Trump-Biden Presidential Debate

Trump Proved Why He Is Unfit To Be President In Presidential Debate, So Just VP Debate And No More!

Donald Trump was a total disgrace in the first Presidential debate last evening!

He would not follow the agreed upon rules, not to interfere, and to stop interrupting when Joe Biden or moderator Chris Wallace were speaking. The moderator should have shut off Trump’s microphone when Biden was being allowed his two minutes to give an answer to a question.

He refused to condemn white supremacists, and refused to agree to concede if he is declared the loser, and encouraged his supporters, in such a circumstance, to provoke civil unrest.

He acted like a 2nd grader, and lied incessantly, and was totally rude and bullyish throughout the debate!

Donald Trump declared war on decency and democracy. He endorsed white supremacist terrorist groups, such as “Proud Boys”, which is anti Semitic, anti Islamic, anti gay and transgender, anti immigrant, and misogynistic, and provokes violence, with Trump promoting them going to the polls and “watching”, a guarantee of bloodshed and violence!

He acted very UnPresidential, as Joe Biden declared, and embarrassed all decent people, as no President or candidate in any debate has acted in such a manner in the history of Presidential and Vice Presidential debates!

Meanwhile, Joe Biden kept his cool, and acted very Presidential, doing a lot of shocked and laughing gestures at the shameful display of horrible behavior by the man child who is our disgraced 45th President! 🙁

One cannot imagine how Joe Biden will not gain much more support nationally, and hopefully, defeat Donald Trump in a massive landslide in November! And early post debate polls indicate Biden “won” the debate two to one!

The Vice Presidential debate between Mike Pence and Kamala Harris one week from today should go forward, but the last two Presidential debates should be canceled, as America has seen enough, and there is nothing positive to be gained by Biden debating Trump again!