Second Donald Trump Impeachment Trial

Alaska Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski: A Profile In Courage, Principle, And Decency!

The Republican Party in the 1970s had members of Congress who spoke up against the abuses of power under President Richard Nixon, most notably the Watergate Scandal.

Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater (Mr. Conservative); Pennsylvania Senator Hugh Scott (Minority Leader); and Arizona House Minority Leader John Rhodes all showed true statesmanship, by going to the White House and telling Nixon that he would not survive an impeachment trial.

Sadly, fifty years later, Republicans in Congress, with a very few exceptions, refused to take action against the abuses of Donald Trump in his first term.

And now, in his second term, and being much more abusive and law breaking in just two months in office, almost all Republicans in Congress are overlooking what is going on, as they are terrified that Elon Musk will “primary” them for their next election, if they dare to speak up on principle against Trump.

At a difficult time like this, there is at least one major exception to this cowardice, and that is Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski, who has been in office since 2002, and won reelection as an Independent in 2010 against Republican and Democratic Senate opponents. She voted to impeach Trump in his second trial in 2021. She has managed to be truly courageous, principled, decent, and honorable, and speaks her mind, and has been criticized by Trump and Musk, but she carries on with no fear.

Mirkowski has great respect from Alaska voters, and at a difficult time such as now, she is a rare case of someone who will speak her mind, and criticize and oppose Trump, unafraid to condemn his abuses of power.

So Lisa Murkowski is a true “Profile in Courage”, and if another book, such as the one published by Senator John F. Kennedy in 1956 on courageous Senators is ever published in the future, Murkowski should head Chapter One!

On Eve Of Voting Rights Vote In Senate, Why Cannot At Least Ten GOP Senators Vote Support?

In 2006, the US Senate voted 98-0 for extension of the Voting Rights Act.

In 2022, it seems highly unlikely that even one Republican Senator will do so, therefore undermining American democracy.

The concept that there are not at least 10 Republican Senators who have the courage and the principle that voting rights matter, and are willing to go on record to that effect, is mind blowing.

Why cannot Susan Collins of Maine and Ben Sasse of Nebraska, both of whom voted to convict Donald Trump in the second impeachment trial, and are safely in office through 2026, vote to support voting rights?

Why cannot Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, who has been elected to the Senate as an Independent in a three way race in 2010, and is often an outlier in the party, including voting to convict Donald Trump, support voting rights, even though she faces election in 2022?

Why cannot Mitt Romney of Utah, who also voted to convict Donald Trump, and is seen as more centrist than anyone in the party in the Senate, other than Collins and Murkowski, have the ability to vote to support voting rights?

Why cannot Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, who also voted to convict Donald Trump, and who has his seat until 2026, as Collins and Sasse also do, have the courage to support voting rights?

Why cannot Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania and Richard Burr of North Carolina, both who also voted to convict Donald Trump, and are leaving the Senate at the end of 2022, do the right thing and support voting rights?

Why cannot Roy Blunt of Missouri, Rob Portman of Ohio, and Richard Shelby of Alabama, all retiring, do the right thing and support voting rights?

If all of the above did the right thing, we would have 10 Republican Senators joining with the 50 Democrats, and voting rights would be restored!

February 6–One Month, One Year, And One Queen Elizabeth II For 69 Years!

Today, February 6, is day to remember.

February 6, 2020 saw the first death from the COVID 19 Pandemic. Donald Trump refused to take this pandemic seriously, and we have seen in one year a total of 460,000 deaths, more in one years than the four years of Americans fighting in World War II.

February 6, 2021 is one month since the Capitol Hill Insurrection promoted by Donald Trump. that led to five deaths and over 100 injuries to Capitol Hill police, and threatened the lives of all Congressmen and Senators, and most importantly, Vice President Mike Pence and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, the two constitutional officers in the line of succession!

Donald Trump now faces his second impeachment trial in one year, having been found not guilty on February 5, 2020, the day before the first COVID 19 death.

One has to wonder if Trump had been removed from office on February 5,2020, would Vice President Mike Pence, becoming President, have pursued a policy that would have prevented the massive loss of life America has suffered in the year since the end of that trial?

And February 6, 1952, 69 years ago, Queen Elizabeth II ascended the throne of the United Kingdom, upon the death of her father, King George VI, the longest reign by any monarch in British or English history.

February 6 has one happy event, but sadly, two very depressing events that have transformed our history!