Theodore Roosevelt

The Republican Party Is Dead; It Is Now The Trumplican Party!

It is now official!

The Republican Party has died at the age of 170!

Born in Ripon, Wisconsin on March 20, 1854, as an antislavery and antislavery expansion party, it passed away on July 15, 2024, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, as Donald Trump selected Ohio Senator JD Vance as his Vice Presidential running mate!

The legacy of the Republican Party, and its great Presidential luminaries—Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan–has been repudiated by selecting the future potential leader of the party, JD Vance!

He rejects the foreign policy principles the party pursued in the years since 1945, and with the “mainstream” Republicans of the Reagan-Bush era totally repudiated in domestic affairs by the era of Donald Trump.

It can now be renamed the TRUMPLICAN Party!

Project 2025: Attack On Crucial Government Agencies And Federal Regulations!

Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation plan to promote massive right wing government in America, is a direct attack on crucial government agencies:

Eliminate the Department of Energy
Eliminate the Department of Education
Eliminate the Department of Commerce
Eliminate the Food and Drug Administration
Eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency
Eliminate the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Eliminate the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Transform the Department of Justice to an agency controlled by the White House
Radically Change the Federal Bureau of Investigation
Radically Change the Department of Homeland Security
Repeal Dodd-Frank Financial Regulations
Reduce Business Regulations
End Funding of National Public Radio and the Public Broadcasting System
Privatize the Federal Aviation Administration
Repeal Net Neutrality regulations

The whole concept of an “Administrative State”, which has been part of American government since Theodore Roosevelt onward, and with both parties, Democrats and Republicans, is under threat, as it is also due to recent Supreme Court decisions!

Project 2025: War On Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, FDA, Affordable Care Act

This author and blogger will delineate over the next days and weeks just how destructive the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 would be if enacted, with Donald Trump fully aware of the details, despite his false claim that he has no knowledge of the ideas organized by his own supporters and allies.

Regarding basic social programs that have long existed, and are basic to the lives of tens of millions of Americans, Project 2025 promotes the following:

Privatization of Social Security
Raising the Retirement Age for Social Security
Cut Social Security benefits
Cut Medicare benefits
Repeal the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare)
Raise Prescription Drug Prices
Dismantle the Food and Drug Administration
Threaten Medicaid Coverage for hundreds of thousands of Americans
Privatize veterans’ healthcare
Reduce funding for public health programs

This is a declaration of war on Theodore Roosevelt and the Progressive Era; Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal; Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society; the reforms promoted by Barack Obama and Joe Biden; and on the Democratic Party promoted reforms that became law under Republican Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and George H. W. Bush (all having to deal with Democratic controlled Congresses).

Republican Party Destroying Its Future

While there are a small number of Republicans who are refusing to support Donald Trump in his Presidential campaign, the vast majority have decided to drink the Kool Aid and are sacrificing their principles, honor, and historical reputation in backing a convicted felon.

The hypocrisy is massive, and they have no sense of shame, ethics or morals.

The day will come when they will regret their decision to work against democracy and the rule of law, and they will go down as the villains who destroyed the party of Lincoln, TR, Ike, Reagan, the Bushes, Romney, McCain, and many moderate, mainstream Governors and Senators of recent decades.

A true, principled conservative party will rise from the ashes of the 170 years old party, now in its death knell!

RFK Jr Brain Worm Revelation, Added To Everything Else, Disqualifies Him!

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr is disgracing the reputation of his extended family, and is clearly delusional in saying, as he did on MSNBC with Ari Melber last night, that he can win the Presidency.

The revelation of a brain worm years ago, and other health and lifestyle issues, and added to his crazy conspiracy theories, and anti vaccine looniness, makes him totally unqualified for the Presidency.

So far, he is only on a few state ballots, but insists he will be on all 50 states and DC ballots.

He was very argumentative and irrational with Ari Melber, demonstrating he cannot control his behavior, making him just as dangerous or possibly more so than Donald Trump.

He also acts as if he is “young”, when he is 70 years old, and has never held public office, in common with Donald Trump before 2016.

The gall of this unstable man, to think he is qualified, and that he will be the first independent candidate who can win, when even Theodore Roosevelt only won 6 states and 88 electoral votes in 1912 after having been President for 7.5 years, is beyond belief and credulity.

Right Wing Supreme Court A Threat To All Federal Regulations, Attempt To Repeal All Reforms Since Theodore Roosevelt Onward!

The Right Wing Supreme Court can be seen as a threat to all federal regulations, as the Federalist Society and other right wing extremist groups are clearly attempting to wipe out all federal regulations that have occurred in the past century since the Progressive Era, through the New Deal and Great Society, and expanded further by Barack Obama and Joe Biden’s time in the Presidency.

If left to their whims and desires, the Supreme Court would wipe out the regulatory roles of many federal agencies that have evolved from Theodore Roosevelt onward.

These include;

The Food and Drug Administration

The Environmental Protection Agency

The Consumer Product Safety Commission

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Department of Health and Human Services

Department Of Labor

Department of Education

and many federal laws promoting regulations of banks and corporations in the public interest, voting rights, working against discrimination towards women and various racial and ethnic minorities, and so much more!

APSA Presidential Greatness Poll 2024: The Next President On Mt. Rushmore, And Most Polarizing And Least Polarizing Presidents!

The American Political Science Association Presidential Greatness Poll 2024 also asks participants who they would consider should join George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt on the Mt. Rushmore National Monument in South Dakota.

The overwhelming choice was Franklin D. Roosevelt by a wide margin (65.4%), with Barack Obama second with 11%, and a three way tie at 4% among Dwight D. Eisenhower, James Madison, and John F. Kennedy.

And the most Polarizing Presidents were Donald Trump, Andrew Jackson, Barack Obama, Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, and George W. Bush in that order, with the least Polarizing Presidents being George Washington, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Abraham Lincoln, Harry Truman, Franklin D.Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy in that order.

APSA Presidential Greatness Poll: Top 10 Presidents In 2024 Survey

The American Political Science Association Presidential Greatness project has published its findings, just in time for Presidents’ Day today.

This is the first in a number of days of discussion of the results.

The top 10 Presidents in the Survey demonstrates the rise of Democratic Presidents, who now number five of the group—with Franklin D. Roosevelt as number 2, behind Abraham Lincoln, surpassing George Washington who is now number 3; Harry Truman remaining number 6; Barack Obama amazingly rising to number 7, the highest he has been on any Presidential scholarly survey; and Lyndon B. Johnson surpassing John F. Kennedy, with Johnson number 9 and Kennedy number 10.

Additionally in the top ten is Truman successor Dwight D. Eisenhower as number 8, making five presidents in a row from FDR through LBJ part of the top ten.

Theodore Roosevelt as number 4 and Thomas Jefferson as number 5 remain consistently in their positions in the top 10.

So besides five Democrats in the top 10, there are three Republicans (Lincoln, TR, Ike), along with Federalist George Washington and Democratic-Republican Jefferson.

Supreme Court Could Be Repealing The 20th Century In Challenge To 1984 Chevron Case Decision

Conservative right wing groups are now attempting to repeal the 20th century concept of federal government regulation of the environment, financial markets, public health, and the workplace, in a challenge to the Chevron USA vs National Resources Defense Council case of 1984, decided by a unanimmous 6 member court of Republicans and conservatives.

The decision was written by Associate Justice John Paul Stevens, and agreed with by Chief Justice Warren Burger, and Associate Justices William Brennan, Lewis Powell, Harry Blackmun, and Byron White. All but White were appointed by Republican Presidents. And three Justices did not participate, Sandra Day O’Connor, William Rehnquist, and Thurgood Marshall, with only Marshall appointed by a Democratic President.

So the Court of 1984 had SEVEN Republican appointments, but reasonable Justices, as compared to the present Supreme Court of six Republican appointments.

So the case now being considered is an attempt to wipe out the federal regulatory state–in effect wiping out the Progressive Era of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson; the New Deal of Franklin D. Roosevelt and followup by Harry Truman and John F. Kennedy; the Great Society of Lyndon B. Johnson, and followup by Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, and Bill Clinton; and the commitment to further reforms by Barack Obama and Joe Biden! Notice that Richard Nixon is included with this list of Democratic Presidents who promoted federal regulation and reforms, the one Republican, who despite his shortcomings, actually added to federal regulation!

We are at a turning point, where our federal government could be weakened and go back as far as the Gilded Age of the late 19th century by an extremist Supreme Court. This is a constitutional crisis of massive proportions, and puts American democracy at risk!

The Republican Party And Race, Repudiation Of Founding Of The Party 170 Years Ago!

With the new year 2024 coming tomorrow, it will mark 170 years since the Founding of the Republican Party in 1854, dedicated to opposition to the expansion of slavery, and including abolitionists in its midst, who committed themselves to the total end of slavery.

For many decades after the end of slavery, Southern Democrats promoted discrimination against African Americans, including lynchings, Jim Crow segregation, and denial of voting rights, and also a nativist attitude toward Catholic and Jewish immigration.

Sixty years ago, the Democratic Party under Lyndon B. Johnson finally liberated the party from this racism and nativism, only to have these Southern Democrats rush en masse to the Republican Party.

There was still a great deal of resistance by many Republicans, until the rise of Donald Trump, but now, the Republican Party has become an openly racist and nativist party without shame, and has also worked against women’s rights and voting rights.

The Republicans of the founding era would be shocked at how the Republican Party has repudiated its basic principles.

The Presidential and Congressional Elections of 2024 give decent Americans the opportunity to repudiate the disgraceful Republican Party, which puts Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and decent Congressional Republicans who contributed to American history on a totally different level than the modern disaster the party has become!