Trump Public Opinion Polls

One Month Of Donald Trump: Radical, Revolutionary, Abusive, Authoritarian Threat On American Democratic Tradition! :(

Today marks one month of the second, nonconsecutive term of Donald Trump in the Presidency.

Public opinion polls show Trump “under water”, and he stands out in a very negative way as radical, revolutionary, abusive, and authoritarian, and a threat to the continuation of the American democratic tradition.

It is also shocking how the Republican Party has “sold its soul” to Trump, repudiating their past views on domestic and foreign policy!

The “Blue State” governors, the news media, and the courts are resisting Trump and his right wing Fascism at this point, but the question is how successful they might be, and what if Trump refuses to obey courts, and decides to start direct violent action against his critics in the states, in Congress, and the news media.

Would he use the military to defy the First Amendment?

This is a moment of soberness and reckoning, as the near term future looks gloomy, but the battle and the fight must not be abandoned!

Donald Trump Accomplishes Unique Record: Two Impeachments And Two Massive Popular Vote Losses!

Donald Trump has done the impossible, “accomplishments’ that will never, in the long run of history, ever occur to any future President!

Donald Trump has been impeached twice in one year, and there is a good chance that he will be convicted out of office and lose the right to run again for public office, and lose a Presidential pension and Secret Service protection for life.

Mitch McConnell seems to be leaning toward conviction of Trump personally, and is known to blame Trump for the loss of the Republican majority in the Senate.

That makes it likely that 17-20 other Republican Senators, with staffs furious over the Capitol Insurrection that endangered their lives a week ago, will vote to convict Trump.

Also, Trump has the “distinction” of being the only President to lose the popular vote of the nation twice, and by bigger margins than any other President, with a negative of 2.85 million votes in 2016, and 7 million votes in 2020.

And his public opinion rating in polls never made it to a majority of 50 percent or higher.

Trump is in the bottom position in any scholarly poll of experts, and will not rise from that basement position, and hopefully, no future President will be as horrific and disgraceful as Donald Trump!

Trump Tax Cuts Already Undermining Budget, And Threatening Social Safety Net Of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid

The Trump tax cuts are already, just as they are going into effect, causing a massive shortage of government funds, and threatening the stability of the Social Safety Net of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, and as well as educational, environmental, consumer, and labor laws.

This is precisely what the Republican Party of Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and the Trump White House wants, to destroy the entire social and economic reforms and regulatory laws of the New Deal of Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Great Society of the Lyndon B. Johnson, and the reforms of Barack Obama, along with lesser reforms of Harry Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.

The Republican Party is now an extremist right wing party controlled by the Freedom Caucus and evangelical Christians, who will not be satisfied until they take America back to the 1920s and the Gilded Age.

And this past week, the beginning of the end of what is now 88 months of economic expansion and job growth is evident, as today, the stock market collapsed with a 670 point drop, and a 1,000 point drop over this entire week. This is the biggest drop in two years, about 2.5 percent in the past week. It is also the biggest drop since the financial crisis of late 2008, which led to the Great Recession.

This was predictable, as no market or economic growth can continue to expand forever and already, the seven years and four months of expansion, since the last months of 2010, is an all time record.

We will go through very rough times from now on, and yet the wealthy top one or two percent will continue to gain massive tax cuts, while the rest of America suffers.

We are on the road to potential social uprising, as the American people realize that a President who lost the popular vote, and has engaged in illegal acts, works to undermine the investigation of Russian collusion, money laundering, abuse of power, violating the emoluments clause, and obstruction of justice, at the expense of the American people, but makes sure his class of wealthy people continues to benefit.

The Trump public opinion rating in the mid 30s is likely to collapse into the 20s at this rate, but will the Republican Party try to rectify itself in Congress, or will they continue to collaborate in treason and corruption, and destroy their historical legacy long term?

We shall see in the months leading up to a likely massacre in the midterm elections this November.