Trump Military Controversy

The Revelations About Trump And The Military Seem Likely To Be “The September Surprise”, Which Will Decide The Election!

There is a growing feeling that the revelations about Donald Trump calling those in the military “Losers” and “Suckers”, who have sacrificed their lives or been seriously wounded affecting their remaining lives forever, will be the decisive factor in the Presidential Election of 2020.

If this occurs, we may call the revelation of The Atlantic Magazine the “September Surprise”, rather than the traditional belief and often reality of an “October Surprise” that determines the final result of the election.

Many retired military, and many military families whose members are endangering their lives daily, have already expressed total shock and disbelief that their Commander in Chief has so little regard for the troops, and those in military cemeteries.

The fact that Donald Trump evaded the draft on the basis of “bone spurs”, signed off by a doctor who knew Trump’s father and had an apartment rent covered by the father for the favor of writing a draft deferment letter for his son, enrages many people, whether connected to the military or not.

The lack of respect and honor by Trump, who has made a big deal over those who bend their knee for the Star Spangled Banner, and constantly has invoked false military themes, is a moment of reckoning for many people who may not have been irritated by other issues and matters, but are so by this reality.

Why No Criticism By Republicans In Congress Toward Donald Trump And Revelations About His Comments On Military?

The Republican Party has always prided itself on its support and promotion of the military, and their “waving of the American flag” patriotism.

66 members of the party in Congress, as compared to 30 Democrats, have served in the military

So why is it there is not a peep from Republicans in Congress to the revelations about Donald Trump’s comments about his true feelings on the military, that they are a bunch of “losers” and “suckers”?

And even more so, why is it that those Republicans in Congress who have served in the military themselves are staying silent?

And most particularly, what about those Republicans in the House who are required to run for office every two years, and those Senators who are facing election in the six year cycle?

So regarding the better known, more newsworthy Senators who face election, 8 in total:

Mitch McConnell of Kentucky

Lindsey Graham of South Carolina

Tom Cotton of Arkansas

James Inhofe of Oklahoma

Joni Ernst of Iowa

Martha McSally of Arizona

Dan Sullivan of Alaska

Roger Marshall, Congressman and Senate candidate from Kansas

And also the following 3 Republican Senators who do not face election this fall:

Rick Scott of Florida

Roger Wicker of Mississippi

Todd Young of Indiana

And also, among the many Republican House members, why is Greg Pence of Indiana, brother of Vice President Mike Pence, staying silent?

And why is Vice President Mike Pence, whose son is in the military, not speaking up?