Sandy Hook Elementary School

Background Checks Bills For Gun Purchases Has Oregon Added To List Of States That Have Adopted Gun Safety Legislation

The fight for basic background checks legislation for gun purchases in the states is a long, hard fought struggle, but Oregon has now been added to the list.

The following 17 states have adopted such legislation:

Rhode Island
New York
New Jersey
North Carolina
Washington State

Notice that some of these states are Republican controlled states, including New Jersey, North Carolina, Michigan, Iowa, and Nebraska, so there is some hope that more states will adopt such legislation over time.

But the power of the National Rifle Association is so great that we will see much gun violence continuing without any kind of accountability for many who buy guns at a gun show, privately, or online.

So the memory of Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut in December 2012 still is an issue ignored by many who push the absolute right to guns, without efforts to restrict unstable people from gaining such weapons.

So the reality of at least 1,000 people on the average every month are killed by gun violence, whether by criminals, people familiar to the victims, mentally unstable people, suicide, or by pure accidents.

The Total Hypocrisy Of Republicans’ Concerns About Future Generations!

Republicans love to claim that they are concerned about future generations!

But they are unconcerned about the large number of poor children who do not have adequate education and health care, and their refusal to do anything to provide such services, because it might require the rich to pay more taxes!

They are unconcerned about the dangers of gun violence, as at Sandy Hook Elementary School, as an example and even the many incidents of children killed by accident by reckless parents or siblings, or simple lack of protection of weapons from children’s hands!

They are unconcerned about the dangers of climate change, with rising sea levels, erosion, and dangerous storms, which will destroy housing, lives, and security of millions of future Americans, most of them poor or middle class!

They are unconcerned how corporations and banks victimize poor and middle class people on a regular basis, without any conscience, including exploitation of their labor forces!

They are unconcerned about the quality of life of minorities, the poor, and those who are gay or lesbian, and are denied equal opportunity and fair treatment, which victimizes them all of their lives.

They are unconcerned about the sending of our young people off to wars to protect oil and other strategic interests, and fail to be concerned about proper treatment of these courageous veterans when they return home from war.

The Republican Party has no ethics or morality, only selfishness and greed about their own power, and protection of corporations, banks, and the wealthy one or two percent! Their hypocrisy is massive!

A society which focuses on the top two percent is a very sick society, and requires action on a large scale to change the attitudes and concern for the mass of Americans, who have to look to a long term future, and government should represent their interests, not the elite who already have too many advantages and too many assets!

Sandy Hook Elementary School One Year Later

It has been one year since the massacre of 20 children and six teachers and administrators at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut,

Just yesterday we had another tragedy, with a student in a high school in Colorado wounding two students before killing himself.

The threat to schools, theaters, shopping malls, churches and all other public places continues, and the country seems paralyzed by inability to do anything about the mounting number of gun deaths, and the reality that many mentally disturbed people have access to guns.

America is the most dangerous nation in the civilized world, and we are looked upon in Europe, Canada, Australia, and Japan as a nation out of control when it comes to violence.

And every day, President Obama is subjected to rhetorical and real threats to his life, in a nation where the right wing will not stop in its quest to poison the atmosphere with hate and division, and fears that the government is coming to get one’s guns.

The question is what future tragedy will finally move the Congress and the state governments to face the threat to civil order represented by the gun culture, with the sad feeling that nothing will change the national illness we have amidst us!

Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert Becomes More Of A Lunatic Than Congresswoman Michele Bachmann: No Easy Feat!

Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert of the First Congressional District of Texas is rapidly gaining notoriety as more of a lunatic, more outrageous, than even Congresswoman Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, who was considered to be the leading wing nut in the Republican Party for the past few years.

But Gohmert is challenging her for certain, as with the following examples:

He has stated that women are coming into the nation illegally to have their babies, then take them out of the nation and breed them, as they are growing up, to be terrorists, and to be able to return to the country in 20-30 years to commit terrorist acts!

Barack Obama is a Muslim, and is encouraging terrorism, and hates Christianity and the American way of life!

If the principal and teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School had only had guns, they could have stopped the massacre of 20 children and six teachers in Connecticut. The same goes for the Aurora, Colorado mass killings in the movie theater, that if patrons had had weapons on them, they could have stopped the mass killer dead in his tracks.

The US government is in cahoots with the Muslim Brotherhood in the Middle East, and is undermining America’s defenses, including Attorney General Eric Holder!

There is no such thing as climate change, and drilling in the Alaska Arctic Wildlife Refuge is a good idea to pursue. And a Trans Atlantic pipeline also encourages caribou to have sex!

Former Congressman Allen West of Florida should have become Speaker of the House for the113th Congress, after his defeat by his constituents.

Having limits on gun magazines is equivalent of gay marriage and bestiality!

Most recently, Gohmert has advocated that a woman must carry full term a pregnancy, in which it is determined that the fetus has no brain function! Gohmert believes the woman has no right to terminate a pregnancy at any point after conception!

Can any sane person NOT see that Gohmert is a total lunatic, and needs to be forced to have a mental examination as to his mental stability?

Gohmert is an embarrassment to his own Republican colleagues, and yet his district keeps electing him, so what does that say about the First Congressional District of Texas?

The Government Responsibility To Provide Support To Victims Of Terrorism And Gun Violence

With the ever widening reality of home grown terrorism of religious and political fanatics of all ideological stripes, we are witnessing more and more victims of terrorism and gun violence, and many of the survivors are left with a lifetime disability, but added onto by unbelievable medical and rehabilitation costs that many cannot handle, and just add to their suffering and emotional turmoil.

The loss of loved ones who have died must also be considered as something that needs to be understood and considered, so therefore, there is a need for a compensation system for victims who are survivors–whether from Virginia Tech, the Tucson shopping center, the Aurora movie theater, the Sandy Hook Elementary School, the Boston Marathon shootings, or any other terrorist or criminal act similar to these in the future.

All of us who are fortunate enough to be able to avoid such tragic circumstances must understand that it is the job of government to be compassionate to victims of crimes, as there “but for the grace of God go I”, even if one is not religious!

The price of terrorism and gun crimes is that we, who avoid those circumstances, must help to pay for and support those who have lost loved ones, or those who live on and suffer for the rest of their lives, while we go about our business!

The price of terrorism must be shared by everyone, and if anyone disagrees, that says a lot about their so called “patriotism”!