Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi

Republican Speakers Of The House: From Bad To Disastrous!

The Republican Party has gone from bad to disastrous in their choosing of Speakers of the House in the past thirty years.

Dennis Hastert, the longest serving Republican Speaker in American history, eight years, from 1999-2007, seemed reasonable, but later was tried and convicted as a sex offender of teenage boys, and served time in prison, becoming the highest ranked elected official in American history to serve a prison sentence.

From 2011-2015, John Boehner served as Speaker, and got mixed reviews, as a major decline in reputation as compared to Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who served from 2007-2011, and later from 2019-2023. Boehner made it his mission to do everything possible to block President Barack Obama in any way imaginable.

Paul Ryan succeeded Boehner from late 2015-2019, and is considered to have been worse than Boehner.

Then, Kevin McCarthy became Speaker in 2023 after 15 ballots, and ended up serving only nine plus months, as he was voted out by his Republican caucus, and is considered to have been worse than any of his Republican predecessors.

And now, we have Mike Johnson, who is a religious extremist, rejects science and facts, and has proved to be a Donald Trump lackey, after having refused to certify Joe Biden’s victory in the Presidential Election of 2020.

The idea that these men were and are two heartbeats away from the Presidency is terrifying, and they make Nancy Pelosi stand out as one of the top few Speakers of the House in all of American history!

The Kevin McCarthy Speakership Will Be, Sadly, A Disaster For The Nation!

Finally, on the 15th ballot in the wee hours of the morning of January 7, Kevin McCarthy became the 55th person to be elected Speaker of the House of Representatives, but with a bare margin and opposition by six extremist right wing members of the Republican Party, who voted present, to resolve the issue.

This was the fifth most contentious election in the history of the House of Representatives, and it does not bode well for the future, as McCarthy has “sold his soul” to the extremist, seditionist, treasonous MAGA Republican criminals who backed the challenge to the results of the Presidential Election of 2020 even after the US Capitol Insurrection of two years ago!

Ironically, the Congress came back in session early on January 7, 2021, to finish what had been delayed the day before by the Insurrection, and now early on January 7, 2023, Kevin McCarthy caved in on demands at almost precisely the same hour, weakening the position of Speakership, and guaranteeing that he might be one of the shortest duration Speakers!

The comparison to his predecessor, Nancy Pelosi, will make it clear that his Speakership, however long it lasts, will pale by comparison.

Hearing Democratic Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, who kept the support of his 212 member Caucus for all 15 ballots, speak in an oratorical fashion that will be seen as memorable for the ages, was so inspiring and made all decent people feel pride!

One can only hope that a small number of moderate Republicans will support him to replace McCarthy when a political crisis arises, and the extremist element wants McCarthy’s head.

The alternative certainly would be to gain a Democratic majority in 2024, so that Jeffries is the 56th Speaker of the House in 2025!

One thing is clear: Kevin McCarthy will never be able to overcome the weakness, and lack of principle and ethics, that he demonstrated by going to Mar A Lago, less than two weeks after condemning the criminality of Donald Trump in inciting the January 6, 2021 US Capitol Insurrection! It will be one of the first statements about his life and poor reputation in his eventual obituary!

Two Years Since The January 6 US Capitol Insurrection, But Congress Still In Crisis!

Precisely two years ago, the US Capitol in Washington, DC, was subjected to a massive Insurrection, a mass terrorist attack by MAGA loyalists to Donald Trump who were following through on his attempt to change the results of the Presidential Election of 2020.

But, these seditionists and traitors were also threatening the lives of Vice President Mike Pence, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and all members of Congress, as well as their staffs and law enforcement personnel.

A full investigation was conducted by the House January 6 Committee, which included two courageous, principled Republicans, Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, both of whom no longer will serve in the new 118th Congress.

But Congress is still in crisis, with the battle over whether Kevin McCarthy will be Speaker of the House continuing, and protection of the US Capitol being cut back by orders of the Republican House majority.

And it seems certain that McCarthy, if approved as Speaker, will be beholden to extremists on the right wing of his caucus, and that chaos and disarray will become a norm, and undermine the business of government for the next two years.

However,it is likely that the Democrats will gain for the 2024 national elections, with the growing extremism and incompetence of the Republican Party over the next two years!

The Ten Greatest Political Heroes Of 2022!

The year 2022 has been a very tumultuous year politically, but there are great political heroes that should be noted, applauded, and given recognition.

The following ten individuals are the greatest political heroes of 2022, in no special order:

Congresswoman Liz Cheney of Wyoming

Congressman Adam Kinzinger of Illinois

Congressman Jamie Raskin of Maryland

Congressman Adam Schiff of California

The above four were the key figures on the January 6 Commission investigating the US Capitol Insurrection, with Cheney and Kinzinger sacrificing their congressional careers in the name of truth, democracy, and defense of the Constitution. They are true profiles in courage!

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi of California—who was the greatest Speaker of the House in the modern era.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York–who was a skilled leader dealing with the concept of an evenly divided Senate, and accomplishing great progress and reforms.

Attorney General Merrick Garland–who has demonstrated great and measured leadership of the Justice Department in the aftermath of the attack on democracy by Donald Trump.

White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain–the best modern Chief of Staff, helping President Joe Biden in accomplishment of his agenda.

President Joe Biden–a much underrated President who has accomplished more in his first two years in office than any President since Lyndon B. Johnson.

Finally, Dr Anthony Fauci, Chief Medical Advisor to President Joe Biden

Fauci is the one person most committed to proper dealing with the worst health crisis in a century, the COVID 19 Pandemic, and he is celebrating his 82nd birthday today, as he retires after serving 7 Presidents from Ronald Reagan in 1984 to Joe Biden in 2022! Fauci has reaffirmed the significance of science over religion, mythology, and fake science!

Violent Attack On Speaker Pelosi’s Husband Just Tip Of The Iceberg, Incited By Donald Trump!

The violent attack on Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband, home alone at their San Francisco home, is shocking, but just the tip of the iceberg, as it is just one of many threats against members of Congress and their families.

It is clear that this incident was an assassination threat against Pelosi, had she been present.

Most of the threats are against Democrats, and are promoted by MAGA domestic terrorists backed by Donald Trump.

Notice that Trump has NOT expressed his sympathies and denounced this attack, and by having no comment, is endorsing the violence!

Some Republican leaders have spoken up, but many have encouraged such attacks, including Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebet, Matt Gaetz and others!

There is a need for protection of the homes and close family members of top leadership, as one must realize that the Speaker of the House is second in line for the Presidency.

So this incident represents a second attempt of Trump and his supporters to threaten the life of Nancy Pelosi, after the January 6, 2021 attack on the US Capitol, where Trump remained silent, as the threat against Pelosi and Vice President Mike Pence, first in line of succession, occurred.

Donald Trump needs to be held accountable for these threats, a situation that has never occurred before for the top leaders in the Presidential succession!

The threats against President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are a great concern, and if Republican Kevin McCarthy becomes Speaker of the House in 2023, and Iowa Republican Senator Chuck Grassley become President Pro Tempore of the Senate, there will be a need for increased security for these leaders who would be next in line for the Presidency in case of a tragedy!

A New Generation Of House Of Representatives Democratic Leadership Is Likely To Come!

No matter what happens in the House of Representatives in November, it is time for a new generation of leadership in the Democratic Party.

Nancy Pelosi has been an exceptional Speaker from 2007-2011, and now from 2019-2023, but at age 82 and 36 years as a member of the House of Representatives, it is time for change!

The same goes for Steny Hoyer, age 83 and House Majority Leader, who has been in the House for 42 years, and also for James Clyburn, age 82 and the House Majority Whip, who has been in the House for 30 years.

This team has done a great job, but all being octogenarians, and dominating for so long, it is time for a younger generation to take over, and there are excellent candidates, whether the Democrats keep control of the House of Representatives, or go into the minority for the next two years!

Hakeem Jeffries of New York is the likely choice to be Speaker or Minority Leader, and would be the first person of color in that position. But Adam Schiff of California will probably challenge him, and would be the first Jewish person to be Speaker or Minority Leader.

Katherine Clark of Massachusetts would be the frontrunner for the Majority Leadership, but will be likely challenged by Pramila Jayapal of Washington, who would be the first Asian American in that position, but with either being a woman.

For the third ranking position, Peter Aguilar of California, who is Hispanic, has the advantage, but Joe Neguse of Colorado, who is of Eritrean (Africa) heritage, would be likely to contend for the post.

So there would be great diversity in the Democratic leadership, although Pelosi and Clyburn already have been an example of gender and race diversity in their years of leadership!

The House January 6 Committee Makes It Clear: Donald Trump Promoted Sedition And Revolution, And MUST Be Prosecuted!

If there was any doubt about the criminal involvement of former President Donald Trump in the January 6, 2021 US Capitol Insurrection, yesterday’s hearing of the House January 6 Committee, settled the issue.

Donald Trump conspired with the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys and other domestic terrorists (racist and white supremacist) to provoke violence and bloodshed and stage a coup, endangering the lives of Vice President Mike Pence, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and all members of Congress and law enforcement and other staff on Capitol Hill.

Donald Trump is a criminal, the worst since Jefferson Davis and the Confederate States of America, and MUST be prosecuted for sedition and treason by the Department of Justice under Attorney General Merrick Garland!

If he is not held accountable, then the danger of further domestic terrorism by extremist right wing groups will flourish, and America could face the loss of its democracy!

And all those around Trump, including family members, and staff and advisers who went along with what he provoked, must also face prosecution!

And members of Congress who helped promote the conspiracy and violence must also be prosecuted, and barred from ever holding public office again!

Despite Criticism Of Mike Pence, What Might Have Been Instead

Former Vice President Mike Pence can clearly be criticized for his obsequious attitude to Donald Trump, but imagine if others on the short list to be Vice President in 2016 had been chosen instead.

Newt Gingrich and Rudy Giuliani, both supportive of Trump, and willing to promote the “Big Lie”, would have prevented the legal counting of the Electoral College vote on January 6, 2021, and America would have been in new, uncharted territory, and the likely destruction of American democracy.

As it is, Donald Trump unleashed violence and bloodshed on that day, which could have led to the second and third highest ranking members of the American government–Mike Pence, and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi–facing assassination by Trump supporters!

If that had occurred, plus the deaths or injuries of innumerable members of Congress on that day, it would have been the ultimate coup d’etat, the ultimate insurrection, greater in impact than the Reichstag Fire in Germany that gave Adolf Hitler ultimate power and the establishment of Nazi Germany!

On Memorial Day Weekend, Republicans Show Contempt For Preservation Of Democracy!

Memorial Day weekend is a time for remembrance of the contributions of generations of Americans who sacrificed their lives to protect and preserve American democracy.

It is a time to give thanks to those who gave their lives for their country in the Civil War, World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan, and other lesser conflicts in American history.

But now, the Republican Party, the party of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Ronald Reagan, has shown contempt for the concept of preservation of democracy, by refusing to back a bipartisan January 6 Commission to fully investigate the US Capitol Insurrection, which caused the death and injuries of scores of US Capitol Police.

The Republican Party has allowed itself to become part of the cancer of Donald Trump, which is destroying the party’s history and reputation.

No matter what, however, there will be full investigation and accountability for the horrid events of that day, including the threatened hanging of Vice President Mike Pence, and the murder of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and the dire threats to other Senators and Congressmen, who if not for the Capitol Police commitment, might have become victims as well!

The 35 House Republicans Who Supported Creation Of A January 6 Insurrection Commission, But Will Senate Republicans Follow?

The number of House Republicans who supported the impeachment of Donald Trump in January, after the US Capitol Insurrection of January 6, was ten members.

The number of House Republicans who voted last week to support the creation of a January 6 Insurrection Commission is 35 members, which is one sixth of the Republican House membership, with 175 Republicans voting against the bill.

They come from 23 states, including 4 from New York; and 2 each from Florida, Texas, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, Washington, Nebraska, Utah, and Arkansas.

The other states are California, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Oregon, Indiana, South Carolina, West Virginia, Iowa, Wyoming, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Mississippi, and Idaho.

The big question is whether 10 Republican Senators would go along with the creation of the January 6 Commission, and one would think the 7 Senators who voted to convict Trump in February 2021 (Mitt Romney, Ben Sasse, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, Pat Toomey, Richard Burr, and Bill Cassidy) would do so, but already it seems unlikely that will happen!

It is believed that up to 15 Republican Senators “might’ support the creation of the Commission, but no certainty, when it should be supported by all who want the unvarnished truth!

In any case, there will be a House Commission formed by Nancy Pelosi, and the Republicans will nnly harm their own reputations, and their political futures, by working to deny a full investigation, with their full participation.

Covering up or denying reality will not play well, and will only doom the Republican Party future!