
60th Anniversary Of March On Washington: Need For Renewal Of That Effort!

Today, 60 years after the famous March on Washington in 1963, and the legendary speech by the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther, King Jr. calling for justice and basic civil rights for African Americans and other discriminated groups, we are having a commitment to restore the civil rights that are under attack in recent years by the US Supreme Court, the Republican Party, and extreme right wing forces.

It is expected that about 100,000 people will participate in today’s commemoration in Washington, DC, as compared to the 250,000 who did so on August 28, 1963.

The struggle against forces that have taken away the right to vote requires a new national commitment to restoring the weakened Voting Rights Act of 1965.

And the open racism and nativism and misogyny promoted by Donald Trump and his minions must be fought tooth and nail through lawsuits, marches, and demonstrations against state governments that are limiting basic human rights, with Florida, Texas, Tennessee, and Alabama in the leadership of setting American rights and freedoms in the wrong direction!

Texas Violence Escalates With No Regulations, Totally Insane!

With yet another mass gun murder in Texas this past weekend, the image of Texas suffers ever greater, as it has become the most violent state, and without any idea of gun regulation, other than being a citizen and being a minimum age of 21!

Anyone can carry a firearm, including AR-15 assault weapons, in open carry legally, and there is no consideration of training, licensing, or mental health challenges, and nowhere where firearms are considered illegal to carry!

And the leaders of Texas government, including Governor Greg Abbott, the lieutenant governor and attorney general, and really, all Republicans in the state legislature, and the Texas members of the House of Representatives and US Senate, are all united in just mouthing “thoughts and prayers”.

This is purely insane, and the carnage is increading rapidly, and nationally, there have now been 201 gun massacres in 127 days of 2023!

In Texas, but really everywhere in America, no one is safe, whether in a school or college; a supermarket; a church, synagogue or mosque; a shopping mall; a movie theater; a country music festival; or a myriad of other public places, as well as the danger lurking in private homes by unstable family members who have access to weapons of mass murder!

To have no willingness to regulate guns, when Republicans are very willing to limit drag shows, to ban books, to outlaw discussions of race and gender in schools and universities, to restrict voting rights, and so many others government interventions, is a total outrage that calls for mass demonstrations and demands for action!

But of course, these same Republicans want to limit the right of the people to freedom of speech, and assembly, and this makes it clear we are dealing with Fascist oriented governments that do not care about the health and safety of their own citizens, and non citizens, alike!

No other nation has any sense of gun violence that is totally unregulated and out of control, and this makes America look like a nation that is, clearly, the most dangerous nation in the world, bar none!

And young people are being slaughtered on a level unmatched even in war zones, as America has become a national war zone!

Gerrrymandered State Legislatures–Tennessee, North Carolina, Florida, Texas And Other Republican States!

Gerrymandering of many state legislatures, particularly in “Red” states, has led to the movement to take away democracy.

This is particularly noted in Tennessee, North Carolina, Florida, and Texas, as those state legislatures take unprecedented action to strip voting rights, abortion rights, gay rights, and to reject any regulation of guns, despite consistent, every day, occurrences of gun massacres!

The “red” states are the centers of greater carnage than in “blue” states, which are totally the opposite of the “red” states on the major issues of civil rights.

Many state legislatures have become the center of autocratic leadership, such as Ron DeSantis in Florida and Greg Abbott in Texas, but also including many other states!

Republican State Legislatures Are Becoming Fascist Strongholds, Stifling Free Speech!

Republican state legislatures, many of them holding two thirds of the seats or more, are rapidly becoming Fascist strongholds, stifling free speech, free assembly, and freedom to protest!

Tennessee, by expelling two African American members joining a protest demanding gun regulations after six people are slaughtered at a Christian elementary school in Nashville, is an outrage and racist at its core, as a white woman member who took part in the protest, was not expelled!

The state legislatures in not just Tennessee, but also Florida, Texas, Mississippi, Virginia, Montana, and other “red” states, are stripping civil liberties, including the ability of the public to testify against extremist legislation, being given 30 seconds to one minute, to testify.

Arrogant, out of control governors, including Ron DeSantis of Florida, Greg Abbott of Texas, Glenn Youngkin of Virginia, and others are promoting abuses of power way out of line with constitutional government!

The three governors mentioned above all have Presidential ambitions, and clearly, would be a danger to American democracy and constitutional government, were they to gain the power of the Oval Office!

Ten States Refuse To Expand Medicaid, No Concern About Health Care For Millions!

North Carolina just became, finally, the 40th state to expand Medicaid for its poorer, less fortunate citizens!

It is mind boggling that TEN states, mostly Southern, refuse to care about health care for millions of their populations combined.

These states are:

South Carolina

This needs to be emphasized for those states that are likely to have Republican Presidential contenders, including Florida (Ron DeSantis), Texas (Greg Abbott and Ted Cruz), and South Carolina (Nikki Haley, Tim Scott).

It is unconscionable that Republicans who are supposedly “pro life” on abortion have no concern about the lives of their poor constituents!

It is a crime against humanity, and should be rectified!

Long Overdue For 11 States To Expand Medicaid Coverage!

Hard to believe, but in 2023, there are still ELEVEN states that have refused to take care of their poorer citizens by expanding Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare)!

Eight of these eleven states are in the South, including the megastates of Texas and Florida, and that should be used by the Democrats against Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis, when and if they announce for President, which at least, DeSantis is expected to do soon!

The other states that are recalcitrant, and show lack of concern for the lives of their less fortunate citizenry are Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee!

Also, outliers outside the South are Kansas, Wisconsin, and Wyoming!

It is time for these eleven states to stop their resistance, and protect human lives, as much as they are pushing for protecting every fetus in the womb!

Arizona And Georgia Key States Now, NOT Florida And Texas!

As a result of the Midterm Elections of 2022, after the Presidential Election of 2020, it is clear that Arizona and Georgia are the key states for the Democrats, although they do not make up for the Republican dominance of Florida and Texas!

But with Pennsylvania and Michigan also becoming more likely Democratic based on recent elections, and adding the Northeast and Pacific Coast, the Midwest states of Illinois and Minnesota, and a few Mountain states, such as Colorado, New Mexico, and Nevada, the prognosis for the Democrats in 2024 and beyond, is looking good, in regards to the Electoral College!

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Is Appealing To Right Wing Authoritarians!

It has become clear that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is perceived as the likely alternative to Donald Trump, among other Republicans who might seek to run for President in 2024.

What is clear is that Ron DeSantis is smarter, more intelligent than Donald Trump, which makes DeSantis very dangerous.

DeSantis is appealing to right wing authoritarians, based on his utterances and actions in office.

He has promoted the “Don’t Say Gay” legislation in Florida, persecuting gays, lesbians, and transgenders in the public schools, and dictating what can be said by educators in classrooms regarding sexuality and students.

Along with other Republicans, he is aiming to avoid the subject of race in the teaching of history, distorting the truth of the American past. He has attacked CRT (Critical Race Theory), which is not taught in schools, but he also does not want the unfortunate reality of racism and discrimination in the American past to be taught at all in schools and universities.

DeSantis is promoting book banning, affecting libraries and schools, and encouraging parents and school boards to promote censorship, interfering with students right to read books that should continue to be available.

He has promoted the anti abortion movement, and weakened gun safety laws, making the state much more dangerous to its citizens.

Anyone who is critical of him is attacked, including Walt Disney World, and Democratic prosecutors elected to office, who he dismisses from their positions on political grounds.

DeSantis has suppressed the vote, aiming to make it more difficult for the basic right of citizens to vote.

He has promoted gerrymandering that took away two House of Representatives seats from African Americans.

DeSantis resisted the COVID 19 Pandemic, working against vaccination requirements, face mask mandates, and stay at home orders, and this has led to Florida having the third most deaths, but not far behind California and Texas, although they have much larger populations.

He sent 50 Venezuelan refugee migrants who had applied for political asylum legally to Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, as part of his political strategy to challenge the Biden Administration, but showing no concern about the cost to the state of Florida, and the lack of concern or respect for people escaping a left wing authoritarian dictatorship in Venezuela.

DeSantis is very hostile and antagonistic toward the news media, and bans them from many press conferences, only allowing right wing news media, including Fox News Channel to be present.

He is seen as appealing to right wing authoritarian promoters, and therefore, is seen as a threat to American democracy and the rule of law, were he to be nominated for and elected to the Presidency!

The Nation In Crisis Over Mass Gun Murders

This author and blogger was on vacation in DC to see his older son, but the news cycles did not give him or anyone a break!

The shocking mass murder of 19 children and two teachers in Uvalde, Texas by an 18 year old disturbed young man who purchased two AR-15 style rifles, is incomprehensible to fathom!

It has happened too often before, and yet the nation is paralyzed and unable to react, due to the evil power of the gun lobby, the National Rifle Association, and almost all Republicans in Congress and in state legislatures!

Ironically, the party that is “pro life” to the point of wanting to prevent any and all abortions, is unwilling to do anything to protect children in schools, as well as adults in all kinds of situations, including theaters, shopping malls, supermarkets, nightclubs, churches, synagogues, mosques, outdoor concerts, and every other imaginable location!

America is killing its children, while demanding every fetus must be born, an absolute insanity, and no compassion is witnessed in Texas about the horrendous disaster, and the unwillingness of law enforcement to go in and attempt to save the children and teachers!

Texas has become the model of the absolute worst in America in so many ways, with Florida a close second, and this indicates the disastrous future of the nation if gun rights win out over human rights to live!

The Attack On Teachers And Librarians

Those individuals who dedicate their lives and careers as teachers and librarians are facing a crisis unseen in American history.

The Republican Party and the extreme right wing has declared war on teachers and librarians, promoting censorship and direct threats against those who promote free inquiry and tolerance!

The move of some state and local governments, and of some right wing media, such as Fox News Channel, One America News Network (OANN) and NewsMax, to threaten lawsuits and loss of employment to those who educate our children and to ban books and other materials some find objectionable, is an attack on the Bill of Rights and the promotion of truth and facts!

No wonder many teachers and librarians are leaving their professions, as state laws in Texas, Florida and elsewhere allow for parents or others to begin lawsuits, when such people are not qualified to dictate what the curriculum should be in schools, or to ban books and other materials on book shelves in libraries!

Does anyone promote that medical doctors, attorneys, accountants and others be subjected to ignorant parents and extremist elements to dictate their fields of work and what are acceptable policies and programs?

This blogger and author could not imagine trying to teach in the public schools at any level in today’s environment, where not only is there conflict over teaching of “Social Studies” and “Science”, but also even Literature, Foreign Languages, and most crazily, Mathematics!

Why should the state of Florida, for instance, be able to ban certain Math textbooks on the crazy idea that they contain CRT (Critical Race Theory), and they do not have any connection at all?

How can anyone deal with students at any level in any curriculum field without recognizing the role of teachers and librarians in educating students on issues of race and sexuality, which are and will be dominant factors in their future lives?

This attack on educators and librarians is a movement toward totalitarian and authoritarian Fascism, and the battle against such evil is joined, and must be fought to ultimate victory!