US Senate

Nikki Haley 40 Percent Reminds Us Of Eugene McCarthy 42 Percent In 1968!

Although Donald Trump won nearly 60 percent of the vote in the South Carolina Republican primary on Saturday over the 40 percent won by Nikki Haley, the fact that Haley did as well as that number, when supposedly, Trump was leading in polls by 30 percent, is a sign of dissatisfaction among Republicans and Independents, who gave Haley 40 percent.

This brings back memories of the New Hampshire primary for the Democratic Party in 1968, when President Lyndon B. Johnson won just 50 percent, with Minnesota Senator Eugene McCarthy winning 42 percent!

This surprisingly close vote did not lead to McCarthy being the Democratic Presidential nominee, but it helped to lead to Johnson backing out of the race.

No one is saying that Trump will back out, but it is clear that his support is not as great as one would expect, and Haley staying in the race indicates problems for Trump in the Fall campaign against Joe Biden.

Passing Of Russian Critic Alexei Navalny Should Lead To Widespread Condemnation Of Trump And Maga Republican Support Of Putin, And Expanded Aid To Ukraine!

The tragic death of Russian critic Alexei Navalny in a Russian penal colony, another indication of the brutality of the Russian government under Vladimir Putin, is a clarion call for Putin supporters in the Republican Party (Donald Trump and most Republicans in Congress, and hangers on who are MAGA supporters) to be held accountable in speeches and debates over the next nine months!

The idea that Donald Trump and his crazy minions, who bow to him, can back and support such a monster as Putin, needs to be a top issue constantly over the coming months!

ANY decent person should be outraged, and ready to hold Trump and his seditionists and traitors accountable in every way and means possible!

Notice that neither Donald Trump nor any of his seditionist, treasonous Republicans have condemned the death of Navalny, and in particular, Tommy Tuberville of Alabama is a disgrace to his state! This moron football coach defeated the best Alabama Senator in Doug Jones in 2020, a crime against common decency!

But where is Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, and all of those who in the past believed in a hard line against Putin and Russia, including the now two year old war against Ukraine?

Now than ever before, more military aid to Ukraine is urgent, as they are the first line of defense for NATO!

Republican Party, Alarmingly, Going Along With Donald Trump On Russia!

It is mind boggling that large numbers of Republicans in Congress, along with MAGA supporters, are demonstrating a strong pro Russian, pro Putin stance, in alignment with Donald Trump, who has basically invited Vladimir Putin to invade NATO nations that Trump says are not paying enough for their defense!

The refusal of House Republicans, led by Speaker Mike Johnson, to consider aid to Ukraine in its heroic battle for its sovereignty in the war provoked by Russia two years ago, is outrageous!

But even in the Senate, only 22 Republicans are willing to support Ukraine aid!

Among those who did so are:

Mitch McConnell of Kentucky
Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia
Bill Cassidy of Louisiana
Susan Collins of Maine
John Cornyn of Texas
Joni Ernst of Iowa
Chuck Grassley of Iowa
Lisa Murkowski of Alaska
Mitt Romney of Utah
John Thune of South Dakota
Thom Tillis of North Carolina

Among the nearly 30 Republican Senators who refused to support national security interests, including continued support for Ukraine are:

John Barrasso of Wyoming
Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee
Tom Cotton of Arkansas
Ted Cruz of Texas
Lindsey Graham of South Carolina
Josh Hawley of Missouri
Ron Johnson of Wisconsin
James Lankford of Oklahoma
Mike Lee of Utah
Rand Paul of Kentucky
Marco Rubio of Florida
Rick Scott of Florida
Tim Scott of South Carolina
Tommy Tuberville of Alabama
J D Vance of Ohio

Notice how many of the second list are among the most outrageous, obnoxious members of the Senate, but also including a traditional supporter of national security legislation in Graham, who is now a turncoat, and Tim Scott, who clearly is angling to be the potential Vice Presidential nominee for Donald Trump!

These Senators in the second group are those who have surrendered their ethics, morals, and scruples to cater to Donald Trump, and in so doing, along with the Republican House, they are repudiating the Republican past of Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and even the infamous Joseph McCarthy!

The Republican Party, except for a select few, has gone stark raving mad,and repudiated the heritage and traditions of the party started 170 years ago this year!

The need is clear for all sane, principled people to unite in the dissolution of the Republican Party, which has now been infested with MAGA Lunacy that cannot be reversed, and must be overcome by the decent majority of the American population!

Donald Trump “A Clear And Present Danger” To American National Security And World Stability!

Donald Trump has gone off the deep end more than ever, now stating that if a NATO nation has not paid its portion of defense, that he would welcome Russian invasion and war against such nation.

When first hearing this, one has to say, let me hear that again, as it is beyond belief!

And yet, most Republicans in Congress are either supporting what Trump said, or are remaining silent. To see that Senators Roger Marshall of Kansas and Marco Rubio of Florida have no issue with Trump’s statement is shocking!

This is the revival of the ugly isolationist movement in the 1930s that made us not ready when Pearl Harbor occurred in 1941, and a long World War II to overcome the threat of not just Imperial Japan, but Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy!

If America goes into isolationism, it will have no allies or friends, and the national security of the nation would be at stake!

There is no way that this nation can allow this maniac Donald Trump, a truly evil man, to regain power, as he is clearly an unadulterated evil force we have never seen in the nearly 250 years of the American Republic!

Being supportive of Russia is being a traitor, a seditionist, a evil force that must be held accountable, and the Republican Party must be reorganized, as it is now a cancer on the body politic!

Tough Election Races In 2024 For Democrats In US Senate

The US Senate races for 2024 are likely to be tough times for Democrats, who have to defend 23 seats, while Republicans have to defend only 10 seats.

Four Democratic seats–in Maryland, Montana, Ohio, and West Virginia—are greatly endangered, and with only a 51-49 majority in the US Senate, including three Independents (Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Angus King of Maine, and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona), who ally with the Democrats, but Sinema’s seat also in play if she decides to run again as an Independent after breaking her ties with the Democrats, as it would create a three way race in that state.

Only three Republican seats out of 10 are in some danger, but likely to remain Republican—Florida with Rick Scott, Missouri with Josh Hawley, and Texas with Ted Cruz.

So while it seems highly likely that the House of Representatives will switch from Republican control to Democratic control, with 17 Republican controlled seats being Joe Biden districts won in 2020, it is highly likely that we will still see divided Congressional government with a possible Republican controlled Senate, and continued gridlock and stalemate operating in the legislative branch of government in 2025-2026!

Republican House And Senate Leadership In Disarray As Congressional Elections Of 2024 Occur In Nine Months!

The Republican Party in Congress is in disarray, bitterly split whereby they cannot accomplish their goals in the House of Representatives or in the US Senate.

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is an abject failure, and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is facing a massive attack on his leadership by critics, including Texas Senator Ted Cruz, Florida Senator Rick Scott, Utah Senator Mike Lee, Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson, and Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville.

The Republicans are not in good shape as they face Congressional elections coming up in nine months!

Massive Day Of Republican Defeats: Well Deserved!

Tuesday February 6—ironically the birthday of Ronald Reagan—was a low moment in the history of the Republican Party, which has sold its soul to the evil Donald Trump!

A series of defeats:

Donald Trump was informed by a three judge Court of Appeals panel of the District of Columbia that he was not immune from prosecution for illegal actions he took to try to keep himself in power!

The Republican House of Representatives majority failed to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, a major blow to Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, who should be removed as Speaker as a total disgrace!

A separate Israel aid bill that was offered in the House of Representatives to push the Senate to back, by having a two thirds vote, as an alternative to an all encompassing bill on border security that also included aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, also failed miserably!

This author and blogger was pleased to see that the Republican majority in the House of Representatives is in such disarray, and it is time for the disastrous speaker Mike Johnson to resign as a totally abject failure!

The Republican Party is on the run from any reasonable voter who has no desire to see a dictator named Donald Trump, who gives not a hoot about the border security matter or about the survival of Ukraine in its war against Russia!

Oklahoma Senator James Lankford Abandoned By His Own Party On Border Bill

Oklahoma Republican Senator James Lankford, a certain conservative in his views, has been working with Independent Senator Kyrsten Sinema and Democratic Senator Chris Murphy to create legislation to deal with the border crisis with Mexico, which has led to thousands of migrants daily coming into the nation’s southern border.

The bill they have drawn up is not one that liberals would like, and includes concessions by President Joe Biden, and is connected with legislation to provide support for Ukraine and Israel, and also provide support for Taiwan.

It is a compromise bill far from perfect, but is a real attempt to deal with a number of crucial issues, but Donald Trump wants no action, and the Republican House and many Republicans in the Senate are bowing to him in an outrageous way, and avoiding resolving an issue that cannot safely wait until 2025, when Trump hopes to be back in the White House.

The Republican Party is continuing its decline into the dustbin of history, by their slavish obedience to the twice impeached, four times indicted nightmare of Donald Trump.

But meanwhile, the nation is being put into crisis in both domestic and foreign policy!

Venomous Victory Speech By Donald Trump, And Tim Scott Shows Total Lack Of Character!

Donald Trump went on a rage last night after defeating Nikki Haley in the New Hampshire Presidential Primary by 11 percentage points.

Trump gave the most venomous speech imaginable, condemning Nikki Haley in insulting manner, and even more shocking, being assisted by African American Senator Tim Scott, who had been originally appointed to the Senate by Governor Nikki Haley!

Scott proved for all to see how despicable he is, but with his indication that he would consider the Vice Presidency if offered by Trump, he professed “love” for Trump, a man who incited the January 6, 2021 Insurrection, and is the most racist President in American history!

Any reputation for decency and compassion that observers might have thought existed in Tim Scott was completely eliminated by his disgraceful embrace of a man who is facing 91 counts on four indictments, and has declared he wants revenge and to establish a dictatorship upon taking the oath of office in 2025!

“No Labels” Movement A Farce, Cannot Win Presidency, But Could Help Donald Trump!

The “No Labels” movement, which is attempting to offer an alternative choice for the Presidency by gaining access to the state ballot in all 50 states, is clearly a farce in every way imaginable!

There is ZERO chance of any candidate on that line winning the Presidency, but it could help elect Donald Trump, who is a threat to the continuation of the Constitution, rule of law, and democracy.

It is clear that those who are engaging in this movement are a bunch of ego maniacs, who have visions that one of them can win the White House, when that will never happen!

Among those rumored to be considering a run are:

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie–Republican
Former Maryland Governor Larry Hogan—Republican
Former Utah Governor and Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman Jr—Republican who tried for the Presidency in 2012
West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin, Democrat who is not running for reelection.

A key backer of this lunatic movement is former Democratic Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut, who was the Vice Presidential nominee with Al Gore in the Presidential Election of 2000.

No Labels has ballot access already in the following states:

North Carolina
South Dakota

Legal barriers must be pursued to prevent this group from helping to elect Donald Trump, and harm Joe Biden.

As it is, already, we have other lunatics, including Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Cornel West, both running as Independents; and Jill Stein on the Green Party line, as announced candidates for the Presidency.