Sexual Abuse Charges

Will $83 Million Judgment Against Donald Trump Silence Him On E Jean Carroll?

Donald Trump will have to pay an $83 million judgment for his harassment of E. Jean Carroll in the civil case in which he was convicted of sexual abuse a year ago, and still has continued to attack this now 80 year old woman journalist.

Trump needs to be prevented from continued verbal abuse and his promotion of threats against Carroll, that he is encouraging his MAGA supporters to engage in, a literal nightmare.

One wonders will this finally silence him, or must more legal action, including incarceration, be pursued?

Every day, Trump is proving ever more just how dangerous and unhinged he is, and although entitled to an appeal, it seems certain he will have to “cough up” this hefty fine, and it should be soon!

Donald Trump, Now A Convicted Sexual Abuser In Civil Case, Has Disastrous Town Hall In New Hampshire!

Donald Trump is now a convicted sexual abuser in the E. Jeanne Carroll civil case, and one would think that any intelligent human being would repudiate him, as would anyone really want a person with that kind of behavior to be President once again?

And after last night’s horrendous performance of Donald Trump at the CNN sponsored Town Hall in New Hampshire, one has to wonder about the audience laughing and applauding a person who was responsible for the January 6 US Capitol Insurrection and so many more criminal actions in the four years of his Presidency.

It now seems clear that we have an authoritarian Fascist percentage of the American population which lives in delusion and is easily manipulated.

We have too many people who are misogynists, racist, white supremacist, antisemitic, nativist, and Islamophobic, as well as anti gay, in the name of white extremist Christianity, distorting the teachings of Jesus Christ!

Those who support Donald Trump, after all that has occurred, clearly have no issue in destroying the Constitution and the rule of law, and would be willing to commit any criminal act in loyalty to Donald Trump and his ilk, just like many in Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and many contemporary governments in the world today!

Time For Donald Trump To Be Held Accountable For Sexual Crimes

In the midst of all of the revelations about sexual harassment and sexual abuse of a multitude of Hollywood figures, and people involved in politics, journalism, and the business world, Donald Trump has gained a free pass.

His supporters did not care about his sexual escapades which were numerous over the years, and he did not care about exposure of such exploits, but he has continued to say that all the women who have claimed abuse and exploitation are liars, even after the Access Hollywood tape that nearly derailed his candidacy in October 2016, until FBI head James Comey announced and then backed away from a further investigation of Hillary Clinton, which took attention off that Trump scandal.

There is so much evidence by his own public statements that Donald Trump is a master at exploiting women, probably more so than Bill Clinton, and possibly more than many others who have been exposed, but still managing to avoid accountability.

Now, in the midst of this scandal of powerful men exploiting women, is the time for a full prosecution in court of the claims of the multitude of women against Donald Trump.

And since Bill Clinton was impeached, partially for his sexual exploits and lying, so should the same situation await Donald Trump.

One of the impeachment charges against Donald Trump should be his lack of moral and ethical rectitude, and if Bill Clinton is to be dredged up after facing impeachment and disbarment, so should Trump meed the same fate.

Mike Pence And Donald Trump: A Horrible Partnership With No Future!

The team of Mike Pence and Donald Trump is a horrible partnership with no future.

Mike Pence will not be in government after 2016, as he was not running for reelection as Governor of Indiana, and was seen as likely to lose another term, being way behind in public opinion polls, after he signed a law limiting gay rights, which had to be changed due to business and public opposition.

Also, his anti abortion views were causing greater restrictions on a woman’s right to determine her own future in Indiana, more than in many other states.

Pence is a religious right wing freak, who puts his religion before anything else, and he fails to understand that we have separation of church and state ingrained in our political system by the Founding Fathers.

He also flirted with the Tea Party Movement in Congress in his last years in the House of Representatives before running for the Indiana Governorship in 2012.

Pence is seen by many as a potential Presidential candidate in 2020 in the wake of the Donald Trump disaster, but he is no shining star for the GOP future, and if he is, somehow, the nominee, the Republican Party would end up in a massive Electoral College defeat once again.

It is also clear that Mike Pence is uncomfortable in his role as Vice Presidential running mate, and probably thought of quitting several times, when Donald Trump contradicted him, including once in the Presidential debates, and also after the sexual abuse charges leveled against Trump by 10 women, and the Access Hollywood tape.

It seems he would have little impact on Donald Trump’s thinking or policies, were, God forbid, Trump to become President.

But Donald Trump has dug his own grave, and is taking Mike Pence and the Republican Party down with him!