not give a damn about Ukraine.

Ronald Reagan believed in free trade, but now Donald Trump and his ilk promote protectionism, and pledge rise in tariffs if he elected, which would increase the cost of living for all Americans.

Roneld Reagan believed in supporting immigration as a strength of America, while Trump and his supporters are nativists, who wish to prevent all immigrants from anywhere but Europe.

The historical Republican Party is now dead, only kept alive by a small number of old line Republicans, who wish for a return to the ideals of Ronald Reagan.

Ronald Reagan had many faults and shortcomings, but it is clear he would not support the Donald Trump controlled Republican Party!

JD Vance On Donald Trump, Foreign Policy, Abortion: Inheritor Of Maga Philosophy

JD Vance hated Donald Trump with a passion, until he did not.

He thought Trump was a potential Hitler, said the most insulting things about Trump.

At the same time, he connected with billionaire Peter Thiel, a right wing advocate, who pushed him to run for the Senate seat in Ohio, and is his major benefactor.

As a result, Vance has adopted admiration for Trump, and has taken on positions that are extreme, the most so for any Republican since Barry Goldwater in 1964.

Vance has demonstrated he is an isolationist, not willing to support Ukraine or Taiwan, so like Trump, cozying up to authoritarian governments, a shocking development for the heritage of the Republican Party since World War II.

Vance also has made clear he wants no exceptions for abortion, a national ban, and even if a young girl is made pregnant by a male relative, that incest is not an excuse to avoid following through on pregnancy, an unreasonable view.

Vance should be seen as a real threat long term, because he can now be seen as the inheritor of Donald Trump’s MAGA movement!

The fact that the Russian Foreign Minister has just praised Vance should be a warning sign of the danger of Trump and Vance, and to the long term stability of NATO and other alliances with democracies against authoritarian governments, including Taiwan against China, and South Korea and Japan against North Korea.

If Trump wins or even if he loses, JD Vance will be a presence in American politics for the long run, and it is essential that Americans understand the long term threat to American foreign and domestic policy!

Donald Trump And American Foreign Policy: Goodbye To Ukraine, NATO, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan!

It has become very clear that IF Donald Trump is returned to the White House for a second term this November, that American foreign policy will be totally obliterated from what it has been since 1945!

Trump will not support Ukraine, and is willing to let Russia and Vladimir Putin take it over!

Trump will not continue to support NATO, as he is an isolationist of the worst kind, more interested in gaining the support of authoritarian leaders, including Putin, but also the dictators of China, North Korea, Hungary and elsewhere!

So America will have no allies in Europe, endangering American national security!

It is also unlikely that Taiwan and South Korea and Japan would have confidence in a President, who would be more interested in collaborating with the tyrants of Asia!

The Sick, Insane, Warped Republican Voters And Donald Trump!

The latest Wall Street Journal poll on the upcoming Presidential Election Of 2024 shows Donald Trump ahead of all his Republican opponents for the nomination, winning 59 percent of the vote, 46 points ahead of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and further ahead against the rest of the field!

And 78 percent of the Republican party members in the poll believe Donald Trump did nothing wrong, despite having four indictments and 91 counts levied on Trump, and with trials coming up, where he is likely to have at least some counts leading to convictions.

With this information, one must conclude that a vast majority of Republican supporters and voters are sick, insane, warped individuals, who do not care for the Constitution, rule of law,and common decency and compassion for fellow Americans!

The Republican Party base has become a Fascist group, supporting authoritarianism, and clearly racist, misogynist, nativist, homophobic, and antisemitic, and also willing to consort with foreign totalitarian dictators in Russia, North Korea, and China!

And yet, there are also people who are of minority background, who are only too supportive of a very dangerous man, who has lied his whole life, and is a disgrace of an excuse for a human being!

The nation is in great danger, therefore, as we move toward the 250th anniversary of nationhood in July 2026, less than three years from now!

84th Anniversary Of World War II Beginning A Reminder Of Need To Support Ukraine Against Russia!

September 1, 1939 was the beginning of World War II, when Nazi Germany invaded Poland.

The threat of totalitarianism that Nazi Germany represented created a crisis in American foreign policy for President Franklin D. Roosevelt, as isolationists strived to keep America out of World War II as not our war, since we had two great oceans that separated us from war elsewhere in the world.

Many of the isolationists were Republicans, but included naive people from all political persuasions and walks of life.

Americans did not want to get involved in the war, but eventually, it was forced upon us by the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

If that had not happened, America might have faced a likely threat from European Fascism without allies.

This is important to keep in mind as the Russia-Ukraine war has ended 18 months and counting, and there is growing demand by isolationists and the right wing of the Republican Party in Congress to stop funding for Ukraine in its defense.

These critics include apologists for Vladimir Putin and the Russian Federation, and they seem unperturbed at the reality that Russia, if successful in Ukraine, will put its sights next on NATO nations, including particularly, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia, but with grand designs to recreate the old Soviet Union before 1989!

Joe Biden And Camp David Summit With South Korea And Japan Important Step For National Security And World Stability!

In a world in the 2020s, in many respects just as dangerous as a hundred years ago, the need for America to build up and strengthen foreign alliances to promote democracy and security is urgent!

We are fortunate that we have a President, Joe Biden, wise enough to recognize, just as Harry Truman did three quarters of a century ago, the need to build strong international alliances to protect the US and promote democracy against totalitarian governments.

In the last century, we had Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Imperial Japan as the threats in World War II, and then in the Cold War years, we had the Soviet Union to combat.

More recently, we have the Russian Federation, the People’s Republic of China, North Korea, and Iran as the leading rivals and threats to American national security and world stability.

So Joe Biden has wisely built up and expanded the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) begun under President Harry Truman, and with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, making a strong commitment to the preservation of that nation’s independence from Russian dominance!

If Donald Trump or many Republican isolationists, including Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, were to win the White House in 2024, the security umbrella of NATO, with its 31 nations allied with the US, would be in danger of being destroyed, and would only encourage Vladimir Putin ever more in his aggressions, just like Adolf Hitler a century ago.

The news of the meeting of South Korea’s President and Japan’s Premier with President Biden at Camp David, Maryland, yesterday, is an indication of the desire to have closer relations with two key Asian allies, as a bulwark against China and North Korea, and is all to the good for the future of democracy preservation!

Camp David has been the location of historic summits, and adds stature to the commitment of the US to the support of two key Asian allies!