Sarah Palin

Speculation About Trump As Presidential Nominee: The Kind Of People He Would Select For Vice President And The Supreme Court!

Horror stories are coming out about who Donald Trump might choose to be his running mate for Vice President, if he becomes the Republican Presidential nominee in this election year.

It may all be scare propaganda, but it is enough to make one wish to vomit!

Imagine Florida Governor Rick Scott, one of the most despicable, and corrupt Governors in America, a heartbeat away!

Imagine former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin again a possible heartbeat away, as she would have been had John McCain won the Presidency in 2008.

Imagine former Republican Presidential candidate Carly Fiorina, the failed CEO of Hewlett Packard, who came across as an obnoxious and uncaring candidate, being a heartbeat away when she ran a corporation into the ground.

And Trump told Pat Robertson, the aging and demented evangelical leader, that he wants more Supreme Court Justices like Clarence Thomas, who has not uttered a word on the Court in the past ten years, and has had major conflicts of interest in many cases, but never recuses himself, making him an extremely corrupt and incompetent Supreme Court Justice!

Small States’ (One House Member And Two Senators) Influence In Congress Since 1945

There are seven states that have had only one member of the House of Representatives, along with two US Senators, in the past 70 years. but despite their small populations, these states have had a massive impact on American politics and history!  In addition, for the first few decades since 1945, Nevada also had one House member until growth caused two, and then, three seats in the House.

The seven states are Vermont, Delaware, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, and Alaska!

But North Dakota, South Dakota,and Montana had two members of the House until recent decades when reapportionment caused them to lose a second seat.

So only Vermont, Delaware, Wyoming, and Alaska (since 1959) stand alone as consistently having one House member and two Senators per state.

But look at their influence:

Vermont had George Aiken (R) (1941-1975) and has Patrick Leahy (D) for 41 years (1975 to Present) and counting now, and Bernie Sanders since 1990,  who  was the lone House member for 16 years before election to the Senate in 2006,making him the longest serving Independent in the history of both houses of Congress.  Also, Howard Dean, former Governor of the state, was a leading contender for the Democratic nomination in 2004, and then became head of the Democratic National Committee, and helped the rise of Barack Obama with a “50 state” strategy between 2004-2008.

Delaware had Joe Biden as Senator for six terms from 1973-2009, and now as Vice President.  He became one of the longest serving Senators of all time, and sought the Presidency in 1988 and 2008.

Wyoming had Dick Cheney as its lone Congressman for ten years from 1979-1989, before he ended up as Secretary of Defense under the first Bush Presidency, and Vice President in the second Bush Presidency.  Also, Alan Simpson served in the Senate from 1979-1997 as  a Republican, and Gale McGree from 1959-1977 as a Democrat.

Alaska had Ted Stevens in the Senate for 40 years from 1968 to 2009, the longest serving Republican Senator in American history.  Also, Sarah Palin , while Governor, was the Vice Presidential nominee for the Republicans in 2008.

And if one looks at the other states which had one Congressman at least for the last few decades, we have South Dakota and Senator George McGovern (1963-1981), the 1972 Democratic Presidential nominee; Montana, with Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield (D) (1953-1977) from 1961-1977; Nevada with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D) (1987-Present) from 2007-2015; and North Dakota Senators Kent Conrad (1987-2013) and Bryan Dorgan (1992-2011).

So the “small” states have really had a major role in American politics, despite their small populations!

The “Low Lifes” Come Out Of The Woodwork To Endorse Donald Trump! An Even “Dirty Dozen” Despicable Public Figures!

Sarah Palin, former Alaska Governor and Republican Vice Presidential nominee in 2008–Willie Robertson of the “Duck Dynasty”–David Duke, former Ku Klux Klan leader–Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio—Jerry Falwell, Jr, evangelical leader of Liberty University–John Rocker, former Atlanta Braves relief pitcher–Ann Coulter, political commentator—Ted Nugent, musician and songwriter who has threatened Barack Obama—Dennis Rodman, former basketball player—Michael Savage, right wing radio talk show host—Phyllis Schlafly, conservative activist—Mike Tyson, former professional boxer.

These are an even dozen of “public figures” who have now endorsed Donald Trump for President, all of them “lowlifes” who no rational, sane person would EVER respect or believe they have ANY legitimacy.

In this group are hypocrites, bigots, racists, nativists, misogynists, abusers of the criminal justice system, religious extremists, right wing political commentators who spew hate, and purely stupid people!

The reader can figure out which categories fit each of this “dirty dozen”, with several having multiple descriptions of those mentioned above.

Anyone who supports Donald Trump after awareness that these disgraces above have endorsed him are people who have lost their minds or never had one, or indeed are people that one is newly learning just how terrible a character they really have!

Conservative Revolt, But Also Civil War, Against Donald Trump, For The “Soul” Of The Republican Party!

A full scale revolt, but also a civil war, has emerged against Donald Trump, for the “soul” of the Republican Party, and it insures the massive defeat of the GOP in November!

The National Review, the most prestigious journal in the Conservative community, founded by William F. Buckley, Jr.  in the mid 1950s, has just published an issue calling for the defeat of Donald Trump, and includes many top conservative ideologues, and a few crazies, including Erick Erickson and Glenn Beck.

But others, particularly on radio, including Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham, and of course, Sarah Palin, support Trump, while others have avoided taking a stand as of yet.

But it is clear that American conservatism is in deep crisis, all to the advantage of progressives, so just sit back and eat popcorn and drink soda, and enjoy the split that is developing!

If either Donald Trump or Ted Cruz is the GOP nominee, the party is totally doomed, and will die a natural death!

To save the Republican Party, only John Kasich or possibly Jeb Bush can save the future, although each has multiple issues, but they can revive the Republican future.

We shall see what happens, and enjoy a rare moment of triumph in the never ending battle of the Left vs the Right!

Sarah Palin Will Be The Achilles Heel For Donald Trump, As She Was For John McCain!

Former half term Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska has reared her “ugly head” once again, now openly and vigorously supporting Donald Trump for President, and making a total fool of herself in her public speeches and appearances!

Sarah had been out of the public eye for awhile, other than the fact that her daughter Bristol had a second child out of wedlock, and just before her support of Trump became public, her son Track was arrested for domestic violence against a girlfriend, who he assaulted, threatened with a firearm, and was arrested in a very drunk stupor.

Not only did Sarah make an incoherent speech that made her look her usual STUPID, but she then blamed Barack Obama for her son’s situation, because she claimed that Track had PTSD from service in Iraq! While that is highly speculative, Track was in the military under George W. Bush, not Obama, who ended that war!  And does it mean that anyone with PTSD has a free pass to assault, and that all veterans with that condition, or otherwise, do so?

Veterans groups were outraged by the whole matter, and the idea that Sarah has a dysfunctional family, and spends her time making money spewing divisive comments and hate, is even more outrageous.

Sarah should go home and deal with her family and stop blaming Obama for a new low charge which is preposterous, that every soldier who does criminal activity, can blame it on the President.

Watch as Sarah Palin, who Trump says he admires and respects and might give her a position in his administration, becomes a burden to Trump, an Achilles Heel, as Sarah was to John McCain!

And since Sarah backed Trump, despite his ridicule of McCain for being a war prisoner in Vietnam, McCain needs to come out and condemn both Sarah and Donald, for their reprehensible behavior, as Sarah again proves she has no regard for the tremendous favor McCain did for her, making her his VP nominee.

McCain will never live down that mistake, unless he admits to it, and kicks Sarah to the curb as garbage not worthy of his respect or admiration anymore!


Inauguration Day Plus Seven Years: Imagine The Alternative Of President John McCain And Vice President Sarah Palin!

Seven years ago, Barack Obama became the 44th President, and history was transformed in a positive manner!

Not everything has worked out, and not everything he promised has occurred, but when one thinks about the alternative of President John McCain and Vice President Sarah Palin, one must thank God that he gave us Barack Obama!

McCain, even though he is less extreme than most Republicans, would most certainly have taken us into war more than we were under George W. Bush.

We would have massive involvement still in Iraq and in Afghanistan, and would have engaged in a major war against Iran.

Much of the social change that has occurred would not have had Presidential backing, including gay rights and gay marriage; climate change; criminal justice reform; attention to civil rights controversies; and a national health care system for more Americans.  We also would not have Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan on the Supreme Court!

We would have had Sarah Palin as Vice President, and have to be constantly thankful that John McCain is still alive and healthy.


Kevin McCarthy, Incompetent And Unqualified, Soon To Be Two Heartbeats From The Presidency!

There have been many complaints over the past five years about Speaker of the House John Boehner, from the far right, and from the left, but at least we knew that Boehner had 20-25 years experience and was at least, basically, competent.

Now, with Boehner’s resignation, we are soon to be stuck with California Congressman Kevin McCarthy as the next Speaker, a man who admits that the Benghazi, Libya hearings were simply designed to weaken Democratic Presidential contender Hillary Clinton, and that the doctored Planned Parenthood videos are a ploy to help promote the anti abortion movement, and uses a word that does not exist, that Hillary Clinton is “untrustable”! He also called the nation of Hungary “Hungria”!

McCarthy is seen as better than Tea Party rivals, who would love to take over the Speakership, but McCarthy, with the least experience in Congress of any Speaker in more than a century, a total of only nine years and no special accomplishments and only two bills passed (both perfunctory), is someone to be concerned about as being only two heartbeats away from the Presidency!

Kevin McCarthy can be compared to former Vice President Dan Quayle in his looks and lack of any sign of intellect, and also to Sarah Palin, who also was good looking but lacking the brain power to be close to the Presidency!

What is it about the GOP that they find “good looking” men and women, who have no brains or intellect, and are a sign of the worst among us, putting the nation into danger by being so close to the Presidency, as Quayle was for 4 years; as Palin could have been for eight years: and as McCarthy now seems to be for at least the next 14 months, if not more?

America deserves much better than this!

Seven Years Of Sarah Palin: The “Gift” Of Senator John McCain!

It is now seven years since Arizona Senator John McCain selected Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his Vice Presidential running mate in the Presidential Election of 2008.

Other than her good looks, Palin brought nothing into the race, and came across as a massive negative in a losing campaign.

We have never had a Vice Presidential candidate as dim witted, as obtuse, as  exasperating as Sarah Palin.

But we figured once she had lost, we would never hear from her again, particularly after she resigned as Alaska Governor.

But lo and behold, Sarah Palin made a career of being on Fox News Channel, having a reality show, and teaming up with the Tea Party Movement, all to infuriate all intelligent citizens.

And now, she made a total fool of herself, not by far the first time, yesterday when she spoke at the Capitol Hill rally against the Iran deal.

How can anyone take this woman seriously?

And it gets worse, as Donald Trump has praised Sarah Palin, and hinted she would be part of his administration in a cabinet post.

Sarah has suggested she would love to be Secretary of Energy, and then leave after destroying that department, giving the energy interests of the nation free reign, and letting states determine how energy is handled, instead of the federal government.

The thought that our environment would be affected by this woman is enough to make one scream, and hope he is waking up from a nightmare.

Senator McCain did a terrible deed in giving us Sarah Palin, and it is as if we had a massive pest problem, and nothing works to alleviate the menace!

The only good thing is, thank goodness,that Sarah Palin has not been a heartbeat away from the Presidency for the past seven years!

“Speaks Without Notes”; “Has Passion And Joy In Campaigning”; “Speaks His Mind”—Traits Of Donald Trump AND Joe Biden!

It has been pointed out that billionaire Donald Trump “speaks without notes”; “has passion and joy in campaigning”; “speaks his mind”, all traits that most politicians, including Presidential candidates, often do not have.

Well, there is someone else who has the same traits that Trump has, but also has tons of REAL government experience; a record of REAL accomplishments; a true compassion for those NOT wealthy; a sincerity, authenticity, and genuine nature rarely seen in politicians; a person with not a mean bone in  his body; a person who would “give the shirt off his back”; a true man of the people, who has managed to serve longer than any political leader in public office in the entire history of the nation; and has NOT enriched himself in the manner that most politicians do!

In these other traits mentioned in the above paragraph, Donald Trump is entirely different, the diametric opposite of this other person who shares the traits in the first paragraph.

Who am I talking about?  Vice President and former Delaware Senator Joe Biden!

It can be argued that Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton cannot compete in the traits that Donald Trump and Joe Biden share.  Bernie Sanders  may share the traits in the first paragraph, but his connection to the “dirty” word “Socialism” creates many potential complications were Sanders to end up as the Democratic nominee for President, a real “long shot”!

A debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden would be the debate of the century, as Joe Biden would combat the demagoguery of Trump with a strong, rational, but fiery and emotional attack on “Trumpism”.  Biden has already proved how he can make “mince meat” of Paul Ryan and Sarah Palin in Vice Presidential debates.  He proved to be the best debater in the Presidential primaries of 2008, but of course could not overcome the star power of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

But now, coming off the successful and significant Vice Presidency of Joe Biden, he would have the best opportunity to overcome the phenomenon of Donald Trump, and institutionalize the Obama Presidency, and keep the virtues of the Great Society of Lyndon B. Johnson and the New Deal of Franklin D. Roosevelt!

Political Campaign Debates’ Impact On American History

Do political campaign debates matter?

Absolutely, and the first such case is Abraham Lincoln Vs. Stephen Douglas in the Illinois Senate race of 1858, which helped elevate Lincoln to the Presidency, although losing the Senate seat due to the Democrats controlling the state legislature, and choosing incumbent Democrat Douglas for the new term of office.

Since Presidential debates came about in 1960, and then revived starting in 1976, there have been moments when they really mattered, even if often boring, including:

1960–Richard Nixon sweating and looking tense, while John F. Kennedy smiled, looked tanned, was relaxed.

1976–Gerald Ford says Poland is a free nation, which helps to elect Jimmy Carter in close race.

1980–Ronald Reagan talks about the “Misery Index” and says “Are you better off than you were four years ago?”, and defeats Jimmy Carter.

1984—Ronald Reagan says he will not use age as an issue to show the “youth and inexperience” of opponent Walter Mondale, who he defeats.

1988—Vice Presidential nominee Lloyd Bentsen tells opponent Dan Quayle that he is not another John F. Kennedy, and sets the image of Quayle for all time as an incompetent Vice President, and have no chance to be President when he decides to run in 1996.

1992—George H. W. Bush looks constantly at his watch, during the debate with Bill Clinton, who defeats him, and also Ross Perot.

2000–Al Gore walks over to George W. Bush as he answers question, comes across as a weird action, and also breathes deeply at Bush responses, making Gore seem haughty and condescending.

2008—Sarah Palin does an embarrassing performance in Vice Presidential debate with Joe Biden, harms John McCain campaign.

2012–In Republican Presidential candidate debates, Rick Perry cannot remember the three agencies of government he wishes to eliminate, which ends his candidacy.

2012—Joe Biden laughs at Paul Ryan statements in Vice Presidential debate, weakens Ryan image as Mitt Romney’s running mate.

Also, political campaign debates draw attention to the race, and there will be many Presidential debates starting tonight for the Republicans, and in October for the Democrats.