The Lincoln Project

Democrats Need To Follow Lincoln Project Strategy: Go On Attack Against Trumpists!

The Democratic Party needs to follow the strategy of the Lincoln Project, a PAC (Political Action Committee) organization formed in 2019 to fight Donald Trump and his ilk, and continuing to attack Donald Trump and his supporters in public office after the January 6, 2021 Insurrection.

The Lincoln Project has continued to put out strong ads on cable and on Twitter, convinced that is the only way to stop Trump and the people who surround, support, and defend him, and to weaken his appeal.

They also want to undermine any future candidacy by either him or his “copycats”, including Ron DeSantis, Greg Abbott, Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Tom Cotton and innumerable others.

This is a battle for American democracy, and to revive the reputation of a party which, historically, had great leadership before the present orientation toward authoritarianism!

So Democrats have to stop being “nice guys”, and go on the attack and defend their principles against a party that has rapidly gone downhill toward Fascism!

The Republican Accountability Project Priceless In Its Attack On Trump And His Supporters

The Republican Accountability Project is dedicated to defending the principles of the Republican Party and is against Donald Trump and everything he stands for, including the January 6, 2021 US Capitol Insurrection.

In league with the earlier Lincoln Project, designed to undermine Trump in the 2020 Presidential Election cycle, those Republicans and conservatives in the earlier and present organizations are working to insure that the conservative values they share are able to prevent the future nomination of Donald Trump for President in 2024, and any other political leader who has been willing to sell their soul to support and court Donald Trump.

Those in the group include: George Conway, whose wife KellyAnne Conway, worked for Trump during his Presidency and still supports him; Steve Schmidt, who worked for John McCain in his 2008 Presidential campaign; John Weaver; Rick Wilson; Michael Steele, former head of the Republican National Committee in 2009-2010; Kurt Bardella; Susan Del Percio; Stuart Stevens; Max Boot; Jennifer Rubin; Bill Kristol; Mike Murphy; Miles Taylor; and Olivia Troye.

The ads the Republican Accountability Project has produced, and will continue to do so, hopefully will lead to the failure of Trumpism to keep a hold on the party as we near the Midterm Elections of 2022 and the Presidential Election of 2024!

CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) A Mockery Of Conservatism And The Party Of Lincoln!

The annual CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) took place for four days last week in Orlando, Florida, the home of three of the absolutely worst political leaders imaginable–Governor Ron DeSantis, Senator and former Governor Rick Scott, and Senator Marco Rubio!

White Supremacists and lovers of Vladimir Putin, who is waging war on Ukraine, dominated the four days of speeches, and showed just how authoritarian oriented these so called conservatives are, who have made a mockery of conservatism and the party of Lincoln!

There was no support of the brave Ukranians, fighting against the most dangerous man on the planet, Vladimir Putin, but lunatic support of Donald Trump, the most dangerous man in America, who keeps his legions of supporters loyal to his anti democratic, anti NAT0 and Fascist authoritarianism, which waged war on the US Capitol on January 6, 2021!

The CPAC poll for the 2024 Republican Presidential nomination had Trump winning 59 percent of the vote, to Ron DeSantis and 28 percent, second year in a row of CPAC still supporting the traitor and seditionist Donald Trump!

The true conservatives—the Lincoln Project—and such leaders as Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Mitt Romney, Ben Sasse, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Larry Hogan, Charlie Baker, Chris Sununu, along with fellow former Republicans outside of government—are working to undermine the Trump legions, and save the party future!

Republicans For Biden Or Not Supporting Trump

There are many Republicans, mostly not presently in public office, who have made it clear they are not supporting Donald Trump for reelection, and some going further and endorsing Joe Biden.

Among those making clear they will not back Trump are the following:

Former President George W. Bush

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush

Senator Mitt Romney of Utah

Former National Security Adviser John Bolton

Former Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona

Retired Four Star Navy Admiral William McRaven (who directed the raid that killed Osama bin Laden in 2011)

Among those expressing doubt but not yet committing are the following:

Former Speaker of the House John Boehner of Ohio

Former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan of Wisconsin

Former White House Chief of Staff and General John Kelly

Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska

Former Congressman and Governor Mark Sanford of South Carolina

Former Director of National Intelligence and Senator Dan Coats of Indiana

Among those formally endorsing and supporting Joe Biden are the following:

Former Governor and Congressman John Kasich of Ohio

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg

Former New Jersey Governor Christie Todd Whitman

Former California gubernatorial nominee Meg Whitman of California

Former Secretary of Defense and Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel

Former Secretary of Defense and Marine Corps General James Mattis

Cindy McCain, wife of former Senator John McCain

Former Presidential contender in 2016 Carly Fiorina

Former Congresswoman Susan Molinari of New York

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell

Former Department of Homeland Security Chief of Staff Miles Taylor

Retiring Florida Congressman Francis Rooney

Conservative commentator George Will

Conservative commentator Bill Kristol

Republican strategist Steve Schmidt

Republican strategists Rick Wilson

Republican strategist John Weaver

Republican strategist George Conway, husband of Trump advisor KellyAnne Conway

Also, a number of Republican groups opposed to Trump are spending tens of millions on advertising to oppose Trump, including

The Lincoln Project

Republican Voters Against Trump

43 Alumni For Joe Biden PAC (referring to George W. Bush)

Republicans For The Rule Of Law

Republican And Conservative Anti Trump Groups Who Want Trump Held Accountable On Eve Of Impeachment

The Lincoln Project and Republicans for the Rule Of Law are two Republican and Conservative anti Trump groups which have formed, and want Donald Trump held accountable on the eve of his impeachment by the House of Representatives.

The Lincoln Project Super PAC founders are George Conway (husband of Trump aide Kellyanne Conway), Steve Schmidt, John Weaver, and Rick Wilson.

The Republicans for the Rule Of Law is headed by Bill Kristol, and many conservatives have bitterly denounced Trump for years, including Jennifer Rubin, Max Boot, and George Will.

It is time for former Ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman to denounce Trump, joining John Kasich, former Ohio Governor in that direction.

Former Florida Congressman David Jolly has been a major personality working against Trump on MSNBC commentary.

The only hope for the Republican Party future is to start the fight to redirect the party away from the cancer of Donald Trump!