
George Floyd Murder, And Trump Promoting Violence Against Peaceful Demonstrators A Turning Point In Upcoming Election

The feeling is developing that the George Floyd Murder by police in Minneapolis, and Donald Trump promoting violence against peaceful demonstrators in Washington DC, in reaction to that horrendous crime, is not just a passing event that will be forgotten by voters in November.

Never has an ordinary citizen, in his tragic death, gained so much public attention, and commitment to promote change, as is the case with George Floyd.

With all that has happened in the past three and a half years related to Donald Trump, this seems like the “last straw”, and that Trump knows it, so is going nuts in his Twitter feed and in his outrage at all of the attacks by former military leaders, religious leaders, and many other public figures to his criminal actions.

The concern is that Trump could go bonkers even worse than he has, and it could undermine our foreign policy and domestic policy as he strikes out against his “enemies”.

We are in the last seven and a half months of the Trump term, and it could be the most dangerous, not only in the five months to the election, but also the two and a half months to the inauguration.

Joe Biden And Stacey Abrams Put On Stellar Performance On MSNBC On Thursday Evening!

With Joe Biden leading in all polls in most, if not all, of the “swing states” in the upcoming Presidential Election of 2020, Trump supporters and naysayers are trying to convince the nation that Joe Biden is mentally incapable to be President, as if Donald Trump is seen as mentally capable now and for the past three plus years.

Well, two nights ago, Joe Biden came on MSNBC with former Georgia gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams, and both of them put on stellar, superb performances to all of the questions posed by citizens and also by Lawrence O’Donnell.

Joe Biden may not be perfect in every way, but most certainly Donald Trump is pathetic, as proved by his maniacal Twitter feed and public utterances daily.

Biden is perfectly capable of being President, and will have a strong female Vice Presidential running mate, who might be Stacey Abrams, but there are certainly others who might be preferable, including Kamala Harris and Amy Klobuchar.

Donald Trump is trying to destroy Joe Biden, but instead, he is destroying himself daily!

Trump’s Threat Against Iran’s Cultural, Historical, And Religious Sites Makes Him A War Criminal Under International Law!

Donald Trump’s Twitter threat to bomb and destroy Iran’s Cultural, Historical, and Religious Sites if Iran responds to the assassination of Qasem Soleibani with military force, not only threatens the outbreak of general war in the Middle East, leading to a potential World War 3, but also makes him a war criminal under international law.

Such threats and potential attacks demonstrate how Trump has gone off the rails totally, and is a National Security threat, who needs to be removed immediately.

Sadly, though, we are seeing Republicans rush to defend him and his actions and utterances, including those one might think would hold back support, including Mitt Romney and Ben Sasse.

Clearly, the Republican Party officeholders have gone totally insane, and we now have a rogue government in international affairs, and the danger that we will have this insane leader move ever further to threaten war on many fronts.

This maniac is capable of declaring martial law and suspending the Constitution, and he must be stopped as a threat to American democracy and world peace and order!

Support For Trump Impeachment Becomes A Majority In Latest Public Opinion Polls

As Donald Trump makes clear that he will not cooperate in any fashion with the Democrats wanting testimony and documents, support for impeachment and removal from office has reached a majority in public opinion polls, including the Fox News Channel poll.

That never happened with Bill Clinton, and Richard Nixon only two weeks before his resignation in 1974, and Trump is too confident that nothing can happen to him, but it is clear that his refusal to cooperate with a legitimate investigation is undermining public support, and further harms his campaign for reelection.

With suburbanites, educated women, farmers, and many working class whites seeing that Trump is a loose cannon and has harmed many with his insane tariff policy toward China and the European Union, Trump is clearly delusional, and thinks he can survive impeachment by wild Twitter statements, including calling for impeachment of Republican Senator Mitt Romney, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. His ignorance shows through, as he seems not to understand that only people in the executive and judicial branches of government can be impeached.

His public statements and Twitter feed only are undermining him more by the day, and sealing his fate as a failure as President, never having had a majority in any reputable public opinion poll supportive of him and his Presidency!

Donald Trump Should Be Banned From Twitter, As He Undermines Foreign Policy And Domestic Stability By His Constant Lies And Utterances

This blogger and author is a true believer in freedom of the press and freedom of speech.

Having said that, there is the urge to try to, somehow, ban Donald Trump from Twitter, as our President undermines foreign policy and domestic stability by his constant lies and utterances on Twitter.

Trump shows all of his worst characteristics on a daily basis, and Twitter has banned some people who promote hate and division, but will not do so for Trump.

Of course, if he was, somehow, banned, it would cause such a ruckus, and Twitter would have to reverse itself.

And, of course, if that happened, that Trump was off Twitter, he could still do what he is best at, disrupt the American people with his rants and raves to the media outside the White House, which has become his new method of personal communication, rather than the formal press conferences, which became a joke and a disaster under Sarah Huckabee Sanders for two years.

So, in reality, the dream of silencing Donald Trump is just that, a dream, a nightmare, that will not end until Donald Trump is out of the Presidency.

Don McGahn Is The New John Dean: Trump And Nixon Scandals Become Linked In History

Forty five years after John Dean, the White House Counsel under President Richard Nixon, revealed the illegal actions of his boss in the Watergate Scandal, now we are learning for certain that Don McGahn, the White House Counsel under Donald Trump, has been cooperating with Special Counsel Robert Mueller, on the actions of his boss.

The difference is that McGahn has engaged in such cooperation for at least the last nine months, while Dean delayed such cooperation, and eventually served a short term in prison as a result, while McGahn clearly wants to avoid that.

So the idea that everyone around Trump is willing to “take a bullet” for Trump is now shown not to be the case, and it is likely that others around Trump will abandon their loyalty to Trump, realizing that he is a “sinking ship”, and that they can still recover some of their reputation and dignity by working against their boss, as he has absolutely no loyalty to them.

Donald Trump is self indicting as he continues to rant and rave on Twitter, including many bursts of anger as this posting is being formulated, as he realizes the future is gloomy, as evidence of Russian collusion, obstruction of justice, abuse of power, violations of the Emoluments Clause, and other crimes has been gathered by Mueller. Trump also realizes now that his son Donald, Jr, and his son in law Jared Kushner, and many of his cabinet members and other advisers, are in danger of being indicted.

With Omarosa Manigault Newman and Michael Cohen adding to Trump’s grief, he is now besieged on all fronts, but while the process to remove him from office moves forward, there is great concern about the dangers of him creating a foreign policy or national security crisis, and trying to shut down the Bill of Rights, and declare martial law.

Trump is clearly very mentally ill, and it is essential that the military, behind the scenes, and particularly, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, work to prevent any dangerous actions by the President, and prevent him from ordering a nuclear strike. And the top national security personnel, in the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, and the Director of National Intelligence need to block any rash actions by Trump that threatens American democracy.

Donald Trump’s Character On Display In Public Appearances: Worst By Far In American History!

Donald Trump is the most insufferable public figure ever known, with his disgraceful character on display in public appearances, and no sign that he cares about his image or reputation!

He lies more than anyone ever has in the Presidency.

He insults everyone imaginable, except authoritarian dictators.

He has no compassion, empathy, or common decency, and does not care how much he hurts others.

He has no sense of propriety, and manages to make everything centered around himself.

He has particular venom for women, and people of color, including calling them animals or having low IQ!

He has no respect for anyone who works for him, using them, and then disposing of them.

Everything on a daily basis is connected to how it affects him, and he is always on the attack on Twitter and in public events, where he speaks to a admiring and loyal audience.

One wonders how his adoring followers, and particularly, women, can tolerate his horrible behavior.

It makes one wonder about the intelligence and basic decency of millions of followers, who seem almost like a cult.

It demonstrates the failure of the family unit, that you could have parents who admire Trump, and apparently, think their son or daughter should act like he does, a shocking thought!

No President has ever acted like Donald Trump, not even Richard Nixon, who may have used salty and degrading language in private on the Watergate tapes, but NEVER in public, as he had too much dignity to behave in such a gross manner as Donald Trump.

Donald Trump has damaged the image and history of the American Presidency, and he will not escape the condemnation he deserves in historical writings in future generations!

Treason In US History: Benedict Arnold, Aaron Burr, John Tyler, Jefferson Davis, And Now Donald Trump

Treason is a tough issue to approach.

Certainly, Benedict Arnold committed treason, and is condemned for it in history, when he attempted to hand over West Point, New York and its thousands of soldiers to the British in 1780, during the American Revolution.

Some observers think Aaron Burr may have committed treason after leaving the Vice Presidency in 1805, attempting to seize part of the Louisiana Territory or take away Spanish territories further west. He was arrested, brought to trial for treason, and Chief Justice John Marshall ruled he had not committed treason by the normal definition, and conspiracy without actions should not lead to conviction. Still, many people then and since, think Burr was guilty of treason.

President John Tyler gave up his citizenship, and supported the Confederate States of America, becoming part of the provisional Confederate Congress in 1861, before his death in 1862, therefore committing treason.

Jefferson Davis committed treason, as President of the Confederate States of America, as did Vice President Alexander Stephens and other public officals, and arguably, General Robert E. Lee, and other Confederate generals, as well.

And now, it is becoming more likely that the 45th President, Donald Trump, has committed treason by colluding with the Russians to fix the Presidential election of 2016. The President is indicting himself by his own Twitter comments, and contradictory statements being made on a regular basis, and he exudes guilt, and has for many months.

The Robert Mueller investigation is mounting evidence that is leading to that conclusion, and the Southern District of New York investigation, particularly in relation to Michael Cohen, is also moving in that direction.

A proposal that I would wish to make regarding this whole situation.

John Tyler, when he died, was not accorded the normal situation of a President who passes away—that is, flying the flag at half staff, and giving a President a state funeral.

The same, of course, was the case with Jefferson Davis.

So it seems appropriate to say that when Donald Trump passes away, no matter what happens in the interim regarding the present investigation of his behavior and actions, there should be no flying the flags at half staff, and no state funeral, as a traitor should not be accorded such an honor.

Of course, his death and burial would be reported, but it should not be given the dignity of what every other President, except John Tyler, was accorded!

Eve Of Richard Nixon Resignation From Presidency 44 Years Ago, And Sense Trump Is On Road To Similar End

We are on the eve of the 44 year anniversary of the resignation of the 37th President, Richard Nixon, who faced the reality that he had been impeached by the House Judiciary Committee, by a bipartisan vote.

Nixon had also been ordered by the Supreme Court, which included four Justices selected by him, to hand over the Watergate “smoking” tapes, which demonstrated his guilt.

It was certain that the US Senate would move to convict him on impeachment charges, had he chosen to fight, but Republican Senators, headed by Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania and Barry Goldwater of Arizona, and leading House members, had gone to the White House to inform Nixon that he did not have the support to survive an impeachment trial vote of two thirds of the Senate and more, convicting him, and removing him from office.

It was tomorrow, August 8, 1974, that Nixon went on television, and announced he would resign at noon the next day, August 9, and Vice President Gerald Ford would succeed him in the Oval Office.

As we come up to this anniversary, there is a growing sense that Donald Trump is on the road to a similar end.

No one believed Richard Nixon would resign, but he did, and few are willing to believe that Donald Trump will resign, but it looks more and more likely.

Trump is indicting himself on Twitter, and his involvement in Obstruction of Justice seems clear, along with other violations.

And his family members are in trouble too, particularly Donald Trump Jr and Jared Kushner.

The Robert Mueller investigation is moving fast forward, and it seems, at least to this author and blogger, to be inevitable that Vice President Mike Pence will be President by the end of the year.

We shall see how accurate this author and blogger is, so stay tuned!

The Moment Of Reckoning Has Arrived: The Syria Crisis Enmeshed With Trump Domestic Crisis, Most Dangerous Moment Since Cuban Missile Crisis In 1962!

It is now almost 15 months since Donald Trump took the oath of office, and the nation has been fortunate that no major crisis had arisen.

But now, it has arrived, the Syria Crisis, enmeshed with Trump’s abuse of the Constitution, and the threat to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller and or Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, with the raid on the offices, home, and hotel rooms of Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen.

The Republican Congress has been unwilling to pass legislation to prevent the firing of Mueller or Rosenstein. And Trump is threatening Russia and Iran over the Syrian use of chemical warfare, and Russia has interfered with American drones over Syria, so this is a massive crisis, which could lead to a major war in the Middle East with the US vs Russia.

Trump has made clear he will bomb Syria in a tweet this morning, after having said he would not give out military information before it occurs, and that has only ratcheted up the rhetoric and threats between Trump and Vladimir Putin’s government, and one wonders if it is just rhetoric, or whether direct conflict between the US and Russia is in the offing.

It is certainly proper that the US react to the chemical warfare by Syria, but the way it is being done is alarming, and signals a crisis which may get out of control.

The true test of how disastrous Donald Trump can be is now in the offing, and we all need to pray, even if not religious, as this is a major test of American leadership, and the protection of American values!