Donald Trump’s Attack On News Media And The Free Press

Donald Trump has declared war on a free news media, and is clearly out to do whatever he can to suppress truth and facts.

Trump and his party in Congress has threatened to take away the public support of National Public Radio (NPR) and Public Broadcasting Service (PBS).

He has launched lawsuits, or threatened such, against CBS, ABC, and major newspapers.

The Pentagon under Pete Hegseth has replaced major news media with work stations from the most substantial organizations to those with far less reputation and expertise.

So the following have been denied frontline status—NBC News, the NY Times, National Public Radio, Politico, CNN, Washington Post, and The Hill.

They are being replaced by: NY Post, Breitbart News, Daily Caller, Washington Examiner, One America News Network, Newsmax, and the Huffington Post, with all but the latter being right wing media sources.

These actions are designed to create an “obedient” news media that will inform the American people what propaganda Donald Trump and his administration want to be promoted as facts and truth, rather than actual reality, but it will not work, as a free press will defy Trump’s attempts to destroy the First Amendment!

Celebration, As This “Progressive Professor” Blog Reaches Its 6,000th Posting, After Nearly Ten Years!

Today, June 8, 2018 is a day to celebrate, as this posting you are now reading is the 6,000th posting since the author began this expression of his beliefs and of important historical and political events nearly ten years ago.

In two months and three days (August 11), it will be exactly ten years since my son, David Feinman, knowing my strong knowledge of history, and passion for politics, suggested that I start a blog.

Now, nearly ten years later, my blog not only includes the 6,000 postings, but also many intelligent and contributory comments by my readers and supporters.

It also includes a wide variety of web sites on the right side, as well as all of my History News Network articles, and those reproduced on Time and Newsweek, as well as articles on The Hill website.

Additionally, my C Span events on my Assassinations book, and a wide multitude of radio appearances are included, especially those on WWGH 107.1 FM, Marion, Ohio, over the past year, as well as others on Blog Talk Radio and other sites, and also relevant newspaper articles, and several videos of lectures on Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy, and Lyndon B. Johnson at Florida Atlantic University Lifelong Learning in Jupiter, Florida.

This has been a fascinating and enriching nearly ten years, and I hope to continue to do this blog for many more years.

And I invite all of my readers to continue to contribute their comments and ideas, as they add a lot to this blog!

Danger Of Civil Unrest And Violence Growing, And The Blame Is On Donald Trump For Inciting It!

We have to fear now for the future of our nation, as Donald Trump has sowed what he incited: civil unrest and violence, reaching its peak with troubles in Chicago, causing the cancellation of a Trump rally last night.

Donald Trump has promoted violence and division with his rhetoric, including calling demonstrators names and having them evicted, with some being beaten up by hoodlums in the crowds, particularly if one is African American or Latino.

Journalists have also been mistreated and abused by Trump people, and Trump seems unconcerned about the chaos and anarchy he is promoting.

This blogger has written on and on History News Network of his concern that all of this turmoil, encouraged by Trump but also the Republican Party with its refusal to give support and respect to Barack Obama over the past seven years in a way unseen in the past by any political party, will lead to the danger of assassination of Trump or some other Presidential candidate.

Assassination is NEVER the answer to any political disagreements, but we know that Huey P. Long was assassinated in 1935 and George C. Wallace paralyzed for life in 1972 by assassins, stirred by their demagoguery, so Trump is treading dangerous ground.

A reminder that Chapter 7 and Chapter 11 of my book cover the stories of these two tragic events surrounding Long and Wallace!

We must all pray that civil order reign, and that Donald Trump recognize his responsibilities to lower the temperature of political debate, but it looks as if we are gearing up for a tumultuous year surrounding the Presidential Election of 2016, unmatched since the Presidential Election of 1968!

Five Articles Published On History News Network Now Available On Right Side Of Blog, Along With Two Articles On

This blogger wanted to draw attention to five articles he has published in the past five weeks on History News Network (, relating to my book on Presidential Assassinations, and also on recent political events.

They are posted on the right hand side of the blog under Articles and Op-Eds, along with two article on website.

More articles are coming from History News Network soon, as at least three articles have been accepted.

So I suggest my readers look at these articles and future ones, all listed on this blog, along with radio interviews and C Span, with one more C Span to come next weekend, which I will announce soon!

Paris Terror Attack Makes Clear Growing Threat To President And Presidential Candidates!

My new book on Presidential assassinations and threats has pointed out the constant and growing danger of assassination threats to our Presidents, including Barack Obama, and my recent op-ed in THE HILL on October 22 drew attention to the growing threat to Presidential candidates, with Donald Trump and Dr. Benjamin Carson now, after much delay, receiving Secret Service protection.  Hillary Clinton, as former First Lady, automatically receives such protection.

As I have pointed out, all Presidential candidates deserve at least some protection, with those doing better in attracting crowds and gaining in public opinion polls having more protection, which would now include Bernie Sanders, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and Jeb Bush at the least.

The idea that the French President, Francois Hollande, was in danger at the soccer stadium at the time of the Paris terror attack last night, and had to be whisked out is alarming, and all Western European leaders, as well as those from Canada, Australia and the US are going to need  heightened protection in this age of terrorism gone overseas from the Middle East to the rest of the civilized world.

The western world is faced with a crisis that Pope Francis has called World War III, but without organized governments engaged in the terrorism, presenting a massive challenge as these terrorists are willing to commit suicide to achieve their goals, unlike the former Soviet Union, which was a constant threat during the Cold War, but also had leadership that wished to win, rather than sacrifice their lives.

So as a result, it was possible over time to overcome the Soviet threat, but in this age of terrorism, it is hard to see a resolution of this crisis no matter what the strategy is that is adopted.

We live in the most crucial time since World War II, and we need statesmanship and courage to meet the challenge!