Steve Bannon

55 Years Since Robert F. Kennedy Assassination: What Might Have Been!

55 years ago today, New York Senator Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated in Los Angeles, California after declaring victory in the California Presidential Primary race in the Presidential campaign of 1968.

His assassin, Sirhan Sirhan, remains in prison, denied parole numerous times.

Sadly, his namesake, his son Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is running a Presidential campaign against President Joe Biden, who shares his father’s birthdate, November 20, and whose bust is on the mantle to the left of Biden when he is sitting at the Oval Office desk.

His own family has repudiated RFK Jr, and there are many indications of his instability and maniacal behavior, as he accepts help from Steve Bannon and other Donald Trump acolytes, who see him as a way to undermine Joe Biden’s reelection campaign.

It is certain that Robert F. Kennedy would not approve of what his son is doing, as it besmirches the good name of RFK.

More than a half century after his death, RFK remains an individual very complex, but one who many believe would have been able to transform America in a positive way, instead of the tragic corruption and criminality of Richard Nixon and the right wing of the Republican Party, leading up to the era of conservatism under Ronald Reagan!

Donald Trump Offers Digital Trading Cards Of Himself For Sale! How Pathetic!

Donald Trump’s ratings are plummeting rapidly, and his “major announcement” on Thursday was to offer his “fans’ the opportunity to purchase digital trading cards of himself in different poses and characters!

How insane, but already the first edition is SOLD OUT at $99 a card!

What a bunch of morons would be dumb enough to wish to have this, not realizing that Trump is a grifter, out to enrich himself, but clearly has no plans for a Presidential campaign!

We have a major problem with stupid, clueless people who are loyal to Trump to such an extent that they, seriously, need mental evaluation!

Even Trump advocates, including Steve Bannon and Mike Flynn were taken aback by Trump’s latest crookedness!

Right Wing Anti Democracy Extremists: CPAC Convention This Weekend In Dallas, Texas

CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) has been having annual conferences since 1974, and it brings together famous conservative political activists.

However, CPAC has become much more extremist right wing in recent years, and is very different in its advocacy now as compared to a half century ago.

It has become an authoritarian, Fascist oriented party, with loyalty to Donald Trump and the “Big Lie”, that he won the Presidential Election of 2020, not Joe Biden.

And most Republicans continue to support Donald Trump.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, a full blown Fascist with anti immigrant, white supremcaist, homophobic, and misogynistic policies, was the big “hero” of the first day of the four day conference that began on Thursday.

Among those who will be speaking at CPAC besides Donald Trump are, mostly alphabetically, the following 24 individuals:

Fox News Host Sean Hannity
Podcast Host Glenn Beck
Texas Senator Ted Cruz
Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan
Texas Governor Greg Abbott
Former White House Stragegist Steve Bannon
Arizona Congressman Andy Biggs
Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Boebert
Former HUD Secretary Ben Carson
Michigan Gubernatorial Nominee Tudor Dixon
Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz
Former White House Doctor and Texas Congressman Ronny Jackson
Arizona Gubernatorial Nominee Kari Lake
“MY Pillow” CEO Mike Lindell
Former Alaska Governor and Vice Presidential Nominee Sarah Palin
Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton
Pennsylvania Congressman Scott Perry
Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves
CPAC Chairman Matt Schlapp
Florida Senator Rick Scott
Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt
Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene
Ohio Senate nominee J D Vance

Mark Meadows EMails: Revelations Of House Republicans Conspiring To Overthrow 2020 Election Results!

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows has released emails now being examined by the House January 6 Committee, and they demonstrate how many Republican members of Congress, particularly in the House of Representatives, were conspiring to overthrow the Presidential Election of 2020 results.

Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Madison Cawthorn, Matt Gaetz, Louie Gohmert, Paul Gosar, Mo Brooks and others should all face prosecution and incarceration, as they have been shown to be traitors and seditionists.

And several US Senators, including Ted Cruz most notably, along with others not in Congress, including Rudy Guiliani, Steve Bannon, Mike Lindell, and others were conspiring to keep Donald Trump in office, despite the fact that he had not won enough states and electoral votes.

There will be hearings of the January 6 House Committee coming in June, and they will be as gripping and revealing as the Watergate hearings were five decades ago!

More Details About The January 6 Attempted Coup At The US Capitol Revealed

The following 7 members of Congress conspired to promote a coup on January 6, 2021: (from Rolling Stone Magazine)

Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia
Lauren Boebert of Colorado
Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina
Paul Gosar of Arizona
Mo Brooks of Alabama
Andy Biggs of Arizona
Louie Gohmert of Texas

The following 10 individuals plotted strategy at the Willard Hotel, one block from the White House: (from Washington Post)

Donald Trump
Donald Trump, Jr.
Rudy Giuliani
Steve Bannon
Roger Stone
Michael Flynn
Alex Jones
John Eastman
Bernie Kerik
Boris Epshteyn

There are many others involved in the plot to overthrow the Presidential Election of 2020, and install Donald Trump as a dictator!

All of these characters and others not named here need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, and imprisoned for long terms behind bars!

Only 9 House Republicans Voted To Hold Insurrectionist Steve Bannon In Contempt Of Congress

To demonstrate how corrupt and hypocritical the Republican Party has become, only NINE House Republicans had the guts and courage to uphold a contempt of Congress on former Donald Trump aide Steve Bannon, the true epitome of a full fledged Fascist-Nazi type character, who has long preached and promoted violence, bloodshed, and seizure of the government by extremist white supremacists.

These are the nine brave souls:

Liz Cheney of Wyoming
Adam Kinzinger of Illinois
Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio
Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington
John Katko of New York
Peter Meijer of Michigan
Fred Upton of Michigan
Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania
Nancy Mace of South Carolina

The first two named are on the House January 6 Committee investigating the horrid events of that day, two weeks before Inauguration Day of Joe Biden.

The next five are five of the ten, including Cheney and Kinzinger who voted to impeach Donald Trump in the second impeachment trial.

The last two are newcomers to expressing opposition to Donald Trump and his lackeys in Congress.

They are all going to be targets of Donald Trump and his supporters, as they work to cover up and act as if nothing unusual occurred on January 6, 2021.

Donald Trump On The Defensive After Arizona Recount, Subpoenas Of Trump Aides By January 6 Committee!

Donald Trump is on the defensive after the completion of the Arizona recount that was set up to try to prove that Joe Biden did not win the election for President in 2020.

Instead, it proved once again that Biden had won, and that his margin actually increased!

Still, Trump continues to try to promote more recounts, although nothing will change, except to divide America, and continue the constitutional crisis we are in!

Meanwhile, subpoenas of key Trump aides by the January 6 House Committee move forward, including Mark Meadows, the Chief of Staff, and Steve Bannon, both directly involved in inciting the US Capitol Attack

So Trump is on the defensive, as more evidence of his corruption and attempts to stage a coup on January 6 are made clear!

Donald Trump’s White House Culture Of Corruption: One Of Sleaze, Crooks, Scam Artists, Incompetence, And Pure Greed

Donald Trump’s White House is one of sleaze, crooks, scam artists, incompetence, and pure greed!

Who among people who work around Donald Trump have faced accusations or more, fitting the descriptions above?

The list is long, with no special order, with the first list (10) being former officials.

Michael Flynn, former National Security Adviser
Paul Manafort, former Trump campaign Chairman
Steve Bannon, former Senior Counselor to the President, and former White House Chief Strategist
Anthony Scaramucci, former White House Director of Communications
Hope Hicks, former White House Director of Communications
Tom Price, former Secretary of Health and Human Services
Scott Pruitt, former head of the Environmental Protection Agency
Rex Tillerson, former Secretary of State
Sean Spicer, former White House Press Secretary
Reince Priebus, former White House Chief of Staff

The list of officials (14) who are still working for Donald Trump, and fit the title of this blog entry, include, in order of ranking in the cabinet:

Secretary of The Treasury Steven Mnuchin
Attorney General Jeff Sessions
Secretary of The Interior Ryan Zinke
Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue
Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson
Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao
Secretary of Energy Rick Perry
Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos
Former Secretary of Homeland Security, and White House Chief of Staff John Kelly
Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen
Director of the Office of Management and Budget and Acting Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Mick Mulvaney
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders
White House Lawyer Rudy Giuliani

These two lists and total of 24 people are only the best known and most reported upon, but there are numerous others, lower down in influence and notice, who have also added to the degradation of the Trump Presidency.

Also, there is the corruption within the Trump family, including Donald Trump Jr, Ivanka Trump, and Jared Kushner, making this President’s family the most disgraceful First Family we have ever seen.

And we cannot ignore the reality that Vice President Mike Pence seems involved in the Trump scandals, if nothing else than simply his silence, and his constant nodding like a bobble head behind Trump, as he makes outrageous accusations and personal attacks.

There are also those who either left or were forced out due to controversy over their disagreements with Trump, with Gary Cohn, former Chief Economic Adviser, and H. R. McMaster, former National Security Adviser, two of the more well known and competent people who could not survive in the Trump White House.

So again, this list above is far from complete, but it demonstrates, minus Cohn and McMaster, the disaster of the Trump Presidency, easily the most corrupt and incompetent administration, with the strong likelihood of more indictments and convictions once the Trump Presidency has been completed, than any other President, certain to surpass Richard Nixon, Warren G. Harding, and Ulysses S Grant, for the level of disgrace brought upon the White House!

There will be many volumes in the future, analyzing and dissecting all of the specific examples of corruption during the time Donald Trump will have been in office.

Magnificent Victory For Doug Jones In Alabama: Its Meaning

Last night’s magnificent victory in Alabama for Doug Jones in the special election to replace Jeff Sessions in the US Senate has so many meanings.

It is a total repudiation of the despicable former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore.

It is a total repudiation of Donald Trump, who now has lost twice in Alabama, after doing so well in that state in 2016. He lost with Luther Strange and now with Roy Moore.

It is a total repudiation of Steve Bannon, and his continued assault on the “Establishment” in the Republican Party, and is likely to lead to a Democratic House and Senate in the 2018 Midterm Congressional elections.

It is a total repudiation of disgraceful talk show host Sean Hannity on Fox News Channel, who could end up possibly implicated in the Trump Scandals being investigated by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

On a positive vein, it demonstrates that the forces of good are there, even in Alabama, as African Americans, Latinos, women, and young people came out and voted in an off year special election at much higher rates than projected.

It is also a tribute to conservative mainstream Republican Senator Richard Shelby of Alabama, who refused to endorse and support Roy Moore, and told his supporters that he had voted a write in candidate, and that they could do so as well. As it turns out, if all of the write in votes had gone to Moore, it would have been a victory for the combative former Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court.

It was also a sign of just how good and decent Doug Jones was and is, as a prosecutor who, almost 40 years later, was able to gain convictions of Ku Klux Klansmen who killed those four young African American girls in that despicable church bombing in Birmingham in 1963. It was wonderful seeing African Americans on the stage with Jones at his victory celebration, showing the race issue does not have to divide Alabama or America.

It is also a sign of the significance of campaign adviser Joe Trippi, who earlier had worked for Walter Mondale, Gary Hart, Jerry Brown, Dick Gephardt, Ted Kennedy, and John Edwards in their various campaigns. What a great adviser Joe Trippi is!

This blogger was emotional about this great victory last night, and more so than even the great victories in New Jersey and particularly Virginia in the November off year elections.

Now it is time to move forward and force Donald Trump, who has divided America in so many hateful ways, to face the punishment he deserves, which is potential impeachment, with moral turpitude to be added to Russian Collusion, Obstruction of Justice, Abuse of Power, and Violation of the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution.

It is also time for the top people around Trump to show they have courage and to demand he resign or they resign en masse. This includes John Kelly, H. R. McMaster, James Mattis, Rex Tillerson, and Nikki Haley.

The time for the cancer of Donald Trump to be excised has come, and the Democrats must use Trump against the Republicans, if they refuse to take responsibility for the dangers and authoritarianism that he represents.

It is time for the Republicans to put nation over party.

Can General John Kelly, New White House Chief Of Staff, Reign In Donald Trump? Unlikely!

Wow, what a week!

First, we have Anthony Scaramucci come in as White House Communications Director and then go on a profanity laced tirade, which reminds us so much of Donald Trump, almost like a mini Trump.

No one at the White House had any issue with this misbehavior, including Kelly Anne Conway, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and the President, who was reported to be very happy with his attack on Reince Priebus and Steve Bannon.

Soon, Reince Priebus, the White House Chief of Staff, is fired, a week after the firing of Sean Spicer, the White House Press Secretary, eliminating the two major connections to the Republican Establishment and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan.

Meanwhile, the attack on Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Twitter by President Trump continues, and Sessions just shrugs it off, and only says it is “hurtful”.

The President makes a fool of himself and embarrasses the Boy Scout Jamboree with his political comments, and then tells police officers to be brutal with suspects, a violation of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.

Then, Trump appoints General John Kelly, the Secretary of Homeland Security, to be his new White House Chief of Staff, and yesterday, his first day on the job, Kelly fired Scaramucci after only ten days in office, and not yet on the payroll!

The chaos and anarchy is continuing, and one had to wonder whether Kelly can reign in Donald Trump, and his behavior, including his abuse of Twitter.

If Kelly cannot do it, then no one can, clear and simple!

The Trump Presidency has reached a new low, and the calendar schedule for his ultimate downfall has been hastened by what, arguably, has been his worst week in office, although every week has been horrendous!