
The Mental Instability And Hatred At Trump Rallies Totally Terrifying!

We are living in dangerous times, and the most scary scenario is being at a Donald Trump rally.

We have white supremacists there.

We have Neo Nazis and Ku Klux Klan types there.

We have “Birthers” and conspiracy theorists there.

We have misogynists, racists, Islamophobes, nativists, homophobes, and xenophobes there.

We have women who could be imagined as Nazi concentration camp guards torturing people.

We have what could best be described as the most ignorant of the ignorant, who drink too much, use drugs too much, and think women are to be controlled by men.

We have people who want the “good old days” of segregation, lynching, and even slavery.

We have people who hate anyone who speaks a foreign language, or who is darker skinned than they are, and believe in an Aryan race mentality.

We have people who claim to be “good Christians”, but have no concepts of the true teachings of Jesus Christ, and are also anti-semites, who do not realize Jesus was a Jew.

We have people poorly educated, and reveling in that fact, and love their own ignorance.

We have people who would, willingly, in 21st century America, salute and obey an Adolf Hitler or Benito Mussolini.

The mental instability and hatreds of Trump crowds are stunning, shocking, and terrifying!

What has happened to our nation that we love, that we have such warped people within it, who have no interest in facts or truth?

The Clinton-Trump Debates The Most Significant Since Lincoln-Douglas Senate Debates In Illinois In 1858!

Presidential debates have occurred since 1976, and also, originally took place in 1960, but no debate has mattered as much as the one coming up on Monday between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

No more significant debate has occurred since Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas had model debates for the Senate race in Illinois in 1858.

Hillary Clinton is super qualified to be President, while Donald Trump is totally unqualified, and were he to win, American democracy and constitutional order would be endangered.

Donald Trump is a Fascist demagogue, who has no credentials, and has the diplomatic, military, intelligence, and economic experts up in arms over the threat he presents.

Much of the Republican Establishment, including the two living former Republican Presidents, George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush, and much of the conservative media and intellectual class, are deplored by his candidacy.

Trump has insulted, degraded, ridiculed, belittled, and shown a lack of respect toward women, African Americans, Mexicans, Muslims, and the disabled, and has worked to divide Americans, and gained the backing of racists, nativists, misogynists, xenophobes, and all kinds of white supremacists who also are anti semites.

He has praised dictators, including Kim Jong Un of North Korea and Vladimir Putin of Russia, and talks loosely about using the nuclear button.

The man is a clear and present danger who must be prevented from winning the Presidency, and we must all root on Hillary Clinton to score a win over this demagogue on Monday night!

The Threat Of The Alt-Right Made Clear By Hillary Clinton In Nevada Speech: White Nationalists And Anti Semite Hate Groups And The Radical Fringe

The Alt-Right is the new extremist Right Wing, which makes Fox News Channel, the right wing radio talk show hosts, and the conservative think tanks seem moderate.

These are groups and individuals, including Stephen Bannon of Breitbart News, now working with Donald Trump, who are white nationalists, mixed with anti Semites, nativists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, and Islamophobes.

They include Confederate sympathizers, who hate the federal government, and want the end of all government regulation on any area of the economy, and would love to get rid of civil rights laws and civil liberties protections.

If they could gain power, they would love to wipe out the New Deal and Great Society reforms, that have made America the nation it is today.

They want the return of the “good old days” of states rights, racial discrimination, and women being “put in their place” in the bedroom and the kitchen, and not being out in the work force and promoting feminist causes.

And they believe in a “great Jewish conspiracy”, which connects them to Nazi mentality.

These are the groups that Hillary called a “Basket of Deplorables” yesterday, a perfectly appropriate term.