War On Terrrorism

150 Years Ago Today, Abraham Lincoln Justified Use Of War Powers: Food For Thought As Barack Obama Does Same In War On Terrorism!

150 years ago, President Abraham Lincoln justified the use of his war powers in a letter to Erastus Corning, regarding the arrest for treason of former Ohio Congressman Clement Vallandigham.

And now, we have President Barack Obama justifying his use of war powers in his allowance of the National Security Agency and Central Intelligence Agency having access to phone calls and emails and other electronic information of Americans, which apparently has, already, led to the prevention of many terrorist plots against the United States.

Both what Lincoln wrote and what Obama said create food for thought at a difficult time, and it makes one wonder how Obama will be looked at in history on this issue. Lincoln’s use of war powers in the Civil War is generally seen as justifiable in today’s world! Will the same occur for Obama over time?