Vladimir Putin Russian Federation

Donald Trump, The Full Blown Imperialist! :(

Donald Trump was thought to be an isolationist in his foreign policy views in his first term.

But now in his second term, Donald Trump is a full blown imperialist, who has no concern for our relations with nations that have been America’s allies since after World War II.

So Trump is making clear that he intends, even by military force if necessary, to seize control of the Panama Canal, which was legally handed over by treaty in the Jimmy Carter Administration, effective in the year 2000, and with Republican and Democratic backing in the signing of the treaty in 1977. Such action will cause a major rift with Latin America.

So Trump is continuing to assert that Canada will be the “51st state”, and is imposing heavy protective tariffs, and acting aggressive and abusive toward our northern neighbor. This is causing great stress and the rise of antiAmericanism in Canada, which has no intention of giving up its sovereignty.

So Trump is claiming that Greenland, which has been semi-autonomous from Denmark for a long time, will become a territory of the United States, causing hostility and alarm in Denmark, the European Union, and among our NATO Allies.

So Trump is claiming that the Gaza Strip needs to be emptied, and redeveloped with American investment, a totally loony idea, which would cause the spread of Middle East terrorism to all Americans who would work or live in territory that America has no right to claim.

Donald Trump is, clearly, a full blown imperialist, similar in many ways to authoritarian leaders, including Vladimir Putin of Russia, with his attempt to justify invasion and seizing of territory in Ukraine!

This makes the 47th President “a clear and present danger” to international peace!

The Deteriorating US-Canada Relationship

The United States has been blessed with having the best possible neighboring nation in Canada, which it shares a boundary of 5,525 miles, the longest boundary between any two nations in the world.

There has been no major issues between Canada and the US for nearly two centuries, just the “normal” disagreements that any two neighbors might have over time.

But now, the United States under President Donald Trump is creating conflict with its policy of promoting economic war through imposing tariffs, which only harm both nations.

Additionally, Trump has promoted the idea of Canada becoming the “51st State”, totally preposterous idea, and if anything, Washington DC SHOULD be the 51st state!

It has caused growing hostility between Canadians and Americans, whether at sports events, or just promoting a new wave of Canadian nationalism, resentful of the unnecessary provocations which undermine both nations, not only economically, but also regarding national defense and security of both nations.

Canada may stop sharing intelligence information with the United States as a result of Trump’s cozying up with Russia and Vladimir Putin in its war with Ukraine, as well.

There is the danger that the nations America is closest to (all of which share the English language)–not just Canada, but also the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand–will stop such shared intelligence, which would be a major tragedy in international relations against authoritarian regimes around the world that undermine security of all of those nations! This alliance has been known as the “Five Eyes” alliance.

It could also affect other major democracies, including France and Germany, to be more cautious in their dealings with the US government.

The recent news that new Canadian Prime Minister Mark Carney has denounced Donald Trump and that Canada will match tariff for tariff is something all decent Americans will support wholeheartedly!

Chaos, Confusion, Anarchy–Donald Trump, Elon Musk War On Civil Service And Military!

Donald Trump and Elon Musk are making clear that they are at war with America’s Civil Service workers, more than two million of them, as well as against the military leadership and troops that are committed to protecting America!

Their goal is the politicizing of the civil service, cutting government workers ruthlessly, without any concern or understanding of the significance of their roles in making America work!

Additonally, top military brass who are Black or female have been removed from leadership!

Their racism, misogyny, and homophobia is clear, as they promote a white male supremacy and reject our traditional alliances with democratic nations in Europe for, instead, a warming up to the war criminal Vladimir Putin, and alliances with other authoritarian leaders around the globe!

Their evil intentions, assisted by the refusal of the Republican Party to stand by traditional views and beliefs, promotes chaos, confusion and anarchy!

The American people at large are victims of the criminal activities of this oligarchy, plutocracy, and tiny sector of America that has no conscience, ethics, morals, compassion, or empathy!

Donald Trump Is “Neville Chamberlain” Appeasement Of Nazi Germany In 1938, Repeated In 2025 Involving Ukraine And Russia!

In 1938, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, wishing to preserve peace, made a deal with Nazi Germany dictator Adolf Hitler, agreeing that half of Czechoslovakia should be handed over to the Germans to preserve peace in Europe.

Chamberlain horribly misjudged Hitler’s intentions, and within a year, World War II began, and Chamberlain’s reputation was besmirched for all time, as a naive leader who was tricked by Hitler, and Chamberlain’s name has been synonymous with the term “appeasement” ever since!

The lesson learned the hard way was that one does not make deals with authoritarians to give up territory for so called peace, as such dictators are manipulating and fooling their opponents into believing peace is assured by making such deals.

But then, we have now Donald Trump, the new “appeaser”, the new Neville Chamberlain, who is willing to make a deal with the Russian Federation and Vladimir Putin, who has waged the worse war and destruction in Europe since World War II, in his three year invasion and destruction waged on Ukraine.

The United States under Joe Biden and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has been valiant in their support of Ukraine, but now Donald Trump and his treasonous administration is ready to abandon Ukraine and trust Putin, who is, one must remember, formerly a KGB agent in the former Soviet Union, with a clear aim to restore the old Russia which collapsed with the end of the Cold War in 1991.

Putin is vicious, bloodthirsty, deceitful, and manipulative, and has found the “perfect fool” in Trump, and one has to say that Trump clearly has some kind of hidden reason to have embraced Putin from the beginning of his pursuit of the Presidency ten years ago.

No matter what one might deny, it is clear that Putin manipulated and helped elect Trump in 2016, even though Trump lost the popular vote by 2.85 million votes. There is clearcut evidence of collaboration, and one has to wonder why Trump is so intent on embracing authoritarians, although it is now clear, if not earlier, that Trump wants to be like a Putin, an authoritarian dictator!

International affairs is being upended after 75 years of NATO and support against totalitarianism, and lies about the Russia-Ukraine War are being spread to manipulate public opinion.

It is not just Ukraine which is in danger, but all nations and their citizens who care about democracy and freedom. It is clear that Putin, if allowed to succeed in taking over Ukraine, will next move to attack the Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) and Poland in his desire to dominate Europe.

Clearly, Trump is a traitor to American values and national security, and we are in a massive crisis of whether our nation and the world will be secure and stable moving forward! For Trump to “blame” Ukraine for the invasion by Russia and call Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy a dictator, is an outrage!

Donald Trump: No Compassion, Empathy Or Humanity, Just Oriented Toward Revenge!

Donald Trump is a wretched human being, a man who clearly is racist, sexist, nativist, misogynist, homophobic, and elements of antisemitism.

Trump is a very disturbed person, who flirts with authoritarian leaders, including Vladimir Putin, and the leaders of other nations with dictatorships.

Somehow, he has a hold on the Republican Party, which refuses to speak out over the years about his outrageous utterances, actions, and illegal and unethical activities.

Now, just two days into his second Presidency, Trump is displaying once again his lack of compassion, empathy, and humanity.

Trump has created a new potential threat with the pardon of all of the January 6, 2021 Insurrectionists.

He has also made clear mass deportation will include raids on churches and schools.

He has eliminated the Spanish language translation on government websites.

He is in process of firing many civil servants in the federal government.

He has demanded an apology from the Washington National Cathedral Bishop, who pleaded with him for the protection of gay, lesbian and transgender people, and undocumented immigrants who have not committed crimes.

He has moved to get rid of birthright citizenship, even though it is in the 14th Amendment to the Constitution.

There are clear signs that he is bent on assuming absolute power, and has totally intimidated members of Congress, who with only a few exceptions, have not been willing to speak out against his actions and intentions.

Two “Democrats” Who Now Are MAGA Republicans And Cabinet Members!

It is stunning that two former Democrats are now MAGA Republicans, and will be part of Donald Trump’s second term Cabinet, assuming they are confirmed by the Republican majority in the US Senate!

Both are very dangerous to be part of the Cabinet, but sadly, we are faced with the likelihood that they will be in key positions

Tulsi Gabbard, former Democratic Congresswoman from Hawaii, as Director of National Intelligence, despite her flirtations with Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad and Russian President Vladimir Putin over recent years. The thought that such a person, who is a massive security risk, would become the leading spy executive of our federal government is horrifying beyond belief!

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, son of the late Senator and Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, as Secretary of Health and Human Services. Kennedy is a conspiracy theorist; anti vaccine advocate; against flouride in America’s water supply; and desirous of damaging America’s health care system. He is a disgrace to the Kennedy family name, and has a horrendous history of drug and alcohol abuse, and sexual misconduct during his three marriages.

Neither Gabbard nor Kennedy should have any impact on American government policy, and both are very dangerous, but unlikely that either can be stopped from gaining power under Donald Trump!

Most Republicans Have Become Russian Agents Of Putin!

Donald Trump

Elon Musk

Tucker Carlson

JD Vance

Mike Johnson

Most of the Republican House Caucus

Many Republican Senators

All of these have become Russian agents, promoting Vladimir Putin and working against support of Ukraine, and moving toward repudiation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization!

What would the following past Republicans have to say about this collaboration with and support of the Russian Federation?

Joseph McCarthy

Richard Nixon

Barry Goldwater

Ronald Reagan

William F. Buckley, Jr. and The National Review

Most of the Republican House Caucus

Many of the Republican Senators

What has happened to the Republican Party under Donald Trump et al?

They have become collaborators, conspiring with Vladimir Putin and the Russian Federation to undermine American national security and American foreign policy and support of NATO and other allies around the world!

Face the facts: the MAGA Republicans are traitors to America!

Eisenhower And Reagan Commitment To Internationalism Being Rejected By Donald Trump And “America First” Extremism!

The Republican Party before World War II was dominated by America First Isolationism, led by Ohio Senator Robert Taft, “Mr Conservative Republican”, and Michigan Senator Arthur Vandenberg.

However, Vandenberg abandoned isolationism with the beginning of the Cold War with the Soviet Union after World War II, but with Taft still pursuing isolationism.

But in 1952, when Taft sought the Presidency, he was stopped by World War II hero Dwight D. Eisenhower, who was able to shift American foreign policy to support of the international community, including support of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and commitment to fighting Communist expansion around the world.

The majority of Republicans who pursued bipartisanship in foreign policy continued, and reached a new peak under Ronald Reagan in the 1980s, and with the Presidencies of George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush.

However, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan provoked the emergence of a strong opposition to the policy of interventionism, and also led to those who started to see the Russian Federation that followed the downfall of the Soviet Union in 1991 as not a nation to be seen as “the enemy”.

Donald Trump became the leader of the attack on the interventionist past of the Republican Party from 1952-2016. Now, many Republicans in Congress back Trump on his isolationist bent, including his Vice Presidential running mate, JD Vance.

This is a dangerous trend, and cozying up to Vladimir Putin and the Russian Federation with their war in Ukraine is an alarm bell in the middle of the night, as accepting authoritarianism is a trend toward Fascism!

JD Vance Beyond The Pale, Attacking Bob Woodward For Revealing Trump Contacts With Putin After Presidency

Republican Vice Presidential nominee JD Vance is a true nightmare, lying incessantly; promoting racism, nativism, and misogyny; insulting in the most nasty terms anyone who has the truth and facts about Donald Trump’s transgressions!

Now, Vance is attacking Bob Woodward, the Watergate reporter of great renown, who is publishing a new book about the truth surrounding Donald Trump, including:

that he gave COVID 19 vaccines to Putin while President,

that he has had multiple contacts with Putin since leaving office,

and has likely shared national security information with the Russian dictator who has waged war on Ukraine for more than two and a half years and counting.

So JD Vance shows his nastiness and ignorance when he says he is surprised that Bob Woodward is still alive!

And clearly, Vance seems oblivious to the significance of Bob Woodward in exposing the corruption of the Watergate Scandal and Richard Nixon, and his continued exposure of the shocking words and actions of Donald Trump in his Presidency and since.

So now, Vance is promoting discrimination toward those are aged, except of course, Donald Trump, who is only three years younger than Woodward, and clearly is mentally deranged and dangerous, unlike Bob Woodward!

And of course, JD Vance, in his heart, KNOWS that Donald Trump is dangerous and unfit to be President, but his own ambitions to promote the viewpoints of extremist right wing tycoons like Elon Musk and Peter Thiel, prevents him from protecting the Constitution, American democracy, and the rule of law!

It is clear that it is not just Donald Trump who is a threat and a danger.

The thought of a 40 year old first term US Senator with not even two years in office, willing to lie about his earlier thoughts about Donald Trump, in his incessant promotion of his own ambitions is horrifying, and a threat greater than Trump himself.

So the need for a sound defeat of both Trump and Vance is urgent, and the American people have to be convinced, as many Republicans and conservatives not in elected office fully understand, the reason they are backing Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in the upcoming Presidential Election of 2024!

Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson Both “Clear And Present Danger” To American Democracy

Not only is Donald Trump a threat to American democracy, the Constitution, and the rule of law, who now has been revealed to have had up to seven contacts with Vladimir Putin since he left the Presidency.

But also, billionaire Elon Musk and extremist right wing commentator Tucker Carlson have laughed at Elon Musk’s earlier statement that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have not been threatened as Donald Trump was by two assassination attempts, but further joked about the idea that it could happen to Harris!

This is freedom of speech gone amuck, and makes both Musk and Carlson “clear and present dangers”, who need to be warned that such statements are NOT freedom of speech, but threats to a Presidential candidate, and that prosecution by the Secret Service could be in the offing!

Public figures such as Musk and Carlson can have the potential to incite bloodshed and violence by their reckless oratory, and assassination is not something to laugh about!

They are not “normal” citizens, but rather public figures who can influence unstable people with the idea that it is legitimate to threaten Presidential candidates, so they need to be warned to stop such rhetoric immediately!