Tina Fey

Sarah Palin, Tina Fey, And “Payment” For Comedy About The GOP 2008 Vice Presidential Nominee

Former Alaska Governor and 2008 Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin has spent the past six years since her rise to eminence in August 2008 proving that John McCain made a major blunder when he selected the “Know Nothing” half term Governor as his running mate!

Sarah Palin has been a major embarrassment to herself, to her family, to her state, to John McCain, and to the Republican Party that gave her the honor of being their Vice Presidential nominee!

Sarah Palin has made NO positive contributions to public discourse, and instead, has enriched herself with her published works that show no intellectual content, her cable shows, her paid speeches, and working to undermine the Republican Party through her working with the destructive Tea Party elements. She has shown how a person who has no accomplishments can yet become wealthy by exploiting the prejudices, the narrow mindedness, and pure ignorance of millions of the American people, who are very gullible, and do not see that Sarah Palin is a “snake oil salesman!”

Sarah Palin would be forgettable if not for John McCain putting her in the spotlight, and then her stupidity showing through, and undermining his Presidential candidacy in 2008!

This woman has made millions, and yet has the gall now to suggest that Tina Fey, who portrayed her brilliantly on Saturday Night Live, should pay her for the privilege of making comedy of her. Palin suggests that Fey pay for her “children’s braces,” as if Palin cannot afford to pay her own expenses when she has millions of dollars she would never have had if not having become a media sensation!

This statement by Palin shows how much of a lowlife she really is, and how we have never been so unfortunate in our history to have such an ill qualified person who could have been a heartbeat away from the Presidency!

Thank goodness that did not happen, and now, we can just sit there, and shake our heads and roll our eyes that this moronic woman was ever given a chance to come that close to real political power! It is clear there is a God up there protecting us from the harm of a person such as Sarah Palin!