Soviet Union Collapse

Jimmy Carter’s Historic Foreign Policy Accomplishments!

Now that Jimmy Carter has passed away, the true analysis of his Presidency can begin, in a way it could not do, while he was still alive.

Just as Harry Truman’s death led to “Truman Mania” over the next five to ten years, the same will happen in the next decade for Carter, and his historical ranking will rise from the mid 20s to the top 20, possibly as high as number 15, the top one third.

Carter’s foreign policy accomplishments are massive, most the case with the Camp David Accords between Egypt and Israel, accomplished only after 13 tortorous days, between Menachem Begin of Israel, and Anwar Sadat of Egypt, with Carter’s prodding.

But also, there are other major foreign policy accomplishments, including the Panama Canal Treaties, recognition of the Chinese government after 30 years of refusing to do so, and promotion of human rights as a factor in foreign policy.

Carter will look as a giant in retrospect, despite the Iran Hostage problem, which although disturbing, led to the ultimate freedom of American hostages, rather than their deaths. And the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, while seen as a negative for Carter, actually, in the long run led to the downfall of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Carter will shine in the future as compared to the many foreign policy disasters of Republicans Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump!

End Of Afghanistan War Becoming Horrific Human Tragedy!

America has been engaged in Afghanistan since September 11, and the sacrifice of life and treasure has been a horror!

2,448 American military personnel have died, and 20,000 have been wounded.

About 241,000 Afghans have died, with 71,000 being civilians.

America has spent many billions of dollars on a war that has lasted longer than any war in American history!

But now, as America is withdrawing, the Taliban, who harbored Al Qaeda, leading to September 11, are rampaging as they take over most of Afghanistan in rapid order, and are ready to slaughter anyone who cooperated and worked with the US and NATO forces!

The progress of women in the past 20 years is about to end, and many women being slaughtered or forced back into subjugation, as women’s rights are destroyed!

We must do everything humanly possible to help those who worked for the US and NATO forces, and try to save whatever women can be taken out of Afghanistan, but clearly, there will be many tragic stories and victims!

This is a time of tears and mourning, but America cannot, endlessly, sacrifice to build a nation state in Afghanistan, which helped to bring about the downfall of the Soviet Union in the 1980s!