The Heritage Foundation

Kevin Roberts, Leonard Leo, Harlan Crow—Dangers To American Democracy And Rule Of Law!

The extreme Right Wing is in full bloom, with The Federalist Society and The Heritage Foundation on an extensive campaign to promote Project 2025, with its emphasis on revolutionary change to American government and society, with an emphasis on advocacy of white Christian Nationalism.

Kevin Roberts, the head of The Heritage Foundation has openly declared war, drawing attention to the evil plans of Project 2025, which this author and blogger has dissected in the past couple of weeks.

Leonard Leo has been engaged in promotion of an extreme right wing judiciary, including the Supreme Court.

Harlan Crow has corrupted Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas through gifts and favors for decades, creating a crisis for the Supreme Court reputation.

These men are super wealthy and represent a threat to the survival of American democracy and the rule of law. They will stop at nothing to impose their extremist views on America.

So this upcoming Presidential and Congressional elections are a battle for the future of America, more important than any election in close to a century!

Project 2025: Final Conclusions On Danger Of Extremist Right Wing Agenda!

This author and blogger has spent a week describing the organization, the Heritage Foundation, and its threatening leader, Kevin Roberts.

There is so much that needs to be written about Project 2025, but I will summarize for now the major ideas and points, with the possibility that in the future weeks and months, the subject of this threat to American democracy, the Constitution, and rule of law will be addressed further.

Project 2025 presents a threat to the nation in so many ways:

The possibility of a dictatorship, with dangerous followers and believers in Donald Trump, imposing their will on the American people, and destroying the nation as we come upon its 250th anniversary in 2026.

The destruction of the federal government and its agencies and departments, ending the civil service bureaucracy created under the Pendleton Act of 1883.

The threat to America’s position in world affairs, with the possibility of the destruction of our foreign alliances, and instead, collaboration with authoritarian dictatorships, based upon the Communist model, despite Trump claiming the Democrats are “Communists, Socialists”!

The destruction of the environment, as climate change and global warming becomes more of a crisis every year, undermining the health and safety of millions of Americans, mostly those who are poor and deprived.

The clear racism and antisemitism and misogyny that Project 2025 promotes, in the name of white Christian nationalism and supremacy, in a nation founded on separation of church and state.

The threat of military and police control, taking away the civil liberties of the Bill of Rights and the Civil Rights Era under Chief Justice Earl Warren and the Supreme Court in the 1950s and 1960s.

The destruction of the American economy, with the continuing dominance of corporations and billionaires, and the subjugation of workers and unions, all in the name of unbridled capitalism, as existed in the Gilded Age of the late 19th century in America.

The undermining of public education, instead promoting propaganda and mistruths about history, science, literature, and other areas of the curriculum, all part of a plan to control the minds of the future generations to accept the goals of those who wish to control them in an authoritarian matter long term!

The arrest, prosecution, and imprisonment of political critics and destruction of a free press, and expanding a judiciary that promotes a right wing agenda long term!

These threats must be met by resolve to prevent this extremism from gaining power, and destroying the American nation!

Project 2025: Attack On Women, Minorities, Gay And Transgender Rights

Project 2025, created by the right wing think tank The Heritage Foundation, is a direct attack on the civil rights of vulnerable groups, including women, racial minorities, immigrants, and gay and transgender Americans, despite Donald Trump’s claim that he has no connection to this group or project, yet another lie added to the tens of thousands he has enunciated since 2015!

It would work to ban all abortions nationwide with no exceptions for rape, incest, and life of the mother.

It would retract the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and other laws and rules that have promoted protection for racial minorities.

It would end birth right citizenship, and arrest and imprison millions of undocumented immigrants before deportation.

It would arrest and imprison all homeless people, and put a ban on Muslim immigrants.

It would repeal gay rights and gay marriage rights, and promote discrimination against transgender Americans.

This attack on vulnerable groups would set up a society in which white Christian supremacy and nationalism would reign.

It would destroy the concept of a multi racial, multi ethnic society where human rights and freedom would reign!

Project 2025: Pro Authoritarian, Anti Democracy!

Project 2025, the 900 plus pages document from The Heritage Foundation, is a total disaster when it comes to foreign policy.

It promotes “warm” relations with the Russian Federation, despite its war with Ukraine; with China, despite the looming threat to Taiwan: and with North Korea, despite the looming threat to South Korea and Japan, and really all of Southeast Asia.

Trump would refuse to support Ukraine, a continuation of his view on that nation; and has been sharply critical of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), endangering the 32 nations in that alliance, which has promoted European stability and democracy in most of those nations.

Donald Trump is promoting isolationism, failing to understand that it endangers national security and undermines American intelligence agencies and the close relations our nation has, including cooperation between the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of State, and the Department of Defense with foreign governments.

The fact that he praises Vladimir Putin of Russia, Xi Jinping of China, and Kim Jong Un of North Korea on a continuing basis is alarming and dangerous!

Project 2025: Authoritarian Fascism Replacing Democracy!

Project 2025, the work of the Heritage Foundation, is a declaration of war on American democracy, the US Constitution, and the rule of law.

Authoritarian Fascism would replace the kind of government we have had for nearly 250 years.

It would establish a dictatorship, with a crazed, unstable criminal in charge, and even if Donald Trump was not aware of policy details, there would be a massive number of ideological loyalists, much younger, who would be making policy and enforcing discipline, with some of them already involved in illegal and criminal activities in the first Trump administration.

Trump has made clear he wants to be a dictator on Day One, but clearly it would not stop on that day!

Project 2025 would allow Trump the ability to deploy the military against American citizens who utilized the right of assembly to protest government policies!

Project 2025 would promote the arrest and deportation of up to 11 million non citizens, who would be placed in internment camps, a reminder of what happened to Japanese Americans in World War II!

Project 2025 would allow the termination of tens of thousands government employees, to be replaced by Trump loyalists, who would have a deleterious effect on government policy in a multitude of areas!

Project 2025 would promote Christian Nationalism, and impose religious beliefs in public schools, already occurring in Louisiana and Oklahoma, ignoring the reality that it would undermine religious freedom and separation of church and state!

Project 2025 would allow political persecution of opponents, both in government and the media, with Trump threatening imprisonment of prominent critics, including those who investigated the January 6, 2021 US Capitol Insurrection!

Trump himself has said that while he wants everyone to vote in 2024, that he does not care if they vote after that, implying there may not be any future elections as he would be President for life!

So much more will be delineated in future articles, but all of the above is alarming to the extreme, and every effort must be made to insure that Donald Trump never gets near the Oval Office again!

Project 2025: Attack On Crucial Government Agencies And Federal Regulations!

Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation plan to promote massive right wing government in America, is a direct attack on crucial government agencies:

Eliminate the Department of Energy
Eliminate the Department of Education
Eliminate the Department of Commerce
Eliminate the Food and Drug Administration
Eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency
Eliminate the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Eliminate the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Transform the Department of Justice to an agency controlled by the White House
Radically Change the Federal Bureau of Investigation
Radically Change the Department of Homeland Security
Repeal Dodd-Frank Financial Regulations
Reduce Business Regulations
End Funding of National Public Radio and the Public Broadcasting System
Privatize the Federal Aviation Administration
Repeal Net Neutrality regulations

The whole concept of an “Administrative State”, which has been part of American government since Theodore Roosevelt onward, and with both parties, Democrats and Republicans, is under threat, as it is also due to recent Supreme Court decisions!

Project 2025: War On Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, FDA, Affordable Care Act

This author and blogger will delineate over the next days and weeks just how destructive the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 would be if enacted, with Donald Trump fully aware of the details, despite his false claim that he has no knowledge of the ideas organized by his own supporters and allies.

Regarding basic social programs that have long existed, and are basic to the lives of tens of millions of Americans, Project 2025 promotes the following:

Privatization of Social Security
Raising the Retirement Age for Social Security
Cut Social Security benefits
Cut Medicare benefits
Repeal the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare)
Raise Prescription Drug Prices
Dismantle the Food and Drug Administration
Threaten Medicaid Coverage for hundreds of thousands of Americans
Privatize veterans’ healthcare
Reduce funding for public health programs

This is a declaration of war on Theodore Roosevelt and the Progressive Era; Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal; Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society; the reforms promoted by Barack Obama and Joe Biden; and on the Democratic Party promoted reforms that became law under Republican Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and George H. W. Bush (all having to deal with Democratic controlled Congresses).

The Massive Dangers Of Project 2025 And The Heritage Foundation

Project 2025, promoted by the Heritage Foundation, is a warning sign to America and the world!

It is an attack on everything decent that has occurred in the 20th and 21st century to expand democracy and freedom in America and the world at large!

If left to their evil intentions, the Heritage Foundation and its Project 2025 would repeal the reforms of the Progressive Era, the New Deal, the Great Society, the Obama-Biden reforms, and the massive efforts of Democrats to promote and pass significant reforms under Republican Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and George H. W. Bush.

The reason for some significant reforms under Republican Presidents was due to Democratic control of Congress, a situation that was not the case under Republicans Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump.

Over the next days and weeks, this author and blogger will make clear the massive threats and dangers presented by extremist right wing forces, which if enacted, would bring America back to the late 19th Century Gilded Age era!