Social Justice Christianity

Jimmy Carter, A True Christian!

There is so much Christian hypocrisy by most politicians, who fail to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Racism, Nativism, Misogyny, Anti Semitism, and just plain hypocrisy is the norm for most Republicans and conservatives.

And then there was Jimmy Carter, who was a “true Christian” in his commitment to make life better for his fellow human beings.

Carter spent his life, particularly 44 years in retirement, promoting the protection and advancement of his fellow human beings, not just in America but worldwide.

So when he won the Nobel Peace Prize, long overdue in 2002, it was a true testimonal to a great man, who set an example that should be followed by all, whether Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu or Buddhist!

Speaker Paul Ryan Dismissal Of Catholic Chaplain For Statement About Protecting Those Less Fortunate Is An Outrage!

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan has been a disgraceful Speaker, far worse than his predecessor John Boehner.

That is saying a lot, as Boehner was far from virtuous.

But Ryan who defines himself as a “devout” Catholic is nothing better than a phony, as his Catholicism and Christian beliefs are extreme right wing “prosperity” based.

The right wing Christianity condemns the poor and disadvantaged, and emphasizes acquisition of wealth over everything. the precise repudiation of the message of Jesus Christ.

So the decision of Ryan to dismiss the Catholic chaplain Patrick Conroy for his statement hoping that the recently enacted tax bill, which clearly benefited the rich over the rest of the population, that there should be no winners or losers in the legislation, and that benefits should be balanced and shared by all Americans, is to be condemned,

What is wrong with that statement? It is a Social Justice view of Catholicism and Christianity, totally appropriate, and the true message that Jesus preached.

Ryan’s abrupt decision, after he announced his retirement at the end of this year, was denounced by Democrats, but also many Republicans in the House of Representatives as totally outrageous and should not be happening.

It just adds to this blogger’s long held denunciation of Ryan, going back to when he was selected as Mitt Romney’s Vice Presidential running mate in 2012, which led to bitter attacks by many trolls on this author and his views on this blog, as well as on social media.

Now, more than ever, Paul Ryan has proved how disgraceful and biased a person he is, with his Ayn Rand, Social Darwinist view of his faith and of the rights of the American people.

Ryan would love to destroy Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, and other social safety net programs, and for that, he will be condemned in history.

Rick Santorum, Religion And The French Revolution: Reckless Fanaticism!

Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum is acting irresponsibly when he compares Barack Obama and his stand on contraception and other women’s services being provided by religiously based hospitals and universities to their workers, many of whom are not of that religious group, as an attack on religion.

Claiming that Obama is warring on religion, which is totally preposterous, instead what Rick Santorum offers is promotion of theocracy, by his failure to accept what another fellow Catholic, President John F. Kennedy, advocated–separation of church and state.

When Santorum is calling what Obama is doing the first stage toward the French Revolution, emphasizing the secularism and attack on organized Christianity (Catholicism) in that famous decade of the 1790s, he is being reckless and also inaccurate historically about one of the key events of modern times, an event which moved Europe toward the goals of freedom and the basic rights of man.

Anyone who wishes to be honest about history knows that NO Christian group, whether Catholic, Lutheran, Episcopalian, Methodist, Baptist, or others came about with any less violence and persecution against non believers, than the terrible bloodshed of the French Revolution. The level of violence of the French Revolution was horrific, but no less in the entire history of Christianity. And no one can say that any traditional Christian group has ever promoted democracy and the rights of man, when instead they have promoted obedience and lack of tolerance toward non believers throughout their history. Instead, all of the groups have endorsed, at one point or another, racism, anti semitism, denial of women’s rights, and the endorsement of slaughtering native Americans to conquer the North American continent, as well as South America.

This does not mean that there have not been outspoken religious people who have fought to bring open mindedness and tolerance to their faith, but they have fought this fight with great stress, and much discrimination visited upon them, and often been expelled for their challenges to the religious establishment.

We do not want a religious fanatic in the White House; instead we want a person who, like John F. Kennedy, did not promote his faith, and believed in total religious tolerance. Rick Santorum is such a fanatic, and is dangerous in that he would promote government endorsement of religion, which is NOT its role in our history, and not promoted by the Founding Fathers.

Despite vicious attacks by critics, many of whom claim to be “good Christians”, Barack Obama and his vision of Social Justice is the only kind of Christianity, or really any religious group, that makes any sense for a society in which there is too much worship of the almighty dollar, and not enough for human beings of all backgrounds who are being left in the dust as the nation moves inexorably toward a stratified society that bodes ill for the future stability of America!

The Total Hypocrisy Of Christian Conservatives: Not Interested In Social Justice!

President Obama spoke this morning at the National Prayer Breakfast, giving the usual impressive speech he is capable of, and spoke of his Christian beliefs including the need to care for others, and give up some of what he has to help others.

For this, he was immediately attacked by Christian conservatives led by Ralph Reed, who used to work with the Moral Majority and Christian Coalition led by Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell, as Reed asserted that Obama is distorting the message of Christianity by promoting activism to assist those less fortunate. Obama endorsed Social Justice Christianity, something advocated as early as a century ago during the Progressive Era by such ministers as Washington Gladden, Walter Rauschenbusch, and Josiah Strong.

Reed, now associated with the Faith and Freedom Coalition, argued that Christianity had nothing to do with what Obama advocated: caring for the least among us (the poor), being your brother’s keeper, and demanding much of those to whom much has been given.

The Republicans intend to make religion, their conservative Christianity, an issue, as they declare war on Barack Obama, who they claim is out to destroy religion. Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich have made this a key issue specifically. Their sick view of religion would be enough for anyone of conscience to wish to be an atheist, rather than a hypocrite!

Glenn Beck Vs. Social Justice Christianity

Glenn Beck has become controversial yet again, calling on Christians to leave churches that preach social and economic justice, claiming that it is not the purpose of churches to get involved in promoting what he calls “socialism”.

An evangelical Christian preacher, the Reverend Jim Wallis, president of Sojourners, a network of progressive Christianity, denounced Beck as perverting the message of Jesus Christ, who he says believed in economic and social justice. Beck condemned such beliefs as equivalent to Communism and Nazism, as well as Socialism. Wallis is calling for a boycott of Beck’s television show on Fox News Channel.

At the same time, Jerry Falwell, Jr, son of the late Jerry Falwell, a leading evangelical conservative, agreed with Beck, and said it is not the job of government to be involved in economic and social justice, but rather it is the mission of church goers to help the poor and support widows out of their own good will.

This debate over the role of religion is not just among evangelical Christians, but also among mainline Protestants and Catholics who have long believed in economic and social justice.

It is what motivated ministers who opposed slavery in the 19th century, such as William Lloyd Garrison and Theodore Dwight Weld. It is what motivated Social Gospel ministers to be involved in labor reforms and work against child labor in the Progressive Era, such as Walter Rauschenbusch and Washington Gladden. It is what motivated Martin Luther King, Jr and other black and white ministers, priests and rabbis who sacrificed their safety in the civil rights movement of the mid 20th century. It is what motivated many men and women of the cloth who have opposed the Vietnam, Iraq and Afghan Wars. It is a belief of many Christians that see the concept of their religion being practiced in moral ways by group and government action.

This debate over the proper role of religion in dealing with social and economic issues will not be ended with the kind of bitter attacks of Glenn Beck, Jerry Falwell, Jr., and others who are conservative, as it is clear that if Jesus was here today, he would not agree with such narrow minded views of the importance of social and economic commitment by individuals and governments!

It also is clear that Glenn Beck needs education in the definitions and meanings of Socialism, Communism, and Nazism. Again he displays tremendous ignorance and willingness to divide for the sake of splitting people and groups, and it is therefore to be condemned as despicable!