The issue of wealth has come up in the Presidential campaign, and there is a need to make some points VERY CLEAR!
Barack Obama was not born to wealth, and the essence of his present wealth is his sale of his two best selling books, which has earned him a few million dollars. He also has WORKED his entire adult life, and has served in public office since 1996.
Mitt Romney, despite his protests to the contrary, came from wealth, and has spent his life creating more wealth for himself, without ever really understanding what work is all about, beyond associating with wealthy people. He has not created anything new, made any major contribution to society, other than his brief stint with the Salt Lake Olympics, and only has had four years in public office, so that he could claim public service without making a commitment to it. He has not given any great philanthropy, other than to his church, the Mormon Church.
Newt Gingrich had a career as an unsuccessful college professor, and then twenty years in public service, making great connections and associations, so that when he left public office under a cloud, he could manipulate and deceive in many different ways so as to enrich himself as a lobbyist, despite his protestations to the contrary, and get paid for making speeches and writings that promoted mostly propaganda and character attacks on others. He enriched himself by millions of dollars, and has lived the good life while assuring that most of his earnings were taxed at the same low rate as Mitt Romney, but portraying himself as “one of us” with a $500,000 Tiffany expense account!
Barack Obama is wealthy through his own books and hard work. Mitt Romney is super wealthy through his manipulation of money in his career at Bain Capital and avoiding work so as to be taxed at a very low rate, lower than most Americans. Newt Gingrich is wealthy because of his manipulation of his contacts and associations, and having no scruples, ethics or morals!
Is everything clear now, regarding comparing these three men’s wealth?