Younger And First Time Voters

Kamala Harris Has Moved Into Lead In Polls, Two Months After Entrance Into Presidential Campaign

Two months after Democrat Kamala Harris entered the Presidential race, and two weeks after the ABC Harris-Trump debate that Harris clearly won, finally she has moved into the lead in multiple polls.

Particularly among women, Harris has a commanding lead, creating what is for now at least a clear gender gap, as with men, Trump is slightly ahead or there is a even balance, depending on the poll.

Harris is also ahead among college educated voters and voters over the age of 50, while Trump is ahead among non college educated voters and voters under 50.

However, younger and first time voters (those under 30) have been inspired by Harris’s candidacy, in a way that they were not feeling toward Joe Biden.

Also, it is clear that Vice Presidential nominee Tim Walz is inspirational, and helping Harris greatly in gaining public support.

And now we are nine days away from the CBS Vice Presidential debate on Tuesday October 1 between Walz and Republican Vice Presidential nominee JD Vance, who is polling horribly, regarded as the worst VP nominee in modern times, even worse than Sarah Palin in 2008, which is quite a statement!