
IntraState Discontent: Suggestions To Break Up States Growing, But Unlikely To Occur!

A movement to break up states, and therefore create more Senate seats and overcome the influence of urban areas on rural and suburban populations, is starting to grow.

The suggestion has been made to create a new state of Southern California, consisting of 13 million people and 13 counties, but not including Los Angeles.

California is not the only state which has experienced this kind of movement. It is actually very common, at least in people’s imaginations.

Florida has seen the debate over creating a separate Southern Florida state. Upstate New York and downstate Illinois have long wished for separation from New York City and Chicago.

Northern Virginia has thought of itself as separate from the rest of Virginia, with the influence of Washington, DC over the area. And western Pennsylvania has wished to be separate from Philadelphia influences over state affairs.

Northern Ohio with Cleveland has long seen itself as different from Southern Ohio and Cincinnati, and Michigan is often seen as Detroit and a separate western Michigan.

And of course, the giant state of Texas has often been seen as multiple states, with the rivalry of Houston vs. Dallas-Forth Worth; the influence of Austin and San Antonio as the most liberal part of the state; and the Panhandle of Lubbock and other communities as totally different from the others.

So in theory, if all the wishes expressed for separation were to occur, we would not have 50 states, but more likely, at least SIXTY-ONE states!

But is this going to happen at any point in the future? Don’t put betting money on it!

The Choice Of Charlotte, North Carolina As Host Of The 2012 Democratic National Convention

The announcement this week that the Democratic National Convention of 2012 will be held in Charlotte, North Carolina, may have surprised some observers, including this blogger, who really thought that St. Louis, Missouri would be chosen from among others including Columbus, Ohio, and Minneapolis, Minnesota.

After having been correct on the choice of Tampa, Florida by the Republican Party for its 2012 convention, the author was somewhat disappointed that his prediction failed to come to fruition!

It is clear that President Barack Obama made the final choice, and it shows that he intends to make a fight to keep the Southern states that he won in 2008–North Carolina, Virginia and Florida, none of which will be easy to accomplish.

In the mind of the author, keeping the Midwest–Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota–will be more urgent, as the “heartland” of the nation seems the even more significant battleground!

While Obama did not win Missouri in 2008, John McCain only won by a few thousand votes, and that was only the second time since 1900 (the other time being 1956) that the loser of Missouri won the White House. So it is crucial that Missouri be won by Obama if he is to win a second term, the reasoning that made the author think he would choose St. Louis.

However, Charlotte is part of the emerging modern South, and North Carolina, along with Virginia and Florida, will also be crucial in the 2012 election campaign.

Hopefully, the President’s decision to choose the South over the Midwest for the national convention will play out in a resulting win for him in 2012!

A Grim Anniversary: 150 Years Ago South Carolina Voted Secession From The Union! :(

On this day, December 20, in the year 1860, exactly 150 years ago, South Carolina became the first state to vote ordinances of secession and break away from the Union, after many years of such threats going back to 1832-1833 during the Nullification Crisis over the protective tariff during the administration of Andrew Jackson!

Hard to believe, but South Carolina is tonight “celebrating” that anniversary with a reading of the secession ordinance, a party and dance and banquet, as if this is an honorable moment in history to commemorate! ๐Ÿ™

It is one thing to honor the dead of the Confederate side of the Civil War, and to promote the history of the Confederacy, as in the Museum of the Confederacy in Richmond, Virginia.

But it is NOT a time to celebrate or glorify the treason of the South which was out to destroy the Union, and to keep African Americans in slavery for all time! ๐Ÿ™

This is unfortunate proof of the reality that the old scars of the Civil War remain much too fresh and unhealed, and that we have a long way to go before we can say that this nation is “indivisible, with liberty and justice for all!”

Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli And The Health Care Legislation

Yesterday, a Virginia District Court judge appointed by President George W. Bush ruled that the Health Care reform law passed by Congress was unconstitutional, because it would require citizens, who could afford it, to buy health care insurance by 2014.

This decision was the first by the opponents of Health Care reform, after two other district court judges, one in Virginia and one in Michigan, declared the law constitutional.

This decision yesterday was hailed by conservatives and Republicans who want the Health Care reform repealed by Congress.

It was also a victory for Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli who led the fight to bring about this result.

Cuccinelli’s contention is that the federal government cannot force anyone to buy health care insurance, and compared it to requiring that a person buy a particular car. ๐Ÿ™

This is totally preposterous as a comparison, and forgets that if one does not purchase health insurance, then when such an individual suddenly has health care issues, WE THE PEOPLE pay for them, adding to everyone’s tax burden! ๐Ÿ™

Is that responsible, Mr. Cuccinelli, that all of us have to pay for the irresponsibility of others to avoid being concerned with their own health? What is more important in a person’s life than his or her own health care? ๐Ÿ™

Going by Mr. Cuccinelli’s reasoning, why should anyone pay taxes? Why should anyone in the time of a military draft have to serve? Why should anyone have to pay auto insurance, which most states require, and in the cases of those states which don’t demand auto insurance coverage, all of the rest of the population sees their insurance rates go sky high to cover for the irresponsibility of those who will not buy such coverage? ๐Ÿ™

Part of the responsibility of every individual is to take on the understanding that necessities come before pleasure, a hard concept for many in this society! ๐Ÿ™

If one can afford ipods, iphones, ipads, fancy cars, smoking, drinking, etc, one must understand that one MUST pay for health care coverage so as to take the burden off the rest of us! ๐Ÿ™

And why is it Ken Cuccinelli and other conservatives are only too willing to control our social existence, as with abortion, gay rights, etc, but refuse to see that economic regulation is also necessary in the public interest? ๐Ÿ™

And also, Mr. Cuccinelli, are you really wishing to promote “welfare”, where we all have to pay for others? Is that a conservative belief? You would say OF COURSE NOT, but yet that is the effect of what you are advocating, along with denying other aspects of the health care law that might also be ruled unconstitutional by the courts, including pre-existing conditions no longer being covered, which seems not to bother you! ๐Ÿ™

Is this a government of WE THE PEOPLE, or only WE THE RICH PEOPLE who shall have health care , Mr. Cuccinelli? ๐Ÿ™

The Ultimate Battleground For The 2012 Presidential Election: The Midwest!

As a result of the Midterm Elections of 2010, it is becoming clear that the 2012 Presidential Election will be ultimately decided in the Midwest, an area of the country suffering more heavily from the Great Recession, and also an area that is losing a significant number of seats in the House of Representatives reapportionment that will take place, as a result of the Census of 2010!

Even though the Midwest is losing electoral votes because of a smaller relative population as compared to the growing Sun Belt, it still contains states that are among the top ten states in population plus others that are in the next ten states in population!

It is also an area that can presently be described as “purple”, rather than “blue” or “red”, but has moved in the direction of the Republican party in the midterm elections due to the economic hard times and the tendency to blame the party in the White House for the poor economic conditions!

With all of the key Midwestern states electing Republican governors except for Illinois, and many state legislatures and House seats going over to the GOP, it poses a massive problem for the Democrats and President Barack Obama as they look at the electoral scene for 2012!

However, two of those states historically are particularly crucial in a Presidential election–Ohio and Missouri!

Ohio has been the decisive state for the Republican Party, as every Republican President since the first one, Abraham Lincoln, to the last one, George W. Bush, has won Ohio! At the same time, it means that if Ohio goes to the Democrats, as say Jimmy Carter in 1976 and Barack Obama in 2008, the chances of Gerald Ford and John McCain were therefore dashed!

Missouri, if anything, has been the true bellwether state, as every single time since 1900, except 1956 and 2008, the winner of Missouri has become President! And even Dwight D. Eisenhower came close to defeating Adlai Stevenson in Missouri in 1956, and Barack Obama came extremely close to defeating John McCain in Missouri in 2008!

Since the Atlantic Coast of the nation–New England and the Middle Atlantic–is seen as solidly Democratic except maybe for New Hampshire and Pennsylvania, and the Pacific Coast also seen as solidly Democratic, while most of the South, maybe all of it including Florida, Virginia and North Carolina, are seen as solidly Republican next time, and much of the Mountain West and Great Plains also solidly “red”, it will be the Midwest which will decide the electoral winner again next time!

So the Democrats and Barack Obama will have to make inordinate efforts to appeal for support in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, and cannot afford to lose much of this area if the party and Obama are to win in 2012!

That is one of the reasons why the Democratic Party is planning its national convention in the Midwest in 2012, with St. Louis, Cleveland, and Minneapolis as the key competitors for that honor!

So despite declining population percentages, the heartland of the nation again will be the central focus in the upcoming national elections in 2012!

Virginia Reasserts Confederate History Myths On Eve Of 150th Anniversary Of Beginning Of The Civil War! :(

Next April will mark the 150th Anniversary of the beginning of the Civil War, and unfortunately, the Commonwealth of Virginia is actively working to promote a myth about that war: that slavery was not a major cause of the war, and that thousands of African American slaves fought for the Confederacy to promote and protect “homes and livelihood”! ๐Ÿ™

First, Governor Robert McDonnell introduced Confederate History Month last April without mentioning the role of slavery in the Civil War.

Now it has been discovered that a 4th grade textbook in Virginia public schools includes a statement that says black Confederate soldiers in the thousands fought for the South in the Civil War, including two battalions under the leadership of General Stonewall Jackson!

These statements are totally false, and were based on an internet search which utilized assertions by a group called the Sons of Confederate Veterans, which has spread that rumor which has no basis in fact!

The Virginia Education Department did a poor job of vetting this textbook, and the fact that in the year 2010 we are having distorted history being promoted by the Governor and by the Education Department of the state of Virginia is indeed, very troubling, and should be condemned!

It is alarming that the South is continuing to promote a view long repudiated, and that what Southern Democrats used to do, uphold racism and discrimination, is now being promoted by Southern Republicans–a far cry from the honorable Republican party of Abraham Lincoln which upheld racial equality, freed the slaves, and promoted black citizenship and voting rights at the birth of the GOP!

Anniversary Of The Beginning Of The Civil War: What Should Be Celebrated And Commemorated!

Today marks the 149th Anniversary of the beginning of the Civil War, the most significant single event in American history!

As we enter the 150th year since the Civil War began, Virginia’s Governor Bob McDonnell has created a controversy by declaring April as Confederate History Month in his state, and originally failing to mention the role of slavery in bringing about the war.

Virginia was indeed the center of much of the Civil War action, as it was also significant in the American Revolution, particularly the decisive Battle of Yorktown that ended the Revolution in October, 1781.

It is also the home of seven Presidents–Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, W. H. Harrison, Tyler, and Wilson. It is a state worthy of many tourist visits, since it has played such a major role in our history, and is now a rapidly growing state that is quickly changing its image nationally, no longer just a “Rebel” state, but a cosmopolitan state which has gained a lot from the growth of its suburbs which border on Washington, DC!

Again, as stated in an earlier entry on this blog, visiting the Museum of the Confederacy in Richmond is well worth anyone’s time to see the Confederate side of the Civil War. There is nothing wrong with honoring those who fought for Virginia, including Robert E. Lee and, even, President Jefferson Davis of the Confederacy. It is important to know the whole story, but there is no reason this long after the Civil War to “glorify” the Rebel cause. In other words, teach about it, read about it, and encourage all Virginians and all Americans to visit museums around the country and see the whole story of the war, where two thirds of a million men perished in the name of what they believed in!

But emphasizing the Confederate flag is counterproductive, because it represents to African Americans and many other Americans a “Lost Cause” that was illegitimate–that the nation established by the Founding Fathers, many of them Southern, should rightfully be destroyed by slave owners, whose goal was to preserve an evil institution, and in the process, not only exploit African Americans, but also keep the vast majority of whites, who were poor, as a laboring class just a step above the slaves!

We should celebrate that this nation endured because of the principled fight of those who believed in nationalism, unity, and liberty–not glorify those who were out to promote the continuation of slavery and the degradation of poor whites!

The Civil War Revives Again! Virginia’s Governor Stirs A Controversy! :(

A year from now, the country will be commemorating the 150th anniversary of the beginning of the Civil War, which cost the lives of about 620,000 Americans.

The scars of that war, the most significant single event in American history, have never been healed, as many white Southerners, descendants of the Confederate side of the war, continue to wave the Confederate flag on their cars and homes, and still look at the North as the “Yankees” and Abraham Lincoln as the devil personified.

Some Southern states still fly the Confederate flag on their public buildings, and the most amazing development of all is that many Southerners, who once despised the Republican party for their prosecution of the war, their Reconstruction of the South, and for Lincoln being the first Republican President, now are loyal Republicans, with a complete switch around evident, as Republicans reign in much of the South, and now embrace the view that they once fought and died for a century and a half ago!

To many Southerners, it is not the “Civil War”, but rather the “War Between the States”, or “The War for Southern Independence”, or “The War of Northern Aggression”. Slavery as the major factor in the coming of the war is ignored, as states rights and the movement to be independent are emphasized.

This is exactly what the newly elected Republican governor of Virginia has now declared, as he decided to issue an official proclamation making April a month to commemorate as “Confederate History Month”.

This has stirred old passions on both sides of the war controversy, and it has led to Governor Bob McDonnell belatedly apologizing for failing to mention slavery as a reason for the war, instead emphasizing states rights and independence desires as the factors that led to war.

It is good that McDonnell has at least acknowledged one day late that slavery was a terrible institution that should be seen as the major reason for the outbreak of the war. But it does not make up for the reality that many white Southerners wish to ignore that reality, and some fail to see how African Americans feel insulted by any display publicly of the Confederate flag.

Virginia has come a long way from the days of slavery and segregation, and with the growth of the northern suburbs outside Washington, D.C., it has become much more “mainstream” and has been seen as a progressive oriented state, more than probably any other Southern state. But the Republican party of Virginia is conducting itself in recent years to look more like Republicans in South Carolina, Mississippi, Texas and other states where governors and other public officials have been shameful in their advocacy of “secession”, “interposition”, “states rights” and other bad memories of the years preceding the Civil War, and the long degradation of racial segregation for a century beyond the Civil War.

It is one thing to say that students should know the history of the Civil War, and know what the Confederacy was all about. It is fine to learn about it, and to have museums devoted to study of the topic, such as the Museum of the Confederacy in Richmond, Virginia, a fascinating place that left a very strong impression on the author when he visited it on vacation in Virginia in 2007.

However, it is not justified to glorify the Confederacy and to propagandize for a lost cause that was evil to begin with–to defend slavery and to wish to break up a nation created by the Founding Fathers to last for the duration of time! It is not appropriate for the governor of Virginia to encourage a distortion of history, and to use the Civil War to promote a political agenda designed to divide the races and the nation at large!

So despite his belated apology for the omission of the subject of slavery, what the Virginia governor has done shows lack of sensitivity and good judgment, and must be used as an example of what should not be done next year on the 150th anniversary of the outbreak of war! Instead, we all need to unite in understanding the great tragedy of that war, that Americans had to fight Americans to promote the basic purpose of the founding of the nation–freedom, liberty, and equality!

A New Attack On Disabled Children By Religious Bigot In Virginia!:(

A member of the Virginia legislature has declared that disabled children have been increasing in greater numbers because of women having abortions.

State Delegate Bob Marshall said that disabled children are born to women who have abortions because God is punishing them for their sin!

How does this explain disabled children who are born to women who DON’T have abortions, Mr. Marshall? And why are you condemning disabled children as a punishment, rather than see them as God’s “special” children who can bring their own joys and happiness to their parents, and whose innocence is very appealing in a world which includes such mean, nasty people as you, a supposedly religious person, who is above all a zealot and bigot, NOT a “good Christian” based on his own hatred and poisonous, uncaring rhetoric? ๐Ÿ™

The best thing this jerk could do is resign in shame from the Virginia legislature, and Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell and all Republican leaders in this country need to condemn the narrow mindedness and prejudice that this man represents!

And Sarah Palin, in the name of decency, needs to come out squarely against this kind of outrage, although the fact that he is a Republican, will she, or just dismiss it, as she did, after Rush Limbaugh used the term “retard”? Come on, Sarah, be consistent in the name of your son, Trig! ๐Ÿ™

A Different Way Of Analyzing Tuesday’s Election Results

While the Republicans are celebrating their gubernatorial victories in Virginia and New Jersey on Tuesday, if one looks at special elections in House districts since the election of 2008, things look quite differently.

Not only did the Democrats win NY 23 for the first time since the Presidency of Ulysses S. Grant in the 1870s, but also they have won a vacancy in a California seat, and also earlier in Louisiana, Mississippi and Illinois, since Barack Obama became President.

The fact that they won open seats in New York and California on Tuesday allowed their margin of victory on the health care legislation last night to be 220-215, rather than 218-217, the absolutely bare margin needed for passage.

In the long run, winning the House vacancies is more significant for national politics than the losing of governorships in states that have recently demonstrated that they have gone for the party out of the White House a year after the presidential election for 20 straight years in both states, and actually 32 straight years in Virginia.

The difficult economy is bound to affect governors of both parties, as higher unemployment and greater numbers of foreclosures, leading to budget cuts in public services, naturally creates a political nightmare for governors, who bear the brunt of the blame for the downturn.

So while the Republicans celebrate their triumphs, the Democrats also have a lot to celebrate–five Democratic wins in the past year in special House elections!