
Two Years Of Donald Trump, 148 Days Of Presidency: 60 Percent Disapproval, Higher Than Any President In Public Opinion Poll History This Early!

It has been two years since Donald Trump announced he was running for President. and it has been 148 days since he was sworn in as President.

And Donald Trump reached the age of 71 on June 14, two days before the two year anniversary of his campaign beginning.

And what does he have to show for it?

He has divided America like no one else, and has only gained a Supreme Court Justice, Neil Gorsuch, after the Republicans in the US Senate changed the filibuster rules to allow a nominee to be confirmed with only 51 votes.

Everything else is hot air, lies, and coverup of Russian collusion, and trying to get the intelligence agencies, Congress, and the news media to stop investigating the corruption of his Presidency and the campaign before the election. And Trump has helped to indict himself with his Twitter activity, and his teenage emotional IQ.

So therefore, it is not surprising that the latest polls show 60 percent of the American people disapprove of his record and performance, the earliest in a Presidency that such a high disapproval rating has occurred since polls began to be taken in the time of Franklin D. Roosevelt.

The following nine Presidents never reached a 60 percent disapproval rating–Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Clinton, and Obama.

Four Presidents did reach 60 percent disapproval, but at very late dates in their Presidencies.

Truman reached 60 percent after 2129 days; Nixon after 1736 days; H W Bush after 1290 days; and W Bush after 1758 days.

So Trump is a total failure, and even 25 percent of Republicans are totally disillusioned, while his approval rating is as low as 35-36 percent.

This insures that Trump will end up at the bottom of the heap in ranking of Presidents, except by totally delusional and ignorant people, who have no clue as to what good Presidential leadership is all about.

The Growing Evidence Of Mental Deterioration, Instability, And Pure Madness Of Donald Trump!

Many supporters of Donald Trump are living in denial, in a state of refusing to accept reality.

The man has been mentally deteriorating with the pressures of the Presidency over the past five months, and now there are reports that he plans to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is leading an investigation of the Trump scandals on Russia, on the firing of FBI head James Comey, and on Trump’s breaking of the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution.

His instability and erratic behavior is alarming, as he could start a nuclear war in a fit of anger.

He is capable of declaring martial law, if and when a September 11 type attack occurs, or even one far less significant and damaging than that event was.

He is even capable of staging such an attack, copying the strategy of Adolf Hitler, who staged the Reichstag Fire within months after his accession to power in 1933, using it as a pretext to destroy the German Constitution and traditions, and establish his dictatorship.

In many ways, Trump shows signs of madness, and many psychiatrists and psychologists have warned us of the dangers he presents to America and the world.

Many critics would say how can any medical doctor or psychiatrist come to such conclusions without “examining the patient”?

They forget that his staff and others he interacts with see him every day, and have expressed alarm anonymously, at the state of chaos and anxiety in the Oval Office, as Trump thinks things are running smoothly and everything is being accomplished splendidly, and as he rants and raves on Twitter at all hours of the night.

There is enough evidence of how dangerous Donald Trump is, and it is not as if he is just your “crazy uncle” or the next door neighbor.

He is the President of the United States, with the ability to start a world war and destroy our Constitution and Bill of Rights, and it is high time that political leaders of the majority Republican Party come to grips with reality, and do what they should be doing—moving to force Donald Trump out of office as necessary for the nation’s welfare.

In other words, put nation ahead of loyalty to a man, as the American Presidency and American government are more than any person’s advancement or glorification.

We do not wish to see the destruction of the international order, or the dissolution of all of the wonderful programs domestically put into law under administrations of both Democratic and Republican Presidents!

Donald Trump Dangerous To The Mental And Physical Health Of Tens Of Millions Of Americans

It is now clear, 85 days into his Presidency, that Donald Trump is dangerous to the mental and physical health of tens of millions of Americans.

Trump’s erratic, immature, reckless, and constantly changing behavior is a danger to America and the world community, as he is totally unpredictable, and he clearly has no principles or beliefs other than his own glorification and self aggrandizement.

We have had strong egotists before in the Presidency, including Andrew Jackson, Theodore Roosevelt, Lyndon B. Johnson, and Richard Nixon, but nothing on the scale of Donald Trump.

Trump has caused serious mental depression and heart problems in tens of millions of Americans, who wake up daily worrying how their lives will be affected, and the fear of more foreign wars caused by his Twitter feed and loose mouth, by a President who has the sick need to express every waking thought so that we all know it and pay attention to him.

Imagine what it is like to be a senior citizen, a disabled person, a person of color or of Muslim faith, an immigrant, a woman, a gay or lesbian or transgender person, with all of these groups being targeted to be harmed by radical changes in government policies and programs, administered by the most mean spirited, narrow minded, intolerant, uncaring cabinet officers in all of American history!

Imagine how hate groups and leaders, such as David Duke and Richard Spencer, are being emboldened by the race baiting, nativist, antisemitic rhetoric emerging from the Trump Administration.

Donald Trump is a true nightmare, who is not only working to deny 24 million Americans from having health care altogether, but also undermining the health of at least as many Americans who will see their lives shortened, by the high level of stress, and the resultant danger of overdosing with medication, and causing planned or unplanned suicide of people in danger, but knowing their government does not give a damn about them, only wealthy people of white Christian heritage.

Donald Trump Tweeting Is A National Security And Domestic Tranquility Threat!

Donald Trump is mentally unstable, and very bitter when anyone dares oppose him. and he utilizes Twitter to get his revenge.

Trump shows the absolute worse side of his personality in so doing, and he causes the office of the Presidency to be corrupted and undermined by his vicious language at all hours of the day and night.

He is the first President to accuse his predecessor of illegal acts of monitoring him, when no such situation occurred, and refuses, of course, to apologize or retract his accusatory statements about President Barack Obama.

Trump cannot be stopped from his tweeting, although it should be banned as dangerous to national security and domestic tranquility.

He is a threat every day, and he lies every day, on a constant basis, at least five times a day on the average, and he lives in his own fantasy world.

To imagine having to cope with this dangerous maniac for four years, with all of the potential for foreign and domestic disasters, is totally unacceptable.

Even though Mike Pence is an unacceptable choice in so many ways to be President, at the least he is a stable person mentally, and has never been outrageous in his public or private behavior.

This is what we have to wish for, a new President who would be the most right wing President in American history, but is mentally and emotionally stable.

The question without an answer is how we managed to put ourselves in this mess, the worst crisis since Watergate, and arguably more of a threat to our stability than Richard Nixon represented 45 years ago.

The Paranoid, Conspiracy Theorist Donald Trump Returns After Speech To Congress: Crazy Accusations, Unprecedented, Against Barack Obama!

Donald Trump, after giving a speech to Congress on Tuesday,regarded as “Presidential” by many, could not sustain his image for more than 24 hours.

Within a day, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, a horrible choice to head the Justice Department, was shown to have had two meetings with the Russian ambassador, and not telling the Senate Judiciary Committee of that fact in his hearings in January, and was forced to recuse himself from any investigation of Russian connections in the Trump campaign, but with more people now shown to have had contact with the ambassador, including son in law Jared Kushner.

And then, without explanation, in the early morning hours of Saturday on Twitter, Trump unleashed an attack on Barack Obama, that he had wiretapped the Trump Tower, and that Obama was a “bad, sick guy”.

This is unprecedented, and has NO validity at all, as Presidents cannot order wiretaps, as it goes through a special court to deal with such wiretaps.

It is clear more than ever that Donald Trump is delusional, paranoid, and a believer in conspiracy theories promoted by right wing crazies, including Breitbart News Service and crazies like Alex Jones.

No President has ever been as strong in attack on his predecessor, and Trump seems more and more mentally unhinged, and the idea of his being too dangerous to have the nuclear codes is growing, and the likelihood of him being forced out of office at some point grows, as millions of Americans must worry about the danger of this man remaining in the White House!

Pearl Harbor Attack 75th Anniversary: Reality Sets In, Now Threatened By President Who Has Zero Understanding Of International Relations!

Today is the 75th anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, which crippled our navy, and brought America into World War II.

This was the greatest military disaster in American history, with over 2,400 soldiers, sailors, and airmen killed, and ended the isolationism of the United States.

From that point on, it was clearly understood by Presidents and Congresses of both political parties that we needed to have strong alliances with other nations, and that putting America First, the old line of the isolationists, was detrimental to our security.

But we now have an incoming President, who touts America First, and is upending all traditional American foreign policy doctrines, to our detriment and potential danger.

A man who was willing to accept a Purple Heart from a soldier, and avoided military service on flimsy grounds, and thought being in a military high school was equivalent of military service and sacrifice, is now going to be Commander in Chief of the armed forces, something to worry about.

The reality of Pearl Harbor, and the more recent reality of September 11, must not be forgotten, but international relations is now again in danger of massive crisis, as our unstable, unhinged, ill informed, and Twitter provoked future President makes the whole world situation much more unpredictable, a threat to our military and to our entire population.

The Greatest Generation, as the World War II generation, rapidly declining in numbers, is known, needs to be remembered and respected on this solemn anniversary, and Americans must make clear they will NOT tolerate a narrow minded, isolationist foreign policy in the 21st century!

With Four Weeks To Go, Republican Party Is In Full Panic Mode And Moving Toward Civil War Over Donald Trump!

Total anarchy, full panic mode, and movement toward civil war—that is the state of the Republican Party four weeks before the Presidential Election of 2016.

Donald Trump has gone on a Twitter attack on Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House, for refusing to campaign for or appear with Trump at any political rally.

Trump supporters and Tea Party radicals are threatening retribution against Republican members of Congress who refuse to support Trump.

Conservatives are also bitterly divided over Trump, as for example, Glenn Beck and Hugh Hewitt condemning Trump, and Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, and others totally supporting him.

Trump supporters showing up at rallies are talking revolution, a scary proposition, if Democrat Hillary Clinton wins next month, which she most assuredly will accomplish.

And now, lunatic Maine Governor Paul Le Page is talking about the need for an authoritarian President to deal with, get this, what he terms the authoritarian actions of Barack Obama in the past eight years.

The danger of a total breakdown of our government is looming, due to what Donald Trump has wrought in the past 16 months, and we are on the verge of a massive constitutional crisis!

New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio: Major Screw Up, Time To Apologize And Change!

New York City’s new Mayor, Bill De Blasio, is rapidly making enemies in his handling of snow emergencies.

Failing to get out in front of snow cleanup in upper class neighborhoods; failing to close schools simply because of historic stupidity that New York City schools hardly ever close; blaming the Weather Bureau, rather than taking responsibility for your own blunders; and then closing schools early, forcing hourly wage workers who are struggling as it is to live in New York City to pick up their children; are all signs of arrogance and forgetting not only common sense, but also acting in a way that will only undermine the progressive agenda, and make many feel that progressives are no better than conservatives in showing concern and good judgment in governing the American people!

Al Roker, the meteorologist for NBC, was engaged in a Twitter war with De Blasio, and Al Roker won, and he might be right: Bill De Blasio, unless he apologizes and learns, will be a one term Mayor of New York City!

Threats Of Violence Against Barack Obama Grows: A New, Expanded Mental Illness Very Worrisome!

Here we are ending the fifth year of the Barack Obama Presidency, and the hatred and racism and threats of assassination have not abated one iota!

Instead, it has become a new, expanded mental illness, very worrisome, all over the internet, on Facebook and Twitter, and even on cable news networks, led by Fox News Channel!

It includes so called “religious” leaders, college professors, law enforcement officials, legislators in state governments, military personnel, students, people of different racial backgrounds, and goes as far as calling for a national holiday for lynching President Obama!

This is extremely alarming, as the media reports of threats have multiplied, but it is clear that this is just the “tip of the iceberg”, and that there are a multitude of more threats than we are learning about.

The Secret Service, considered undermanned by many observers, is dealing with an estimated 30 threats per day, over 10,000 threats a year, and probably we are low balling those numbers, so they have to deal with threats 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in all forms of ways, many of them not serious, but none able to be overlooked, as a mistake could be fatal.

The President must go about his daily business of getting around, both in the country and on overseas visits, but one has to be concerned about his safety, as one can be sure, that if something tragic was to occur, there would be celebration not seen widely when John F. Kennedy was assassinated, although there were some stories of applause in classrooms in Dallas after JFK was shot, a totally deplorable situation.

It is the responsibility of our media not to give undue attention to the perpetrators of this hate, so the decision of Lou Dobbs, who once was sane but has gone bonkers in recent years, to allow Professor Michael Scheuer of Georgetown University, to spew his hate and condemnation, and endorsement of assassination of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, on the Dobbs show, should lead to a boycott of Dobbs and all other right wing talk show hosts, who will stop at nothing in their exploitation of hate and racism, and advocacy of violence against our Commander in Chief!

Freedom of speech stops when it advocates violence, and Scheuer needs to be held accountable by Georgetown University, and advertisers need to stop support of Dobbs, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, Michael Savage, Mark Levin, et al as an indication that such poison should not be supported on radio and television, as it is a disease that can promote tragedy and disaster!

New York City Politics And Sex Scandals: The Redemption Of Anthony Weiner And Eliot Spitzer?

Who would imagine that two New York politicians, both tragic figures involved in sex scandals, could suddenly emerge as likely choices to be the next Mayor of New York City, and the next City Comptroller?

That scenario is seen as very likely for former Congressman Anthony Weiner and former Governor Eliot Spitzer, spicing up the races for who will run the largest city, and who will be a watchdog over the city’s finances.

Weiner lost his Congressional career over his inappropriate utterances and photos on Twitter and with women, and Spitzer was involved in a high cost prostitution scandal, and yet both have now asked for forgiveness, and seem likely to have the voters give them another chance for public service.

No one can deny that their careers were dedicated to good deeds in public life, but their weakness in the area of sexual interests brought them down to humiliation and destruction.

The irony is that if both win the offices they seek, their egos and personalities will likely clash a great deal of the time, leading to lots of political “theater”, but also meaning New York City politics will be one of the most interesting political stories in America as we move into the future.

But would New York City and its residents want anything else other than center stage?

Redemption is part of the story of humankind, and Bill Clinton, David Vitter, and Mark Sanford have already proved that there is a life after scandal, in a nation in which ethics has suffered a massive decline! So the most interesting story of this off year election will not be the Governorship of New Jersey nor the Governorship of Virginia, but the New York City municipal races!