September 11 2001

Horrifying Division In America Over The Israel-Gaza Tragedy!

The shocking Hamas attack on Israel from the Gaza Strip last weekend has caused horrifying division in America over the Israel-Gaza tragedy!

We have seen some young American Jews in law schools and universities denounce Israel, causing a split among American Jews.

We have seen Arab Americans in colleges and universities, and in major American cities, march and demonstrate against American Jews and Israel, and there have been reports of physical assaults by Arab Americans and Israeli supporters against each other, requiring more law enforcement buildup in major urban centers.

There is growing fear of open bloodshed and loss of life occurring as the upcoming invasion of Gaza City by the Israelis begins in the coming days, as Israel has made it clear it will stop at no restraints to destroy Hamas and its terrorist network.

In so doing, Israel may be engaged in the future in violation of international law and basic human rights, and likely to cause massive death and destruction of a captive population which has nowhere to go, and large numbers not supportive of the Hamas terrorism.

Massive loss of life in the Middle East is feared, and already, Israel’s loss of life from the dastardly attack on October 7 and since is the equivalent of 10 September 11’s, as if 30,000 had been killed on September 11, 2001, instead of 3,000!

The war could expand to include all of the nations of the Middle East, including the villainous Iran, and with possible supportive backing by other rivals of the United States and Israel, including Russia and North Korea!

Those who are pessimistic see a gloomy future, and the thoughts of an expanded war make some imagine that we might be on the cusp of World War III!

The Most Historic Turning Point Trial For American Democracy’s Survival!

American democracy’s survival is the crucial point for all Americans to understand, as Donald Trump, now indicted for the third time, in the most crucial of all cases, will face justice sometime in 2024.

If he fails to be convicted, it will mean that the concept of the rule of law has been destroyed, and it will cause the death of the American experiment two years short of its 250th anniversary in 2026!

If Donald Trump gets away with the abuse of power, what can stop either him or a future authoritarian tyrant from doing it again, and leading to violence, bloodshed, and potential civil war?

America’s place in the world will be compromised if Donald Trump is not convicted, and it will embolden Russia, China, North Korea and Iran to exploit the result, and destroy NATO and our other alliances around the world!

This upcoming trial is one of the crucial moments in American history, alongside the Civil War; the Great Depression; entrance into World War II; the Cuban Missile Crisis; and the September 11 attacks!

Those who continue to defend Donald Trump will go down as villains in American history, their reputations besmirched for a man who has no concerns except for himself!

California Open Senate Seat Requires Having A Senator Who Will Have Longevity!

Now that it is official that Dianne Feinstein is retiring from the Senate at the end of 2024 at the age of 91, it is urgent that the open Senate seat have a Senator who will have the opportunity to build seniority over time for the Golden State.

So Congresswoman Katie Porter (49), seen as a junior Elizabeth Warren in the sense of copying her strategy and tactics toward corporate monopolies; and Congressman Adam Schiff (62) who has compiled a wonderful record in more than twenty years in the House and was on the committee for the first Donald Trump impeachment trial, should be seen as sensible alternatives.

What is not sensible is that long term Congresswoman Barbara Lee, who has been in the House of Representatives since 1998, and has the distinction of being the only member of either house of Congress to vote against the authorization for use of military force against terrorists resolution (AUMF) after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, be elected to the Senate seat.

The question is why this author feels this way, and the answer is Lee will be past 77 if she took over the seat in January 2025, making her the oldest first Senator in history to have a full term. She has said she would only serve one term, but the concept of electing Lee is just one of ego, as this author sees it.

If however, Feinstein was to retire sooner, it would be perfectly fine for California Governor Gavin Newsom to appoint Barbara Lee to fill the seat, but with the understanding that she would not seek a full term in office.

Lee is a wonderful legislator, but what is needed is the potential of a new US Senator who could gain seniority if reeelected in the future. But my admiration for her as stated in an earlier article on History News Network on March 4, 2022 still stands! And if Lee chose to remain in the House of Representatives, and facing easy reelection every two years, that is perfectly fine!

Thanksgiving A Day To Commemorate The Overall Success In Midterm Elections

This Thanksgiving is one to commemorate the overall success in the Midterm Elections of 2022, as Joe Biden and the Democratic Party had major successes in the Senate (one seat gain and continued control) and the Governorships (winning three, and losing one, so overall gain of two), with only a small switch in the House, creating a divided Congress, but setting up a situation where the Republican Party will demonstrate its inability to govern effectively!

The only times that the party in the White House had a better result in the past hundred years was in 1934 under Franklin D. Roosevelt, which saw a major gain for the governing Democrats of nine seats gain in the Senate and an equal nine seats gain in the House of Representatives; 1998, when the Democrats under Bill Clinton gained five seats in the House of Representatives and the Senate balance stayed the same; and 2002, when George W. Bush, a year after the September 11 attacks saw a gain for the Republicans of two seats in the Senate and eight seats in the House of Representatives.

The Republican Party campaigned in 2022 on the issues of crime and inflation, but now are making clear their intent only to waste time on investigations of the Biden Administration, including Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden. This demagoguery will insure Democrats being able to regain the House of Representatives in 2024, since just like this election, only a few seats will need to be won to take charge once again!

Joe Biden Arguably Has Faced The Worst Set Of Crises Other Than Lincoln And FDR!

Abraham Lincoln faced the breakup of the Union and the Civil War in his Presidency from 1861-1865.

Franklin D. Roosevelt faced the Great Depression, the growing threat of Fascism and Nazism, and World War II, from 1933-1945.

Other than Lincoln and FDR, the question arises which other Presidents faced crises on a level as dangerous and challenging as those two Presidents.

One could say George Washington facing the challenge of making the Constitution work, and the nation able to survive as a republic from 1789-1797.

One could say Harry Truman, facing the challenge of sudden elevation to the Presidency in a time when World War II was not yet resolved, and having to deal with the threat of the Soviet Union during the Cold War years from 1945-1953.

One could say John F. Kennedy, facing the threat of the Soviet Union, including the Berlin Crisis and the Cuban Missile Crisis, which dominated his time in the Presidency, from 1961-1963.

One could say George W. Bush, facing the challenge of the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, and the dual wars fought during his Presidency in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the Great Recession which developed in his last year in office, from 2001-2009.

One could also say Barack Obama, facing the challenge of the Great Recession, the worst economic downturn since the 1930s, and the constant domestic resistance from the right wing Tea Party Movement, and the growing extremism of the Republican Party, from 2009-2017.

But one could also argue that Joe Biden, facing the COVID 19 Pandemic; the growing epidemic of mass murders by firearms by domestic terrorists and mentally disturbed people; and the threat of nuclear war in the midst of the greatest foreign policy crisis (The Russia-Ukraine War) since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, is the greatest challenge and crisis other than Lincoln and FDR!

America’s Relation With World Conflict Began On This Day In 1917, And Now Facing New World Conflict!

On this day, April 6, 1917, 105 years ago, America left its isolationist heritage, and began its relation with world conflict, as Congress voted American entrance into World War I.

Woodrow Wilson had wished to keep America at peace, but war was forced upon him by the actions of Imperial Germany under Kaiser Wilhelm II.

After World War I, America went back into isolationism, but the rise of Nazism and Fascism forced America and its President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, into World War II in 1941, against Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Imperial Japan.

Isolationism would never fully revive again, as America entered the challenges of the Cold War against the Soviet Union from 1945-1991.

Once the Soviet Union collapsed, it was thought America was free of foreign conflict, but international terrorism woke us up in 2001.

And now, the Russian Federation and Vladimir Putin has begun waging war against Ukraine, including war crimes, massacre, and genocide.

It places the United Nations organization, the European Union, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and the United States as a world leader to have to consider going into what might become World War III, a horrifying thought.

But it seems clearly, to this blogger and author, that ultimately, Vladimir Putin will not stop at Ukraine, but will very likely attack NATO nations, including the Baltic States (Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania) and Poland at some point, and the US and NATO will need to respond to attacks on their allies.

Nuclear war is a possibility, horrendous thought, but in the end, a bully must be stopped, or he becomes a worst, more dangerous bully!

So it seems highly likely that Joe Biden will have to do what Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt did, take America into a world war!

Eighty Years Since “The Day Of Infamy”–Pearl Harbor Attack In 1941!

Today, December 7, marks 80 years since “The Day of Infamy”, the attack by Imperial Japan on the US Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, which ushered America into World War II, and the beginning of world leadership for the United States!

There are only a small percentage of veterans who were in Hawaii at that time still alive, and overall, a small percentage of Americans in the military eighty years ago who are still alive, as one would have to be, at the minimum, 98 years of age or older today!

Pearl Harbor remains one of the three worst moments of threat to American national security, joined much later by the Al Qaeda attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, and then by the Donald Trump incited mob attack on the US Capitol on January 6, 2021!

In the long run, the January 6 attack will be seen as the greatest threat ever, as it was domestic terrorism, NOT foreign terrorism, and Japan and Al Qaeda did not, in the long run, remain a “clear and present danger” as domestic terrorism remains such for the future of American democracy!

And only January 6 represented a President conspiring against his own nation, unlike Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1941 and George W. Bush in 2001!

Effect Of John F. Kennedy Assassination Still Reverberates On America 58 Years Later!

This author and blogger was a sophomore in 1963, when John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963.

It was the most stunning event of my life until the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

The Kennedy assassination transformed American politics dramatically, both in good ways and bad ways.

It brought about the possibility of the greatest period of reform since Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal, with Lyndon B. Johnson and the Great Society.

But it also brought on a devastating long term war in Vietnam, and the beginning of disillusionment with government at all levels.

Had Robert F. Kennedy survived and won the Presidential Election of 1968, instead of being assassinated after winning the California primary in June 1968, the potential for more great reform and change, and to avoid the Presidency of Richard Nixon, would have existed.

WIth RFK’s death, after the earlier tragedy of JFK, America was put into a permanent decline in hope and optimism for the next forty years, as even the election of Jimmy Carter in 1976 and Bill Clinton in 1992 did not revive the hopes of the Kennedy legacy.

Instead, we had Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush cause great regression in so many ways, as Richard Nixon had done earlier.

Barack Obama was a bright light, but faced great opposition, and the horrors of Donald Trump as his succession!

Joe Biden, who has a bust of RFK behind him on the left in all photos when he is sitting at his desk, is trying to revive the Kennedy legacy of hope and promise, and has made a good start.

But it is clear the two Kennedy assassinations in the early and late 1960s have left a permanent scar on the nation!

Fox News Channel: 25 Years Of Promoting Hatred, Bigotry, Lies, Fear, And Evil!

Fox News Channel, the purveyor of hatred, bigotry, lies, fear, and evil, is now celebrating its 25th anniversary, being created in 1996.

It has poisoned the media environment, and allowed demagogues to prosper, including, most notably, Donald Trump.

Their evening news anchors, past and present, have done great harm to the concept of truth and the need for cooperation and unity to deal with the problems the nation has faced in the past quarter century.

Such horrendous individuals, including Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and Judge Jeanine Pirro, along with many others past and present, have misled Americans by promoting the “Big Lie” that Donald Trump won the Presidential Election of 2020; promoted white supremacy, racism and nativism; encouraged Americans to resist COVID 19 vaccinations and mask mandates; and so much else!

But the evil and lies are not just about the present, but undermining American democracy, the Constitution, and the rule of law in all of the events and controversies since the late 1990s, including the contentious Presidential Election of 2000; the September 11 attacks and the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars; the Barack Obama years; and the Donald Trump Presidency.

George W. Bush Makes Clear Donald Trump Is A Threat To Democracy

Former President George W. Bush gave a great speech on September 11, comparing the foreign terrorism of September 11 to the domestic terrorism of January 6, 2021.

Bush defended American democracy, and condemned Donald Trump supporters who lay siege to the US Capitol.

The speech so upset former President Donald Trump that he felt a need to attack Bush, but the guilt of what Trump perpetrated showed through.

Donald Trump is a psycho, a dangerously unbalanced man mentally, and he has to be prevented from becoming a threat to our Constitution and rule of law a second time.

It is urgent that he be prosecuted and have a cell in prison on a permanent basis, and his family members, including his wife Melania, who disgraced the First Ladyship, and his first three children and son in law need to be pursued for their encouragement of lawlessness!

With all of the faults and shortcomings of George W. Bush, he partially redeems himself by defending our democratic system against the totalitarian bent of Donald Trump and his ugly supporters!