Vivek Ramaswamy

Vivek Ramaswamy Is Trump 2.0! Highly Dangerous Candidacy!

Vivek Ramaswamy, the 38 year old biotech billionaire entrepreneur candidate for the Republican Presidential nomination, has become the big star of the first Republican Presidential debate, despite having zero qualifications for the Presidency.

He is a young, brash, cocky, arrogant Donald Trump 2.0, who is clearly vying to be Donald Trump’s Vice Presidential running mate, if Trump is, as seems likely, the Republican candidate for President for a third time, despite his four indictments and a total of 91 counts against him.

Nikki Haley, Mike Pence, and Chris Christie made him subject to their attacks, and rightfully so, as he has no background in foreign policy, and promotes an extremist right wing agenda that would be a disaster if he was to end up in the Oval Office in the future!

And his statement that Donald Trump was the greatest President of the 21st century, over Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and George W. Bush, is a clear sign of his lunatic nature, and the danger of his candidacy for the Trump cult, which lives in an alternate universe!

Milwaukee Republican Presidential Debate: Conclusions!

This author and blogger stayed up to watch the Fox News Republican Presidential debate in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, quite a sacrifice, but seen as essential to understand the Republican Party mind!


So called “winners”—Chris Christie, Nikki Haley

Holding their own–Mike Pence, Tim Scott

Horrifying and crashing—Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy

Having no impact—Asa Hutchinson, Doug Burgum

Two main thoughts:

Vivek Ramaswamy was attacked and vilified by Chris Christie, Mike Pence, and Nikki Haley, rightfully!

There is a major split on the issue of Ukraine—with Chris Christie, Nikki Haley, and Mike Pence speaking up for support, and Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy calling for an end of aid to Ukraine.

There is a clearcut refusal to attack Donald Trump, except by Chris Christie and Asa Hutchinson.

Further discussion will follow when there is time to analyze the effects of this debate.

All one can say for now is: thank goodness that Joe Biden is in the White House!

Vivek Ramaswamy: An Arrogant, Cocky, Scary Amateur Running For President!

Vivek Ramaswamy, the son of Hindu immigrants, who is estimated at age 38 to be a billionaire from his biotechnology industry investments, is an arrogant, cocky, scary amateur running for President, and has succeeded in gaining enough support in public opinion polls to be on the stage tonight at the Republican Presidential debate in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

A graduate of Harvard University and Yale University Law School, he is an extreme right wing candidate, working to be more extreme than Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and promising he would pardon Donald Trump on Day One if he was elected President.

He describes himself as an “anti woke activist”, meaning he looks down upon those who have compassion, empathy, decency, sincerity, and concern for those who are not privileged as he is!

Ramaswamy is utterly brash, cocky, and has tremendous hubris, who thinks he is supremely qualified to be President. He is the person to watch tonight, and it is believed that Ron DeSantis is ready to apply the hatchet to him, at the same time that Chris Christie and Asa Hutchinson are also ready to go after DeSantis, who is fast deteriorating as a serious candidate for the Presidency.

Ramaswamy is running as Trump 2.0, and his foreign policy beliefs are totally scary and shocking, as he would reduce or end aid to Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan; and allow Russia to keep the area of Ukraine that he controls at the moment, and prevent Ukraine from being part of NATO.

Domestically, he would work against transgender rights; environmental concerns; dealing with COVID 19’s continued threat even today; is supportive of the National Rifle Assocation; extremely anti abortion; calls to abolish the Department of Education, the FBI, and the IRS; wants to expand presidential power, pledging to rule by executive fiat; and wants to raise the voting age to 25 by constitutional amendment!

If Ramaswamy somehow was elected President, one can imagine as the youngest President that he would wish to remain in power for life, rather than leave office in his mid 40s.

He can be seen as a younger generation Fascist authoritarian, who would be a threat to the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, and he should not be ignored, and needs to be observed closely both tonight and in future months, as his fortune and self support means he is not going to withdraw at any point before the battle is over for the Republican nomination.

And even more scary and terrifying is his statement that he would consider lunatic Robert F. Kennedy, Jr as his Vice Presidential running mate!

The Republican Party’s Pitiful Upcoming Debate In Milwaukee, Wisconsin!

The upcoming Republican Presidential debate on Wednesday evening, without Donald Trump’s participation, seems certain to be pitiful in nature.

Most of the candidates are unwilling to alienate MAGA supporters of Donald Trump, so it is expected they will not be critical of the frontrunner, who is so far ahead, that one wonders what is the point of debates as things stand for now!

Only Chris Christie and Asa Hutchinson seem willing to utter any criticism of Trump, although if Will Hurd makes the debate, he might also do so to some extent.

But Mike Pence, Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy, Tim Scott, Nikki Haley, and Doug Burgum clearly have no guts or courage to denounce Trump, so the debate is a waste of time!

Horrifying Potential VP Choices For Donald Trump In 2024!

The thought that Donald Trump might be the Republican Presidential nominee in 2024 is horrifying, but even worse is the thought of potential VP running mates for him, who would be a heartbeat from the Presidency if he won the election!

Many of the potential candidates are women, and many of them are ill qualified to be President in any form or fashion.

Among them are in no special order:

Failed Arizona gubernatorial nominee Kari Lake
Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene
Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn
South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem
Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds
New York Congresswoman Elise Stefanik
Former Congresswoman and former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard

Also, the following male contenders:

Missouri Senator Josh Hawley
Florida Congresswoman Byron Donalds
Former Fox News Host Tucker Carlson
Democrat Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Any of the above 12 would be outrageous!

Of course, contenders against Trump could be on the short list

Former South Carolina Governor and United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley
South Carolina Senator Tim Scott
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis
Businessman Vivek Ramaswamy

Also, at the moment, non candidate Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin might be on the list!

The State Of The Republican Presidential Race On Independence Day!

With about 7 weeks to the first Republican Presidential Primary Debate on August 23 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the state of the race is that Donald Trump is running away with the nomination, with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis about thirty five points behind him, and everyone else in the dust, although Entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, former Vice President Mike Pence, former South Carolina Governor and United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, and former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie each have at least a few percent of the vote.

DeSantis has become a total flop, and only Chris Christie has been willing to take on Trump in an organized fashion, with all others avoiding criticism.

It now seems as even if Trump is indicted two more times, which seems highly likely, and even if convicted, that the Republican Party is selling its soul to the twice impeached President who incited the January 6, 2021 US Capitol Insurrection.

This is very disturbing, and makes one wonder what future the party of Lincoln, TR, Ike, and Reagan has, with many, including this author and blogger, with the 170th anniversary of the founding of the party in Ripon, Wisconsin occurring in the summer of 2024, just as the party holds its convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin!

Wisconsin will be one of the major battlegrounds of the Presidential race, and the Midwest will be a key factor in the Electoral College, as the Democratic Party holds its convention in Chicago, Illinois!

The Republican Presidential Race Is About To “Explode” With Ronald Reagan Comparisons, Which Will Not Succeed!

The Republican Presidential race for 2024 is about to “explode”, with at least three, and possibly more, contenders about to announce by Memorial Day, and with the first Republican Presidential Contenders debate scheduled for sometime in August.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis; South Carolina Senator Tim Scott; and former Vice President Mike Pence (Indiana) are about to announce, and others–including former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie; New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu; Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin; and South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem seem likely to join in the fray.

They will join former President Donald Trump; former South Carolina Governor and United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley; former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson; and former biotech executive Vivek Ramaswamy (an arrogant extreme right wing multimillionaire 37 years old without any government experience) in the race.

Many of the soon to be contenders are invoking the name and image of former President Ronald Reagan, failing to understand that none of them are really at all like Reagan.

But also, the Ronald Reagan “bandwagon” fails to realize the great damage that the 40th President did to America in so many ways, but at the same time his open mindedness on some issues, such as immigration reform, which is one of the horrendous sins of the present day Republican Party, the depth and extent of their nativism and racism!