Tim Walz Minnesota

Magnificent, Dramatic, Inspiring Third Evening Of Democratic National Convention!

What a magnificent, dramatic, inspiring third evening of the Democratic National Convention of 2024!

Among the speakers:

Bill Clinton—Nancy Pelosi—Hakeem Jeffries—Chris Murphy—Josh Shapiro—Wes Moore—Amy Klobuchar—Pete Buttigieg —Republicans Olivia Troye and Geoff Duncan—Oprah Winfrey–and of course, Vice Presidential nominee Tim Walz!

The speeches by the above individuals and others were among the most exceptional that this author and blogger can remember over the decades of paying attention to national conventions.

The sense is that there is definite momentum in the Harris-Walz Presidential campaign.

It was wonderful seeing the speech, particularly, of Oprah Winfrey, which is bound to have an effect, due to the great regard millions of people have for her!

Bill Clinton gave one of his best speeches in his post Presidency, and Josh Shapiro gave a masterful performance of his oratory. Wes Moore and Pete Buttigieg are both young leaders who will be heard from in the future, and their presentations were outstanding!

And ultimately, Tim Walz, who very few knew much about a few weeks ago, is clearly a tremendous asset and talent, adding greatly to Kamala Harris’s campaign, and will inspire many Americans, not only to vote, but also as an example of compassion, empathy, and common decency, in the vein of Joe Biden!

THe Harris-Walz team will make history in November, and help to advance America!

Tim Walz-JD Vance Vice Presidential Debate Set For October 1

CBS will sponsor a Vice Presidential debate between Democratic nominee Tim Walz and Republican nominee JD Vance on Tuesday, October 1.

The vast and dramatic differences between Walz and Vance will be on display, with Walz having made a great positive impact, and Vance being seen as a total disaster, with some Trump supporters wishing he would disappear.

Vance is making it clear that he is connected to right wing billionaire Peter Thiel, and is perceived as a threat in the future, the true heir of MAGA Republicans, as the long range leader after Donald Trump, who might not survive psychologically through a full term, were he to be elected.

Vance has jumped on “single cat ladies”, and Walz’s long military service as issues, neither of which promotes the Republican party future, as only alienating independent voters, as well as women, young people, and racial minorities, all veering toward the Democrats.

Walz comes across as a very decent, compassionate former educator and coach, in the tradition of Hubert Humphrey and other Minnesota Democratic Farmer Labor party luminaries of the past, as well as the present, such as Amy Klobuchar.

The 20 year age difference between Walz and Vance will be an advantage for Walz, while the opposite is the case for the nearly 20 year difference between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, when they have their ABC debate on September 10.

Psychiatric And Cognitive Concerns About Donald Trump Grow, As Harris Makes Major Gains In Polls

Psychiatric and cognitive concerns about Donald Trump are growing, as he is becoming more delusional by the day, lashing out even at his own contributors, and obsessing about size of crowds for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, claiming false AI (Artificial Intelligence) photos!

Meanwhile, Kamala Harris has surged to a lead over Trump in polls for Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, and signs that she is gaining in Arizona and Nevada, including massive crowds showing up, despite 100 degree weather.

Trump is having trouble conceiving of how Harris replacing Joe Biden, and taking on Tim Walz, is having such a surge for three weeks, and with the Democratic National Convention coming in one week, an event very likely to boost Harris and Walz ever further in public support.

Major amounts of funds and volunteers continue to skyrocket, and more white men than expected are shown to be willing to move toward support of the Democratic ticket, to add to that of minority support, women, and young people.

With 226 electoral votes seen as assuredly Democratic, IF Harris can win Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, she would end up with exactly 270 electoral votes, the magic number to win the Presidency, even without Georgia, Nevada, Arizona, and North Carolina, the other so called “battleground” states!

Donald Trump’s Flailing Campaign

As the campaign of Democrats Kamala Harris and Tim Walz draws large crowds at rallies, and raises massive amounts of funds and volunteers for the battle ahead, Republicans Donald Trump and JD Vance are flailing in their campaign.

Donald Trump has made many blunders, including:

His selection of JD Vance as his Vice Presidential running mate.

Racist attacks against Kamala Harris, and his disgraceful performance at the National Association of Black Journalists gathering in Atlanta, particularly against ABC News correspondent Rachel Scott.

His bragging about ending abortion rights, through his gaining the end of Roe V Wade by his Supreme Court appointments.

His involvement and connection with the extremist right wing Project 2025, and Vance’s authorship of the Introduction to the 922 page document.

His attack on fellow Republican, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, for having refused to back his attempt to interfere with the election results in the Presidential Election of 2020.

His praise of Russian leader Vladimir Putin for making the deal for release of Americans wrongfully held, rather than praising Joe Biden and the US Government for bringing home those individuals.

The momentum is definitely toward the Democrats at this point, with some public opinion polls showing Kamala Harris ahead of Donald Trump for the first time.

Harris-Walz Ticket On Offense Before Large Crowds!

There was a sense of electricity and destiny in the massive crowd of 14,000 that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz spoke before yesterday evening in Philadelphia.

And today, in Wisconsin, in very hot weather in Eau Claire, before a crowd in a rural part of that Midwestern state, 12,000 showed up, with the sense of destiny continuing.

Donald Trump and JD Vance are unable to draw crowds anywhere near these sizes at Republican rallies, and it is driving Trump crazy!

It seems clear that the Harris-Walz ticket has gained an energy that was lacking when President Joe Biden was still running for another term.

And the more the nation learns about Tim Walz—the teacher, the coach, the National Guardsman, the Congressman, and the Governor–the more it inspires the Democratic Party to a sense of optimism and confidence about the upcoming Presidential Election of 2024!

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz Surprise VP Choice, But Excellent Selection!

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz is a surprise Vice Presidential choice for Kamala Harris, but is an excellent addition to the ticket, and will know how to go after the jugular vein of both Donald Trump and JD Vance.

Tim Walz is in the Democratic progressive tradition and heritage of Hubert Humphrey, Walter Mondale, Eugene McCarthy, Paul Wellstone, Al Franken, and Amy Klobuchar.

Walz will help insure electoral support from next door Michigan and Wisconsin, attract rural and small town American support in the Midwest, and has a exceptional record of accomplishment as Minnesota Governor for the past six years, after serving in the House of Representatives for twelve years from 2007-2019.

Walz was an educator and football coach after serving in the National Guard, and is proud of his progressive agenda in Minnesota, and will know how to take the fight against the right wing Republicans to the nation at large.

Walz is a genuine and decent human being, unlike the impression that JD Vance and Donald Trump give in public image!

Should Kamala Harris Go “Radical”, Or Stay Safe In VP Selection?

With the controversial JD Vance making waves in a negative way, and undermining Donald Trump, the question arises, with about a week until the decision on the Vice Presidential nominee for Kamala Harris, whether Harris should go “radical”, or stay safe in her selection.

If Harris were to choose to go “radical”, then Gretchen Whitmer, Governor of Michigan or Pete Buttigieg, Secretary of Transportation, will be selected, as choosing a woman or a gay male would be seen as “radical”.

A less “radical choice” would be Josh Shapiro, Governor of Pennsylvania, or JB Pritzker, Governor of Illinois, as both are Jewish, and already with a potential Jewish First Gentleman Douglas Emhoff.

If Harris chooses to go traditionally, then the choice would be among Roy Cooper, Governor of North Carolina; Andy Beshear, Governor of Kentucky; Tim Walz, Governor of Minnesota; or Senator Mark Kelly of Arizona.

There is also the issue of age, as Kelly, Walz, and Cooper are older than Harris, and Pritzker is only months younger, while Buttigieg, Beshear, Shapiro, and Whitmer are much younger, so any of them could be Presidential material after serving as VP under Harris.