
Being Black, Latino, Muslim, Jewish, Gay, Or Female In Trump America

Since the election, there has been many reports of attacks and hate inspired reactions against African Americans, Latinos, Muslims, Jews, Gays and Lesbians, and women, all in the name of representing Donald Trump’s America.

All of these groups of Americans are now living in a state of fear, a situation which is tragic and should not exist.

White Supremacists and Misogynists are encouraged by the appointment of Stephen Bannon as a key adviser to President Elect Trump, despite his past statements and actions, and his connection to the extreme Right wing Breitbart Network, and the Alt Right, which promotes antisemism, white supremacy, racism. nativism, Islamophobia, homophobia, and conspiracy theories.

Imagine the harassment and bullying going on in schools and colleges.

Imagine the danger of people of these groups being approached on public streets in an intimidating way.

Imagine the sense of insecurity for Latinos, particularly those who are undocumented, that they could be arrested and deported without any recourse, disrupting lives of people who just want to have a chance to improve their lives.

Donald Trump has made one statement on the reaction against these groups going on in America, a statement on Sixty Minutes on CBS, but it is not enough to make such a statement, and then pick a hateful extremist such as Bannon, and to be considering other hate mongers and nasty, mean spirited people, who are bullies much like Trump.

Hate Crimes And Intimidation Begin Anew: Time For Donald Trump To Speak Up And Denounce, In Order To Gain Confidence Of Entire Nation!

Since the election, there has been a growing number of hate crimes and intimidation, particularly against Muslims and Latinos, but also threatening African Americans, gays and lesbians, and women.

Hate groups, sadly, see the Donald Trump victory as license to threaten and intimidate groups that have been disrespected and vilified by the Trump campaign and its supporters.

If we are to have a President who wishes to unite all the American people as he claims he wishes to, then Donald Trump needs to condemn the hate crimes and intimidation, and pronto, but so far, nothing has been said or done by the President-Elect.

Knowing Trump’s history, if one is expecting him to speak up, it is likely a dream, a mirage, and that portends persecution of groups and a curbing of enforcement of civil rights and civil liberties.

A nightmare seems to be in the making, and there is, at least for now, great concern about lawlessness in the name of super nationalism and hard line religion becoming the new norm!

Shocked, Stunned, Need Time To Absorb Before Detailed Analysis Over Coming Days!

This author and blogger is totally shocked and stunned, and needs time to absorb the victory of Donald Trump in the Presidential Election of 2016.

So over time, I will provide detailed analysis over what has happened.

But I can say that I weep for our nation, and the body blow of the Trump victory over the legacy of Barack Obama, and the danger presented to the New Deal of Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Great Society of Lyndon B. Johnson.

I also weep for the harm it does to our children of all races, and to girls and women, and to ethnic and racial minorities, and to our economy and international affairs.

This is truly a major turning point, and a likely constitutional crisis far greater than presented by Richard Nixon four decades ago.

That is all for now and for today.

I apologize for being so wrong in my prognostications, but share that with the overwhelming number of others who study and discuss and write about American politics!

Today, shed tears over what has happened, and then the struggle to do what can be done to lessen the impact of Donald Trump must begin tomorrow!

Why Hillary Clinton Will Win On Election Day: Ten Key Factors

The ten factors that will insure that Hillary Clinton will win the Presidency on Tuesday are as follows:

The strong support of the Latino community across America, including all groups, even Cuban Americans in large numbers, who will react to the racism and nativism of Donald Trump.

The strong support of women across America, who refuse to accept the misogyny and sexual aggressiveness of Donald Trump.

The strong support of African Americans, who can see Donald Trump’s racism for what it is, disgraceful.

The strong support of college educated people, who do not wish to put an ignoramus in office, who appeals to bigotry and prejudice.

The strong support of Independents who are horrified by the authoritarian tendencies of Donald Trump.

The strong support of Asian Americans, a growing group, who are alarmed by white supremacists who back Donald Trump, and fully remember what happened to Japanese Americans in World War II.

The strong support of those who believe in labor rights, the environment, civil liberties, and preserving the virtues of the New Deal and Great Society.

The strong support of those who wish to preserve the great gains of the Obama Presidency, and promote his legacy.

The strong support of Millennials, who are oriented in great percentages toward progressive goals.

The strong support of principled conservatives and Republicans who are terrified at the thought of a demagogue named Donald Trump doing great harm to American democracy.

Donald Trump is, without question, the most dangerous major party Presidential nominee in American history–ill informed, terrible judgment, bad temperament, a believer in conspiracy theories, crooked and corrupt, immoral and unethical, reckless and authoritarian, who represents the worst elements in American society!

Vast Majority Of Women, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, Millennials, College Educated, Against Trump!

With less than two weeks to the election, the following is clear:

The vast majority of women, having self respect no matter what their political leanings, are going to vote for Hillary Clinton and against Donald Trump. They know he is a womanizer, a misogynist, and a sexist, who objectifies women and brags about his conquests, like a teenage jerk.

The vast majority of African Americans are against Donald Trump, knowing his racism and condescending attitude toward them.

The vast majority of Hispanic Americans are disgusted by Donald Trump’s nativism, and promotion of building a wall at the Mexican border.

The vast majority of Asian Americans, recognizing that Trump is as prejudiced against them as other ethnic minority groups, are not going to vote for him.

Millennials, aware that Donald Trump offers nothing for them, as he only concerns himself with the wealthy upper class, will vote for Hillary Clinton, or Gary Johnson, or Jill Stein, but with the majority likely to go to Hillary Clinton.

The college educated will, for the first time, go Democratic. because they see Donald Trump as promoting prejudice, discrimination, and bias, and their education makes them unwilling to support a person they see as a demagogue.

So who is left to back Trump? Well, for one thing, working class white Americans, non college educated, who are drawn to Trump by his charisma, and want to believe that he really cares about them, when he has no interest in them at all, and many of them will be very disillusioned when, after the election, they realize they have been bamboozled by a con man!

Trump will also be backed by racists, nativists. antisemites, misogynists, Islamophobes, and homophobes, and such people of any background or description, are correctly described by Hillary Clinton as a “basket of deplorables.”

Amen to that a thousand percent!

Michelle Obama Impresses As Orator: Could She Eventually Engage In Politics Directly A La Hillary Clinton?

First Lady Michelle Obama gave the most impressive speech of the Presidential election campaign a few days ago, deploring the conduct and statements of Republican nominee Donald Trump regarding women. She put into oratory what all decent people had been thinking and saying about Trump’s outrageous misogyny.

She was passionate and magnificent in her delivery, and she came across as a woman who, despite her denials, could be seen as a potential political candidate in the future, if she wished to, while she now claims she is not interested.

But her younger daughter Sasha will be out of high school in two years, and therefore, if she had a change of heart, she could run for an Illinois Senate seat in 2020, if Senator Dick Durbin, thought likely to retire, decides to do just that.

Clearly, it is too far ahead to speculate on 2020, but even Glenn Beck, the right wing talk show host, declared how impressive Michelle Obama was, and the First Lady has charisma and presence that is valuable in a political candidate.

Who can say that some day in the future that Michelle Obama might not seek the Presidency, as she is young enough to imagine a possible run in 2024 or 2028.

So Michelle Obama could become the next Hillary Clinton!

Sexual Assault Charges Against Donald Trump A True Disaster For Republican Party With Women!

The newly emerging sexual assault charges against Donald Trump from multiple sources over a few decades cries out for the Republican Party to repudiate him in a total fashion, but it is NOT happening!

Trump is becoming a total disaster for the Republican Party with women, and Hillary Clinton is going to win the Presidency due to women in overwhelming numbers coming out to insure that Trump, the ultimate misogynist, sexist and sexual criminal, is totally defeated.

It is shocking that millions of women, but a minority, have no issue with Trump, and that so called “religious” people in many millions also have no problem in accepting Trump.

It is clear, despite all of the advancements for women in the past half century, that much work needs to be done.

In 2008 and since, we saw the ugly stain of racism due to the victory of Barack Obama, and now we see the ugly stain of misogyny in 2016, due to the candidacy of Hillary Clinton, not new but rearing its ugly head much more than anyone could have imagined, and all this due to the Fascist demagogue Donald Trump!

Donald Trump Manages To Lower Himself Ever Further In Public Image And Reputation

Donald Trump managed what seemed to be impossible in last night’s second Presidential debate–to lower his image and reputation ever further.

He hovered over Hillary Clinton, stalking her, with menacing body language and face.

He lied, lied, lied, and did not apologize for what he said on the now infamous Access Hollywood tape of eleven years ago about women.

He brought the accusers of Bill Clinton to the debate, sitting them with his family.

He rudely interrupted Hillary Clinton innumerable times, and did not show any depth or knowledge on any of thee questions posed by the Town Hall participants.

He threatened he would imprison Hillary Clinton, if he won the election, forgetting that he would not have the authority to order such an investigation, and seemed unaware that his threat represented what goes on in authoritarian dictatorships.

He showed his hatred and disdain for Hillary Clinton, and sent a message to millions of women who will not tolerate such a bully and male chauvinist.

He has so divided the Republican Party that the officeholders in Congress are running away from him, and Speaker Paul Ryan said he would not campaign or appear with Trump, having already canceled an event on the weekend in his home district in Wisconsin.

Donald Trump is imploding, and with four weeks left, is on the road to one of the worst defeats of any Presidential nominee in all of American history!

Trump’s Demeaning, Degrading Comments About Women Marks The End Of The Trump Campaign, And Possibly The Republican Party Itself!

The release of the Access Hollywood tape, showing Donald Trump making demeaning, degrading comments about women, marks the end of the Trump campaign, even if he does not drop out, which in itself, would be unprecedented in American history.

The Richard Nixon resignation comes to mind as this crisis unfolds, and the Republican leadership has condemned what Trump said back in 2005, and many are abandoning him en masse this morning as I write.

Trump could be on the road to the worst defeat of any Presidential candidate of modern times, that being William Howard Taft in 1912, when he only won 23 percent of the popular vote.

On the other hand, the Trump supporters seem to be loyal, and to lack any principles, morals, and ethics, so who can say that the trash and scum of America will not back him with their votes, no matter what he says or does?

If there would ever be a reason to challenge the constitutionality of a potential dictator taking power, it would be this scenario.

The Republican Party must take action NOW for the nation, even if it means giving up the Presidency, but the future of the party is gloomy in any case, with its extremist right wing agenda, which all decent people reject!

The Clinton-Trump Debates The Most Significant Since Lincoln-Douglas Senate Debates In Illinois In 1858!

Presidential debates have occurred since 1976, and also, originally took place in 1960, but no debate has mattered as much as the one coming up on Monday between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

No more significant debate has occurred since Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas had model debates for the Senate race in Illinois in 1858.

Hillary Clinton is super qualified to be President, while Donald Trump is totally unqualified, and were he to win, American democracy and constitutional order would be endangered.

Donald Trump is a Fascist demagogue, who has no credentials, and has the diplomatic, military, intelligence, and economic experts up in arms over the threat he presents.

Much of the Republican Establishment, including the two living former Republican Presidents, George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush, and much of the conservative media and intellectual class, are deplored by his candidacy.

Trump has insulted, degraded, ridiculed, belittled, and shown a lack of respect toward women, African Americans, Mexicans, Muslims, and the disabled, and has worked to divide Americans, and gained the backing of racists, nativists, misogynists, xenophobes, and all kinds of white supremacists who also are anti semites.

He has praised dictators, including Kim Jong Un of North Korea and Vladimir Putin of Russia, and talks loosely about using the nuclear button.

The man is a clear and present danger who must be prevented from winning the Presidency, and we must all root on Hillary Clinton to score a win over this demagogue on Monday night!