Undermining Of American Democracy

Sad Conclusion: Donald Trump Has Violated The Espionage Act, And Must Be Arrested And Prosecuted!

The revelation of Donald Trump breaking the Espionage Act, and having top secret documents at Mar A Lago, that had to be removed by court order brought by the Justice Department, leads to a clearcut conclusion.

Donald Trump has undermined national security, obstructed justice, violated the Espionage Act, and must be arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law!

Anyone in the Republican Party or at Fox News Channel or other right wing media channels is guilty of complicity if they continue to support Donald Trump with this new revelation!

There should be complete reversal by all Republicans in Congress and at the right wing media channels, or else they are to be regarded as collaborators, and a threat to civil order and American democracy!

Earliest indications are that Fox News Channel, by watching that station on Friday night, is still engaged in promoting the defense of Donald Trump, a very troubling development!

And threats against the FBI and other government institutions and individuals are a growing crisis, all due to the cult like worship of Donald Trump supporters!

Donald Trump Is Criminal In So Many Ways!

The January 6, 2021 House Committee Hearings make it clear to anyone who is sane, that Donald Trump is criminal in so many ways!

Trump was willing to see his Vice President Mike Pence assassinated by a mob!

Trump was willing to see mass loss of life of members of Congress, including Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi!

Trump was willing to pressure state legislators to promote a false narrative on a stolen election, “The Big Lie”, and used the power of his office to intimidate many, although there was, thankfully, pushback!

Trump was willing to intimidate and terrorize election workers, and destroy their sense of safety!

Trump was willing to promote extremists against Republicans who dared to challenge anything he said or did at any time in his Presidency and since he left office!

Face the facts:

Trump is a criminal, and could have been part of Organized Crime!

Trump is a seditionist and traitor, inspiring the US Capitol attack, and defying constitutional norms!

Trump is an evil force, undermining American democracy, and incites his supporters, which include anti semites, nativists, racists, white supremacists, misogynists and homophobes!

Donald Trump and all of his collaborators need to be held accountable legally, and face the consequences of trial, conviction, and imprisonment, as a lesson to any future authoritarian elements, who would wish to emulate his actions and behaviors!

First Session Of January 6 House Committee Hearings Makes Clear Donald Trump Guilt In Insurrection!

The January 6 House Committee, investigating the January 6, 2021 Insurrection at the US Capitol, had its first public session last night.

It was gripping, detailed, and compelling, and anyone who cares about American democracy would clearly see that there is no doubt of the guilt of Donald Trump in the worst crime ever perpetrated by any President of the United States!

The Republican Party has become a cult around a very sick, demented, dangerous man, with only a small percentage of those in Congress and in state government positions putting the Constitution and rule of law ahead of their own personal ambitions!

Action needs to be taken as the nation is in a constitutional crisis that may be worse than the Civil War, if nothing is done to stop the extreme Fascism that Trump and most Republicans in Congress represent!

Doug Mastriano: Authoritarian Christian Nationalist Election Denier A Massive Threat!

Pennsylvania and the nation at large has a new threat to American democracy, in the nomination of Doug Mastriano as the Republican Gubernatorial nominee for the upcoming state election in November.

Mastriano is a far right authoritarian Christian nationalist, a retired US Army Colonel, who is a Donald Trump loyalist, and has promoted the “Big Lie”, that Trump won the Presidential Election of 2020 over President Joe Biden.

He was present at the January 6, 2021 US Capitol Insurrection, and breached barriers set up by the US Capitol Police, although he did not enter the Capitol during the riot and bloodshed that followed.

Mastriano was subpoenaed by the January 6 House Committee on February 22, to explain his involvement with Trump, but has not responded to the subpoena.

He has indicated that he will, if elected Pennsylvania Governor, appoint a Secretary of State who will insure that the electoral votes of the Keystone state go to Trump or whoever is the Republican nominee in the Presidential Election of 2024, no matter what the popular vote results are.

He has also promoted the idea of limiting voting, and outlawing abortion in all circumstances, including rape, incest, and even life of the mother. He invokes Christian religious rhetoric, and has promoted conspiracy theories. He has also limited media ability to cover his public events. There are many Republicans who think he is an direct threat to their party’s success in the Fall elections, due to his clearcut extremism.

Matriano also resisted the promotion of masking to deal with the COVID 19 Pandemic, and has demonstrated that he is very dangerous in his views on public health matters.

It is essental that Democratic Gubernatorial nominee Josh Shapiro, presently the Attorney General, defeat Mastriano in the upcoming election, as Mastriano is perceived as a “clear and present danger” to the state of Pennsylvania and American democracy!

Open, Abusive And Non Embarrassed Lying Now The Republican Playbook!

It is now perfectly clear to anyone with a brain, ethics, morality, and common decency that the Republican Party has become a party of open, abusive, and non embarrassed lying about everything imaginable!

It has also become a party with fake religiosity, and willing to take away the basic civil rights of racial minorities, women, and gays and transgender individuals!

The Republican Party backs a tyrant who did great harm to American democracy, and most members of that party, with a very few exceptions, have no issue with the possibility that Donald Trump might be their nominee again in 2024!

The horrific US Capitol Insurrection, in which Republicans, as well as Democrats, were in dire danger of their lives, seems to have been pushed to the wayside by gutless members of the party, who have no concern about the damage, injuries, and deaths caused by a lawless mob of traitors and seditionists!

How can a person such as Kevin McCarthy sleep at night with a clear conscience, knowing he is truly a coward and a sycophant who puts his own personal advancement ahead of everything else?

How can criminal elements who want a Fascist authoritarian government, be allowed to move forward on their plans for the future in 2024 and beyond?

This crisis America is in could end up worse than the Civil War, if decent people stand by and allow a corrupt party and obscence individuals to steal our government and impose the potential of martial law on this nation, which has survived so many earlier challenges!

Democrats Need To Follow Lincoln Project Strategy: Go On Attack Against Trumpists!

The Democratic Party needs to follow the strategy of the Lincoln Project, a PAC (Political Action Committee) organization formed in 2019 to fight Donald Trump and his ilk, and continuing to attack Donald Trump and his supporters in public office after the January 6, 2021 Insurrection.

The Lincoln Project has continued to put out strong ads on cable and on Twitter, convinced that is the only way to stop Trump and the people who surround, support, and defend him, and to weaken his appeal.

They also want to undermine any future candidacy by either him or his “copycats”, including Ron DeSantis, Greg Abbott, Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Tom Cotton and innumerable others.

This is a battle for American democracy, and to revive the reputation of a party which, historically, had great leadership before the present orientation toward authoritarianism!

So Democrats have to stop being “nice guys”, and go on the attack and defend their principles against a party that has rapidly gone downhill toward Fascism!

Donald Trump, Mike Pompeo, Josh Hawley And Other Republicans Back Putin In Ukraine Crisis—Crazy!

In the midst of the Ukraine Crisis promoted by Vladimir Putin and the Russian Federation, we are seeing insane developments!

Former President Donald Trump; his former CIA head and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo; Missouri Senator Josh Hawley; and a multitude of other Republicans and Trumpites, incluidng the Fox News Channel evening talk show hosts, are praising Putin, showing no concern about Ukraine, and attacking Joe Biden in the midst of the worse foreign policy emergency since the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962!

Just try to imagine what Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, Senator Barry Goldwater, or Senator Joseph McCarthy would say, if they saw the Republican Party selling out to the Russians, a nation that has always been a menace and threat to American democracy!

The refusal of many Republicans to back President Biden in the midst of a massive emergency situation is a scenario that undermines our ability to deal with the danger of Ukraine being overrun by Russian military forces, in a manner not seen since World War II!

Kevin McCarthy: A Traitor To Truth And Country, And Lackey To Donald Trump, Needs To Be Prosecuted!

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is a traitor to the truth and country, and a lackey to Donald Trump, and needs to be prosecuted!

McCarthy desperately wants to become Speaker of the House, more important than the truth about Donald Trump that he uttered on January 13, 2021, one week after the January 6, 2021 Insurrection.

McCarthy screamed and cursed at Trump on the day of the US Capitol Insurrection, and held Trump accountable for the events, and said Antifa had absolutely no involvement in the events, which even now a year later, the Republican insurrectionists in Congress keep on claiming, and right wing news channels continue to pontificate, led by Laura Ingraham, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and other right wing propagandists.

But they, themselves, were trying to reach Trump through Mark Meadows to tell him to call off the violence and bloodshed, and are also liars!

McCarthy gave up his promotion of the truth on January 28, 2021, when he went to Mar a Lago to meet with Trump, and now refuses to testify before the January 6 House Committee investigating the events of January 6, and this after in May 2021, saying he would testify if called to explain the events of the day, which he well knows what happened, but now lies about it.

McCarthy should be expelled from Congress, under the 14th Amendment, Section 3, and prosecuted for the damage he has done by lying for Donald Trump, after first doing the right thing by denouncing him!

His name in history will be one of a traitor and seditionist, who cares more about his own advancement, than preserving American democracy, the Constitution, and the rule of law!

Rand Paul And Ted Cruz Are The Most Obnoxious Republicans Of All!

In 2016, there were 17 Republicans contending for President.

Many would say that Donald Trump was the most scary of the 17, but I would argue, that despite the horrors that Donald Trump has imposed on the American people, at the time, two other contenders seemed even more terrifying.

And these two scary and despicable candidates are still potentially interested in being President, and would be no better, and possibly worse, than Donald Trump, believe it or not!

I am speaking about Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Kentucky Senator Rand Paul!

Cruz and Paul both promote division and hate, and can be seen as totally evil characters, who would undermine American democracy, and promote Fascist ideas, as they already have done so in the Senate.

One wonders how the citizens of Texas and Kentucky do not have the common sense to dump these villainous Senators, who have no concern about common decency, empathy, and compassion.

Both have lied, manipulated, deceived, and have no ethics, scruples, or morals!

Rand Paul is up for election this year, and for the benefit of poor Kentuckians of all faces, needs to be retired, as his libertarian craziness is a total disaster.

He has not stopped causing threats on Dr. Anthony Fauci, and the crazies have threatened Fauci, due to the recklessness of Paul, as outlined today in a Senate hearing by Fauci.

And Ted Cruz, who conspired to overthrow the election of Joe Biden, has degraded himself by kowtowing to Donald Trump, and clearly is afraid of Demagogue Tucker Carlson of Fox News Channel, after having a moment of sanity and stating that January 6 was indeed a terrorist attack and insurrection, before backing off to the evil Carlson, who is provoking a potential civil war!

Attorney General Merrick Garland Makes Clear All Perpetrators Of January 6 Insurrection Will Be Held Accountable!

Attorney General Merrick Garland gave a speech today at the Justice Department that is a winner!

He made clear that no stone would be unturned to hold everyone at all levels accountable for the January 6, 2021 Insurrection!

This should be a warning to Donald Trump, his family, his associates, and to right wing cable news stations, and to members of Congress who collaborated and conspired against American democracy!

Justice takes time, but be assured, Justice is coming!