World War II

80th Anniversary Of D-Day Reminds Us Of The Constant Struggle To Maintain Democracy

Today is the 80th Anniversary of D-Day, arguably the most important day in modern world history for the survival and prosperity of democracy.

America and Europe were fighting the evil of German Nazism and Adolf Hitler, just as now America and Europe face the evil of the Russian Federation and Vladimir Putin in the third year of war in Ukraine.

And domestically, America is facing its greatest crisis in maintaining democracy at home, by the threat of Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans.

The Presidential Election Of 2024 is the most significant since the Presidential Election Of 1940, when Franklin D. Roosevelt faced a primarily isolationist Republican Party and its nominee, Wendell Willkie, who like Donald Trump, had zero government experience. However, Willkie was not as reckless and dangerous as Trump is, although most of the Republican Party was strongly unconcerned about the war in Europe and Asia.

D Day reminds us of the reality that democracy is never a given in any society, and that people need to be willing to sacrifice to insure its survival and sustaining nature.

70th Anniversary Commemoration Of Brown V Board Of Education!

The single most significant Supreme Court decision of the 20th century occurred exactly 70 years ago on May 17, 1954, when the Supreme Court, in an unanimous 9-0 decision, declared segregation in public education was unconstitutional, reversing the segregation decision in Plessy V Ferguson of 1896 after 58 years.

The fact that Chief Justice Earl Warren (1953-1969) was able to gain unanimous support on this case, including Southern members of the Court who were comfortable with segregation, is what made Earl Warren the greatest Chief Justice after John Marshall (1801-1835).

It also makes one very downcast and depressed at what has happened at the Supreme Court in recent decades, particularly since Donald Trump made three right wing appointments to be Supreme Court Justices, adding on to the two Presidents Bush who gave the nation the horrendous Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito.

Chief Justice John Roberts, also chosen by President George W. Bush, has been a great disappointment, unable to keep the Court balanced, and now containing two Justices totally out of control, arrogant, nasty, abusive, and not concerned about ethics and common decency.

This, along with the attack on DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion), and a reversal of Affirmative Action, has been not only promoted by this right wing dominated Supreme Court, but also by actions of Republican Governors Ron DeSantis of Florida, Greg Abbott of Texas, and a whole slew of other Republican governors nationwide.

This includes working to deemphazize African American history in educational curriculums, working to wipe out all of the advancements of the Civil Rights Movement after World War II for the next few decades.

Action must be taken to reverse this bigoted, right wing extremist agenda, and it begins by insuring Joe Biden wins a second term, and that, somehow, Democrats win the House of Representatives, and retain control of the US Senate.

This is a massive challenge that anyone who believes in fairness, and common decency, must engage in for the future of America as a shining beacon of change and tolerance.

76th Anniversary Of Israel: Great Division Among Jews Inside And Outside Over War Strategy In Gaza!

When Israel was attacked by the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas on October 7, 2023, there was universal horror and shock at the massacre of 1,200 Israelis, the worst single event since the Holocaust of World War II, that killed 6 million Jews!

It was understandable that Israel would mount an offensive to do what could be done to eliminate Hamas.

However, the total eliminination is clearly impossible, as indicated by the reality that in areas that Israel seized in the northern Gaza Strip, already Hamas has returned to be an influence.

With 35,000 Palestinians, including 70 percent estimates of women and children killed, and others facing famine with the incessant Israeli military offensive, now being focused on Southern Gaza and Rafah, it is clear that if anything, the survivors of this brutal war will have resentment and bitterness and want revenge on Israel.

So all out war has failed to accomplish its goals and clearly, never will be successful in the manner that the Israeli government has set as a goal.

Meanwhile, many Israelis want the war ended and the remaining hostages released. The Jewish community in the United States is also divided, with many younger Jews alienated from the extremist government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his extremist Orthodox Jew ministers and supporters, who want all Palestinians dead!

Support for Israel in general is waning, and antisemitism is rampant, so an insoluble situation for future stability and recovery seems unattainable.

This is also affecting political support for Joe Biden as he is against a full scale attack on Rafah, but Donald Trump does not represent a better future.

Donald Trump Deteriorating Before Our Eyes, Major Danger To Nation And World!

Donald Trump, in the midst of the stress caused by the criminal trial taking place in New York City, is making speeches at campaign rallies and in comments on Truth Social that clearly show rapid mental deterioration!

He was speaking in New Jersey over the weekend about fictional Hannibal Lecter, who ate his victims.

He has described migrants as animals, and has spewed forth open hatred and putrid language without any filter.

What is most disturbing is that his MAGA followers seem to rejoice in his rhetoric on racism and nativism, and his promotion of hate, and that is very disconcerting, as it indicates major psychological issues for millions of his loyalists.

This is the kind of mentality that allowed the democracy of Weimar Germany a century ago to lead to the mass murder, Holocaust and World War II incited by lunatic Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany!

This cannot be allowed to happen in the United States, as once democracy is lost, it would be extremely difficult to restore it!

Harry Truman And Joe Biden

May 8th is the 140th Anniversary of President Harry Truman’s birth in 1884.

It is also the 79th Anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe, and the defeat of Nazism and Fascism.

These are not just historical events to commemorate, but also relate to 2024.

Joe Biden is the updated Harry Truman, a man who was vilified and underrated, who took us through the early stages of the Cold War with the Soviet Union.

Joe Biden is vilified by the authoritarian Fascists led by Donald Trump, who has a love affair with Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation, and is underrated in many public opinion polls in the upcoming Presidential Election of 2024, as Truman was in the Presidential Election of 1948.

Joe Biden will become known as “Give Them Hell Joe”, just as Truman came to be known as “Give Them Hell Harry” 76 years ago!

FDR Death, And Harry Truman Succession To The Presidency Commemorated!

Sixty nine years ago, in the midst of late stages of World War II, the longest serving American President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, passed away at the age of 63 in Warm Springs, Georgia.

The impact of FDR in his years in office, and the continued significance of his policies and actions, reverberates in America seven decades later, and he is usually ranked second or third among all Presidents in polls and surveys of Presidential scholars.

Serving more than 12 years and starting a fourth term in office, he had a far greater impact in many ways than Abraham Lincoln, who is usually ranked as the greatest American President.

FDR’s “New Deal” still affects America, and his leadership in World War II was crucial for the survival of democracy in the nation and the world.

The death of FDR also led to the Presidency of Harry Truman, tremendously underrated throughout his Presidency and for a generation after his retirement.

But once Truman passed away, recognition of his courageous, principled leadership emerged, and now he is ranked in the top five or six of all Presidents!

His continuation and expansion of the New Deal through the Fair Deal, and his strong leadership in the emerging Cold War made his Presidency extremely significant!

107th Anniversary Of World War I Declaration!

On this date, April 6, 1917, America entered World War I, after four days of debate of President Woodrow Wilson’s War Message.

America emerged from an isolationist stance, and finally rejected George Washington’s admonition in his Farewell Address in 1796, warning against “entangling alliances”.

Sadly in the 1920s, and more so in the 1930s, America returned to isolationism, until forced out of that stance by the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

Despite isolationist elements in the Republican Party after World War II, the US dealt with the Cold War with the Soviet Union by helping to form NATO, now 75 years of success in protecting America and its European allies.

But the battle against isolationism continues, as Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans threaten to end NATO engagement, and embrace authoritarian dictators, just as many of the isolationists in the 1930s embraced Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, and worked to keep America neutral as Fascism advanced.

The Presidential Election of 2024 is another battle between internationalists and isolationists, and it is a battle that must be fought for the national security of America and the promotion of democracy against authoritarian threats.

Massive Fundraising Event For Democrats With Biden, Obama, Clinton!

For all those who believe the Democratic Party offers the best hope for the future, last night’s massive fundraising event at Radio City Music Hall in NYC with Presidents Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and Bill Clinton in attendance, was a magnificent event!

A total of $26 million was raised for the fight ahead for American democracy, the US Constitution, and the rule of law!

All three Presidents are united in their fight against the autocratic, Fascist threat of Donald Trump, and many reasonable and patriotic conservatives and Republicans are also committed to the struggle for the future against this evil man!

When one looks back at the Presidencies of Obama and Clinton, and the accomplishments of Joe Biden, and compares them to the dismal record of Republicans in the White House, one knows that we are engaged in a righteous cause, the most challenging time since World War II!

Most Dangerous Time In Foreign Affairs Since World War II!

America has been through a lot of crises in foreign affairs since World War II, with the 45 Years Cold War with the Soviet Union ending in 1991.

But now in 2024, we not only have to face the twin crises of the Russia-Ukraine War (the most massive war on the European continent since World War II), but also the Israel-Hamas War, which could spread throughout the Middle East.

And we have a former President, Donald Trump, seeking to come back to the White House, who consorts with autocratic leaders, including Vladimir Putin along with many others.

Trump promotes a return to the “America First” mentality advocated by Charles Lindbergh, Henry Ford, and their ilk in the years before World War II, and the first two years and three months of that war, before Japan pushed America into prosecution of that war.

With eight months to go, the crisis facing America is totally horrifying, and with some public opinion polls showing Trump defeating President Joe Biden!

This cannot be allowed to happen, as it portends the end of American democracy and the rule of law, and the promotion of Fascist authoritarianism, autocracy, and the destruction of the 250th anniversary of independence in 2026!

Republican Isolationism Rears Its Ugly Head As It Did Before World War II!

The nation is back in the 1930s, when primarily Republican Party isolationism ignored the threat of Nazi Germany, and many embraced Adolf Hitler.

Back then, we had Charles Lindbergh, Roman Catholic Priest Charles Coughlin, auto magnate Henry Ford, Ohio Senator Robert Taft, and innumerable others resist the idea that Nazism and Fascism were a threat to American democracy and national security, even after Germany started World War II and conquered France and started the air assault on Great Britain.

Today, we have Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, Fox News Channel commentators, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, Ohio Senator J D Vance, Missouri Senator Josh Hawley, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson, and most other Republicans in Congress who resist the idea that Vladimir Putin and Russia’s war against Ukraine is a threat to American democracy and national security!

Just as Franklin D. Roosevelt had to battle against these isolationist forces back then, now Joe Biden must do so in 2024, as Donald Trump and his ilk represent a dire threat to the future of the nation!