Terminal Brain Cancer

Senator John McCain Vs. Donald Trump: The War Hero And The President With No Dignity, Class, Decency!

Arizona Senator John McCain is a great American, a war hero, a courageous and gutsy politician who suffered as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam for five and a half years.

As the son of a famous Admiral, McCain could have been released and sent home by his captors, if he was willing to repudiate the US government for the war in Vietnam, that he had participated in as a Navy pilot who was shot down.

He refused to do so, and to abandon his own comrades, and was tortured and beaten so badly that even today he cannot raise his arms above his head.

John McCain suffered great pain and torment, and now is suffering again with terminal brain cancer.

In the midst of this, John McCain has worked against the destr4uction of ObamaCare, which he had opposed when it passed in 2010, but unwilling to see 32 million people lose their health care, and wanting “regular order”, a bipartisan effort to improve, rather than destroy ObamaCare.

McCain fought a bitter election against Barack Obama, but he acted as a gentleman when a rally attender called Obama an Arab and A Muslim, and always showed respect for the 44th President, even when they disagreed on policy.

McCain has been a hero in the fight against the abuses of the Donald Trump Presidency, and he had to suffer the statement of Trump during the 2016 Presidential campaign that McCain was not w war hero, and for which Trump has never apologized.

Now Trump uses McCain as a whipping boy for the failure to destroy ObamaCare, which has been Trump’s goal from Day One, and he has encouraged his base to boo, degrade, and denounce McCain.

So we have seen ugly taunts on social media wishing McCain suffering and painful death, a true sign of mental illness by the deplorables who back Trump no matter what.

Donald Trump has demonstrated no dignity, class, decency in his dealings with anyone on any issue, and is the most disgusting excuse for a human being ever to serve in the Presidency.

If there was justice in the world, which sadly there often is not, then it would not be McCain suffering from terminal brain cancer, but rather Donald Trump for his despicable and unconscionable behavior toward McCain, and his disgraceful and hateful behavior, which is racist, nativist, Islamophobic, and misogynistic. His aim is not to unite, but divide the American people, and he has no limits in his willingness to be a demagogue, and a danger to American democracy.

But there is Karma, and somehow and some day, Trump will be held accountable for his transgressions, not only against John McCain, but also the pain and suffering he has caused so many Americans, as well as our allies overseas, by his evil doings in domestic and foreign policy.