Tim Scott

The Sycophantic Republican Senators To Donald Trump: Spineless Wonders!

Republican Senators from 2016 onward are clearly “Spineless Wonders”, knowing that Donald Trump is horrendous, but fearful of taking a stand against him, even if they did so in earlier years, and even after he insulted them, and in some cases, family members as well!

Who are these “Spineless Wonders”?

Ted Cruz of Texas
Marco Rubio of Florida
Lindsey Graham of South Carolina
Tim Scott of South Carolina
John Cornyn of Texas

And now add John Thune of South Carolina and likely, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, going along for party “unity” for reasons of ambition in the case of Thune; and McConnell for no reason that makes any sense, as he is leaving party leadership at the end of this year.

Only a few Republican Senators are gutsy enough not to join the “Spineless Wonders”, including

Mitt Romney of Utah
Lisa Murkowski of Alaska
Susan Collins of Maine

The Horrors Of Donald Trump’s “Short List” Of VP Possibilities

The “Short List” of Vice Presidential possibities for Donald Trump is a list of horrors!

The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) had a straw poll of attendees and the list of candidates was as follows, with two ties:

Vivek Ramaswamy
Kristi Noem

Tulsi Gabbard

Elise Stefanik
Tim Scott

Byron Donalds

Kari Lake

They are all horrendous in different degrees, but Ramaswamy is the worst, with his desire to wipe out the FBI, Centers for Disease Control, and the Department of Education, and cut the federal work force by a massive margin!

Kristi Noem has suggested that Trump be added to Mount Rushmore in her state of South Dakota!

Gabbard, a former Democratic Congresswoman from Hawaii, has really gone off the deep end, and many have wondered about her mental stability!

Stefanik has stated that Trump committed no crimes, and has had a wonderful business history, which makes her truly an example of a person who has sold her soul, with no ethics, morals, or scruples! She is a total sycophant, with no shame!

Tim Scott, Senator from South Carolina, has degraded himself in subjugation to Trump in an absolutely disgraceful manner!

Byron Donalds has also come across as totally a sycophant!

And Kari Lake continues to claim she won the Arizona gubernatorial race in 2022, copying the tactics of Donald Trump!

By comparison, Mike Pence looks far more rational.

None of them match the qualifications and stature of Vice President Kamala Harris!

Republican Party, Alarmingly, Going Along With Donald Trump On Russia!

It is mind boggling that large numbers of Republicans in Congress, along with MAGA supporters, are demonstrating a strong pro Russian, pro Putin stance, in alignment with Donald Trump, who has basically invited Vladimir Putin to invade NATO nations that Trump says are not paying enough for their defense!

The refusal of House Republicans, led by Speaker Mike Johnson, to consider aid to Ukraine in its heroic battle for its sovereignty in the war provoked by Russia two years ago, is outrageous!

But even in the Senate, only 22 Republicans are willing to support Ukraine aid!

Among those who did so are:

Mitch McConnell of Kentucky
Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia
Bill Cassidy of Louisiana
Susan Collins of Maine
John Cornyn of Texas
Joni Ernst of Iowa
Chuck Grassley of Iowa
Lisa Murkowski of Alaska
Mitt Romney of Utah
John Thune of South Dakota
Thom Tillis of North Carolina

Among the nearly 30 Republican Senators who refused to support national security interests, including continued support for Ukraine are:

John Barrasso of Wyoming
Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee
Tom Cotton of Arkansas
Ted Cruz of Texas
Lindsey Graham of South Carolina
Josh Hawley of Missouri
Ron Johnson of Wisconsin
James Lankford of Oklahoma
Mike Lee of Utah
Rand Paul of Kentucky
Marco Rubio of Florida
Rick Scott of Florida
Tim Scott of South Carolina
Tommy Tuberville of Alabama
J D Vance of Ohio

Notice how many of the second list are among the most outrageous, obnoxious members of the Senate, but also including a traditional supporter of national security legislation in Graham, who is now a turncoat, and Tim Scott, who clearly is angling to be the potential Vice Presidential nominee for Donald Trump!

These Senators in the second group are those who have surrendered their ethics, morals, and scruples to cater to Donald Trump, and in so doing, along with the Republican House, they are repudiating the Republican past of Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and even the infamous Joseph McCarthy!

The Republican Party, except for a select few, has gone stark raving mad,and repudiated the heritage and traditions of the party started 170 years ago this year!

The need is clear for all sane, principled people to unite in the dissolution of the Republican Party, which has now been infested with MAGA Lunacy that cannot be reversed, and must be overcome by the decent majority of the American population!

Age Issue Is Neutralized: Competence And Decency Will Decide Election In November!

For the next nine months, we will hear constantly that Joe Biden is too old and feeble to be President for another four years.

This is really a non-issue as his opponent, Donald Trump would be in his 80s during the next four years, so the age issue is really neutralized.

If Biden was facing a much younger Republican opponent, then age would be an issue, but if that was happening, even Biden has said he would not be running, and is doing so only to stop the threat of Donald Trump returning to the White House.

Joe Biden was driven to run in 2020 due to the horrible reality of Donald Trump, thinking he was the only potential opponent who could defeat Trump, which he did handily by more than 7.1 million votes, a massive victory.

Biden’s competence, decency, and record in office have been so noticeable, that despite horrible attacks from MAGA Republicans and Donald Trump, and despite polls that are so often inaccurate so far out from an election, the odds of his reelection are very likely.

Biden has presided over an economy that is outstanding; has the respect and support of NATO leaders who fear Donald Trump; and has the vision that would move America and its relationship with the world forward.

Fear that he might not finish a second term is also the issue of Donald Trump, since arguably, Trump is in far worse physical and cognitive shape than is Joe Biden.

So the Vice Presidency is crucial, and while many would be not happy at the thought of Kamala Harris, when considers the likely alternative list being bandied about of possible Trump Vice Presidential running mates, there is no comparison!

Would Marjorie Taylor Greene, Elise Stefanik, Kari Lake, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Kristi Noem, Vivik Ramaswamy, Tim Scott or other sycophants be better than Kamala Harris?

Only in the delustional minds of MAGA Republicans, who care not a whit about American democracy, the rule of law, and the Constitution!

Nikki Haley Emerges As Only Possible Alternative To Donald Trump

Former South Carolina Governor and United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley has emerged as the only possible alternative to Donald Trump for the Republican Presidential nomination in 2024.

But the question is whether, even with growing business support, Haley can manage to overcome Trump in the upcoming Presidential caucus in Iowa and the Presidential primaries in New Hampshire, Nevada, and most significantly, her home state of South Carolina.

The decision of fellow South Carolinian, Senator Tim Scott, to drop out of the race certainly helps Haley’s bid, but leading South Carolina Republican figures, including Governor Henry McMaster and Senator Lindsey Graham, have endorsed Trump.

Also, can a woman of South Asian ancestry from India overcome those barriers?

The next few months will answer these questions!

Pitiful Second Republican Presidential Debate

Watching last night’s second Republican Presidential debate on the Fox Business Channel was a pure exercise in futility, as it clearly was a pitiful scene of candidates talking over each other and ignoring the moderators.

Chris Christie called Donald Trump “Donald Duck”, for refusing to participate, one of the rare funny moments.

Watching Vivek Ramaswamy and Ron DeSantis was difficult, as both continued to come across as arrogant, nasty, unpleasant personalities, and both oriented toward Fascism, with DeSantis claiming he would do so much on “Day One”! 🙁

Tim Scott was really weak and ineffective, and Mike Pence’s highlight moment was stating he has slept with the same woman, his wife, for 38 years, a cringy moment from a candidate who is truly someone who showed no courage or principle under Donald Trump, except after former Vice President Dan Quayle, of all people, told Pence that all he had to do was count the electoral votes on January 6, 2021! 🙁

Doug Burgum was more aggressive, but has zero chance of moving forward, while Nikki Haley stood out mostly for showing more intelligence and personality than any of the men, but to believe she will be the Republican Presidential nominee requires a sense of delusion!

Clearly, the Republican Party of Lincoln, TR, Ike, and Reagan is dead!

Milwaukee Republican Presidential Debate: Conclusions!

This author and blogger stayed up to watch the Fox News Republican Presidential debate in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, quite a sacrifice, but seen as essential to understand the Republican Party mind!


So called “winners”—Chris Christie, Nikki Haley

Holding their own–Mike Pence, Tim Scott

Horrifying and crashing—Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy

Having no impact—Asa Hutchinson, Doug Burgum

Two main thoughts:

Vivek Ramaswamy was attacked and vilified by Chris Christie, Mike Pence, and Nikki Haley, rightfully!

There is a major split on the issue of Ukraine—with Chris Christie, Nikki Haley, and Mike Pence speaking up for support, and Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy calling for an end of aid to Ukraine.

There is a clearcut refusal to attack Donald Trump, except by Chris Christie and Asa Hutchinson.

Further discussion will follow when there is time to analyze the effects of this debate.

All one can say for now is: thank goodness that Joe Biden is in the White House!

The Republican Party’s Pitiful Upcoming Debate In Milwaukee, Wisconsin!

The upcoming Republican Presidential debate on Wednesday evening, without Donald Trump’s participation, seems certain to be pitiful in nature.

Most of the candidates are unwilling to alienate MAGA supporters of Donald Trump, so it is expected they will not be critical of the frontrunner, who is so far ahead, that one wonders what is the point of debates as things stand for now!

Only Chris Christie and Asa Hutchinson seem willing to utter any criticism of Trump, although if Will Hurd makes the debate, he might also do so to some extent.

But Mike Pence, Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy, Tim Scott, Nikki Haley, and Doug Burgum clearly have no guts or courage to denounce Trump, so the debate is a waste of time!

Horrifying Potential VP Choices For Donald Trump In 2024!

The thought that Donald Trump might be the Republican Presidential nominee in 2024 is horrifying, but even worse is the thought of potential VP running mates for him, who would be a heartbeat from the Presidency if he won the election!

Many of the potential candidates are women, and many of them are ill qualified to be President in any form or fashion.

Among them are in no special order:

Failed Arizona gubernatorial nominee Kari Lake
Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene
Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn
South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem
Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds
New York Congresswoman Elise Stefanik
Former Congresswoman and former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard

Also, the following male contenders:

Missouri Senator Josh Hawley
Florida Congresswoman Byron Donalds
Former Fox News Host Tucker Carlson
Democrat Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Any of the above 12 would be outrageous!

Of course, contenders against Trump could be on the short list

Former South Carolina Governor and United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley
South Carolina Senator Tim Scott
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis
Businessman Vivek Ramaswamy

Also, at the moment, non candidate Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin might be on the list!

The State Of The Republican Presidential Race On Independence Day!

With about 7 weeks to the first Republican Presidential Primary Debate on August 23 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the state of the race is that Donald Trump is running away with the nomination, with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis about thirty five points behind him, and everyone else in the dust, although Entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, former Vice President Mike Pence, former South Carolina Governor and United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, and former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie each have at least a few percent of the vote.

DeSantis has become a total flop, and only Chris Christie has been willing to take on Trump in an organized fashion, with all others avoiding criticism.

It now seems as even if Trump is indicted two more times, which seems highly likely, and even if convicted, that the Republican Party is selling its soul to the twice impeached President who incited the January 6, 2021 US Capitol Insurrection.

This is very disturbing, and makes one wonder what future the party of Lincoln, TR, Ike, and Reagan has, with many, including this author and blogger, with the 170th anniversary of the founding of the party in Ripon, Wisconsin occurring in the summer of 2024, just as the party holds its convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin!

Wisconsin will be one of the major battlegrounds of the Presidential race, and the Midwest will be a key factor in the Electoral College, as the Democratic Party holds its convention in Chicago, Illinois!