Solicitor General Of Texas

A Future Presidential Race? Texans Ted Cruz (R) Vs. Julian Castro (D)?

With news on Tuesday evening that former Texas Solicitor General Ted Cruz has won the Republican nomination for the US Senate with the backing of the Tea Party Movement; and also the news that Mayor Julian Castro of San Antonio has been selected to give the keynote speech at the Democratic National Convention in the first week of September, suddenly we must pay attention to the Lone Star State, as we may be witnessing a potential future race of these two Texans, both Latinos, who could not be more different, competing for the Presidency of the United States in 2020 or after!

Cruz is almost guaranteed to win the Senate seat to replace Kay Bailey Hutchison, even though Texas Governor Rick Perry supported his opponent, Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst. He would become one of the Tea Party activists in the US Senate, joining Jim DeMint of South Carolina, Rand Paul of Kentucky, and Marco Rubio of Florida, and would become a rival of Rubio to be the first Hispanic Republican to seek the Presidency, but with the difference being that Rubio is Cuban, and Cruz is Mexican. Do not forget that Mexican Americans are nearly two thirds of all Hispanics in America, while Cubans are only about three percent of the Hispanic population! Of course, the majority of Mexican Americans tend to vote Democratic, but in theory, Cruz might be able, long term, to change that reality. Being only 41, the same age as Rubio, who is about five months younger, a definite rivalry for Hispanic Republican support can be seen as in the making!

But at the same time, with the announcement that San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro, also Mexican American, and only 37 and very photogenic, will be delivering the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention, is an event to pay attention to, as many see him as the Mexican American version of Barack Obama in the Democratic Party, with a possible future in the party beyond the mayoralty of the seventh largest city in America, including a possible run in the future for the Presidency!

To imagine a theoretical race between Cruz and Castro in the future may be an illusion, but who can say that it will not happen?

With Cruz being 41 and Castro 37, we may be hearing about both in American politics for the next few decades!