Vladimir Putin

Tucker Carlson Gone From Fox News Channel: Good Riddance!

A literal nightmare has come to an end, with the decision of Fox News Channel to part ways with the most watched cable show host, Tucker Carlson.

Carlson should be held legally responsible and prosecuted for his lies about the January 6, 2021 US Capitol Insurrection, and his own promotion over the years of racism, nativism, misogyny, Islamophobia, Antisemitism, homophobia, and support of Fascism authoritarianism and autocratic dictators around the world, including Vladimir Putin. He has also promoted conspiracy theories about the COVID 19 Pandemic.

Carlson lied incessantly, and it was revealed that he despised Donald Trump, and yet continued to embrace the “Big Lie” about the election of Joe Biden in 2020, that the election was stolen.

Carlson is a very evil, vain excuse for a human being, and it could be argued since he was on Cable that he was even more dangerous and divisive than the leading radio talk show host, the late and despicable Rush Limbaugh!

If there is justice, he should be sued for his wealth, and incarcerated for a prison term for the rest of his life, as he provoked violence, bloodshed, and hatred at an obscene level!

If there was justice, he would never have his voice heard again on radio or cable, but sadly, he is likely to find a new home at another right wing cable channel, or will set up a podcast.

Or he might seek public office, spreading his venomous poison, but all efforts to prevent him gaining a new power position must be pursued!

There are no virtues to Tucker Carlson, and anyone who would defend his disgusting behavior should be vilified and be spurned in society!

And this event should start the process of ridding the nation of hateful political leaders who have no conscience and only wish to divide the nation!

And Fox News Channel has other hateful cable talk show hosts, and faces further legal challenges regarding its promotion of lies about the Presidential Election Of 2020, leading to the January 6, 2021 Insurrection.

Donald Trump Raves About Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un, And Republicans Stay Silent!

Former President Donald Trump is demonstrating yet again how dangerous and crazy he is, and yet the Republican Party acts prostrate toward him!

Trump went on Fox News Channel and was interviewed by Tucker Carlson, who we know has said he hates him, but still has him on his show, as the goal is, ever after, to make money for Carlson and Fox News Channel by allowing Trump to spew forth his authoritarian impulses!

Trump praised Communist dictators Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation, Xi Jinping of China, and Kim Jong Un of North Korea, lavishing them with glowing statements about how smart they are, and how brilliant they are, despite their well known record of human rights violations against their own populations, and threats to their neighbors.

And although one might say Putin is NOT a Communist, since the Russian Federation supposedly replaced the Soviet Union in December 1991, reality is that Putin WAS a Communist functionary in the Soviet KGB in the 1980s.

Imagine this, Communism was the enemy to decades of Republicans from the time of the Russian Revolution to the downfall of the Soviet Union in 1991.

It made the careers of innumerable Republicans, including the infamous Senator Joseph McCarthy, President Richard Nixon, and a massive number of others.

But along comes Trump, glorifying and praising these dangerous and unstable authoritarians, who could also be termed “Fascists” in their tactics, such as past horrors as Adolf Hitler of Germany, Benito Mussolini of Italy, Juan Peron of Argentina, and Francisco Franco of Spain in the 20th century.

The differences between “old line” Communists and modern Fascists are miniscule, and to have an American President praise such tyrants, and his party stays silent, is truly proof that the Republican Party and Fox News Channel are a danger to American freedom, security, and democracy!

How is it that Republicans have completely changed their perception of foreign enemies, and are engaged in similar tactics to undermine the civil rights and civil liberties of millions of Americans, who do not fit the image of white supremacy Christianity?

What has happened that the party of Lincoln, TR, Ike, and Reagan has reached this point?

Ron DeSantis Changes His View On The Russian Federation For Political Survival!

It is interesting that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has suddenly changed his view on the Russian Federation, now calling Vladimir Putin a “war criminal”, and backing away from saying the Russia-Ukraine War is simply “a territorial dispute”.

This was clearly done due to the strong opposition expressed by many Republicans, particularly in the US Senate, but it is clear DeSantis is just trying to improve his political position, and cannot be trusted on what he says.

DeSantis is very much an egotist, who thinks he is best qualified, due to his promotion of taking away the rights of gays, lesbians, and transgenders; women; racial minorities; teachers; librarians; medical doctors; and even elected prosecutors!

His is an ugly candidacy, and lately, he has lost support in public opinion polls.

America can do better than Ron DeSantis in the White House!

Ron DeSantis Comes Out As Neville Chamberlain, Divides Republicans On Foreign Policy Toward Vladimir Putin

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who clearly will be announcing for President in the near future, has come out clearly against aid to Ukraine, seeing the Russia-Ukraine War as not an issue of national security for the United States.

In that regard, he is acting like Donald Trump!

In so doing, DeSantis and Trump are coming out as Neville Chamberlain, the British Prime Minister who made a deal with Adolf Hitler to give up half of Czechoslovakia in 1938 (the Munich Conference), thinking it would satisfy Hitler’s territorial demands, which was instead appeasement of a dictator.

The issue of Ukraine has divided the Republican members of the US Senate, including:

Mitch McConnell of Kentucky
Mitt Romney of Utah
Lindsey Graham of South Carolina
John Cornyn of Texas
John Thune of South Dakota
Marco Rubio of Florida
Mike Rounds of South Dakota
Kevin Cramer of North Dakota
Roger Wicker of Mississippi
John Kennedy of Louisiana

And there are others in the Senate who have not spoken publicly who would take the same stand, being critical of both DeSantis and Trump on Ukraine.

There are also a few House Republicans, the so called “moderates”, who would join the Senate Republicans who are in opposition.

So a major battle for the soul of the party is in process!

Joe Biden At His Prime: State Of The Union Speech And Ukraine Visit!

President Joe Biden is clearly at his prime at the beginning of his third year in the White House!

First, he gave a magnificent State of the Union Address, and disarmed his Republican critics, forcing them to back away from the threat to “sunset” Social Security and Medicare!

It was hilarious how Florida Senator Rick Scott and Utah Senator Mike Lee were stunned by Biden going after them on the issue of these programs, paid by taxpayers over their lifetime, being threatened by their bullyism.

Biden was at his best also by surprising many observers by traveling to Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, and meeting with President Zelenskyy yesterday, demonstrating how the US and its NATO allies are determined to continue to assist that war torn nation that has been subjected to the worse war situation since the end of World War II!

Biden made it clear, as did Vice President Kamala Harris a day earlier, that Russia has engaged in war crimes, and crimes against humanity, and that Vladimir Putin and his government will be held accountable under international law!

For a man who is three months past his 80th birthday, Joe Biden is clearly in top shape for the battles ahead, including against a growing number of Republicans, who are proving, like former President Donald Trump, that they are leagued with Putin and Russia over the interests of freedom and democracy!

And now, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is showing he is another Russia apologist, who see the Russian war against Ukraine as a conflict America should not engage in, a stunning admission by this arrogant, authoritarian leading challenger to Donald Trump for the Republican Presidential nominatoin in 2024.

So a future battle between Joe Biden, and either Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis will be centered over opposition to or support of the Russian threat to world peace!

Inspirational Speech By President Volodymyr Zelenskyy Before Congress!

Tune Magazine’s Person Of The Year, Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, just delivered a very inspirational speech to a joint session of Congress, after traveling to the United States, and meeting in the Oval Office with President Biden.

Zelenskyy asked for more military support, making clear that he was not requesting US Troop involvment, as Ukranians want to defend their own country from the 300 day war waged by the Russian Federation.

This was an appropriate time to have Zelenskyy visit, and anyone who is unwilling to support Ukraine is clearly against the promotion and sustaining of democracy in the world.

Hopefully, with a tough winter ahead, Ukraine can continue, with US and NATO support, to push back Russia’s aggression, and undermine Vladimir Putin!

Infuriating Attack Of Mike Pompeo On Randi Weingarten And Teaching Profession!

There are many outrageous, irritating utterances that emanate from Republicans and conservatives about all kinds of issues and individuals.

But the attack of former Secretary of State and former CIA Director, and future Republican Presidential contender Mike Pompeo against Randi Weingarten and the American Federation of Teachers is the most infuriating statement imaginable.

Pompeo, insanely, termed Weingarten the most dangerous person in the world, more than Kim Jong Un of North Korea, Chinese President Xi Jinping, or Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Pompeo must be considered totally crazy with such an utterance, and should be disqualified from running for or winning the Oval Office.

This is not just a personal attack on a woman who has dedicated her life to education, as head of the United Federation of Teachers from 1998-2008, and as head of the American Federation of Teachers from 2008 to the present. Weingarten has devoted herself to promoting the rights and conditions of the teaching profession.

This is a field in which we are losing more teachers than replacing them, due to the effects of the COVID 19 Pandemic. But also there is the outrageous interference of right wing groups and ignorant parents who think they know more about what the curriculum should be in science, history, literature than educators who are trained to promote knowledge, truth, facts instead of myths, and to promote empathy, compassion and tolerance of others who are different than any of us.

Pompeo, like many right wing extremists, does not want students to learn about the truth of American history, the mistreatment of native Americans, African Americans, and other marginalized groups, but he is promoting narrow mindedness and intolerance, a threat to future harmony in this multi racial, multi ethnic society.

He is also, for sure, attacking Weingarten because of her liberal Jewish heritage and promoting Christian nationalism, which sees Jews as a group that should be proselytized to convert to Christianity. His pro Israel advocacy is phony, and he is supportive of the extremism in Israeli society, which has now led to Benjamin Netanyahu coming back as Prime Minister, while under criminal indictment. One can be pro Israel and support its right to exist, but does not require that all Jews or other decent people must accept the injustices represented by Netanyahu and his Orthodox extremists who look at Arabs as subhuman.

There is also an element of misogyny and homophobia that is part of Pompeo’s mantra, as Weingarten is a lesbian, and married to a Reform woman rabbi.

So all of the ugly elements–anti intellectual, Christian nationalism, misogyny, homophobia—of Mike Pompeo are to be condemned as horrendous.

And by attacking Weingarten, Pompeo also endangers her life and safety, and likely will cause threats that will require security, totally beyond the pale.

Republicans Plot To Use Impeachment Weapon Against Biden Presidency!

With the Midterm Elections of 2022 around the corner, it is becoming clear that the Republicans, if they win control of the House of Representatives, will go on the warpath against the Biden Presidency.

Kevin McCarthy will be, sadly, beholden to Donald Trump and the MAGA crazies, including Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz, and a whole group of others in the “Freedom Caucus”.

So we can expect impeachment moves against Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Attorney General Merrick Garland, and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas.

Impeachment will be used, because it was used twice against Donald Trump, but the difference is that Trump was involved in impeachable acts, and in the case of Joe Biden and company, the Republicans will have to conjure up ridiculous charges!

So the Republicans will create chaos and anarchy and disarray, and will undermine American economic policies, and foreign policy, including wishing to abandon Ukraine and favor Vladimir Putin!

Face the facts: the Republican Paty has become a Fascist authoritarian group, promoting white supremacy, racism, nativism, and misogyny, and cozying up to Vladimir Putin!

The Republican party is no longer a party of distinction, and decent Republicans will try to organize a new Conservative Party to replace the disgrace that the Republican Party has become!

Most Dangerous Times Since Cuban Missile Crisis 60 Years Ago This Week!

Sixty years ago this week, America and the world faced the potential of nuclear war, during the Cuban Missile Crisis in the time of the Presidency of John F. Kennedy and Soviet Union Premier Nikita Khrushchev.

It was a very terrifying time, which this author and blogger, a college freshman at the time, remembers very well, but thankfully, the issue of possible nuclear confrontation was resolved peacefully.

Now, however, the threat of the Russian Federation under Vladimir Putin, in its eight month war against Ukraine, using nuclear weapons, presents a challenge as great as sixty years ago.

Now we have President Joe Biden leading the challenge to Russia, with the support of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), but the Republican opposition, led by potential House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, is indicating that it will not insure continued military and financial support to Ukraine.

This is exactly the wrong message to give to Putin, and encourages him to continue his aggression, which presents a real threat to all NATO nations!

So we could be facing World War III, a horrifying concept, and Joe Biden will have to fight in the way that Franklin D. Roosevelt fought eighty years ago in World War II, to refuse to reward aggression, which will only make the world more dangerous!

International Relations Becoming More Dominated By Authoritarian Leaders

The world in 2022 is becoming more dominated by authoritarian leaders than any time since World War II, a sign of major challenges for President Joe Biden.

Already, the Russian Federation, China, North Korea, and Iran are constantly challenging America and its democracy.

But now, Saudi Arabia, under Mohamed bin Salman, in cooperation with Vladimir Putin, is cutting oil production, and creating an economic nightmare of higher oil prices, just as the Midterm Elections of 2022 come upon us in one month.

The Democrats already have problems with inflation and higher mortgage rates and this despicable action by Saudia Arabia, in lead with Putin, could very well undermine the push to protect American democracy in the upcoming elections, and prevent protection of abortion rights.

This will be a very difficult month, with growing sense that MAGA Republicans and Donald Trump could end up in control of government, and undermine, in league with an extremist right wing Supreme Court, many of the progressive
advancements in government and civil rights that have occurred in the years since the New Deal of Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Great Society of Lyndon B. Johnson!