World War II

Donald Trump “A Clear And Present Danger” To American National Security And World Stability!

Donald Trump has gone off the deep end more than ever, now stating that if a NATO nation has not paid its portion of defense, that he would welcome Russian invasion and war against such nation.

When first hearing this, one has to say, let me hear that again, as it is beyond belief!

And yet, most Republicans in Congress are either supporting what Trump said, or are remaining silent. To see that Senators Roger Marshall of Kansas and Marco Rubio of Florida have no issue with Trump’s statement is shocking!

This is the revival of the ugly isolationist movement in the 1930s that made us not ready when Pearl Harbor occurred in 1941, and a long World War II to overcome the threat of not just Imperial Japan, but Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy!

If America goes into isolationism, it will have no allies or friends, and the national security of the nation would be at stake!

There is no way that this nation can allow this maniac Donald Trump, a truly evil man, to regain power, as he is clearly an unadulterated evil force we have never seen in the nearly 250 years of the American Republic!

Being supportive of Russia is being a traitor, a seditionist, a evil force that must be held accountable, and the Republican Party must be reorganized, as it is now a cancer on the body politic!

Republican Party Is Clearly Becoming Pro Russian Without Apology!

Ever since Donald Trump became a Presidential candidate in 2015, the Republican Party has steadily moved toward a pro Russian viewpoint without apology.

Now they are openly showing that their formerly hardline view toward Russia that existed from World War II and peaked under Barry Goldwater in the 1960s and Ronald Reagan in the 1980s, and included Senator Joseph McCarthy and Richard Nixon in the 1950s, has gone into the dustbin of history.

We now have one of the two major political parties openly pro Vladimir Putin, and willing to see Russia take over Ukraine, the largest nation in Europe in land area!

This is a threat to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and many Republicans, including Donald Trump, seem ready to abandon NATO, as Trump threatened to do in his time in the Oval Office!

This should be alarming, as if Putin can take over Ukraine, then why would he stop from wishing to seize former Soviet held areas in Eastern Europe, including Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, and then Poland and other former Eastern European “satellites” in the Cold War Years of 1945-1991!

This is a major national security crisis, bringing America back to the isolationist era of the 1930s, when many Republicans were only too willing to ignore the threat of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany, leading to World War II!

Complexities of Israel-Hamas War Complicate American Politics Going Into 2024!

The Israel-Hamas War after nine weeks is complicating American politics going into 2024!

Joe Biden has been very supportive of Israel, even with more than 17,000 plus deaths in the Gaza Strip caused by the Israeli offensive against the terrorist group, Hamas, which killed about 1,200 Israelis on October 7, the greatest loss of Jewish lives since the Nazi Holocaust in World War II.

There were righteous anger and desire on the part of Israel to destroy Hamas, but now it has become a massive Holocaust of the loss of so many Palestinians who are simply “stuck” in a war zone they cannot escape.

And the government of Benjamin Netanyahu is responsible for failing to insure Israeli citizens safety, with the shocking lapses in intelligence and security.

And Netanyahu refuses to plan for a “two state solution”, which ultimately needs to happen.

But right now, there is such hatred and division in the midst of massive deaths on both sides, and it has caused widespread antisemitism and Islamophobia in America, and complicates politics in America as we go into an election year!

82nd Anniversary Of Pearl Harbor Attack: Never To Forget!

Today, December 7, is the 82nd Anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, which brought America into World War II.

There are still alive some veterans of that dastardly attack on a Sunday morning, which woke up America to the threats and the dangers from overseas, and proved that having two “great oceans” did not mean we were protected without a strong defense!

The attack woke up America, which again needs to be woken up, due to the opposition that exists to the US aiding Ukraine in its war against its Russian invader.

Just as the isolationists of the 1930s were wrong, so are the isolationists of the present, who live with their heads in the sand, thinking a Russian seizure of all of Ukraine is no threat to the rest of Europe, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

The battle over Ukraine aid now raging on Capitol Hill is a reminder how many Americans do not learn from history!

Joe Biden, The Diplomat In Action

President Joe Biden demonstrated his diplomatic skills these past few days, having what is described as productive meetings with the leaders of China and Mexico at the Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference in California.

Twenty one nations are part of APEC, including, among others, Canada, Australia, Japan, South Korea, and Indonesia.

Biden has had long experiences in diplomacy as Vice President under Barack Obama, and earlier was engaged in foreign relations in his 36 years in the US Senate, including time as Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman.

Along with George H. W. Bush and Richard Nixon, Biden stands out on a short list of Presidents since World War II with foreign policy expertise before becoming President, and that is a major asset for American national security!

Disturbing Reaction Of Pro Palestinian Demonstrators As Compared To Pro Israeli Demonstrators Across America!

The Israeli-Hamas Conflict was precipitated by that terrorist group attacking Israeli civilians and slaughtering about 1,200 men, women, children and babies, and including many foreign nationals in Israel on October 7.

Israel has every right to respond, as they are doing, sadly leading to more than 11,000 people in the Gaza Strip killed, as Israel pursues Hamas.

This is highly regrettable, but the reaction in America of the two opposing groups is very disturbing,

The pro Palestinian demonstrators on college campuses and in public places in multiple cities have promoted violence and lawlessness.

Pro Israeli demonstrators are peacefully marching and demonstrating, as in, for example, the hundreds of thousands of American Jews and their supporters in Washington DC this past Tuesday.

It is alarming how America has to be on guard against those who would promote bloodshed and violence if they do not get their way in public policy of America toward the Israel-Hamas conflict.

This controversy is dividing America in an ugly way, and could affect the politics of the upcoming Presidential election of 2024, although most Republicans, including Donald Trump, if anything, are much more hardline in their support of Israel without any qualifications.

So those who support Hamas, or see them as somehow not the terrorists they are, have a rude awakening that most Americans clearly see Israel as the aggrieved nation, who witnessed the greatest loss of life of Jews since the Nazi Holocaust of World War II.

At this point, the Middle East is, as always, a cauldron of turmoil, and likely to become a major confrontational issue, adding to the dangers of domestic terrorism everywhere in America!

November 9–Kristallnacht 1938 And Berlin Wall Collapses 1989

November 9 is a momentous day in world history, and specifically in German history.

In 1938, we had Kristallnacht (Night of the Broken Glass), the beginning of widespread violence and arrest of Jews in Germany by the government of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany.

This is often seen as the beginning of the Holocaust that led to six million Jews and seven million others being slaughtered in concentration camps during the ensuing World War II.

This event is even more significant after the tragic death of 1,400 Israelis on October 7 by the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas.

November 9 in 1989 is a much more pleasant event, as the Berlin Wall was overcome by crowds beginning on that day, marking the end of the Cold War and the fall of Communism in Eastern Europe, as well as the reunification of Germany in 1990, an event that is a great moment in history!

Historic Divide Among American Jews On Israel-Hamas War

A stunning development has occurred in the American Jewish community, as they divide over the proper response of Israel to the October 7 Hamas Massacre of 1,400 Israelis and some foreigners.

Originally, there was unity about the outrage of the worst loss of Jewish life since the Nazi Holocaust of World War II.

But Israel’s decision to invade the Gaza Strip and wage full scale war against Hamas has led to a bitter division within Jewish families and within generations.

Many younger American Jews are critical of the right wing government of Benjamin Netanyahu, and are calling for a cease fire despite the intention of Hamas to destroy Israel and kill all Jews worldwide.

Pro Palestinian sentiment, as they now become the victims of Hamas, is widespread.

Most American Jews of the older generations are much more supportive of Israel’s war strategy, but even within families, there are bitter division, something one could not have imagined.

Alarming Antisemitism Emerges On Many College And University Campuses

The rise of antisemitism on so many college and university campuses, as well as in American society in general, is alarming.

One can believe that the lives of Palestinians matter, as much as Israelis, but the war between Israel and Hamas is causing a tremendous overreaction by some students and faculty members, and is causing danger and questions of personal safety and security for many American Jews.

The issue of antisemitism has always been a problem with white supremacist groups, but now it is rearing its ugly head in other communities. A small educated group of intellectuals and students have no concern about the reality of Jews in world history, and seem unaware or unconcerned about the Nazi Holocaust that slaughtered six million Jews under Adolf Hitler in World War II.

To deny Israel has a right to exist is as horrible as to say that Palestinians have no similar rights to peace, tranquility, and acceptance!

The Biden Administration is working on coming up with support for the Jewish community, both on college campuses, and in society in general.

Joe Biden’s Five Speeches On Democracy Struggle Against Trumpism!

Ever since Joe Biden was inaugurated President on January 20, 2021, he has discussed the threat to democracy represented by Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans.

Biden spoke on Inauguration Day in January 2021; in his first speech to Congress in April 2021; twice in 2022, in Philadelphia in September and at Union Station in Washington DC in November; and most recently in Arizona a few days ago when he dedicated a new John McCain Library.

It is clear to anyone who is paying attention that America faces its greatest crisis in preserving democracy since World War II.

In that regard, Joe Biden is following the lead of Abraham Lincoln in the Civil War and Franklin D. Roosevelt in World War II!