Spanish Flu Epidemic

The Month Of April: Wars, Deaths, And Now Pandemic!

Here we are in the month of April, which historically, has been a very tragic month in so many ways!

April was the month that the American Revolution began in 1775.

April was the month that Civil War began and ended, in 1861 and 1865.

April was the month that the Spanish American War began in 1898.

April was the month that American engagement in World War I began in 1917.

April was the month of the death of Abraham Lincoln in 1865, Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1945, Martin Luther King, Jr, in 1968, and Richard Nixon in 1994.

Other tragic events in April included the San Francisco Earthquake in 1906, the Armenian Genocide by Turkey in 1915, the Rwanda Genocide in 1994, and the Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995.

And now, the CoronaVirus Pandemic, the worst since the Spanish Flu of 1918, will lead to the death of an horrific number of people in America and around the world.

Estimates are that when the Pandemic is overcome in the future, at least a low figure of 100,00 to 240,000 American will have died. But the high figure is 2 to 2.5 million Americans, more than all our wars in American history!

Donald Trump’s Insecurities And Ego Preventing Stable Leadership In Crisis Times!

Donald Trump’s insecurities and ego are preventing him from acting and speaking in a stable manner, so is endangering the United States reaction to the CoronaVirus Pandemic sweeping the world, and having its most deleterious effect in America!

If President Abraham Lincoln, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, or President John F. Kennedy had conducted themselves in a similar manner in their moments of crisis, the US would have lost the Civil War to the Confederate States of America; the US would have been unable to prevent the rise of Fascism in the Great Depression and World War II; and the nation would have likely had a nuclear war with the Soviet Union in the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis, slaughtering tens of millions of its citizens!

With 2,000 dead, doubling in two days, and having the most deaths of any nation, we are hampered by an inconsistent and dangerous President, who has no clue how to deal with this health crisis, the greatest since the Spanish Flu epidemic of a century ago!

One would have to believe that this sad demonstration of weak and unstable leadership will cause the defeat of Donald Trump in November. If somehow he wins, the nation would be in doom, as far as any progress toward reversing the tremendous damage done by this maniac, this disgrace of a human being, with no positive points to be made about his personality or policies!

Donald Trump’s Values: Money And Self Glorification Over Lives, Compassion And Empathy!

For anyone who is naive and clueless enough at this point of time to think that Donald Trump is a decent human being, now such people are being made fully aware of his total warped sense of values in the midst of this CoronaVirus Pandemic affecting the entire world!

Donald Trump is a narcissist to the extreme, with his values being gaining more and more money, as if he can take it to the grave with him. His life is based also on self glorification, and having everyone tell him how great and successful he is, even in the midst of reality that he has been a failure in his business life, his personal life, and now his political life!

The difference that exists is that he is in the process of destroying the lives of millions upon millions of Americans with his desire to return to so called “normal”, everyone back to work and everyday life in the midst of an aggressive virus that is the greatest health crisis for the nation and the world since the Spanish Flu Epidemic of 1918-1919.

His stupid followers will follow his lead down to destruction, and mass loss of lives, and not just the elderly!

But Donald Trump lacks a sense of reality, and has no compassion or empathy for the suffering of others, as all he cares about is the damn stock market, down now close to 40 percent from what it was at its all time high, February 22, 2020, just 31 days ago.

This crisis, and how Trump is dealing with it in such an horrendous manner, will be recorded in history for the survivors of this pandemic, at the same time that many state governors and mayors will be remembered for their courageous leadership, much more “Presidential” than this excuse for a human being!

It is more important for Donald Trump to be reelected, so he can wage further war on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, than to save lives by requiring sacrifice by all of us! This has become mantra of the Republican Party, the so called Pro Life Party, a mockery of the truth that the GOP is the party of death and destruction!

CoronaVirus Crisis Will Bring Donald Trump Down!

The ultimate job of any President of the United States is to promote the safety and security of the American people, and on that basis, Donald Trump is failing miserably in dealing with the growing CoronaVirus Crisis.

Clearly, this is a public health crisis of massive proportions, and all Americans would wish that Donald Trump was capable of handling a crisis that may stand out as one of the greatest tragedies in all of American history.

But Trump is playing politics, concerned more with his reelection, than giving full authority to medical and health experts, and this is proved by his appointment of Vice President Mike Pence, who is anti science and just prays a lot to God, to lead the effort to quell the crisis.

It seems clear that this crisis will not be handled in a proper manner, whatever that is, and that Donald Trump will pay the price in being defeated for reelection.

Not only is there likelihood of massive death totals, but also the economy is clearly going into a tailspin, and the next President will likely face depression conditions unseen since 2008 and the Great Recession.

This blogger and author hopes he is wrong, but this is clearly the most horrifying health crisis faced since the Spanish Flu epidemic of a century ago!